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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2017 in all areas

  1. The idea is it to have a remote controled item that can be placed on/instead of wires, which can toggle whether power does flow through the wire or not. It would allow a new type of mapping, where you would need to juggle your power for the station, by either powering every area, but having to micromanage every piece of equipment, to not totally drain the potential power, or have a centrally controled wirenet, where you can enable/disable areas. Maybe also do it with substation smess, where every department gets that charged, and then distributed into the APCs, which would allow to use the power from one department to boost another, to have the Star Trek feeling "Transfer life support to shields". Another use would be as remote wirecutting/mending on doors. Currently, you can remotely pulse wires with signallers, but not cut the wire, which does limit your options a bit. It would also be nice as a mediator between two assembly items, a remote (de)activated mine would be possible that. Grenade with the ignition connected to the motion sensor with the relay, and you can remotely toggle it. Or if you have remote controled bombs, two people would need to authenticate it, EoC, which should get paroled, HoS says tracking+chem implant wouldn't cut it, they implant such a bomb into them, the code for the relay is only known to the Magistrate/Captain, or only accessable, if it has a fancy console to control, so they can authorise the "remote execution", and the HoS can activate it afterwards. There also are two potential activation options, one beeing with the normal remote signaller frequency and code system, or a console similar to the central atmospherics computer, probably with diffrent levels of access/password protection. It could also get both systems, with a toggle on the relay itself.
    1 point
  2. Perhaps a SolGov marshal(police) uniform wouldn't be too much to ask?
    1 point
  3. Another old story...this one probably deserves it's own topic but it fits in with "Tales from Shitcurity"...the story of the "PIMP WARDEN" I'm playing as sec and we don't have a warden long enough for me to volunteer. I get my ID changed from pilot to warden, but the HOP doesn't close the warden slot so within 10 minutes another warden shows up. Can't remember his last name but his first name was Ricky. I meet him in the wardens office to give him a rundown of what's been happening, he opens his locker, points at me and says "BITCH! GIVE ME MY PIMP GLOVES!" I'm thinking great...another asshole warden who just wants to be a glorified officer with cool gloves. I give him the gloves and beg him not to be bad at his job. He's just like "BITCH I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING, DON'T ORDER ME AROUND, I OWN YOU" Oh lord...I go to the HOP and revert to pilot. This warden is acting very questionable. I run into him walking around the ship and his title has been changed to "Pimp" and he points at me as says "Hoe, how are you supposed to service customers in all that armor?" (Was wearing my EVA) I'm like "Are you fucking kidding me?" Tell him to get back to the brig and do his damned job. I inform the HOS and captain of his antics and the round proceeds with him continuing this routine, butting heads with everyone in Sec, various complaints about him doing a bad job to which he argues "You bitches may not understand my methods, but I'm really INSPIRING you to work harder" HOS either dies or cryos...can't remember, Captain asks me to come be promoted to acting HOS, Ricky argues it's his job per SOP. I'm mortified by the notion of this fool being HOS so I protest, but IAA gets involved and the Pimp is now our HOS. He does this routine where he literally refers to officers as his "product" and criminals as "customers" and keeps complaining that he shouldn't have to service customers (process prisoners) and that his hoes (officers) aren't doing thier job. At this point I've had enough and I AHELP because this is just absurd. I explain a routine like this would be sort of acceptable for a greytide but we can't have something as important as the warden and especially the HOS acting like this. I was fairly new at the time so wasn't aware something like this could be handled IC. I beleive the captain was one of the admins so we end up going through a process IC where he gets demoted...forcefully...and that's pretty much that..
    1 point
  4. Alright so I kind of went overboard with this. For anyone interested in playing this role, maybe taking it for a "test run" to see if its worth the developers time, here is a pre made form you can copy and paste to paper and hand to the HOP to request this job designation. Paperwork includes what the role entails, SOP, access, equipment, as well as the process the HOP needs to follow to create the job (its a custom job so it needs a little tweaking to have a medical badge to it instead of appearing to be an unknown or civilian on SEC HUDs, I chose paramedic because it appears as a medical badge, but a unique one that differentiates from standard medical staff). I believe this technically should be a protected job that cannot be a traitor so it'd be nice if nobody abused this job for the sake of getting security access as a traitor until the devs can decide whether to make it a real job or not. Abuse it and I imagine not only will it not become a real job, but it probably won't be allowed through the HOP anymore either. This is why we can't have nice things Anyhoo...heres the form...copy n paste, lets take this job for a spin! Employment Application[br] Name: [field][br] Rank: [field][br] NanoTrasen Science Station Cyberiad [br] [br] New Job Title: Medbay Guard[br] Supervisors: Head of Security and Chief Medical Officer[br] Role: Patrols Medbay and protect it from any threats. Guard is NOT to leave Medbay and assist security with threats outside of Medbay except for extreme emergencies. The safety of Medbay and its occupants should be the top priority. Threats should be detained or neutralized as necessary, detained threats should be escorted to security for proper processing.[br] Equipment: Medbay Guard is to be equipped with the same basic gear as a Security Officer has at the beginning of the shift, as well as both a Security and Medical headset. Further security equipment at HOS's or Warden's discretion.[br] Standard Operating Procedure: Medbay Guard is required to follow the same guidelines as both a Security Officer AND Medical Doctor, prioritizing Security SOP over Medical SOP. [br][br] I hereby declare that I understand the functions and restrictions of this job and will follow them to the best of my abilities.[br] Signature: [field][br][br] FOR HEAD OF PERSONNEL USAGE[br] For job creation, first switch job title to Paramedic to give the employee the proper badging on SEC HUDs, then change to custom job named "Medbay Guard". After this is done the access needs to be manually altered or the Medbay Guard will just have Paramedic access. Access Required: Medbay, Surgery, Mourge, Brig, Security, Weapon Permit, Holding Cells, and Maintenance. The card's skin should be medical.[br] Authorization[br] Name: [field][br] Rank: [field][br][br] If authorized, please sign here, [field], and stamp the document with the Department Stamp.[br][br] Guidelines that must be followed. If they are not followed, this form is void and illegal.[br] The department in which the requester is requesting access must first be contacted, and the chief (acting or otherwise) must have been talked to and have authorized this request. If any criminal activity is done with the help of this extra access, this form will be immediately void and unlawful. If the chief of the affected department wishes this form void, this form is immediately void and unlawful. [br] [br] EDIT: Needed to alter the order of the "HOP instructions" a bit. Tried doing this twice now n both times I've been given back a card with the name "Medbay Guard" with only paramedic access.
    1 point
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