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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2017 in all areas

  1. The idea: Allow the HoP to bold certain job titles for late joiners, to encourage them to pick that job over another. The details: Simple addition to the job slot page of the HoP console. All it does is bold the job you want to encourage people to join with. IC reasoning is the HoP is telling Centcomm to prioritise which roles you could really do with hiring/transfering aboard Use cases: A need for a trial. Bolding Magistrate... Magistrate players would love to be given something to actually do, and in half of the round types (blob/nukies etc) they are entirely superfluous Chief engineer let the engine loose? Got fired? Half of the Engineering team are cultists? Syndie macro bombs all over the show? Bold Engineer. Security Officer. Oh god, we need more officers. *sounds of toolboxes in the distance* FAQs Doesn't this effectively enable meta comms in what is needed? Yes, but realistically NT would/should be able to prioritise hiring, so I don't think thats a bad thing at all. Won't a HoP open a hundred clown slots and bold clown? And unless they get hijack, that is a bannable offense... and if they are hijackers... overloading the station with clowns is a valid tactic... CLOWN We never have any job slots anyway, whats the point? For half the day, we aren't at high pop, and there are indeed multiple job slots open. Also, there are umpteen job slot PR's in the works or already on github. ------------ Thoughts?
    2 points
  2. I do this already. But it would be nice if the sterilizyne actually worked, perhaps with a special effect of some kind? It would be nice, for example, to have a dispenser of said substance in the OR rooms, similar to the cleaner dispenser in the janitorial closet. Perhaps with an extra strong effect? Removes colors from tiles, or something, which results in white (surgery/medbay) tiles? It's not important, it's well.. roleplay. And I just think sometimes a little thing can be a fine addition, even if it seems insignificant. Though I must admit that I find the game/code brilliant already as is.
    2 points
  3. There are some issues with the user interface I keep running into no matter my role that I'd love to be looked at. I'm not sure how possible it is to fix them, so I'd appreciate some feedback from coders who work a lot with NanoUI and the BYOND UI in general. NanoUI windows that vertically scroll hide the 'title bar' when you scroll down, making the windows immovable until you scroll back up. NanoUI windows (particularly ones that vertically scroll) will often try to remember their position when re-opened in such a way that moves them above your screen. At this point they can only be moved back onscreen using the Alt+Space shortcut and then going to move mode and doing the arrow keys to move the window downward. When a window spawns a standard grey prompt box twice in a row (such as in the Character Customization screen) the first grey box loses focus, and the second and proceeding grey boxes never receive focus, and instead keep appearing behind the window. This will happen a lot with latency where you're not sure if the server registered your click and so do you do it again, and then you end up with a bunch of the same grey boxes behind the window. NanoUI windows that are meant to continuously update do not provide any feedback when they stop continuously updating - happens a lot with the handheld crew monitor and it is difficult to know when is causing them to stop updating when they don't give you said feedback. (This one is likely something that can't be fixed but I'll just throw it out there) Often when I send a message, it will not appear in my chatbox. Sometimes other people see it, sometimes they don't. Karma no longer has its own special tab and was instead moved to OOC, leading to the verbs getting used a lot less, particularly by new players. Awarding Karma is a very annoying process, oftentimes leading to situations where you can't award karma to who you want to award karma to due to safeguards that prevent people from metagaming. It would be nice if these safeguards could be lifted when the escape shuttle departs the station, or at the very least, when the round is over.
    1 point
  4. Aaaaah I see! Yeah we've already got some ss13 people who are play testing the game, I can't wait to get it out in early access
    1 point
  5. So, the thing is, that we should add a brothel area to service divison, along with a new job which one can unlock with 69 karma. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Imagine all the ERP possibilities!
    1 point
  6. This has conflicts when building a TEG. At least in my perspective, it seems that way.
    1 point
  7. I'm not necessarily against this, but I just want to say that all you need to make unlimited vaccine is cure a single person (or monkey), then put a sample of their blood into the PANDEMIC and press a single button. It's never going to be hard to cure mass amounts of people with the current system.
    1 point
  8. And if those shadowlings are sexy ascendants. :3c So here's some more of him
    1 point
  9. So there I am last night, Chief Engineer again with a pretty good crew. Which is good, because the order comes down from CentCom: build the dreaded Bluespace Artillery. We swing into gear, making RCDs for everyone and building a room south of Secure Storage to hold our science project. Takes us quite a while, mainly due to lack of Bluespace crystrals, and meanwhile there's apparently vampires on the station. Whatever. Between the BSA project and the inevitable hull breaches I'm way too busy to care about a few bloodsuckers. Most of the station, however, does not share my opinion- after the Captain and HoS decide to parole the captured vampires there was a great hue and cry, with the Chaplain leading the call for a crusade against the bloodsuckers and preaching hellfire and damnation over the radio. About this time we finish the artillery and I go looking for a GPS to test-fire it, which takes waaaay longer than it should have. In the meantime, the admins decide, in the spirit of jolly fun, to declare that nobody will be punished OOC for participating in the Crusade. Cue, of course, a lynch mob making its way towards the Brig- either the vampire never actually got paroled, or he was in protective custody there. About that time I finally get the GPS out into the Toxins testing area and get clear. My second, Reyes, and I have the following conversation over the radio: CE: "Okay, lock on to the GPS called FIRE." Reyes: "...I'm at the console. It's already been fired." CE: "Wait, by who? At what?" (Someone on common): THE BRIG JUST BLEW UP!!! Random, mild mannered mechanic: DEUS VULT, BROTHERS! CE & Eng, and whole department: Shit. Utter fucking chaos ensues. We run to the BSA with murder in our eyes, find it empty, then run to the brig to try to fix it, while the station command structure tries to find out who's dead and who's alive. The other vampire is running for his life, the mob is still baying for blood, and the only good part of the whole picture was that the Chaplain seemed to have been caught in the BSA blast. We're trying to patch things up when a voice comes over Engi coms: Unknown(Engineering): Thanks for leaving secure storage open, brothers. Whole department: SHIT! This time he got Medbay. Like, all of it. I get to Engineering with my welder out. Reyes meets me there, fire axe in hand. No words need be spoken. We run down to the BSA, the mechanic runs, and suddenly there are carp. Because of course there are carp. And xenomorphs all of a sudden. The carp finish me and I spend the rest of the round in deadchat... ...but I do get to see, from beyond the grave, Reyes catch the mechanic, chop him into pieces with the axe, and put his head outside Engineering as a warning to- well, I'm not sure who. But it needed to happen. That's it, except that this is the kind of story I feel compelled to end with, "and that's how it all happened, Your Honor."
    1 point
  10. As it has started to come to be known, I've recently taken up the mantle of making a new station to better support large job distribution and to have more space to better spread the large number of people currently present on the NSS Cyberiad. It's design features many things present in other servers, things that many people have requested be done for a new server map. The common complaint with Metastation I've heard isn't that the map is large, for it is, and does have things in its design that I support, including a new layout, but that it's chalk full of bugs, has 'too much' making it seem more crowded than necessary, and that the map seems put together too much like a game of Tetris. My understanding of it is that Metastation itself is not an original map, as it was taken elsewhere, and was being re-purposed for Paradise. This has lead to a number of inconsistencies, in remapping, adding things, and reworking systems, having lead to the 'too stuffed/crowded' feel and bugs that have been being handled by Fethas to make the map workable, something many people agree would be good as we'd have another working map, able to change the meta of the game slightly by change maps occasionally. The intention of the construction of Ragnarok Station isn't to replace the NSS Cyberiad, but to create a new station to have a new play style through the usage of the map itself, and spice up the game with a fresh environment. Mechanically, only a couple of things change, and these changes are only map-related rather than code related. One such change is giving each department their own power substation, rather than all departments running off the main grid. What this does is allow a few different checks and modifications to the way admins can interact with a department as well as antagonists going after a department. Before, if you cut the power, it's going to start knocking out pwer to the entire station, and there wasn't a 'safe' way to do so short of breaking into engineering and turning off the SMES machines, otherwise you'd need gloves or a power outage to take power lines down or break into a department with ease, presuming the engine or solar arrays were not hot-wired to the grid. With the addition of department substations, you can, as long as you know the wires before-hand to break into a substation through the doors, simply turn off the SMES to the department and watch as the APCs slowly drain. With a power-sink, you don't have the exact same freedom, however, that you had before, but you can quickly drain any department of all power rather than having to slowly drain the entire station just to get to the one room you were after. Hooking up a power-sink to the main grid would deny all departmental SMES machines any input of power and knock out all of service rather quickly. It gives a more focused attack on a department rather than general station, excluding doing so to the main power grid. This adds an additional check, though, for admins in doing so, as it has been tossed about to be able to see how much a department takes in actual power, to see where we'd like to increase power usage of machinery to make power slightly more realistic, such as increasing the power costs to use a cloning machine. How much is reasonable, however, remains to be seen and requires see what the actual affect on a department this would have. In doing so, upgrading SMES machinery will also be more of a probably venture for science and engineering, and could even support making it so that departments are more likely to adjust their input/output ratios to support their department or turn non-critical systems off to conserve power, changing the dynamic of the game's engineering systems, a thought that has been entertained recently. I am currently looking for any suggestions people have for what they'd like to see in this new station, design-wise. Once I have the time, I'll add some pictures of the layout of various areas I have so far. I'm not saying I'm taking all suggestions, but if I like one, I'll see if I can implement it. Same for changing anything that is already laid out, as I want to have the station layout ready before I do any major item additions and what have you other than piping, wires (and APCs), doors, and 'general' appliances (lights, light switches, fire alarm, air alarms, etc) before adding in the major tables, objects, etc, so we know how an area will look before we put the final touches in and get adjustments out of the way. https://github.com/Twinmold93/Paradise/tree/RagnarokStation Some current points of notice are: - Polaris Docks: Escape and arrivals are both on the same side of the station. You can still bomb Docks 1 and 2 while making it possible to leave the arrivals shuttle between Dock 3 and 4 (bombing Dock 2 will make Dock 3 unsafe, but leave Dock 4 untouched). - More Maintenance: Maintenance tunnels around the station are generally larger than now, in they sprawl more and have more nooks and crannies. More rooms and more space for construction for both engineers and crew (with permits)! - Departmental Substations: Changing the mechanics of power via just a map change, departments now have their own power sources, fed by the main grid. Now, you can cut the power to an individual department or just ignore safety regulations and hook up the department to the main grid. - Port and Starboard Pod Bays: Highly requested by many people was making the mechanic more directly able to interact with crew, by giving them more direct access to the very crew. Making the mechanics office directly adjacent to the Starboard Pod Bay gives them just that, but now you also get a pod bay on the Port side so you don't have to go all the way around just to enter the station! - No More Engineering and Science Outposts: In this design, the engineering outpost is no longer implemented, leaving many to wonder "Why?" In a sad truth, it serves no actual purpose and is practically unused other than for antagonist, much like the Science Outpost. In that regard, both are not being included. This is, however, PENDING in design, as I may add in the Science Outpost to be for Xenobiology and/or Toxins Testing, making the station itself have less science on it. In the case of Nations, this would mean Science's direct weakness would be Cargo. Depending on necessity, the Labor Camp may also not be added back in. - More Escape Ways: With the change of where the general port of the station is, where the arrivals and escape shuttle are, it'd make sense for there to be more larger pods on the station, capable of carrying crew away in case of emergencies. As such, medical and security both get a public-access large escape pod each, opposite sides of the station from each other. Makes moving the injured and hardened criminals safer. - With More Escapes Means More Entrances: As the station is designed around having more access points to it, it'd make sense for the Emergency Response Team to also get at least one more point of entry. Not only can they dock all the way down at Dock 1, they can also dock right next to security. This changes the balance a bit by giving them options, rather than just being awaited all the time at Arrivals. Naming Scheme (Norse Mythology): - Central Command, NAS Odin - Main Station, NSS Ragnarok - Tele-Comms, NXS Hermoth - Escape Shuttle, NTV Vidar - Cargo Shuttle, NTV Freya - Syndicate Base, SRB Loki - Syndicate Nuclear Shuttle, STV Tyr *SLB = Syndicate Response Base * STV = Syndicate Transport Vessel Current plan is to turn the derelict station into an overgrowth situation, named Yggdrasil. The asteroid itself would be named Jormungandr due to its general hostility and size. Current Layouts include: - Arrivals: https://i.imgur.com/uqvTbng.png - Cargo: https://i.imgur.com/GUnW1Tr.png - Chapel, Library, and Visitor Dormitories: https://i.imgur.com/gKMvYv0.png - Cryo Dorms, Holo-Room, and Locker Room: https://i.imgur.com/JuOtyU1.png - Engineering: http://i.imgur.com/N4ApWJn.png - Medical: https://i.imgur.com/vCGmCkR.png - Science: https://i.imgur.com/rZqtG65.png - Security: https://i.imgur.com/yetF7B1.png The main station (z1) overall layout is pending and being reviewed to take a look at the station layout overall. Some rooms are fully decked out (minus pipes), some have just a few things, but both of these are few. Looking for feedback, including if I should move toxins testing to the asteroid to replace the science outpost. Of course, if Lavaland gets ported fully, I will have to update the asteroid again to allow it to work, but that's a necessary evil. Otherwise, I will be taking the current asteroid map and stripping the science outpost more likely than not. Once we decide what we are doing with Lavaland, we'll see what happens. There is no turbine in this station design, though there is space near engineering for a Thermal-Electric Generator (TEG), including much of a burn chamber. The space vented room adjacent is used to make the cold loop, but you have to do it yourself. So get creative. Got questions, ask!
    1 point
  11. I've already got the code that implements this, saved on my desktop. I was just waiting for https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/6766 to go through before I put up a new PR for it. Originally it was part of that PR, but I took it out because Neca wanted the two features to be separate.
    1 point
  12. Thought on Medical, from someone who mostly plays MD (Although I am somewhat of a ss13 noob, only been playing a few months so take that into consideration). I'm not a very good judge of aesthetics so my points will mostly be about function and mechanics. Traffic is a huge concern for Medbay design. There are something like a dozen medical job slots, plus patients, visitors, loiters, rolling beds, and IVs all taking up space. I'm not bringing it up just to be critical but rather because hall space is a big deal when you need to get a patient on a roller bed to surgery without having your pull broken a dozen times. That said, we don't want a huge amount of wasted space, either. I think you've done a good job overall balancing that, but there are a few suggestions I have for tweaks when it comes to space to help reduce choke points and congestion during high pop rounds. The top horizontal hallway, the one leading directly to reception is 2 tiles wide, but the other main hallways are 3 tiles wide. If anything needs to be 3 tiles, it's the hallway right after reception, as that's where most of the traffic is. Making the break room and CMO's office 1 tile shorter would be an easy fix, or you could just move them down a tile as the lower hallway is more suitable for being tighter as it will be less trafficked. The entrance from reception also seems a bit cramped. On the current map we have 2 entrances that are 2 tiles wide. One leads to Cryo and cloning and one leads to sleepers and surgery, so the traffic is divided. On this map, you have a 4 tile intersection between reception, cryo, med storage, and deeper into Medbay. I expect as is, this will be a huge choke point as everyone coming in or out of the main entrance must pass through 1 or 2 of these tiles. You could widen the area to 3 tiles, or perhaps extend reception downward a bit and add another entrance on the bottom part of reception, sort of like we have on the current map, only sideways. The lower entrance would probably be lower traffic since it's only really convenient for getting to the sleepers, but it would help a bit, and server as an alternative way in and out in an emergency. The ORs here are 5x6, the ORs on the current map are 6x6, and these feel cramped as a result. I already think the current ORs are a bit cramped when you have a rolling bed and IV in the mix. The ORs have a room behind them that appears to be for storage or the like. The only way to them other than maintenance is via the surgery rooms themselves, which is a problem because you really don't want traffic through your OR while you're performing surgery. I also don't like having the freezers in a different room, I don't want to have to leave the room during surgery to get more blood or retrieve an organ. Freezers can be moved of course, but then you lose a tile of space, so the room should ideally be designed around having a freezer if it's going to have one. The current map has doors from the ORs directly into maintenance. These suck as a doctor but are great for antags. I don't know if that makes adding a 'buffer' room behind the ORs a good thing or a bad thing overall. Just an observation, someone more experienced with antagging might want to add some insight into that. Other notes/suggestions: New Chem just looks way less cramped even though it's only slightly bigger. A little bit goes a long way, and the 3 tiles of table space built into the wall is nice. I don't work chem but I imagine this would be much nicer for them. Not having to go through a cramped storage room to drop off meds is definitely an improvement, too. About the only possible downside is that it's very close to reception, meaning we only have the high trafficked reception doors plus 1 airlock separating the Clown from his Space Lube. I often see civvies managing to get into the anti-room right before MedChem, with this layout that would put them in Chem itself. Chemists will need to be vigilant. Also, the CMO can't just set the door to emergency mode when no Chemists are on shift so doctors can come and go without leaving Chem wide open to everyone. I'm not really sure what the solution to that is, though. New cloning is way better, having more space and not being right next to the highly trafficked Cryotubes is going to be extremely helpful. Logically, it's located right next to the morgue and genetics. This is sorely needed, the current cloning area gets way too cramped too quickly. Given the population on Paradise, I think we should consider having 3 ORs. As it stands, when pop is high we often fill both ORs and have a backlog. If one of the sets of surgery tools get stolen, things can spiral out of control very quickly when you have 1 functional OR serving 100+ people. Obviously there needs to be room for Antags to mess with Medbay, and a certain amount of chaos is needed to keep the round interesting, so resources should be limited, but I think a third OR is reasonable. If the staff feels this is too many resources for Medbay to have, then maybe have an unfinished OR that engineering and Medbay can fix up each shift and order tools for. This way there is kind of 2.5 ORs, and it gives engineering and Medbay something to do. Sort of like how the Brig Physican needs to build their medbay up. In addition to the above, perhaps we could have 3 sleepers instead of 2? You gave us 3 Cryotubes, which is great! The Cryotubes are very close to the entrance, which will be inviting for Graytides to just run by doctors and throw themselves in. It's not any worse than it is currently, but it's something to consider since you're doing a new map anyway. On the other hand, since Cryo is preferred for critical patients, having it near the entrance is logical. I also like that they are near the fridge, so you won't have people dragging corpses/critical patients back and forth through Medbay like currently. There are 3 body scanners shown, which is 1 less than there are on the current map. I think there should if anything be more, again, given Paradise's population. One near the Cryotubes would be nice, since patients admitted in critical condition often go to Cryo first, and those patients are most likely to require a scan for internal injuries. Maybe an extra one in a bad spot no one uses, so the Brig physician can steal it? Just kidding. (Not really) I love that Medical gets it's own escape pod. Not only is it great mechanically, but lore wise it makes sense for us to have a pod, rather than having to drag someone who is hurt down the halls on a rolling bed. It would make sense to have easy escape access to a place that deals with hurt and disabled people. Plus this way I don't have to take the same shuttle as the plebs. My character didn't go to Medschool for 8 years to fly coach!
    1 point
  13. First of: Bless you, you crazy bastard, for doing this. It's SORELY needed and a lot of work and time to do it. As for suggestions: so far the only real one I have to make would be, in your medical image to swap the Psychiatrist and CMO's office, imo. The CMO being against a maintenance wall gives antags a possible venue to carve their way in to steal objectives (Like the RD's office is now) And MOSTLY because I think the more visible and forefront the psychiatrist is, the more likely they'll be to see actual, real use. His new office is already a big improvement, but that's just my personal 2 cents. Also, is the Detective going to be able to reach the Morgue back there or is he losing access? Because it seems like he'd need Medical access to get that far, not just Morgue access.
    1 point
  14. Your links for cargo and engineering are identical, just a heads up. I agree about integrating the AI sat. One thing I'll add that I liked from Meta/Delta is that there's an Autolathe in the lobby of Cargo (or was it sci?) So that people who bring their own resources can print what they need without waiting for the AFK/SSD cargo tech to get back to them and/or breaking into cargo. If you're also feeling particularly bold, I want to add that integrating Telcoms into the main station would also make things interesting. Final note: Robotics needs a little help. Due to the number of IPCs that come through for repairs, it becomes a hectic and busy place very quickly in any sort of action scenario. I'd suggest adding a surgery table in the mech room with an analyzer and a toolbox. This will obviously be in view of the roboticist because of the windows. Perhaps adding more rechargers, as well: One in security (For SecBorgs), one in medical (For MedBorgs)
    1 point
  15. I've seen the need for a bigger station, but I never did take a liking to metastation, so this is good news. As far as suggestions go, only two come to mind. A centralized AI core, scrapping AI sat all together. This is more out of personal preference, since I find the AI sat a pain in general. That being said, I do think it would roll better, in the sense of being easier to get to by command while also being easier to repair. This would rid the AI of some security, since it will no longer be in solitude excluded from the main station. However if its easier for command/security to respond to threats to the AI core, is it really losing any security? On a side note, it would mean the AI really is the "heart" of the station. Secondly, if the labor camp is added, streamline the process so its actually used by security. Of course that would mean making labor camp easy to get to and from while maintaining a "safe" and secure work environment but still allowing the possibility of escape PLUS being easy for the warden/officer to keep a eye on the prisoner. All of which could be practically impossible to accomplish.
    1 point
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