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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm sick and tired of randomness of disarm in this game and RNG in general... Not even shields will protect me from first-try-disarm-knockdown and i can chase some one disarming him 15 times and they will keep going. Pain. I suggest we add a thing i call "balance meter". It could be invisible or visible in status. This is how it would work: Each player has 100 balance, balance recharges each tick. When player has 30 or less balance he will drop things in hand, when it hits 0 player will be knocked down and when he gets up balance is restored to 100. Certain things like armor, shields and some melee weapons will decrease damage to balance. A disarm intent will damage the balance for 30 and other weapons with chance to stun will have equal in power balance damage but they will be able to make some one drop his weapon only if you aim at hand that has something in it. Basicly this system i came up with means you have to disarm more than once quickly to make it work. What seems unbalanced can be fixed by changing numbers AKA how much balance regened per tick and so on. The current disarming discourages from using melee weapons as it is never guaranteed you won't get knocked on your ass in one click to be helplessly butchered by your own weapon. *flashbacks from tf2 and it's high crit chance melee weapons*
    1 point
  2. I think if everyone changes at once it makes for crazy scenarios. Say a bunch of infected are in medbay getting treated then ding all turn and go ballistic. Also adds the whole forced antag feel as you have a narrow window to kill eat and escape so you can hide but also have to avoid other infected so they dont eat you. Also could make for some good sec/xeno RP
    1 point
  3. Been playing on the server for about a year not actively but more and more lately so i thought making a forum account is a thing i should make so yeah hi.
    1 point
  4. This is how making a quote in the quick-poster looks like for me. Impossible to read.
    1 point
  5. I'd be wiling to attempt to code this if it's flushed out more. It'd give me an excuse to start making features again. That being said, I still need to run a couple of bugfix PRs and the like to get me back into the swing of paracode quirks and my new comps dev environment. Just be aware that no large feature survives first contact with the maintainers unscathed. While the concept is there, details and mechanics are most likely not concrete until a full mechanical overview is seen and reviewed. As for my suggestions in relation to how mechanics could be implemented, they are as follows: 1. Defines for days: Something like this is inherently hard to balance, therefore, keeping all the numbers such as damage counts, min stamina, transformation times and modes in a single file or group of files will give admins and maintainers sufficient levers to keep things in a good state. 2. Eat Verb based off transformed flag: You'll already have a flag in place to toggle transformation, so just gate the verb with it. 3. Implement Werewolf bite as a high stealth disease until fully manifested: Lets you make use of the preexisting disease infrastructure with a non-transmittable variant (kinda like nanomachines) 4. While transformed, make incoming damage go to stamina and set a minimum: This lets you take advantage of the slowing effects already in place on the stamina system, lets objects still stick in wounds and all the other fun stuff of combat, but with a tunable number for how slow you should go. 5. Make silver do different things depending on amount and exposure method: Getting pelted by a silver bar wouldn't leave much silver behind to make you feel terrible, so it would make sense to not have it hurt much more than normal. throwing the reagent on them would obviously hurt, but perhaps should behave more like a stun than a method of killing as short of extreme reactions or prolonged exposure, allergens are primarily an irritant rather than a killer. Finally, ingesting or injecting the reagent would likely act as a heavy toxin, with damage per processing tick determined by a datum value. 6. It's worth noting that people will go for decapitation to solve any problem they can't toolbox: This would need a defense against the strategy of stunprod -> cuff -> apply cutting instrument vigorously to neck. Perhaps werewolf could be a new mob entirely with identity determined by transformation state and the mob that it was based from. In other words, when a werewolf completes the disease phase, make a new mob, transfer player consciousness and storage into new mob, qdel old mob. this new mob has it's base icons from the mob it was spawned from, and it's transformed state based on the species of the original mob.
    1 point
  6. Just the other day I talked in dchat about the new thingy I'm working on implementing which just so happens to have werewolves that eat human hearts. K thx.
    1 point
  7. So maybe I can blame it on how often I play a Doctor, but the sheer amount of uncooperative patients can be overwhelming. And sure, you can just ignore them, but the Hippocratic oath makes you feel uneasy. That's why I'm wondering - how hard would it be, to actually add a muscle with a stun baton to the medbay? Not your typical, everyday sec (they have lot to do without having to chase a guy who stole the soap from medbay), but instead just a guy dedicated to... let's say making troublemakers at medbay more cooperative? What do you guys think? Good idea/Bad idea?
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. I might like chainsaws. There were also about 10-40 more around the station. On screen is 70 chainsaws.
    1 point
  10. Super robustness from being a former Colonial Marine too ? Welcome to Paradise
    1 point
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