I'd be wiling to attempt to code this if it's flushed out more. It'd give me an excuse to start making features again.
That being said, I still need to run a couple of bugfix PRs and the like to get me back into the swing of paracode quirks and my new comps dev environment.
Just be aware that no large feature survives first contact with the maintainers unscathed. While the concept is there, details and mechanics are most likely not concrete until a full mechanical overview is seen and reviewed.
As for my suggestions in relation to how mechanics could be implemented, they are as follows:
1. Defines for days: Something like this is inherently hard to balance, therefore, keeping all the numbers such as damage counts, min stamina, transformation times and modes in a single file or group of files will give admins and maintainers sufficient levers to keep things in a good state.
2. Eat Verb based off transformed flag: You'll already have a flag in place to toggle transformation, so just gate the verb with it.
3. Implement Werewolf bite as a high stealth disease until fully manifested: Lets you make use of the preexisting disease infrastructure with a non-transmittable variant (kinda like nanomachines)
4. While transformed, make incoming damage go to stamina and set a minimum: This lets you take advantage of the slowing effects already in place on the stamina system, lets objects still stick in wounds and all the other fun stuff of combat, but with a tunable number for how slow you should go.
5. Make silver do different things depending on amount and exposure method: Getting pelted by a silver bar wouldn't leave much silver behind to make you feel terrible, so it would make sense to not have it hurt much more than normal. throwing the reagent on them would obviously hurt, but perhaps should behave more like a stun than a method of killing as short of extreme reactions or prolonged exposure, allergens are primarily an irritant rather than a killer. Finally, ingesting or injecting the reagent would likely act as a heavy toxin, with damage per processing tick determined by a datum value.
6. It's worth noting that people will go for decapitation to solve any problem they can't toolbox: This would need a defense against the strategy of stunprod -> cuff -> apply cutting instrument vigorously to neck. Perhaps werewolf could be a new mob entirely with identity determined by transformation state and the mob that it was based from. In other words, when a werewolf completes the disease phase, make a new mob, transfer player consciousness and storage into new mob, qdel old mob. this new mob has it's base icons from the mob it was spawned from, and it's transformed state based on the species of the original mob.