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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Well this is silly. Last I checked the shadowling ice-vein ability actually applied a short-term stun to borgs. If you have so many thralls as to warrant ten security borgs a romp through maintenance, you have enough thralls for one of them to grab the RD's ID and blow the borgs... Or enough to make an EMP, or enough to hand out flashes, or enough to grab the ion rifle. Need I continue?
    3 points
  2. I am shocked, just utterly shocked, that no one has yet said "Im ded pls nerf". We won't be outright removing sec borgs. That's just silly. Don't be silly. Nerfs might be due. But considering they can be flashed, emped, have their laws messed with, and that there is literally a button you can press to destroy them, I don't think it's that needed.
    2 points
  3. I see no reason to limit how many can exist, honestly. I've seen people blow through borgs like play-doh before, it's really not hard to take them down. And if they use an actual strategy to win? Good on the borgs. That doesn't make them "overpowered" by any means. I wouldn't mind a cooldown thing on the borg disabler, though. If ten shots are fired in the span of thirty seconds or so, have it require a ten second cooldown before being able to fire again.
    1 point
  4. Deus vult! Yes, I love this game. I play it a lot, especially when I'm on daughter duty. Did multiplayer once with one other person... was /ok/
    1 point
  5. I never want to see the rise of bullshit "friendly vampire pls gibe free blood donations :3333" garbage again
    1 point
  6. So, a little backstory beforehand: I was HoP during a round when misteriously a lot of syndicate balloons appeared. Everyone spent their telecrystals on them I guess. I myself was not an antagonist, but I started collecting them. Soon, the NT rep made an announcement to bring all the balloons to his office, so he can destroy them. He would pay for them, of course. Soon after I also made an announcement to bring them to me instead, as I am collecting them. The NT rep wasn't pleased with this, and told me that CentCom is probably going to be very disappointed that someone in command collects syndicate propaganda. My answer was: "NT should make their own balloons then." Or something like that. The NT rep thought it was a brilliant idea, so he faxed CentCom immediatly regarding the matter. Now, here I am, proposing the brand new, anti-bursting, collectible NanoTrasen balloons. Thoughts?
    1 point
  7. Thanks for bringing this up, Plasmaman has been needing some touching for awhile but I've been busy with exams and I'll probably switch this around a bit. Presently in code Plasmamen will heal when injected with plasma.
    1 point
  8. Definitely end the monkey business(pun intended). Achieving a more obvious blood drain might fall under the 'humanity points' system mentioned earlier in the thread, as perhaps would the identity mask. Hmm, I imagine enforcement of memory restriction will be a bit of a strain, although cults seem to not cause that big of an issue. Definitely do not like the mindshield counter and holy water changes, though. Mind shields ought to shield the mind, and the holy water tweak would remove a lot of the difficulty (read: fun) of detaining vamps. I like the idea of this as a power gaming deterrent. Would need to think of an IC explanation, though. I agree with most of your observations, though I'll say the "is it extended?" phenomenon may be from stealthy vamps that are too good to be fun(or just drain monkeys) or being non-sec. Dunno. If something like the large overhaul @Rapidvalj suggested is not feasible, then perhaps that would be warranted. there are a lot of issues with their current state as LTH points out. Eh, this is where the Chaplain's abilities are meant to be used. Would be a funny thing to add to makeable items, though. I sense a flood of metabuddy-ing will result. Vampires are hostiles, helping them is helping an agent hostile to your employer, and security should act according to both of these facts. Vampires should not be friendly. They should not use 'trust', etc. except for manipulating people to their antagonistic ends. If you decide to help a vampire, you should be able to reasonably expect to either to get stabbed in the back when they no longer need you, or find your head on a pike when the HOS catches you. I don't know about you, but that sounds like good roleplay right there.
    1 point
  9. I think if we go with Option 2, vampires should not have any protection under Space Law and it should be entirely at the discretion of the HoS as to how to handle them, up to and including on the spot execution. This is similar to Borers, you can't just walk down the halls looking for willing hosts, you can and will be killed pretty much on sight. At the same time, a Vampire may reveal themselves to people they trust, and those people aren't necessarily required to report them to security. There should be risks and give and take. On one hand, keeping a Vampire around is a risk. On the other, if you summarily execute one vampire, you've pretty much forced every other vampire on the station to be openly hostile to you because you've backed them into a corner. And if there is another main antag, they might very well ally up with the rest of the vampires, which is bad news for you. I actually like the idea of 'neutral factions' in general. Right now it's fairly cut and dry with Crew versus Antags. Some neutral factions that can lean either way, depending on how they are treated would add a lot of depth and make negotiation a powerful tactic.
    1 point
  10. Here's a new one. Hot off the presses. I'll name this one "Riot or Wrong?" I'm an officer, early on we catch a traitor with a pen sword and emag who attempted to kill someone. We put em in perma. Captain orders we borg them. There is some opposition amongst command that delays the borgification but it finally is complete. The opposition was made public somewhere along the way and riots began in front of the bridge. It was really confusing for a while but at some point security needed to don riot gear to break up the crowd. We told them to disperse, some refused, we began arresting, uncuffed rioters began dragging cuffed ones away, a civilian who, as far as I knew wasn't a rioter, started dragging a cuffed rioter off. I tase and cuff them, another officer gets the rioter, I start bringing the civ to the brig. Here's where it got...interesting. in LOOC they say "Why am I being arrested? I've committed no crime, answer or I'll AHELP" I stop and IC I say "you are being arrested for helping a criminal, you tried to drag away a cuffed rioter that we were arresting" I can't remember what was IC or LOOC at this point but from this point forward there was a mixture of the two with them telling me that's not a law, I'm not allowed to search them. Despite them being SO cooperative I say I'm going to search them and if they have nothing on them they get off with a warning. I find a stunprod on them. Tell them I need to brig them for weapons possession. They keep arguing IC and OOC that I can't do this, so I say in LOOC "Alright I'll amuse you, I'll AHELP this" I end up MHELPing explaining that I've arrested a civilian that was helping a rioter get away, am I allowed to arrest and search them? Mentors get back saying "yes, aiding and abetting." So I've now confirmed with mentors I'm in the right, inform the civ in LOOC, they continue arguing. I confiscate the weapons, bring them to a cell, and say all I'm gonna brig them for is weapons charge, 10 min. I COULD have given them another 10 for helping the rioter and lack of cooperation but I felt bad cuz they were already in a bad mood. Before leaving I say in LOOC "while you are in your cell, go read space law, look up weapons posession under medium crimes, then scroll below capital crimes and find aiding and abetting" They respond in LOOC "Fuck you, I've read it enough...I'm right..also 'while you are in your cell?' ICKY OOCKY!" I respond "ICKY OOCKY? Like asking me why you are under arrest in LOOC? or arguing the arrest in LOOC?" He's says "FUCK YOU" admin turns off LOOC Sort of felt like I needed to report their behavior but again, they were already having a bad enough time, so I didn't bother. Already felt bad enough about all the stuff I put the guy through already but, I've got a job to do. Pretty sure the admins were already dealing with the situation. I never got bwoinked so I'm all good. Just another day in shitcurity. AS FOR THE RIOTS. The round ended with the AI being pitted against the captain, AI obviously siding with rioters. Security was divided, some trying to arrest the captain, some trying to help captain. I believe the HOS remained neutral through the whole thing, and kept a fairly cool head despite the situation. Good HOS. Karma for him. I didn't know what the hell to do so aside from a few confused tase and handcuffs, I was just trying to prevent violence. I believe the captain ended up getting spaced. Shuttle was emagged. GAME OVER YEAAAAAAA!!! If anyone wonders why someone would primarily work security, notably I've read someone saying "Anyone who works security primarily is a masochist"...once you get adjusted to the stress it initially causes, and are adept at dealing with all the various situations that are thrown at you, it leads to a hell of alot of interesting stories. Seclife. EDIT: I explained this story to my spouse, and we've now decided any time we get in an argument where one of us is clearly wrong, when the party who is wrong realizes they are wrong they are to end the argument by saying "FUCK YOU! I KNOW SPACE LAW!"
    1 point
  11. I was HOS that round, the banter between the HOP and NT rep was hilarious. Someone had the gall to suggest that Sec would brig you for having the Balloons, though having the HOP run about with two of them was fun to see.
    1 point
  12. So someone wanted to make some modified doors in engineering. Someone else wanted to make some modified floors. I suggested that we simply make the entire hallway out of doors. The CE thought I was joking and said yes. He's clearly never met MALICE.
    1 point
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