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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2017 in all areas

  1. The reason im suggesting the perma prisoner job is because the warden job is VERY boring, whenever i play it i dont get to do much at all, just wait for prisoners and process them, the job is highly boring and how will this Perma Prisoner job benefit it: Benefits: -Less boreness -More fun to do controlling the damn perma prisoners -They can get more perma prisoners if possible For the upgrades of perma brig, I suggest making the perma a bit larger, have 6 cells and have a prisoner holo deck there, why not? the Holo deck must have a flash outside because you can get stunned in there, so whenever warden wants to stop them he can flash them from the holodeck, Another upgrade is maybe having a tiny warden kitchen, why? wardens gotta make food for prisoners, along with a chute connected from kitchen and warden kitchen, so chef can send food for warden to feed the prisoners, with this WARDEN will usually have more fun, and also the perma prisoners can have a fun objective as well, ESCAPE JAIL, legitly allowed, Perma prisoners cant be antagonists They spawn with the orange suit, ID, and a tracking implant Maximum slots of perma prisoners will be 3. or more if you guys really like this
    3 points
  2. The idea: Add two roles one each to Engineering and Medical called "Senior Engineer" and "Senior Consultant". EDIT: And from popular demand, "Senior Officer" The details: Functionally identical to a regular Doctor, Engineer or Officer. Heavily encouraged to take on interns from the Civilian pool A type of IC mentor, available to help members of the department Available to step in if the heads of staff are otherwise incapacitated In no way command of anything, and neither are they the defacto Acting, but are encouraged to use them Currently Karma locked Could implement the playtime limit instead / as well - if @tzo's Department tracker gets merged. FAQ: Why Karma locked? This ensures that this role only goes to those with experience in the department and the understanding and willingness to train, coach and take on Junior members into the department, 'interns'. They are for all intents and purposes just a regular member of the department, someone paying the karma for what is effectively and 'alt title' - they are dedicated members of that department. Will this detract from the number of slots in the department? Nope, quite the opposite. These roles would be 'added on top' - and on top of that, they are encouraged to get the HoP to assign Civilians/Assistants for them to manage and train. Engineering Intern/Trainee titles allows the crew to know as well that they aren't necessarily to expect 'supermen', or super competence. Is this not going to encourage snobbery? These roles are ones that is designed to help and aid others - even hiring newbies from the Civ pool - if the situation allows it. As such they will be held to a higher standard. Shouldn't mentors get these roles for free? No. Lets not blur the lines between OOC mentoring and IC mentoring. --------------- cc @Sothangel @PurpleGenie @Rumiluntti Thoughts?
    1 point
  3. If you ever see me in mining, just ask, might even get a KA out of it.
    1 point
  4. It didnt START as added slots, but we are talking about it and it's developed into that. This is how great ideas are born. Go with the flow
    1 point
  5. Anticept isn't the suggestion author. This isn't extra slots, it's a reduction of the objectives in certain slots for preference enabled players.
    1 point
  6. These buckets are the devil's work, I say. But yes, buckets shouldn't be able to go on your head when full and lidded.
    1 point
  7. If the Warden job is boring then you arent doing enough. I think it's the most stressful job on the station. Between processing, keeping records up to date, keeping an eye on the armory and evidence storage, distributing stuff from the armory when needed, keeping an ear on comms for cries for help, trying to help coordinate officers, and making sure prisoners aren't breaking out. There is no job on the station that has more responsibilities. It's alot more than just waiting for prisoners to process. A good warden is the difference between sec running smoothly and not. ESPECIALLY keeping records up to date.
    1 point
  8. They wouldn't replace the existing antags. They would be roleplay centric antags that are less about syndicate, and more about interesting story potential. It's something that needs a lot of thought and planning, but it's not meant to be the same greentext stuff.
    1 point
  9. Removing the auto-summon ERT mechanic was contentious in its own right because it unduly burdens administrators who honestly don't have time to even check faxes 9 times out of 10. This is just going to add a heinous amount of salt/spite against admins, because they'll be expected to know the exact layout/situation aboard the station at all times and constantly be ready with a judgement call on whether or not an ERT is required. If you've spent any amount of time in deadchat, you already know how terrible it gets when an ERT is needed and command members themselves aren't swiping. This you can write-off to some extent because ghosts can see if heads are even capable/actively doing something. Admins? Not so much, nobody can see the aghosts and nobody (except other admins) know if the admins are busy or not. This just incentivizes deadchat to start frothing at the mouth every time a fair number of people are dead, because they'll be wondering why the admin (who probably has better things to do) doesn't know exactly what's going on and why there isn't an ERT yet. You need only look at the salt that gets generated toward the admins when people feel a Deathsquad is needed and it doesn't get called. This isn't even to touch on the tremendous amount of hand-holding this leads to, by stripping Command of making important judgement calls and setting a precedent for administrators to constantly baby the heads of command and make the hard decisions for them. No, no, no, and no. tl;dr? The suggestion to strip ERT swipes out adds absolutely nothing to the server and just detracts from an established mechanic that already works perfectly fine. It also piles on more responsibilities to overburdened administrators, who have much better things to focus their attention on (such as administration).
    1 point
  10. I would like to point something out, then... What are you situating as 'valid hunting'? The point of security ERT is the exact same as security in general, with a focus on bringing an end to whatever is causing the chaotic situation in general. Valid hunting is, in general, to find any particular reason to consider a person valid as an antag to be stopped, brigged, and/or executed. As I stated prior, the only difference between those coming from dead chat and in-game is the potential for meta-knowledge to leak, but regardless of that, that same knowledge can be used in any randomly assigned mid-round antag roll, too, in which they focus on those who are antags, either to stop or help them, which would be the same basic concept in either case to take validity to hunt them, either to aid or harm them. From a role-play perspective, the crew aren't supposed to have to fend for themselves in all situation, and in fact in rare situations should they have to. Take consideration of new players, being thrown into this situation where there is no more backup available. A steep learning curve has just become even steeper, and is likely to keep newer players from coming into the game because a difficult game is even hard to get into because suddenly someone just killed all of security and the only ones who can stop them (and probably failing by this point) is the crew. We don't want to support antags having a harder time or killing security with the only issue then being crew, which as stated before, isn't going to really stop them. But at the same time, it's already a huge random number generation chance against them because it takes one crew to stop them, but they have to be successful in every instance to beat the crew. By limiting the number of appropriate people to counter the antags, it evens the playing field between the crew and antags in a number of cases, and supports more interesting tactics rather than just the common ones. I can still call out Rule 5 (Play your role) because people aren't supposed to be going against antags if they aren't security (with rare exceptions) and antag-fighting isn't fun for everyone, nor is it always interesting to see the station fall to chaos. It's more work for admins as it, as well, because now you have the antags calling out the crew as valid hunters instead of the appropriate people they expect to be against them. We should be going for fun for the whole, and much of that is by the role you select to play: If you really want to be the counter to antags, go security, not scientist, engineer, medical, etc. Each person has fun in a different way, which is why having so many available roles and goals for them is good, and at the same time, this is a role-playing game: You shouldn't be playing for the mechanics of the game, but rather the story you build. Most of our higher rated rounds are when people have more role-play interaction rather than antag interaction, though some of the highest and best dealt karma given to players are those antags that role-play and make the round generally more interesting by not killing people, and making the death of the people they kill more interesting for the victim. The ERT is also capable of bring people back into the round who have died for various causes, and people in observe and dead chat, especially in the long run when an ERT would normally be called, makes up a large percentage of players on an average shift (connected or disconnected because dead). With how it's worded, it sounds like you feel every ERT is a valid hunting group, which to be honest sounds like a 'I died to ERT, please remove them' approach. If valid hunting is an actual issue with ERT, we need to catch them and have them reported on the case when it happens so we can better investigate. At the same time, we can find out the validity of the situation (did they legitimately have IC evidence to go after them person or is it actually meta-knowledge), in which we can handle proper judgement and punishments. In this case result, valid hunting is only finding evidence, and how hard they push for that evidence. It's a vanilla position to the game and something that will not and/or should not be removed. We as admins still have final say on if an ERT is even sent to the station, and therein there's still the chance for rounds to go much more astray than expected. Removing ERT would be removing a very real response to a situation from Central Command and removes a very powerful tool for admins to try to calm a situation if we feel the chaos needs to lower. We are to find and adjust the level of order and chaos in a round depending on how we feel the shift should move, same with seriousness and silliness. If we just had a very high-chaos round, we're likely to try to make the next round more calm, and that could include sending an ERT if chaos starts to build beyond an acceptable level for the goal of the round. We have many options, and there will not be the removal of such options.
    1 point
  11. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7019
    1 point
  12. I've said it before, I'll say it again: We do need some "AntagLite" as shadey aptly named them, but in ADDITION to existing antags already in the round. Hear me out. So basically, I would like to see a lot more objectives for people everywhere across the station. Minor little things, much like science has. Stepping up above that, we could have AntagLites, which are RP antags. Drug cartels, kleptomaniacs, sociopaths. These are ones given leeway with some of the rules, but are not murderantags. Then you have the existing antags already implemented from syndicate. AntagLites would be an opt in.
    1 point
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