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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Bringing this back to life. * Make the surgery table in the autopsy room an autopsy table. * Autopsy table can only perform autopsies, no menu pops up which reduces each step by two clicks. * This results in 22 less clicks per autopsy (yes, that's literally how many clicks this pop-up menu adds for autopsies). OR * Remove the surgery menu entirely and go back to how surgery used to function (which was intuitive and not hand-holdy).
    1 point
  2. I suggest taking a proper look at what 'lawyers' actually do. They do help settle disputes, they do help clear up legal terms with the crew, they do look into complaints (lawyers for companies, for example, really do this to figure out potential harm and counter it if possible). That is, the title Lawyer is actually perfectly fine for what it stands for, it's just people forget that lawyers do more than just trials, even in the real world. They are there to help answer any questions someone might have and settle disputes (preferably without going to court as then they don't have to put in all the extra work and still get paid pretty well). Public Defender isn't something that really should be here, merely for the fact that Public Defender is actually picked from the crew at large when there AREN'T any Internal Affair Agents or Lawyers. Public Defender is the one that I feel gives the confusion, since it sounds like protect everyone from shitcurity.
    1 point
  3. Name: Laskorreshkor Ssesiskaklas Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Unathi Blood Type: B- General Occupational Role(s): Sec. Biography: Hatched in the northern lands of his race's homeworld, Moghes, Laskorreshkor spent most of his childhood just like any other Unathi commoner. That being, basic education followed by a life of service and labor in the many jobs that needed to be done in his village. This seemed like the most likely limit of his life as he lacked real hunting and combat skills. That all changed at the age of 23 when Laskorreshkor found himself in a relationship with a woman of the village, owned by another. Much unlike the common forbidden love story Laskorreshkor was found rather 'red handed'. The outcome was swift and before the end of the day Laskorreshkor was punished. As his family denounced him and the village turned against him, he left to the closest city state. The city state was harsh. Laskorreshkor having lost all credibility and honor, even his family name, was not going to go anywhere on his home planet of Moghes. He had to move on and after three years of solid labor he earned enough money to leave for the stars. He ended up in human space with a small amount of money and a fresh start, the fresh start not lasting a month. While already greatly depressed from his past issues, he's new found ones. At first he was unable to speak the language of the other species. The first word he learned in the other species' common language was "Drink". He got to know "Drink" quite well, that was followed by "Bet" and "Gamble" and "Loan". I think you get the image. Before a month Laskorreshkor had fucked up again. At 26 he found himself in debt, a large debt, with the banking branch of everyone's favorite company: NanoTrasen. At 27 Laskorreshkor has been forced to sign a contract to wipe that debt in labor to NanoTrasen. Thus begins his adventures on Space Station 13. Now 28 years old, Laskorreshkor has changed in his time within the station. He formed a relationship with another crew member aboard the station named Entchtut Cenein and has managed to pay off most of his debt. Laskorreshkor however still has a few minor issues. Qualifications: Basic education. Basic training in first aid, basic training in robotics. At the moment Lask has been here long enough to be counted as having; Sec training, medical training. Security Records: Medical Records:
    1 point
  4. Thought on Medical, from someone who mostly plays MD (Although I am somewhat of a ss13 noob, only been playing a few months so take that into consideration). I'm not a very good judge of aesthetics so my points will mostly be about function and mechanics. Traffic is a huge concern for Medbay design. There are something like a dozen medical job slots, plus patients, visitors, loiters, rolling beds, and IVs all taking up space. I'm not bringing it up just to be critical but rather because hall space is a big deal when you need to get a patient on a roller bed to surgery without having your pull broken a dozen times. That said, we don't want a huge amount of wasted space, either. I think you've done a good job overall balancing that, but there are a few suggestions I have for tweaks when it comes to space to help reduce choke points and congestion during high pop rounds. The top horizontal hallway, the one leading directly to reception is 2 tiles wide, but the other main hallways are 3 tiles wide. If anything needs to be 3 tiles, it's the hallway right after reception, as that's where most of the traffic is. Making the break room and CMO's office 1 tile shorter would be an easy fix, or you could just move them down a tile as the lower hallway is more suitable for being tighter as it will be less trafficked. The entrance from reception also seems a bit cramped. On the current map we have 2 entrances that are 2 tiles wide. One leads to Cryo and cloning and one leads to sleepers and surgery, so the traffic is divided. On this map, you have a 4 tile intersection between reception, cryo, med storage, and deeper into Medbay. I expect as is, this will be a huge choke point as everyone coming in or out of the main entrance must pass through 1 or 2 of these tiles. You could widen the area to 3 tiles, or perhaps extend reception downward a bit and add another entrance on the bottom part of reception, sort of like we have on the current map, only sideways. The lower entrance would probably be lower traffic since it's only really convenient for getting to the sleepers, but it would help a bit, and server as an alternative way in and out in an emergency. The ORs here are 5x6, the ORs on the current map are 6x6, and these feel cramped as a result. I already think the current ORs are a bit cramped when you have a rolling bed and IV in the mix. The ORs have a room behind them that appears to be for storage or the like. The only way to them other than maintenance is via the surgery rooms themselves, which is a problem because you really don't want traffic through your OR while you're performing surgery. I also don't like having the freezers in a different room, I don't want to have to leave the room during surgery to get more blood or retrieve an organ. Freezers can be moved of course, but then you lose a tile of space, so the room should ideally be designed around having a freezer if it's going to have one. The current map has doors from the ORs directly into maintenance. These suck as a doctor but are great for antags. I don't know if that makes adding a 'buffer' room behind the ORs a good thing or a bad thing overall. Just an observation, someone more experienced with antagging might want to add some insight into that. Other notes/suggestions: New Chem just looks way less cramped even though it's only slightly bigger. A little bit goes a long way, and the 3 tiles of table space built into the wall is nice. I don't work chem but I imagine this would be much nicer for them. Not having to go through a cramped storage room to drop off meds is definitely an improvement, too. About the only possible downside is that it's very close to reception, meaning we only have the high trafficked reception doors plus 1 airlock separating the Clown from his Space Lube. I often see civvies managing to get into the anti-room right before MedChem, with this layout that would put them in Chem itself. Chemists will need to be vigilant. Also, the CMO can't just set the door to emergency mode when no Chemists are on shift so doctors can come and go without leaving Chem wide open to everyone. I'm not really sure what the solution to that is, though. New cloning is way better, having more space and not being right next to the highly trafficked Cryotubes is going to be extremely helpful. Logically, it's located right next to the morgue and genetics. This is sorely needed, the current cloning area gets way too cramped too quickly. Given the population on Paradise, I think we should consider having 3 ORs. As it stands, when pop is high we often fill both ORs and have a backlog. If one of the sets of surgery tools get stolen, things can spiral out of control very quickly when you have 1 functional OR serving 100+ people. Obviously there needs to be room for Antags to mess with Medbay, and a certain amount of chaos is needed to keep the round interesting, so resources should be limited, but I think a third OR is reasonable. If the staff feels this is too many resources for Medbay to have, then maybe have an unfinished OR that engineering and Medbay can fix up each shift and order tools for. This way there is kind of 2.5 ORs, and it gives engineering and Medbay something to do. Sort of like how the Brig Physican needs to build their medbay up. In addition to the above, perhaps we could have 3 sleepers instead of 2? You gave us 3 Cryotubes, which is great! The Cryotubes are very close to the entrance, which will be inviting for Graytides to just run by doctors and throw themselves in. It's not any worse than it is currently, but it's something to consider since you're doing a new map anyway. On the other hand, since Cryo is preferred for critical patients, having it near the entrance is logical. I also like that they are near the fridge, so you won't have people dragging corpses/critical patients back and forth through Medbay like currently. There are 3 body scanners shown, which is 1 less than there are on the current map. I think there should if anything be more, again, given Paradise's population. One near the Cryotubes would be nice, since patients admitted in critical condition often go to Cryo first, and those patients are most likely to require a scan for internal injuries. Maybe an extra one in a bad spot no one uses, so the Brig physician can steal it? Just kidding. (Not really) I love that Medical gets it's own escape pod. Not only is it great mechanically, but lore wise it makes sense for us to have a pod, rather than having to drag someone who is hurt down the halls on a rolling bed. It would make sense to have easy escape access to a place that deals with hurt and disabled people. Plus this way I don't have to take the same shuttle as the plebs. My character didn't go to Medschool for 8 years to fly coach!
    1 point
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