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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2017 in all areas

  1. So, yeah, hi all i've been playing ss13 since january because one friend tough it was a good idea to introduce me to the game, he was wrong. I'm mostly known in the server for my Medicals/Surgery/Viro/Smoking in the medbay works. I play almost every single day and i can have a shitty grammar or problems to explain myself a little sometimes because i'm from Argentina boludos, so english is not my native language. I tough it was a good idea to say hi in the forums and be here more often. *squish
    3 points
  2. Not much of a story but well .. after a disastrous play as tator drone (tator cause I forgot to disable it in preferences) I decided to respawn as drone and figure out more about engineering and making stuff. Result? Maintenance drone made the cantina great again.
    3 points
  3. Currently Air Alarms have only a marginal effect on room temperature. The adjustable temperature has has a to low span and no impact at all, besides a very little pressure change. I would love to see that the temperature range you can set on air alarms has a larger range. A normal one from -30 °C to 60 °C. The Freezer Room -80 °C to +20 °C. The temperature changes should be feel-able by the people working there. At the moment it is no difference for humans and so on, if you have 10 or 30°C. They did not even notice there is a change at all. People should sweat over 35 ° and get a Heat shock and get sick. Also they should react to temps lower then 10 °C, they should get a cold. RP like this would be reptilian races should prefer warmer rooms around 20-40 if they have their own office the should be able to change that. Drask on the opposite should be able to create cool rooms for themselves. If you are extended to a temperature span your race is not build for and you have not the right equipment ( clothes, suits..) you should have drawbacks. Maybe hackable to produce really cold or hoter environments. A room with a temperature about 120 Degrees would not usable by normal means if not handled by a atmospheric tech. Maybe the Airalarms are prone to malfunctions. Even more work to do for engineers and atmospheric techs. All who state the our pipe distribution don´t deliver such temperature, i think it should be handled as a air conditioning system. They should act independent. Maybe colder and hoter temperatures require a higher energy amount to maintain ( faster apc depletion ).
    1 point
  4. Hey, i've been here for the past four months, i know this introduction is late, but hi. Im mike murdock, some nerd. you may know me by that name but i have many other characters.
    1 point
  5. So gas masks obfuscating vision? Sounds fine with me. I mean I have to wear a gas mask frequently IRL due to my job and I can tell you... its not a pleasant experience at all. While its not making you nearly blind it severly reduces your perception you have. Its like you have a much more narrow field of view. And the harder it is for you to breath when wearing one the harder it is for you to see. Also... lets talk about filters... IRL gas masks have filters... some filters are even highly specialized for certain envirements. For instance there are filters for biological hazards and filters for corrosives (Acid and Base Vapors, Mustard Gas etc). And then there are filters for toxins (Sarin, Tabun, HCN, HF (which is also fairly corrosive)). Heck we even have a specialized filter for Mercury compounds... Anyways depending what filter you use you either have less trouble breathing through the mask or more. The filters for neurotoxins for instance are in particular very nasty and hard to breath through. So if possible we could make the vision you loose when wearing a mask depending on the filter catridge being used (I think thats called sensory dulling). Also you would need to swap catridges depending on the situation. That means in terms that breath masks wont protect you (fully) from vapors, giving people a reason to put on a mask if a threat is there. Also Traitors (or shitters) could remove the filter catridge to only loose a little bit of their vision and insert it when its required. One last thing I experience personally whenever wearing a mask, some other people do too... when you wear one your hearing sense is impaired aswell in some way, probably has to do with the fact that your most important senses (vision and smelling) are severly hindered. Some people turn deafer when wearing a mask, some people get very sensitive to sounds. Really depends on the person.
    1 point
  6. Time for a drawing dump of my Skrell Zeke Varloss? Normally Zeke is just a friendly and charming guy, but I like to think how his personality would be like as a villain. So as a traitor being more of a James Bond villain, giving off hints he's a traitor maybe to go as far as telling his "evil plan" Then him as a Vampire, being a very hungry and blood thirsty. But having that Victorian vampire charm to him Which then lead me to drawing up some Vampire Zeke sketches Which lead me to do a full picture of vampire Zeke Maybe he should just stay as an alcoholic Bartender.
    1 point
  7. Melody Meadows and (Heretic's) Cherry Bomb are two wine moms, they come together after work spending time with each-other chatting and drinking wine Keyreehee's love in the world are shinies, And maybe she tries to eat them
    1 point
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