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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2017 in all areas

  1. The idea: Add two roles one each to Engineering and Medical called "Senior Engineer" and "Senior Consultant". EDIT: And from popular demand, "Senior Officer" The details: Functionally identical to a regular Doctor, Engineer or Officer. Heavily encouraged to take on interns from the Civilian pool A type of IC mentor, available to help members of the department Available to step in if the heads of staff are otherwise incapacitated In no way command of anything, and neither are they the defacto Acting, but are encouraged to use them Currently Karma locked Could implement the playtime limit instead / as well - if @tzo's Department tracker gets merged. FAQ: Why Karma locked? This ensures that this role only goes to those with experience in the department and the understanding and willingness to train, coach and take on Junior members into the department, 'interns'. They are for all intents and purposes just a regular member of the department, someone paying the karma for what is effectively and 'alt title' - they are dedicated members of that department. Will this detract from the number of slots in the department? Nope, quite the opposite. These roles would be 'added on top' - and on top of that, they are encouraged to get the HoP to assign Civilians/Assistants for them to manage and train. Engineering Intern/Trainee titles allows the crew to know as well that they aren't necessarily to expect 'supermen', or super competence. Is this not going to encourage snobbery? These roles are ones that is designed to help and aid others - even hiring newbies from the Civ pool - if the situation allows it. As such they will be held to a higher standard. Shouldn't mentors get these roles for free? No. Lets not blur the lines between OOC mentoring and IC mentoring. --------------- cc @Sothangel @PurpleGenie @Rumiluntti Thoughts?
    1 point
  2. Jetpacks should alert you that you have to be wearing them on your back for the propulsion to work when you enable the jetpack in a slot that isn't your back.
    1 point
  3. I play pod pilot more than any other class so I'm intimately familiar with it's quirks. When in space you can hear someone who is talking directly next to you...unless you are inside a space pod. I CAN hear people who are right next to my pod, but they CANNOT hear me. So when I run into someone in space, I have 3 ways to communicate from inside my pod. PDA, common comms, or creative emotes (/me maneuvers the pod up and down like it's nodding). I mostly /me beeps at people. Now...as much fun as I have attempting to be a mime with a space pod, is it possible to just make it so I can talk to people who are directly next to my pod? If you want some IC justification, just do a PR saying space pods are now equipped with loud speakers and do whatever needs to be done code wise to make people hear me. Tadah.
    1 point
  4. They can hear you so long as they're adjacent to the southwestern portion of the spacepod which is where your sprite if effectively centered.
    1 point
  5. You can apply handcuffs to shoes to make this.
    1 point
  6. To help support this... Here's my process when I need to get out of my pod to apprehend a potential antag. Remove backpack into hand. Remove jet pack from exo suit alot and equip to backpack slot. Remove taser from backpack and put in exo slot. Use rest command to drop backpack so I can have 2 free hands (drop command doesn't work in pod). I now have at my disposal a taser, cuffs and keys in my pockets (if I don't lock the pod it may get stolen), and the stuff on my security belt. Need to leave the rest of my gear (meds, extra cuffs, second gun...cigs) in my bag on the floor of my pod for the sake of having 2 hands. So yes...please for a QoL Improvement, make jet packs usable from exo slot.
    1 point
  7. I think /tg/ just allows jetpacks to be used from the exosuit slot. Why don't we do that? Seems like a QoL feature, nothing else.
    1 point
  8. I don't see any need for change here. Being able to put a jetback in the exosuit slot is VERY useful so you don't have to carry your backpack all the time. Unless the player is very forgetful then they should only make this mistake once and it's a big part of learning as a player to look back at your mess ups with fondness.
    1 point
  9. I think they meant it to in addition to the normal antags. From what I understand, they are/were suggesting instead of trying to have the pacifist option we have miscreants, hence why its here in this discussion.
    1 point
  10. Ya, as ZN23X said, we changed from topic to topic, even if we start on one thing, we can evolve the discussion to another topic. If suggestions stayed static on the base topic, we wouldn't see a lot of the improvements we get.
    1 point
  11. If you want to argue ERTs shouldn't be pulled from deadchat with an advantage from the information they've absorbed while being a ghost, you could argue we shouldn't do the same with mid round antags either. Then you'd eliminate two features that are designed to give relief to the ghost population. Spawning a blob, spiders, or xenos mid round technically gives struggling antags an advantage but it is an attempt to allow the round to carry on and be interesting. If you don't have ERT after all or most of sec is dead then you'd just be forced to shuttle call and end the round. Consider ERT the antags REWARD for kicking security's ass. Now they get to see how they fare against a stronger foe.
    1 point
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