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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2017 in all areas

  1. A number of potential solutions have been brought up, but I want to address the delister itself as I am its designer. Currently three things are evaluated by the listing system, Total player count Players to Admins as a ratio CPU The elephant in the room is that the hardware the server runs on cannot sustain more then around 120 players before things start to noticeably degrade. This graph is the last 48 hours The blue shaded area is the server playercount, the redline is the moving average the system uses to determine if it should take action based on CPU, the brown line is the CPU for that minute (the sample rate of this data) The blue line that bounces from bottom to top is our listed status, if its on the top, we are listed, at the bottom, delisted. CPU budget is one of the many things that needs to be taken into account when we talk about the servers listed status at any given time. Our player count is the key factor limiting certain CPU intensive game changes everyone would like to see. In the next few days we will be upgrading from an i7-6700k to a i7-7700k. This will get us about 5% more single threaded performance. We will continue to upgrade processors when faster ones come on market, but at the moment short of moving from 14 nano-meters down to 7, things are not looking promising. With all the problems of making a larger map, that is easy compared to rewriting byond to take advantage of more then one CPU core.
    2 points
  2. Here's the reason: When I play magistrate, I love to high RP the role. I'd love to advertise my services for trials and to let people know they can speak with me for appeals. Going through someone else to make this announcement is a bit annoying. Also, I would like to be able to make such announcements that I will be holding a trial. Finally, if security is breaking space law, it's definitely within reason for the magistrate to inform them as such, since the HoS isn't always available.
    2 points
  3. Delisting is just sticking our head in the sand, and refusing to make a serious attempt at tackling our problem. The problem is that we don't have enough jobs, job slots, or, sometimes, space, to handle our popularity. That's the real problem, and we need to address that. Here's how we could improve things: - Merge all the job slot PRs on Github (+11 job slots for existing jobs, including several currently understaffed jobs, like Security). We could probably add more than this. - Merge the new job PRs on github (up to +6 slots) - Get cracking on implementing Lavaland, complete with lavaland roles (up to +10 new job slots, e.g: tribesmen, syndi researchers, etc) - Look beyond that for more new jobs that we could add (+5 or so, e.g: Coroner, Goon Mechanic, various gimmick/RP jobs like regional director, wrestler, movie star, etc). They don't need to be super fleshed out. RP roles are fine too. - Decentralize the handling of Civilians seeking jobs. Merging https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/6766 for example would enable heads of staff to handle some of the jobseekers, eliminating the massive queues at the HoP line, and reducing riots/greytide dramatically. - Expand the current map with more things for civilians to do, like Goon VR, and more space in general, so at ~150 pop the station doesn't feel so crowded. If we do these, we'll massively reduce the greytide, with over half of civilians getting jobs, and even the remainder having other options besides causing trouble. That would make an enormous difference to the number of concurrent players we could support. It would also open lots of new RP options, from small-scale things like interfaith rivalries between multiple chaplains, to big-scale event options like a massive engineering team being charged with a huge construction project. Paradise, like SS13 in general, is a multiplayer game. As the number of players increases, so does the potential for interaction, and fun, unexpected things. In short: the more players, the more awesome it can be. Looking for ways to turn away players is the *wrong* approach. Instead, we should be looking for ways to increase our capacity so that we can have one hell of a party, as the biggest, most popular SS13 server out there. Full of curious humans, shrieking Vox, beeping IPCs and mysterious Plasmamen. We should be the rockstars on stage, the feature event that packs the hall. Let's not be the shy kid at the back, hiding in their little clique, too scared to handle the crowd, or meet new people. That's not Paradise. Paradise is meant to be awesome. We can be awesome... if we embrace our popularity and run with it, instead of hiding from it. We have player numbers other servers can only dream of. Let's not flee from success. We've earned it.
    2 points
  4. I've been spriting for a few years now, for multiple reasons and games, so I thought I'd make a little gallery here to share them! I am open to commissions for very flexible prices. Just hit me up on discord. This is going to be a huge mess of sprites, from when I started to now, so sorry for the varying quality. EDIT: After posting I see that a lot of the greys use blend in with the forums background. Oh well. Space Station 13 sprites: Borgs: First up, the Noble borgs which are currently in game. Then the unused combat variant. Here were the original two tile tall versions. And here are the unused jet versions. Next up are what were originally going to be my fluff borgs, but got denied because players might not be able to tell its a borg. Not shown are the service and combat versions. Might add them one day. This was a work in progress deathbot borg from Jak and Daxter. This next one is incredibly old and was one of my first ever sprites. Never completed. These chompers were going to be added a long time ago, but we never got around to finishing the code for them. Pictured here are the yellow ones. Security ones with a larger jaw and spiky syndicate versions were also made. I also made Sigholts custom borg sprites, but I do not have a picture available at this time. Items: Next up are a ton of miscellaneous items made for SS13. Most of these older ones will be actual size rather than blown up, so may appear quite small. Most of these are relatively old except for the Plumbus. From right to left: 1 & 2: A heavy and light version of hatchets made specifically for an old work in progress race called Grezlins. They later found life in my Starbound Shellguard mod. 3: Improvised rocket hammer. A high powered hammer that would have knocked people down, improvised. 4 & 5: Laser Blunderbuss and Laser Musket, respectively. For space pirates, of course! 6, 7 & 8: Modified laser pistols. Converted into a carbine and SMG. 9: Golden frying pan. Self explanatory. 10 & 11: Party popper and Party whistle. I am unsure if either made it into the game, but I know my confetti sprite did and is currently in use. 12: Plumbus made for Desolate 13 & 14: Shellguard and Syndicate rocket hammers. Back to blown up images again! This was a spear also made for the Grezlin race, adorned in gold, named the Sunspear. This is a vibration sword made for the space pirates theme. Antique Cannon made to be a replica of the pneumatic cannon. It would have had a gas tank attached under it. Creatures: These were a race called the grezlins. Males and females had slightly different chests. The legs were hard to make back when I first started spriting, as I didn't want an issue like with vox of having to resprite all the clothes. This was one of their races military in their tribal get up. Since I've learned more about pixel art since making this, if I were to go back in time and try again, I would have added much more contrast to the colours. This was made just before Grezlins, called the Wayfarers. They were a race that moved around the universe by hibernating on asteroids. The well known and feared Prince Terror Spider. Clothes and random sprites, not organised. This was a door hit by a thermic lance, an item currently in the works. NA NA NA NA NA NA DONK MAAAAAAAAAAN Currently my WIP fluff item, a hoverboard from Jak and Daxter. A Solgov uniform made for Flattest Guitar A knight Shellguard Power Armour, based off my Shellguard faction from Starbound. Starbound: These next sprites are a mish mash of sprites from my Starbound mod. These are some of my newer sprites. Hence the massive change in quality. This was a shop to buy Shellguard Items from. I love working with higher resolutions than SS13's 32x32. This was an incredibly huge boss called The Dark Noble. Another boss, the Shellguard UFO. A Shellguard Automated Security Tank Shellguard Shield That just wraps it up for my first post! More to come soon!
    1 point
  5. It's an infinite programming loop, printing out the result and incrementing each time the loop runs.
    1 point
  6. Curses! Drei. (What's with you and spanish? German rules!)
    1 point
  7. * Make NanoUI menus auto-close after traveling too far away from them. * Make NanoUI menus respond to ESC, and close when ESC is hit. * Plasma glass was never updated to make use of the same menu as regular glass. * Remove the menu when clicking rods. The only option is grilles, which makes it redundant.
    1 point
  8. I too would say that law 1 compels them to act, but the fact that purpose thinks otherwise is a good example of where confusion might arise. Additionally, I'm not sure about this as a standard lawset. To some extent it's a more extreme version of robocop, where the primary duty of the AI is security. Apart from basically doubling the chances of having an AI with that round, it would be very tough for any non-security borg to act under.
    1 point
  9. One very large problem I forsee is with anything not covered by space law. Space carp, plasma fires, etc - the AI here would be under no obligation to help anyone but command shouting for help from them. Additionally - is this meant to replace robocop, or be an aditional lawset? Would AI be able to spawn with it, or would this only be an upload board?
    1 point
  10. OK, let me address this with some additional clarifications I will be sure to add to the original post. This will all be on the same server, with the intention of dispersing the population more evenly across the map. The Colony will be contained within the asteroid z level, likely just a remodeled and expanded mining outpost. The Mining area will no longer be a NT possession The Brig and Science outposts on the asteroid will be deleted and replaced with asteroid. Station Security will not have jurisdiction on the outpost or asteroid. It has its own laws and own police force. The Cyberiad will not staff any miners, and the mining dock will likely be used for exchanging the minerals for goods. To iterate it once more: The Roanoke is not another space station, it is an asteroid base that has sole legal claim to the asteroid. The Cyberiad has no holdings on the asteroid unless they renovate the derelict mining base.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
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