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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2017 in all areas

  1. This idea spawns from me working both medical and sec primarily (sometimes a barfly and/or mime?) This also came to mind due to other posts I've seen suggesting new security roles. Medical Doctor has several variants. They technically all have the same access and can perform all the same tasks but for both keeping things organized and RP purposes, the variants help. I could see a use for a similar system in security. To start, anyone who works security alot knows that the Warden is overworked. Officers SHOULD be helping the warden with all the duties they are capable. Processing, keeping an eye on prisoners, and updating records. My ideas (or ideas I've gotten from others): Officer (primarily front line and patrols...the role most officers currently play) Dispatcher (sits at the front desk making sure records are up to date, keeps an ear on comms as well as security inquiries in the lobby, helps coordinate officers when there are calls for help) Guard (make sure prisoners aren't breaking out or killing themselves and assist with processing) I'm aware this will sometimes lead to rounds where you have several dispatchers and guards and no officers. Just like medical has rounds with several coroners. In those rounds the coroner's obviously split off and perform doctor and surgery duties because they all can't be in the mourge. It'd just be the HOS and Warden to see who they've got and coordinate appropriately. I'm not saying make a new class, just variants of a class that already exists. I know that all this stuff can already be done by officers without variants but so can all the stuff in medbay. It still helps keep medbay organized and run smoother. It can do the same for sec. ...and please save the "Guard and Dispatcher is the wardens duty" crap. Try playing warden in a busy high pop round and then tell me the warden doesn't need help. It's the equivalent of if they CMO was responsible for all cloning, chemistry, and surgery while the doctors just sit around waiting for patients to treat for lesser injuries.
    1 point
  2. Vice versa the antag doing well could lead them to easily taking you down if you don't hit them when the crew is still at it's strongest and able to fight them, too. Yeah, the crew will be going after you, too, but since they'll be split between two threats, it can make it easier for both sides and the fallout of the event means easier to take down the other antag before they can focus on you solely.
    1 point
  3. As long as they're not replacing existing antags, I no longer see an issue with this suggestion. :ok_hand:
    1 point
  4. Anyone can change their own title at 1000 posts if I remember correctly.
    1 point
  5. How about Official Shitposter /s
    1 point
  6. One more thing to add to my overflowing bag of gear ??? I DO think they have to remove handcuffs before removing the bola though. I've never had a handcuffed prisoner remove their bola n run off. Maybe they just don't know how to.
    1 point
  7. Would that not make it official, though?
    1 point
  8. Still making the shoes is less convenient than stepping back a space and throwing an energy bola. I'm looking for something easier than that. We all too damned focused on the shoes lol
    1 point
  9. The guy who did the brimming glass of clowns voice was none other than our very own Deanthelis, guy was an admin before and still hangs around in the public discord, could probably ping him to get the audio files.
    1 point
  10. If you want to argue ERTs shouldn't be pulled from deadchat with an advantage from the information they've absorbed while being a ghost, you could argue we shouldn't do the same with mid round antags either. Then you'd eliminate two features that are designed to give relief to the ghost population. Spawning a blob, spiders, or xenos mid round technically gives struggling antags an advantage but it is an attempt to allow the round to carry on and be interesting. If you don't have ERT after all or most of sec is dead then you'd just be forced to shuttle call and end the round. Consider ERT the antags REWARD for kicking security's ass. Now they get to see how they fare against a stronger foe.
    1 point
  11. Reviving this idea. * Incorporate Auto-Accent into the character setup screen so it becomes a set-it-and-forget-it feature. Existing implementation (for those of you who don't use it) means it has to be toggled on a round-by-round basis.
    1 point
  12. I am just looking for some sort of enforcement. Again if I don't do my job properly as security I can get job banned or banned outright. Here's an example: late night round a week or two ago, a bit of a custom event. A random antag would be made extremely powerful. It was late so I ghosted and observed. The 2 antags were shadowlings, one eventually also became a traitor (more powerful). They spent the ENTIRE round hiding in lockers in maint hoping victims would wander their way. Server having a population off less than 50, they had very few opportunities. They did nothing all round. Did those two players get banned from playing shadowling or are they just allowed to repeat that snooze fest the next time they roll shadowling? There is a punishment for playing security wrong that forces security to raise the standard of how they play in fear of being job banned. I regularly get boops that interupt whatever I'm doing mid round for what usually ends up just being an antags I justifiably arrested who complained to an admin about it cuz they are mad I caught them. If there is a punishment for antagonists being boring then people will try to be less boring in fear that they may be banned from playing antag. If an admin sees a vampire hiding in a locker in maint for 15+ minutes, boop them and tell them to get off their ass. If I can be interrupted while trying to run security to verify if I'm playing correctly, they can handle being interrupted while twiddling their thumbs in a locker.
    1 point
  13. USE A TITLE LIKE THIS: "Banned by ADMINNAME: Ban appeal for [YOUR BYOND USERNAME HERE]" EXAMPLE: "Banned by Regens: Ban appeal for [insert ckey here]" IC NAME: The character name you used when you got banned CKEY: This is your username on BYOND DATE OF BAN: Date you were banned, shown in the ban message you get when entering the server ROUND ID: Also shown in the ban message. May not always be present. Looks like a number, e.g: 12345 DURATION OF BAN: Also shown in the ban message. E.g: "until appealed". ADMIN BYOND KEY: The admin who banned you. Please type '@' in front of their name, so it looks like this: @Kyet. If you don't know which admin banned you, ask one of us privately to look it up for you. REASON FOR BAN: The reason as to why you were banned. Shown when you connect to the server. DO NOT edit this, quote the exact ban reason shown when you connect. YOUR APPEAL: Explain why you think we should unban you. The best approach is generally to read the rules, then explain which rule you broke in your appeal, explaining why you won't do it again if unbanned. If you're truly convinced you never broke the rules in the first place, you could alternatively explain why - but that approach has a much lower chance of success. Try hard to identify which rule you broke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE: IC NAME: Grayman Tide BYOND KEY: Greytide16236 DATE OF BAN: 7/9/13 DURATION OF BAN: This is a permanent ban ADMIN BYOND KEY: Regens REASON FOR BAN: Insulting people YOUR APPEAL: I broke rule 1, and openly insulted another player in OOC. I am sorry I lost my temper and did this, and will not do it again.
    1 point
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