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  • ParadiseStation

    125 patrons

  • Posts

    • Reasons for removal were: Unused for 5+ months Half the maps were missing the battle terminals The game had a fair bit of idle CPU usage for 0 reason and it was easy performance gain with zero game impact We may re-visit the concept in the future [I am not design team and therefore not the dictator of these decisions], but will be done better and not a massive CPU hog.
    • hello again readers! im here again to tel about nanotrasen! i was studying just now when i had suddenly an urge to write about my findings and learnings, becasue to me we were always more than just a mining slash research company, we are a nation and an ideology! in here we believe that all of our loyal workers must work together to help the other stay alive! you can see this often in our station! all of our departments are meant to collaborate with each othe to work properly, engineering maintains the station they are in, security detains criminals and keeps the order, cargo supplies everyone with needed stock, service keeps the crew fed and the morale up, medical patches up anyone eho is caught in an accident, research extends and improves everyone’s ability to do their job, and command overseees all to make sure theyre doing things right! its such a strike of genius, yeah? productivity, hard work and collaboration are the founding stones of our great corporation! im proud to serve nanotrasen, and you should be too! so remmember friends, keep working together! we all need each other to thrive! 
    • Asking to have it back in the game, seems like a neat idea and [from what ive been told] it was removed because not a lot of people used or knew about it, but considering thats like. half of ss13 is not knowing something/using something, there was no real reason to remove it [also theres an Addendum on the wiki page, and it kinda sucks that the people its thanking doesn't even have their stuff in the game anymore] no idea if im even asking this right lol
    • Made this on a private server because I don't have the balls to make it on the real station.
    • Name of Event: Paradise Station Mad Libs One Sentence Description: Low RP comedic round with real-time player feedback/interaction via discord.   Map Changes: No This should function on any of the maps. Code Changes: No This should not require any coding changes or code done Suggested Number of Players: As many as you'd have in an average round   Full Description of Event: I conceived of this idea after hitting my weed vape. It would essentially be kind of like mad libs. It would begin with someone on the title screen and present the round as like a storybook. It would be goofy in nature and generally be comedic. I say 'Mad Libs' because the idea is to have a bunch of "blanks" (things that could happen via admin spawn/control/etc) that would need to be filled in. I would say every 20 minutes (with the events at the 40, 80, and 120 minute marks being of more consequence to the round). Prior to the round starting there could be a general theme to be voted on. So for example we could have the theme that won the vote be: Nanotrasen, The Wizard's Federation, The Syndicate all agree to a ceasefire for one day to hold a big picnic. Then afterwards, each of the  ie 20 minute mark (small, inconsequential in scale) choice a) One of the miners bringing goliath steaks was killed! (Send a crewmember, kitted out wizard + syndicate agent down to Lavaland to go hunt for and bring back goliath steaks, there could be more spawned) choice b) There's no vegetarian friendly dishes available! (Have a carp attack, send crew + wizard+ syndicate agent to go hunt carp and bring back the filets) 40 minute mark (Big, shape future direction of round) choice a) Furious at not being invited, a sect of Nar'sie worshippers plan a attack! (could spawn in cultists with gear to fight against the combined strength of the crew, a few syndicate agents, 1-2 wizards) choice b) Tensions are high after it's been discovered that one of the wizards has been poisoned! (ideally none of the food would actually be poisoned, just pick a player and fill them with poison, this could lead to hostilities if they are not saved in time!)
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