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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2017 in all areas

  1. So we have vampires, why not werewolves. Probably been asked before but hey i had a fun idea. Background- An unknown infection that has been known to turn people into a bloodthirsty beast at the turn of a lunar cycle. The beast known as a werewolve is strong fast and has a ferocious unpredictable nature.they are also known to crave the hearts of their prey. The infected have little control of themselves and will turn on even their best friend in a violent rampage. Survivors of an attack will eventually turn into the beast themselves. Mechanics- One member of the crew is infected. The goal is to consume x amount of hearts and escape. The werewolve is faster than the crew and has a deadly melee attack. Will take damage and be slowed down but will rengenerate over time. can only be killed for good with high amounts of silver. I had 2 ideas for the trigger for transforming. Timer: a set time that the player doesnt see but gets prompts before transforming e.x. "your heart races" "you feel hot" "your body hurts" and stays transformed for a duration of time before reverting. Solar: pair it with the solar movement so during a northern aspect they transform and any other time they are human. (Unsure how long a solar cycle is) Eating: make consume heart a grab action that takes a while. Target must be deceased first. Infection: Attacking another player spreads the infection. They slowly will get sick and eventually turn. However werewolves aren't friendly and will attack each other like anyone else on site. Option for a cure: a high dose of silver within a certain time of the infection. Gameplay: Most of the gameplay is hiding your infection from others and making sure you dont get seen transforming. Other players will see your later stages of transformation "x begins to shake" While transformed you run faster than normal. have a strong brute attack and see in the dark. When in normal form you are vulnerable but can still only be killed by silver and will not be able to consume hearts. Security play a similar manhunt style to a vampire/ changeling. They are easily killed by silver but will only be slowed down and damaged by other means.
    1 point
  2. Agree with everything else but this, there -are- a few things drones can't drag that are sometimes needed. Materials being one. If, as a drone, I am responding to a call to repair an explosion site, I cannot in anyway, shape or form, move the plasteel into a spot engineers can reclaim it to reinforce the walls or to just take the plasteel. Nor can I move the excess metal around, if I am at or above 50 Metal sheets in my stack. I know it's because "But Drones will yakkity sax away with vital materials and be a general shit-head" But isn't this also why the Drone console exists to remotely explode/shutdone drones that are being fuck heads? And if a drone is dismantling that, while not e-magged that'd be a huge A-helpable red flag, no?
    1 point
  3. Maybe instead of having different game modes and listing them at the start of the round, it would say possible antags and spawn a selection based on population, which would make every round even more unique while making meta-ing even harder. Plus, we could also get non-antag special roles, like maybe a real nuclear inspection team.
    1 point
  4. I think if this would happen, I would actually want to see vox raiders/pirates in rotation.
    1 point
  5. I like the idea of a mix of more antags in all rounds to make it less predictable. Give me a round with a vamp, a ling, a cult, a handful of traitors, AND vox raiders. Chaos ensues!
    1 point
  6. One way to possibly solve the one changeling dieing super fast is to have them supplemented with other antags, namely traitors, although I wouldn't mind seeing cult vs changeling.
    1 point
  7. Yes, you are the cancer that is killing us I mean no, but yeah I play a lot probably a lot more than I should and imagine a lot of it comes down to just being around to roll more dice. Assuming Byond isn't self aware yet that's all it is. My advice to you would be to hop around different perhaps more fast paced servers every once in a while when you're ghosted or something, just to get a taste of their mechanics and maybe roll more dice.
    1 point
  8. It's not hard to learn the thing. I am learning to become a programmer, and I encourage you to try yourself in it. But BYOND code keeps scaring me. Every time I try to learn it, I get scared away pretty fast.
    1 point
  9. We actually had almost exactly this come up in game a while ago (one year? more than that, maybe just under 2) when we temporally switched to a halloss or something system where all stuns worked like disablers, ie: like you'd expect a shocky stick to actually work. @Spacemanspark was around then and probably well remembers the salt threads. The net result was stuns were more difficult to actually get but lasted longer and were generally more debilitating if you actually managed to get there, albeit due to how it worked was incredibly easy to cheese with certain tactics/chems (TABLES) but made for better combat flow overall IMO, though as you can imagine fans of the golden bolt weren't too happy. Eventually enough fuss was kicked up and a plebiscite happened, naturally the shitty compromise option came out on top and we've been stick with it ever since. If people are really after a new stun system don't get your hopes up, bear in mind everything would need rebalancing due to how stun being king has shaped the balance of nigh everything since. That and the powers that be love love winsticks for some reason.
    1 point
  10. The only thing I feel at all qualified to comment on is medical (And Brig Doc), so I'll give my thoughts there. I think overall the SoP is pretty solid, but I have some suggestions. Medical Syringe guns are not permitted to be carried without express permission from the CMO, or by security to forcibly remove genetic powers from hostile forces. There is no reason a doctor should be swiping these at the start of the shift. Basically none of the nasty shit like terror spiders or Xenos process reagents which makes syringe guns useless against them. The only legitimate use is stopping a hostile Hulk or antag with genetic powers. That isn't an issue on a majority of shifts and even it it is, just give the gun to security, it's their problem. Removing surgery tools from the ORs is theft, unless another set of tool is already present. This does not apply if the CMO gives permission to remove them, or the ORs are compromised and the tools must be moved to a safe location. Occasionally you get surgeons who want to defend their titles by keeping the tools on them at all times, even when they step out of the OR. This is selfish, and in an emergency could get someone killed. This is somewhat covered in space law which states removing things from their departments without permission is theft even if you have access, but this clarifies it. The Brig Physician is permitted access to Medical comms, unless otherwise objected to by the CMO. The Brig Physician may request leave from the Head of Security (or Warden if no HoS is present) to assist Medbay in an emergency. While operating in this capacity, the Brig Physician must follow all SoP for Medical Doctors, and any issues involving treatment of patients within Medbay falls under the discretion of the CMO, rather than than the HoS. I feel like Brig Physician is already kind of an unofficial member of Medical since they often swipe a medical headset and are active on medical comms. I've never heard anyone have a problem with this and I actually like having a direct line to security as an MD. This just sets guidelines for how the overlap of the two departments should be handled. CMO The CMO is required to secure both syringe guns at the beginning of their shift. See the rant above on Syringe guns. MDs shouldn't have them, so the CMO should be securing them. If they don't, given how high traffic Medbay is, they will by stolen fairly early into the shift. 2. The Chief Medical Officer is permitted to carry a telescopic baton. In case Genetic Powers need to be forcefully removed, they are cleared to carry a Syringe Gun I would remove this. I feel like this is basically saying the CMO is allowed to go antag hunting as long as it's a hulk. Instead, they should be giving the syringe guns to security for them to deal with it. There's also no reason to add them being permitted to carry a baton into the SoP, as this is pretty obvious and is not mentioned in any other head's SoP. The CMO is to ensure the cloner is stocked with biomass, and the medicine storage fridge is stocked with needed chemicals by thirty (30) minutes into the shift. If this is not done, the CMO is to take immediate action to ensure this is remedied. The CMO is to ensure both operating rooms are maintained in proper condition, and stocked with all tools a surgeon would require to perform surgery. The big 3 for CMOs are: Drugs in the fridge, Biomass in the cloner, Tools in the ORs. These are the problems the CMO should be looking for and fixing, so they should be stressed in the SoP. Medical Doctor 2. Nurses should focus on helping Medical Doctors and Surgeons in whatever they require, and tending to patients that require light care. If necessary, they can stand in for regular Medical Doctor duties; 3. Surgeons are expected to fulfill the duties of regular Medical Doctors if there are no active Surgical Procedures undergoing; This could be clarified as: Nurse, Surgeon and Coroner denote preference or specialty, but all titles are still Medical Doctors and required to treat patients in all areas when necessary, as well as following all Medical Doctor SoP. That's a catch all that handles it more simply and rolls coroners in. If a surgeon is present and unoccupied in an operating room, incoming patients to surgery should be transferred to their custody. If no surgeon is present or available, the Doctor who admitted the patient may perform the surgery themselves. This is just courtesy, but I feel it should be in the SoP. If a surgeon is waiting in an OR I'll always give the patient over to them to treat. This way they won't have to steal the damn tools, too. If a patent is being attended to, another Doctor may not take custody of that patient unless the attending doctor chooses to transfer custody. I don't know why this is but some of you doctors (not naming names, but you know who you are) have a tendency to just grab people who are being treated and pull them away. Sometimes it's a mass of bodies and it's hard to tell but I've had doctors do this on patients I'm clearly actively treating, while I'm applying medication or injecting them. I've had doctors pull awaly people I'm prepping for SR and throw them into cloning or even drag away toxin damage patients to throw them into un-upgraded sleepers. It's really annoying. I understand you may have a different treatment preference but let's not play tug of war with the patients. Geneticist Cloning is to take priority over genetic experimentation in all cases. I thought this actually WAS in the SoP, but now that I'm reading it over, I can't find it. I think it might be on the job page or genetics guide. Brig Physician The brig physician must obtain permission from the CMO (if one is present) before removing any equipment from Medbay. It's only polite to ask. 99% of the time the CMO will have no problem with the Brig Physician taking the scanner or even a defib, but they should be asking and ultimately it's the CMO's call. Sometimes things get blown up or stolen and there can be shortages. In the event of a harmful viral outbreak, the Brig Physician is required to ensure a suitable supply of cure for the virus is stored in the Brig bay and available to security. If a vaccine is developed, the Brig Physician is responsible for ensuring all members of security are vaccinated. In the event of an infected prisoner, the Brig Physician must provide the cure to the infected prisoner on request if a cure is available. If the viral pathogen is airborne or spreads by contact, all infected prisoners are to be cured, and all non-infected prisoners are to be vaccinated, if possible. Prisoners may not refuse to be vaccinated or cured of any harmful virus that is airborne or spreads via contact. Some logical rules regarding viral outbreak for the Brig Physician, most of which good Brig Physicians will be doing anyway. There's nothing in SOP that says you have to cure infected prisoners but reducing the number of people who can spread an airborne or contact virus, even against their own will, just makes sense.
    1 point
  11. My personal thoughts on SOP: First, there should be tiers of SOP. The first tier isn't really SOP, but instead job specific regulations. These regulations are portions which MUST be followed, or punishable by demotion/brig time. These are items with VERY serious implications if not followed. Production of combat mechs, for example, which are not turned into the armory, creating dual+ engines in engineering, or use of contraband. These would be things that require the relevant head of staff's/captain's WRITTEN APPROVAL to make an exception for, if it were even allowed by regulations period. They would get their own crime and punishments written right there in the regulations (brig time, demotion, community service would be examples), and make an entry in space law that mandatory regulations may have their own penalties. NOTE: Mandatory regulations would essentially be like space law. These are only a few things which, if not followed, present a MAJOR hazard to the station and crew. Mandatory regulations should be kept to a reasonable minimum and and only be written for extreme cases. The reason these aren't thrown in with the rest of space law, is it could result in a huge amount of space law bloat. It would be better to put these in with job specific information while sec continues to be concerned with general criminal activity. Then, there's SOP which is *recommended*. Engineering backup power generation methods, for example, are *recommended*. Example: solars and turbine are backup when the engine is running ('backup' could be anything the CE decides, like if it's a solars only station and turbine is brought online). However, I do not believe these should be enforceable, UNLESS events occur in which demonstrated incompetence occur (meaning, after the fact). For example, I don't bother with solars and turbines when I have an engine running. They actually make it more difficult for me to respond to power grid problems of way the grid works. I end up having to take extra steps to detect where the failure is as a result, instead of just following the discharging APCs along the station's grid backbone. I don't stop any engineers that volunteer, but I never do them myself as I can reroute power pretty damn fast and I don't like it when captains tell me to do them and don't listen to my reasoning when I recommend against it. Then there's actually optional SOP. This SOP is standardized suggestions for organizing departments. A head can ask their subordinate to reference it, instead of typing out a big long list of what they want done. But, the department could choose to deviate too. Delegating tasks to the medical front desk, for example, for minor injuries, while major ones are sent back to more specialized doctors, would be an example of optional SOP. The head of staff needs to be trusted to do the work too. Captain should not be micromanaging. I admit, the captain can still get involved, but it's *recommended* that they follow the proper channels (note that *recommended!*). Also, we need to change the SOP books that are in game. They need to reference the wiki. I think science robotics has some books that are a little out of date. Finally, fucks sake we need to address paperwork. People are inventing giant long forms which are becoming an increasing pain in the ass just because they can. That needs to stop. I'd like standardized paperwork forms and that's it. P.S. we really should put in space law WHY the punishments are so lenient in some cases. It really should explain that it's not meant to take an antag out of the round if they slip up on something minor. It's written around the idea of making it punishing for their mistake, but not round ending.
    1 point
  12. One thing that I generally notice... Geneticists never follow their SoP. Actually, most engineers don't either. They'll just grab their tools, a hardsuit, and go start on random crap.
    1 point
  13. ...as with most of the problems with the server...a behavioral problem that can most easily be corrected with better practice. I LOVE enforcing code red SOP. Greytide wandering around the halls with no ID at code red. HALT "Please display your ID" They run off. Chase. Tase. Cuff. "You can't arrest me, not wearing an ID isn't a crime, I can't be resisting arrest if I haven't committed a crime. SHITCURITY!" They cuss and scream the whole way to the brig, mocking me for not knowing how to do my job, for having bad aim, etc. "You are being arrested for failing to follow an officers orders at code red which is creating a work place hazard, that's ten minutes, and since you are being SO cooperative, let's give you another five for resisting and another five for being uncooperative. If you have a problem with that I can have IAA sit outside your cell and read space law and code red SOP to you." Not knowing what crime you are committing does not give you a free pass. They were arguing against getting a 5 minute sentence for resisting arrest, now they are in for 20 for being a smart ass...and I bet they won't run around at code red with no ID ever again. Tastes like victory. I guess the lesson here is, if you want to see SOP enforced and abided by, play roles that allow you to enforce SOP. Lead by example and others will start to follow suit.
    1 point
  14. Call it vulpkanin rabies
    1 point
  15. Hey, another idea totally not sprung up from another game. We should add perception to the game, making it so that we aren't able to see everything around us at all times. Certain species can have different fields of view and it would add a bit more depth to the game if we did such. It could cut down on people instantly IDing people who are tailing them, give people a reason to look before they leap in a sense, make combat more engaging and allow for more uniqueness to species. Unoriginal? Maybe. A good idea? I think so.
    1 point
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