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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2017 in all areas

  1. Here's the reason: When I play magistrate, I love to high RP the role. I'd love to advertise my services for trials and to let people know they can speak with me for appeals. Going through someone else to make this announcement is a bit annoying. Also, I would like to be able to make such announcements that I will be holding a trial. Finally, if security is breaking space law, it's definitely within reason for the magistrate to inform them as such, since the HoS isn't always available.
    2 points
  2. I would like to propose a change that will drastically reduce the current issue of over population and further add a unique element to Paradise Station. The IC premise is this: As a means to counteract the NT monopoly on plasma development, the Human government have bought many of the Asteroids used for mining to colonize. The research patents are controlled by NT, but science installations, like the Cyberiad, must secure the raw minerals from their sister SolGov colonies. The colonies are left alone by the SWF and syndicate, and similar groups, but are under constant attack from asteroid creatures. The one linked to the Cyberiad is called the Roanoke, and is under the protection of federal marines, rather than NT ERTs. It trades raw minerals with the Cyberiad in exchange for research and genetics disks, food, and logistical aid. Unlike, the Cyberiad, it is (ICly) a permanent settlement and there is no transfer shutle, although in practice the marines can evacuate them via ferry. It has quarters for all of it's residents, a large number of whom will be miners. The miners are overseen by the Mining Foreman, whom also sees the trade with the Cyberiad's Quartermaster. Law and order is upheld by the Federal Marshall, whom is aided by serveral deputies. They have riot shotguns with limited ammo and police batons (in other words, no instastun.). The Marshall himself has an additional revolver and two disabler guns in his locker, as well as a forensic scanner. They also have tear gas and pepper spray. No bolas or flashes by default, though. They will follow "Colonial Regulations", which will, ideally, be distinct from Space Law. They should wear civilian-ish clothes with armbands/badges. 3 cells and an isolation room. Other miscellaneous jobs will include a Personnel Officer, Earth Liason, Maintenance techs, Doctors and Head Surgeon, and Supply Chief. The Colony as a whole is run by the Governor/Commander or whatever you guys want it to be, whom has a Fax machine capable of communicating with the Cyberiad's Captain. The Roanoke will spy on the Cyberiad's activities and report it to thier superiors, and vice versa. There a lot of room for this idea to be expanded on, but what do you think? Additional Clarifications: This will all be on the same server, with the intention of dispersing the population more evenly across the map. The Colony will be contained within the asteroid z level, likely just a remodeled and expanded mining outpost. The Mining area will no longer be a NT possession The Brig and Science outposts on the asteroid will be deleted and replaced with asteroid. Station Security will not have jurisdiction on the outpost or asteroid. It has its own laws and own police force. The Cyberiad will not staff any miners, and the mining dock will likely be used for exchanging the minerals for goods. To iterate it once more: The Roanoke is not another space station, it is an asteroid base that has sole legal claim to the asteroid. The Cyberiad has no holdings on the asteroid unless they renovate the derelict mining base.
    1 point
  3. The details about this match are kind of hazy but I'm going to try and summarize happened, especially when it comes to what people said because I don't have an actual log to go off of, just memory. I created a character named Skippy Lebouf who is a 17 year old boy with bowl cut hair, prescription glasses, a fanny pack, and a love for detective comics. The shift starts and Skippy runs over toward the HoP's office and gets in line. Hopeful that he'll be able to live out his dream, Skippy asks the HoP if he could be dubbed "Junior Detective" to help the real detective fight against crime just like in his comic books. The HoP gets on his radio and though it feels like an eternity, a mere minute goes by and no response. Fed up, the HoP yells about how nobody answers the damn radio when he needs something and says "fuck it." He takes Skippy's ID and labels it as Skippy Lebouf (Junior Detective). Excited, Skippy thanks the HoP and runs toward the brig, ready to vanquish the evil-doers that would do the station harm. Skippy arrives at the security lobby and past the red-tinted windows spots the real deal detective named "I can't remember" (I'll just call him Detective A). Lebouf introduces himself to the professional detective, standing there in his traditional brown trench coat, hat, and sunglasses. Eager to get to work, Skippy asks if there is evil afoot but alas the detective tells him that there isn't much happening at the moment. Just then, the two are informed of a dead body in the morgue. Detective A tells Skippy to grab some black gloves because he may need his help on this case. Dying for some action, Skippy grabs a pair of black gloves from the detective closet and the two make their way toward Medbay. The detective and the junior arrive in the morgue where the coroner is already working on the body. Detective A begins to use his forensic scanner to get information and reads the reports that the coroner has printed out. Skippy pukes in disgust as an awful stench emits from the body. Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot of information to go off of and Detective A decides it's best that they try and investigate maintenance but not until after grabbing a quick drink at the bar. After Detective A's drink its off to Enigneering Maintenance. During this time Skippy, whom is still unfamiliar with the station, manages to lose track of Detective A. Unsure of what to do next, Skippy decides to head back to the detectives office and wait for his arrival. Some time goes by but the detective never shows up. Skippy tries messaging the detective via PDA but never gets a reply either. He asks the other security officers if they've seen the detective but none of them seem too interesting in talking to the junior detective. A few moments later the A.I. announces that a new detective has arrived on station. The new detective arrives in the office (we'll call her Detective B). Skippy is both ecstatic but confused with the new partner. He informs her of everything he and the previous detective have been working on but doesn't know how to proceed from there. The all the information is dumped and introductions are out of the way, the two head out into the security main hallway where a few officers are dragging people into the processing room. Detective B spots syringe on the ground and decides to pick it up, "accidently" injecting herself with whatever it contained. Suddenly, and to the horror of Skippy Lebouf, Detective B's flesh begins to melt away and what was once the detective is now a monkey. Skippy Lebouf screams at the haunting transformation of his newly assigned teacher/mentor. The Head of Security approaches the scene and asks what happened as the monkey climbs into a vent and disappears. Skippy, panic stricken, explains how the detective injected herself with the syringe and transformed. The HoS leaves and the monkey crawls back out of the vent. Skippy and the monkey walk back into the detectives office and the monkey points to a cigarette pack. Skippy lights a cigarette for the monkey and it enjoys it's last taste of nicotine before committing suicide right in front of Skippy. A wave of panic and desperation crash upon Skippy as he witnesses the monkey fall to the floor. He yells out to the monkey and immediately begins dragging it toward medbay. Upon arrival a doctor analyzes Skippy's vitals but Skippy points at the monkey and yells at them to help the dead detective. It's no use, the doctor informs Lebouf that their is nothing they can do for the animal and gives him a hug before heading back behind the medbay doors. Still shocked at what just happened, Skippy is barely able to walk outside medbay. Snapping out of his aimless gaze, the junior detective spots a man dragging a bleeding body toward the bridge. Lebouf thinks to himself "Why isn't he taking him to medbay? Something isn't right" and begins giving chase. Skippy manages to stop the man in front of the bridge and asks where he's taking the body. The man says he's taking the body to security because the one being dragged is a wanted fellow. Skippy informs him that he'll take over from here and bring the body up to the brig. The man glances at Skippy's ID card and laughs "Junior Detective? What are you? Robin?" and says that he doesn't trust him and begins running off with the body. Skippy yells at him to stop but to no avail and gives chase. Unfortunately for the junior detective, he loses track of the body snatcher, unable to keep up due to injuries sustained to the legs from earlier. (I don't remember how I got them) Disappointed in himself for all the failures he's had as a detective, Skippy starts to realize that being a detective isn't as glorious as the comic books made it out to be. You don't always catch the villian, you don't always save the innocent, and you don't always make it out alive. Dejected, Lebouf slowly walks back toward the brig almost close to tears. Once he arrives back at Security, Skippy enters the detectives office and slumps into the office chair, eyeing the flask on the table. He doesn't pay attention to any of the comms, none of the announcements, nothing. He just stares blankly at the ceiling without a thought but snaps back into reality once he realizes that the shuttle has already docked at the station. Since he never got his legs looked at, Skippy begins limping his way toward the escape bay. Most of the station is engulfed in darkness; most of the stations lights seems to have been broken with a few glowshrooms dimly lighting some of the hallways. As the junior detective almost crosses into the eastern main hallway, he hears someone yell "DETECTIVE!" He looks back and sees the Captain calling for him. The Captain tells Skippy that they needs to avoid the escape shuttle and should take the security escape pod instead. Unable to speak nor grasp the severity of the situation, Skippy freezes in place not knowing what to do. The Captain acts quickly and begins dragging Skippy with him back toward the escape pod. There they meet two more security officers and they begin to get on the pod, laying down to make room for everybody. Skippy enters the pod first and makes room for the Captain, just then, a small explosion causes the front end of the escape pod to open up to space. The Captain is sucked out into the vacuum of space and cries for help. The two security officers outside the pod doors are too shocked to reaction quickly to what has happened. Skippy is lying on the escape pod's floor unable to get up and in bad condition thanks to the explosion. The Captain manages to get himself back inside and exits the pod before it takes off with Skippy still inside. The escape pod has been launched toward central without a front end. There isn't much else the junior detective can do but lay there as the cold embrace of space slowly starts taking over his body. He knows that central isn't that far off but doesn't feel like he can hold out any longer. Skippy Lebouf takes a final look at the stars as they whiz by, wondering how things could have been different. The junior detective draws his last breathe and then nothing. There is only silence... A minute later, the pod arrives at central command. The world can be cruel sometimes kid.
    1 point
  4. Being a Psychiatrist I like the change around the office. i'm sure the patients would like seeing plants. That moment when you get converted by a cult and get turned into a Wight, you hang around with the cultists until they leave you and have no idea where they went so you just hop onto the shuttle and hope for the best A few people wanted to hug me.
    1 point
  5. Idea behind rev is to take control over bridge. Maybe completely switch from idea of killing (which we already restrict for every traitor type) to taking control over bridge and keeping it so for 2-4 minutes
    1 point
  6. I think the idea here was personally doing it - so auto mute/demute at round start/end?
    1 point
  7. Perhaps the AI detector item could have a second use to check for a pAI? Like if one is on screen it turns a blue color instead of red or ... somethin, iunno. In any case. I would love if pAI got some tweaks. There's so many ways for ghosts to get back into a round and almost all of them are universally better then a pAI.
    1 point
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