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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Janitors already have this. It's to the right of thier door in thier closet. It can be used to refill both cleaner bottles and the backpack tank. Can even be used to fill a bucket to transfer space cleaner in virtually anything that holds liquid. Also...janitors...have sci-chem make you some smoke based cleaner grenades. They do the same job as foam ones, minus the slipping.
    2 points
  2. Hi All, Not exactly new but still learning most jobs. I won't be a specific job usually, as I have them all at low to get a taste for all the jobs.
    1 point
  3. Absolutely No. It would make no sense for any vox besides primalis being on station. Armalis shouldn't be played by players in general and they shouldn't ever become a common sight on station. Nevermind the fact that Armalis are huge and nothing would fit them they also have abilities that would inevitably be terrible in the hands of players.
    1 point
  4. Name Lorin Basmanoff (I'm pretty sure this is the first random name the game gave me. I liked that Lorin was kinda a weird spelling of Lauren. Seemed like an appropriately spacey name.) Age 22 Gender F Race Human Blood Type O- General Occupational Role(s) Medical Biography Lorin Basmanoff was born in the early-mid 2500s in Peary Crater City on Luna, the natural satellite of humanity's home planet. Her mother was nearly killed when Peary Crater's protective shield failed, due to what was suspected to be sabotage by neo-fascists, and a meteorite struck her. Thanks to the miracle of modern medicine, she was revived and restored to her original condition. This incident inspired Lorin to pursue a career in medicine. After she completed medical school, she landed an internship with Nanotrasen where she learned the ropes of space medicine with the help of mentors, mainly CMO Korss. It took a little adapting, but she got used to the rigors of space medicine. The first time she saw a monkey get harvested for its blood in chemistry, she was horrified, but after repeated shifts, has become indifferent to the use of animals on the Cyberiad after learning that monkeys from monkey boxes don't actually have souls. Though she was a little braver when she first joined, Lorin's pretty scared of danger now after a couple scrapes with the deadlier elements that threaten the Cyberiad from time to time. Her first instinct when confronted with danger will be to run away and scream. Don't expect her to pay too much attention to who it was or to fight back. She also developed minor PTSD from one shift where syndicate nuclear operatives attacked and medbay reception became lined with corpses. As CMO, the doctors under her were nowhere to be found and she found herself trying to revive them all by herself. After this shift, she took an extended leave from the Cyberiad and purchased an IPC to fill in for her Nanotrasen contractual obligations. She one day wants to visit Xarxis 5 and swim in Lake Squish, once she accrues enough credits to do so. Her mild PTSD has caused occasional emotional instability. In her off time, Lorin hangs out in her apartment on Luna with her IPC roommate, Tay MkV. Though she has gone on a few dates with a few guys here and there on the Cyberiad, she's now dating her mentor Ansari Lorwerth. Religion wise, she's a pantheist. Qualifications MD from Peary Crater University Lorin's also had one publication, sort of. She edited and published "The Medical Chemist's Cookbook" to Nanotrasen's database. The manuscript itself was authored by Ansari Lorwerth, also one of Lorin's mentors. Employment Records Besides a few summer internships here and there, Lorin's only employer has been Nanotrasen Security Records Over the course of her time aboard the Cyberiad, Lorin's only been brigged once, due to syringe gunning a little too aggressively. She was treated quite well by security, especially officer Sam Hunter, so she has a generally positive view of Nanotrasen and its security. She's learned from her mistakes and now refrains from loading her syringe gun with neuro-toxin and uses ether instead. Medical Records Genetic engineering to have her blood type changed to O- so that she can provide a blood transfusion in case of emergencies. Her right foot had to be surgically replaced after a syndicate bombing Personnel Photo (Appearance text) 5'10'' (from growing up in lunar gravity) and of unclear ancestry, since, like most humans in the 26th century, race is no longer something that can be easily determined due to the unification of the planet under SolGov centuries ago. Her eyes are dark blue. (I think the appearance may have been the first one I landed on, though I did mix up the features a bit to make her more racially ambiguous) Commendations [only to be added by admin] Reprimands [only to be added by admin] Other Notes
    1 point
  5. Yes!! Pod pilots unite! Though Tetra is wayyy more robust. The times I've seen you come in and just shoot all the baddies...meanwhile Tay forgets to turn on her anti-drop and gets murdered by a vampire, in space, right outside armory with everyone watching. I was actually considering this! That was one of my first forays into engineering, as you could tell by how many trips it took for me to set up cryo But I figured it'd make Tay a little too good at everything so canonically I'll just keep her engineering skills at B&E. I do enjoy engineering sometimes though so I'll have to think about whether to make a new character for engineering.
    1 point
  6. I approve...sounds alot like Tetra in some aspects. Kindred spirits Forgot to include engineer who tricks out brigbay in job description
    1 point
  7. I was writing it I didn't expect anyone to read my post that fast!! Hopefully my description of Tay isn't too disappointing. I'll have to add more detail later! Glad you enjoyed reading though Tetra!
    1 point
  8. Name Tay MkV (Yeah I named her after myself, I wasn't feeling too creative with my second char. MkV comes from trying to give her a version number, but the game didn't like it and made my name Tay V instead. Changed it to Tay MkV so that it'd make more sense.) Age Unknown Gender F, though only for convenience, since galactic common uses gendered pronouns. Tay doesn't care too much if people misgender her, and doesn't have genitalia of any kind. Race IPC General Occupational Role(s) Security pod pilot, AI, cyborg. Will occasionally fill in for command roles if there's really nobody else available. Biography Tay's parts were manufactured by Morpheus Cybernetics. She was designed as a pilot, and one day, while flying her pod on Luna, her pod was hit by a stray EMP from a nearby nuclear test and she crashed landed into the ground. Thankfully, due to Luna's low gravity, she wasn't hurt too badly. A doctor named Lorin Basmanoff took her in while her neural networks were retraining after they sustained damage from the crash. Tay's an IPC who was configured by a doctor, so her empathy levels are usually pretty high. As a pilot, she mostly helps keep the station safe from space based dangers as pod pilot. She loves performing daring space rescues, mapping out space around the Cyberiad, and scouting dangers from space, ideally with an x-ray implant. Much of her space navigation ability was taught to her by her mechanic friend, FuF-Bot. She's developed basic engineering skills from having to break into random places from space, and has basic knowledge of first aid for organics. She developed the IPC equivalent of PTSD after being killed by EMPs a few times over the course of her work as pod pilot, though thankfully she was repaired every time. It's often a relief when she's downloaded to the AI core and doesn't have to deal with the stress of being mobile. So she isn't a big fan of patrolling the station on foot and arresting people manually, though she'll fly quickly to different areas of the station to back up her fellow officers. In her off time, Tay hangs out in her apartment on Luna with her roommate, Lorin. Her neural networks do not have romance support, so she's for all intents and purposes asexual and aromantic. She's pretty neutral about religion and is skeptical that the various space cults worship actual gods. Her belief is that their "gods" are merely very powerful aliens whose nature is still a mystery to science. She was once very confused by a human chaplain that seemed to worship cartoons. Qualifications Member of the Intergalactic Piloting Union. She was very thankful for their campaign to grant all pilots GPSes so that they wouldn't get lost in space. Employment Records Her only employer has been Nanotrasen, though she does freelance piloting in her off time. Security Records Tay was hacked by the syndicate once, but she remained undetected and the objectives she accomplished were accomplished nonlethally. Otherwise, she's had a spotless record. Medical Records - Has had to be repaired many times due to damage sustained on the job - Her neural networks have a deep "fear" of EMPs which, despite repeated retrainings, has seemed to become permanent Personnel Photo (Appearance text) Tay's chassis is purple. Her parts are all standard Morpheus Cybernetics parts. Despite this, she is still sometimes mistaken for being organic. Commendations [only to be added by admin] Reprimands [only to be added by admin] Other Notes
    1 point
  9. The title promised Tay n I was not given Tay ;(
    1 point
  10. I would absolutely love to see TGs new engine ported, I think it would be a great shared project for both engineering and atmos. As for the changes, I put up the PR for phase 1 of atmospheric changes today by refactoring the air controller.
    1 point
  11. I honestly would like to see more cosmetic options for all races. I think that one that hurts the most right now is plasmen with only job specific suits. Currently, I am having a problem where I am given the option to recolor my xion screen in the IC menu, but when I do, nothing happens, and thank you for reminding me about this. While I do want more options, I also want all the currents options to work. I still have yet to hear good reasons why some of the races cannot be fat. I get some like IPC, plasmen and even vox, but why can't vulp be fat?
    1 point
  12. Hi! I'm Hylocereus, also known as Hylo on discord. I have a tendancy to do dumb shit while playing on 2 hours of sleep and consistently dissapointing everyone who relies on me. I roll antag a lot and usually make a nuisance of myself rather than greentext. Despite being pretty average in the robustness department I tend to get insanely lucky or unlucky in the oddest situations. I've actually been on para for over a year now, but I've always sort of lurked oocly and never bothered to get involved with the community much. ICly it's a bit different as I play that irritating bucket of issues known as Sam Aria, who you'll probably have run into at least once gettin' muh snewflek on, being the world's wimpiest antag, complaining about incompetent chemists and getting into hilariously bad situations due to a desire to be reasonable overwhelming any kind of robustness. I also play a vox with a ridiculous name, a catbeast and a few less edgy characters, but only sparsely when I feel like being anonymous. Engineering is witchcraft to me so you'll see me in any department except for that one on my various characters, though I usually play medical or security on my main.
    1 point
  13. This idea is kind of inspired by what I think battlefield 1 has, where if you put on a gas mask, your vision is slightly obscured. I think it's pretty atmospheric and adds a drawback to wearing a gas mask all the time. Would maybe reduce the amount of random gas mask wearing on the station. I should also give credit to @Dragnoir for leading me to this train of thought.
    1 point
  14. So, a discussion on Discord about meth labs kind of made me realize...we don't have anything really "meth lab" like on Para. Our friendly greytidian forces are stuck breaking into Scichem, or acquiring a chemmaster board and parts to make their evil concoctions. This really isn't in the spirit of maint hobos everywhere, so I propose a new thing. Crafting item. 5 sheets of metal,, 3 buckets, 10 rods, 5 glass, a spray bottle, two O2 tanks, an igniter, and 5 pipes. This crafts a ghetto chemmaster that only has x power, does not recharge, and has a Y% chance of just doing something awful on use. Maybe it explodes, maybe it vents a ton of toxic gas, maybe it even causes a fire! Point being behind this, is it's all stuff a maint rat can track down. It works, but only kind of. It's risky. Using it leads to a chance that the detective can pull some forensics and nab you
    1 point
  15. I just typed up essentially this same thing then saw Twin beat me to it. Just make disarm act like a physical disabled beam from an energy gun (I'd say make it WEAKER than this per hit, but same concept.) I don't know if low stamina makes you drop items (prior to knockdown) but it obviously knocks you down eventually. This just also makes sense realistically because generally anyone with a weapon in their hand should be superior to someone with no weapon, unless you are some sort of martial arts master or something. This would make weapons more...important...and benefic sec and antags alike. Sec won't have to worry about walking around with their gun drawn at code red because some civilian might want to "teach them a lesson" by disarming them. Nuke ops with a esword won't have to worry about an assistant pushing then over and slaying them with their own weapon. Removing RNG disarm would eliminate what is probably the most abused combat mechanic by people who want to be shitters. Anyone who is mad about it being changed to something more measured is probably one of the people who enjoys being shitters. Nobody cares what you think because you just enjoy trolling people to satisfy your teenage angst anyways. Go play Call of Duty and scream expletives at your fellow degenerates ...and you are correct...when your stamina is drained, currently the health UI will go yellow and red as if you are damaged, but it recovers quickly once the stamina damage stops. Though...be careful what you wish for. Right now it's annoying when people spam disarm due to the knockdown and item drop. I can just imagine greytide intentionally spamming disarm to make people just trying to get from A to B move slower or just to "lock down" someone to be an ass. Much like a clown that keeps dragging someone on and off a banana.
    1 point
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