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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2017 in all areas

  1. My personal thoughts on SOP: First, there should be tiers of SOP. The first tier isn't really SOP, but instead job specific regulations. These regulations are portions which MUST be followed, or punishable by demotion/brig time. These are items with VERY serious implications if not followed. Production of combat mechs, for example, which are not turned into the armory, creating dual+ engines in engineering, or use of contraband. These would be things that require the relevant head of staff's/captain's WRITTEN APPROVAL to make an exception for, if it were even allowed by regulations period. They would get their own crime and punishments written right there in the regulations (brig time, demotion, community service would be examples), and make an entry in space law that mandatory regulations may have their own penalties. NOTE: Mandatory regulations would essentially be like space law. These are only a few things which, if not followed, present a MAJOR hazard to the station and crew. Mandatory regulations should be kept to a reasonable minimum and and only be written for extreme cases. The reason these aren't thrown in with the rest of space law, is it could result in a huge amount of space law bloat. It would be better to put these in with job specific information while sec continues to be concerned with general criminal activity. Then, there's SOP which is *recommended*. Engineering backup power generation methods, for example, are *recommended*. Example: solars and turbine are backup when the engine is running ('backup' could be anything the CE decides, like if it's a solars only station and turbine is brought online). However, I do not believe these should be enforceable, UNLESS events occur in which demonstrated incompetence occur (meaning, after the fact). For example, I don't bother with solars and turbines when I have an engine running. They actually make it more difficult for me to respond to power grid problems of way the grid works. I end up having to take extra steps to detect where the failure is as a result, instead of just following the discharging APCs along the station's grid backbone. I don't stop any engineers that volunteer, but I never do them myself as I can reroute power pretty damn fast and I don't like it when captains tell me to do them and don't listen to my reasoning when I recommend against it. Then there's actually optional SOP. This SOP is standardized suggestions for organizing departments. A head can ask their subordinate to reference it, instead of typing out a big long list of what they want done. But, the department could choose to deviate too. Delegating tasks to the medical front desk, for example, for minor injuries, while major ones are sent back to more specialized doctors, would be an example of optional SOP. The head of staff needs to be trusted to do the work too. Captain should not be micromanaging. I admit, the captain can still get involved, but it's *recommended* that they follow the proper channels (note that *recommended!*). Also, we need to change the SOP books that are in game. They need to reference the wiki. I think science robotics has some books that are a little out of date. Finally, fucks sake we need to address paperwork. People are inventing giant long forms which are becoming an increasing pain in the ass just because they can. That needs to stop. I'd like standardized paperwork forms and that's it. P.S. we really should put in space law WHY the punishments are so lenient in some cases. It really should explain that it's not meant to take an antag out of the round if they slip up on something minor. It's written around the idea of making it punishing for their mistake, but not round ending.
    3 points
  2. ...as with most of the problems with the server...a behavioral problem that can most easily be corrected with better practice. I LOVE enforcing code red SOP. Greytide wandering around the halls with no ID at code red. HALT "Please display your ID" They run off. Chase. Tase. Cuff. "You can't arrest me, not wearing an ID isn't a crime, I can't be resisting arrest if I haven't committed a crime. SHITCURITY!" They cuss and scream the whole way to the brig, mocking me for not knowing how to do my job, for having bad aim, etc. "You are being arrested for failing to follow an officers orders at code red which is creating a work place hazard, that's ten minutes, and since you are being SO cooperative, let's give you another five for resisting and another five for being uncooperative. If you have a problem with that I can have IAA sit outside your cell and read space law and code red SOP to you." Not knowing what crime you are committing does not give you a free pass. They were arguing against getting a 5 minute sentence for resisting arrest, now they are in for 20 for being a smart ass...and I bet they won't run around at code red with no ID ever again. Tastes like victory. I guess the lesson here is, if you want to see SOP enforced and abided by, play roles that allow you to enforce SOP. Lead by example and others will start to follow suit.
    3 points
  3. I'm so sorry. LOOK AT THE QUALITY
    2 points
  4. Hello, I'm coming here to introduce myself quickly. I consider myself to be a very new SS13 player, I've played 2 round on another station and it didn't really amount to nothing ( I played as a civilian and I the most I did was getting drunk and injected myself with various meds) but I'm willing to do my best to learn and have fun in this great game. I never really played a game that required RP-ing but I think I'll get the hang of it quite quickly. My character will be named Thomas Elliot, I'll try to get myself used to the station before doing any apprenticeship for jobs and such. Anyway, I'll see you in-game!
    2 points
  5. I've been bwoinked for this but never gotten in trouble for it. It's a salty person complaining to an admin (probably with the same attitude they've been giving me while arresting them) vs me with a calm demeanor and a clear explanation of my actions. All I'm doing is following SOP and Space Law.
    2 points
  6. My best advise is do what I do. How can you beat the system? Obviously if you get caught with an emag you are screwed, and yes I know an emag makes life easy, but as you've pointed out can also make life hard. Just need to break into a certain area? If you get caught hacking a door with no contraband on you, you'll be brigged for B&E, maybe trespass. You'll still get a second chance. Do not carry items on you that can get you thrown in perma unless you are in the middle of committing an act that would get you in perma anyways. It's better to store the items in some secret location and possibly lose them then to get caught with them. I guess I'm saying only use an emag in situations where you need the speed of an emag, like breaking into a highly restricted location, or busting in somewhere quickly to kill someone. Both would get you shoved on perma anyways. Part of the problem may be too many traitors just viewing an emag as "standard equipment" like it's something you always need to have.
    2 points
  7. *Grumblegrumblegrumble* For those of you not familiar with the purple name to the left, some time ago I led a community-wide project to create/update Standard Operating Procedure, and expand it to cover all Departments, as well as Legal proceedings (such as Briggings), in addition to a more generalized, non-specific station operation SOP. The issue that has arisen, is that SOP was written, well, some time ago, and parts of it may very well have become obsolete with time. As such, I'm opening this thread so that anyone can post what they feel is a shortcoming, error or obsolete idea in any SOP, so that it may get fixed. Nitpicking appreciated, and very much encouraged. LIST OF IDENTIFIED ISSUES: Genetics Department Duality; Roboticist Surgical SOP; Viral Outbreak Procedure practicality; Possibly moving free random searches to Code Red
    1 point
  8. Hello, I am trying to add some new guns to the server, even if they would be admin spawn only. I was hoping I could get some opinions the sprites. For the first set, here are two AR-15s and an SVD. Second wave, some energy weapons.
    1 point
  9. Name: Tetra Vega Age: 37 (2529-present) Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: B- General Occupational Role(s): Primary: Security Pod Pilot Secondary: Security or Mechanic Biography: Born on a space colony, she has never set foot on a planet. The station her family lived on was older and run down...it did not have access the resources or technology of the newer stations. Her mother died giving birth to her. Her father died of heart disease when she was 11, forcing her older brother Zeke to raise her. He was one of the engineers trying to keep their old station functional, so she spent much of her time around him and his co-workers learning and helping where she could. He was very strict with her due to her being the only family he had left, which led to her being quite rebellious. When Tetra was 17, she stowed away on a supply frigate visiting the station and set out on her own to escape her brothers restrictive grip. She skipped around from one station to another doing what she could to survive, not really having any purpose. While on her travels she got word of a horrible engineering accident that nearly killed her brother. It was later discovered that the accident was caused by and act of terrorism by the Syndicate. This led to her deciding she needed to do more with her life. She signed up to the military academy and shortly after found herself employed as a security officer on the NSS Cyberaid, where her story continues... Qualifications: Expert knowledge in the operation and maintenance of small space craft Advanced combat training and knowledge of Space Law Intermediate medical knowledge from working with and learning from brig physicians. She learned ghetto surgery during her younger years as a mechanic. Employment Records: Prior to becoming employed on the NSS Cyberaid she spent her time as a mechanic, surviving off of whatever odd jobs she could find, hitchhiking her way from one station to the next. Looking for more of a purpose she became part of the NSS Cyberaid's security force, beginning her career as a security officer. She primarily serves as the Security Pod Pilot but will take on various security roles based on the stations need. When she wants some down time she will go back to her roots and tinker with a space pod or just hang out as a civilian. Security Records: Major Crimes: 1 count of Manslaughter As Head of Security, Tetra Vega caused a vampire suspect to ignite by force feeding them too much holy water without sufficient extinguishers present, resulting in the suspect dying. She served a permanent sentence for the duration of the shift and was further reprimanded upon returning to Central Command. Minor Crimes: From time to time she is reprimanded by Central Command for using unnecessary verbal force on prisoners and hurting thier feelings. Prior to being employed on the NSS Cyberaid she has various counts of vandalism, petty theft, trespassing, and battery. [Clearance: Security] There is evidence that suggest that, despite her loyalty to Nanotrasen, she has been working for the Syndicate from time to time. It is believed they are forcing her to work using some sort of leverage they have over her. When questioned she appears uneasy yet conveys that nothing is out of the ordinary. NT continues investigating. Medical Records: Father: Negeroth Vega (2497-2540) Mother: Kraesha Vega (2499-2529) Siblings: Zeke Vega (2520-present) Organs: Mechanical Heart Family has an irreversible genetic defect that can cause them to suffer from sudden and severe heart failure. The only solution with current technology is to replace the organic heart with a mechanical one. Various other "Personnel Photos" As Head of Security HOS portrait Tetris Vegan (this represents how I feel like I look when I get in a stupid argument on the forums)
    1 point
  10. So I've been seeing a lot of new Representative's recently, but not a lot going on of them actively doing their job in which they picked. So I thought I'd make a guide to go over everything. In this guide: I'll be going over the following in no particular order. Your Office Your Equipment Your task Writing Formats Standard Operating Procedures Your Office. Your equipment. Your Task Writing Formats Standard Operating Procedures
    1 point
  11. I've got 3 characters I've been running through: Cody Ward, Henry Drake, and Ash Ryder. I've been on the server a few months now. Still lots to learn. Not very robust yet. You've probably seen me around. I've been trying out Detective and have gotten IA many times recently. Cody Ward is my go to for service jobs. Drake for security, and Ryder for science and mad. I've introduced Corgianity and Caffenism. Books are in the library. Well, that's about it. I guess I'll see you all online.
    1 point
  12. Good Evening I have recently discovered that Medical cyborgs, when emagged or hacked, still contain the poly-acid spray from old code and said spray is non-functioning. My suggestion is to replace the non-functioning poly-acid with something like Ketamine being produced in their medical injector. Baring this, since I'm aware that some players absolutely despise sleepy pens, I'd suggest something equal in strength to the old poly-acid
    1 point
  13. A frequent issue I see with engineering is their ability to creep into science and medical's domain using the tech storage. The construction area frequently gets filled with chem dispensers, cryotubes, R&D consoles, protolathes, mech fabricators, ect. I had a round not to long ago where me and the NTR investigated engineering after security found out engineering was producing their own mechs. We came in to find a set up such as the one previously mentioned. We both reviewed SOP, and found that there was nothing in SOP that would cover engineering building these machines. An addition to each SOP book that might help would be what duties, items, machines, actions, ect. that fall under a department's care. Better Security SOP on what to do with vampires and changelings would be appreciated. Does CC want them taken alive if possible, or should they go to the chopping block no matter what? An amendment to LSOP on brigging procedures saying when to use processing would be nice. A huge problem with security is processing glut, as officers will bring prisoners with simple crimes into processing, so they can stare at them in a chair for ten minutes. There seems to be an idea that all prisoners must go through processing, and that taking a prisoner directly to their cell to process them there is against SOP. This is wrong of course, but it does highlight a problem with LSOP. I think the processing process should be more strictly defined, especially when it comes to the use of the processing room. I would actually be in favor of removing any mention of the processing room when it comes to brigging, as I think it creates the idea that processing must be used. Frequently, prisoners who actually should be held in processing for up to ten minutes while the evidence rolls in, aren't in the brig with a confirmed crime. It's for people like suspected vampires, alleged fights or thefts, breaking into places but no definitive proof yet, ect. No one uses civil disputes. We don't have xenoarchology. We only have the research outpost so people can start cults there anyways, a feature I would love to see removed. Firing an assistant is like telling paint to dry. Nothing really changes. I'm in favor of making the IAA under the joint responsibility of the Magistrate and NTR, considering the amount of overlap that the IAA has.
    1 point
  14. One thing that I generally notice... Geneticists never follow their SoP. Actually, most engineers don't either. They'll just grab their tools, a hardsuit, and go start on random crap.
    1 point
  15. yeah, usually when I stop people making cablecuffs in maints on green alert they tell me to piss off... sad story
    1 point
  16. @ZN23X I tend to do that the more and more the person wants to be a little shit and try to test my patience. @Nethlafin Nope. The best part of knowing SoP and Space Law etc, is that you can do this without having an admin bwoinking you if you are smart enough. Unless the shitter salts to the admins.
    1 point
  17. I would go a step further than that, "SOP should not be looked at in a vacuum, and context should always be considered. Failure to do so is punishable by demotion" though the second part would only be necessary for command and security SoP as those are the most often broken.
    1 point
  18. Firstly, thanks for opening this. For me SoP is actually quite fine as is, as far as the rules go. But there is one problem I have noticed in game. The forward. In particular I have seen this time and time again, as an excuse to keep terrible harmbattoning HoS's and vacant HoP's in there roles. The forward of command SoP in particular removes the teeth of SoP and in most situations stops it from being followed. In my opinion SoP should be STANDARD and in its current state, it is anything but that.
    1 point
  19. A Quick google search found nothing but horror
    1 point
  20. I'm okay with SoP in current state as long as captain (or others) can actually effing enforce it IC without OOC consequences that is including brig time and/or firing Otherwise it is just guidelines and not actual SoP
    1 point
  21. Isn't SS13 already a casserole of stuff taken from various sci-fi entities? You could argue the "people will just green text/valid hunt" with literally any type of antag, whether it's already in the game or not. That's not a problem with what the antags are capable of, it's a player behaviour problem. There is probably some garbage independent film somewhere but I'VE never heard of space werewolves before...so it would be unique in that regard We can shape the lore in whatever fashion we want. Hell just like terror spiders, it can be a biological weapon created by the Syndicate.
    1 point
  22. Melody Meadows and (Heretic's) Cherry Bomb are two wine moms, they come together after work spending time with each-other chatting and drinking wine Keyreehee's love in the world are shinies, And maybe she tries to eat them
    1 point
  23. Yeah many of the other servers have already moved over to a stamina model. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but maybe I'll spend a week on one of those servers, get a feel for it, and port what I like about the system.
    1 point
  24. Not only not briggable but literally cannot even be confiscated because they are such low level contraband. (I don't even check for no slip shoes because of this) As I've said in previous posts, it sounds like alot of the problem is traitors getting caught with the "standard equipment" that many traitors purchase due to lost cost and effectiveness. Radio chip, emag, agent ID. Easy come easy go. Be aware of the consequences or being caught with whatever contraband you are carrying and weigh the risk. This would make less people spend the entire match walking around with an emag in their inventory, unless they are equipped for a fight to the death when they are potentially caught.
    1 point
  25. I just typed up essentially this same thing then saw Twin beat me to it. Just make disarm act like a physical disabled beam from an energy gun (I'd say make it WEAKER than this per hit, but same concept.) I don't know if low stamina makes you drop items (prior to knockdown) but it obviously knocks you down eventually. This just also makes sense realistically because generally anyone with a weapon in their hand should be superior to someone with no weapon, unless you are some sort of martial arts master or something. This would make weapons more...important...and benefic sec and antags alike. Sec won't have to worry about walking around with their gun drawn at code red because some civilian might want to "teach them a lesson" by disarming them. Nuke ops with a esword won't have to worry about an assistant pushing then over and slaying them with their own weapon. Removing RNG disarm would eliminate what is probably the most abused combat mechanic by people who want to be shitters. Anyone who is mad about it being changed to something more measured is probably one of the people who enjoys being shitters. Nobody cares what you think because you just enjoy trolling people to satisfy your teenage angst anyways. Go play Call of Duty and scream expletives at your fellow degenerates ...and you are correct...when your stamina is drained, currently the health UI will go yellow and red as if you are damaged, but it recovers quickly once the stamina damage stops. Though...be careful what you wish for. Right now it's annoying when people spam disarm due to the knockdown and item drop. I can just imagine greytide intentionally spamming disarm to make people just trying to get from A to B move slower or just to "lock down" someone to be an ass. Much like a clown that keeps dragging someone on and off a banana.
    1 point
  26. THIS...ASAP...PLEASE AND THANK YOU! https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7025 My favorite part is the fact that processing isn't directly next to the lobby so when the text log is already flooded from a crowded processing room we also don't have noise from the lobby. I'm okay with the separated cells. You rarely need more than 3 at a time and I imagine most Warden's will opt to use the cells closer to processing. I also like that if you want to break someone out you HAVE to do it from the lobby instead of the hallway that is rarely used leading to the courtroom in the current design. The fuzzy cuffs and ballgag being in the same wall saves some work too. Would it be difficult to add a defib to brigbay?
    1 point
  27. I have to disagree that paranoia and fear is tied to the ability to be easily revived from cloning or dying in a sense. Its more of what SS13 in general of what it is. Everyone already knows that there is going to be chaos in almost every round. I would try to backup this claim when playing as a security officer almost many times in a row. A lot of players who play sec have no chill and are always looking to find out who the antags are. The "I'm going to maintenance, If I scream then I'm probably dead" is the most annoying shit and very cringy to see on chat. They are basically not afraid to wander around maintenance just to die pretty much. Now the debate on whether or not removing cloning would make a difference on player mentality is something no one can predict. All we can do is assume unless its already been done before. Its the matter on how we change the awareness of how the game treats death that will affect the way the game is played.
    1 point
  28. This is a policy on stations like Aurora, but there's actually no official position, as far as I know, about whether every shift is canon and how many shifts occur between every played shift. I think it's better for RP in general if we didn't think we were gonna be dying all the time, because only the bravest of people would continue walking into their deaths over and over again. Also, there'd be no reason not to be fully armed up at all times if the station were really that deadly. Code green wouldn't make much sense if every shift, a crisis happened and 1/5 of the people died. I like to think that a bunch of normal shifts happen between every played shift, making life less horrifying for these people repeatedly working on the station. Also, dying is traumatic regardless of how easy revival is. Organics have an innate fear of death and pain built in. It only makes sense for synthetics to not really care that much about dying. Even if I knew I had a high chance of being revived if I were brutally murdered and decapitated, I'd still be really scared of that happening. I feel like people would actually develop severe PTSD from dying repeatedly, rather than death being easier as time goes on.
    1 point
  29. This, pretty much. Also, you have people who are solidly medium roleplay and are annoyed at things both the higher and lower RPers engage in. This is a concept that probably isn't ever going to change, unless we choose to go fully one direction or another. As for "well, it's obvious they're powergamers because they're overly paranoid or don't take the cloning process/dying seriously." I Kinda object to this notion. While I can understand not liking that behavior, I think this is an example of "not liking something and using roleplay as a false justification to stamp out said behavior". Much like any roleplay game, such as D&D, there's established paradigms and "laws of physics" within that universe. For SS13, there's a few things that are very clearly established. For one, cloning is available, doesn't cost anything from your paycheck, and is viable----for another, souls do exist and this fact is only going to be more cemented into Para, going forward (ie: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/5890). Given these two fact, it's fairly logical that people treat death in a nonchalant; dying is going to hurt, sure, but the fact that you are the same person you died as and the fact that "revival is cheap", well, it's going to absolutely cause people to behave differently. Again, I can understand if some people don't like this, but to say that "remembering everything and treating death as trivial is bad roleplay", I would argue, is patently false. On that similar line, due to the fact that shifts are, in some form and light, interconnected, it's also fairly reasonable that characters invariably would become paranoid over time. Not a day goes by without at least 15-20 crewmembers dying, someone shooting up medbay, nuke ops attempting to bomb the station, or aliens trying to dissect you. The frequency of this events happening is extremely high, to say the least. Due to the frequency of these events and the fact that all shifts are interconnected, again, it's only logical that, even from a roleplay perspective, people become paranoid and defensive. Again, I'll repeat; I can understand if someone doesn't like those effects, but again, labeling this as "poor roleplay", comes across as playing D&D then complaining about the wizard using magic (because you don't personally like magic or the impacts it has on roleplay in said game). Now to get on to the main point. Removal of revival methods is only going to further serve to entrench paranoid behavior. Recall that I said that "revival is cheap", earlier; note that I didn't say "death was cheap", because in SS13 death is very expensive; there's a lot of situations where you can die and be out of the game for the next hour (or more). Making revival more "expensive" is going to make death more "expensive", which means people are going to do even more to avoid it, which will include paranoid/overly-suspecting behaviors. This is one reason why I don't think removing cloning is going to have the impact suggested; it's going to make players more paranoid than they already are (and thus going even further in their mechanical proceedings to stay alive) while simultaneously making revival even more expensive. The latter of which, I don't think is needed; as pointed out, death is already extremely expensive in SS13--it makes sense that if is easy to come by and you're likely to stay that way, that if you are under the circumstances to be found, revival should probably be a little bit easier. It's a way of keeping players active and engaged in a game that is a 2 hour slog between rounds. So, at the end of the day, I don't think removal of cloning is going to have nearly the "positive" impact on roleplay as some think; it ultimately requires a very very strict ruleset to address all the behaviors associated with it which are often illogically contradictory in nature (ie: cross round relationships/friendships are allowed, but experiences and events around the relationship are not), as seen on stations like Polaris or Bay. This is an insane level of administrative involvement that isn't going to happen on Paradise because of how taxing and time-involved it is, not to mention, the idea of "feigning stupidity" in a lot of situations isn't too popular with the majority of the community (or admins), either.
    1 point
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