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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2017 in all areas

  1. So someone wanted to make some modified doors in engineering. Someone else wanted to make some modified floors. I suggested that we simply make the entire hallway out of doors. The CE thought I was joking and said yes. He's clearly never met MALICE.
    2 points
  2. So I've been seeing a lot of new Representative's recently, but not a lot going on of them actively doing their job in which they picked. So I thought I'd make a guide to go over everything. In this guide: I'll be going over the following in no particular order. Your Office Your Equipment Your task Writing Formats Standard Operating Procedures Your Office. Your equipment. Your Task Writing Formats Standard Operating Procedures
    1 point
  3. No it's not an AoE stun, but a hand-item that plays carefully selected "ZOMG ANTAG" sounds. Could also work as a vuvuzela or be disguised as a loudspeaker. How often does everybody lose their minds because somebody thought they heard a gun go off or a xeno hiss? just imagine the practical applications of having said sounds on demand! Maybe have it need recharging to limit the spam or only be able to play one preselected list of noises, it'd be ideal for fucking with metasenses. No idea what TC would be suitable as any usefulness would depend entirely on crew paranoia.
    1 point
  4. So, I've been playing on this server for a couple months, maybe? I play as Drago Korska, and it's been real fun playing with most of you. I mainly just came in to say hey to whoever reads this.
    1 point
  5. I think this is an interesting concept but I don't like that you don't know your objectives in advance and you can't make a "plan" as much as you could before when it comes to using your TC because if you get one objective to get the NAD, that takes away some TC options because youd be forced to save in case your next objective needed a different item. Basically it makes higher cost TC items less viable due to reduced flexibility
    1 point
  6. I have to disagree that paranoia and fear is tied to the ability to be easily revived from cloning or dying in a sense. Its more of what SS13 in general of what it is. Everyone already knows that there is going to be chaos in almost every round. I would try to backup this claim when playing as a security officer almost many times in a row. A lot of players who play sec have no chill and are always looking to find out who the antags are. The "I'm going to maintenance, If I scream then I'm probably dead" is the most annoying shit and very cringy to see on chat. They are basically not afraid to wander around maintenance just to die pretty much. Now the debate on whether or not removing cloning would make a difference on player mentality is something no one can predict. All we can do is assume unless its already been done before. Its the matter on how we change the awareness of how the game treats death that will affect the way the game is played.
    1 point
  7. I work sec mostly and agree that reload able energy guns would be a bit OP and I'll explain. My favorite most effective weapon to have is the pistol from the gamma armory. It fits in my bag like a laser rifle and I can constantly reload it on the fly. It's unbelievably powerful compared to my lasers because of that. Giving lasers magazines would make them as (or more) effective than this pistol. There is a reason that pistol is in the gamma armory. Needing to recharge guns doesn't hurt vs nuke ops, it's more based on how skilled the nuke ops are vs the people fighting them on the station. A good wizard isn't easy to deal with regardless of your weapons. If you make energy guns have magazines you may as well remove the Blob from the game cuz they'll never win again. Blob rounds have a "tug of war" feel to them and energy guns make a huge dent in the blob but need to be used sparingly due to the method they are currently reloaded. It's why emitters are used...they are essentially infinite ammo energy guns. Adding what @Rurik pointed out. You'd also have to add alot of resources to the game to make this happen....and yes the sprites are awesome...so I feel bad shooting it down
    1 point
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