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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2017 in all areas

  1. An interesting idea that I think has been tossed around a few times now. Ideally, I'd like to see the whole karma system reworked. The current prices for things are abritrary and most people don't even care about 80% of what's there.
    2 points
  2. My oppinion : I realy think this server is a bunch of silicon hating people. The tradeoff for beeing a borg is to have no free will. Why should a specifically build borg for a certain task not do a better job then a human. The key is the human is a allrounder. You can do everything, you have free will, you can change your job to more than a dozen types. You are easily healed and revived. And you are even more robost than any borg. (flash stun / ,, disabled and offline )The list goes on forever. As borg you rely on robotics and if nobody is there you are basically fu**. It is time to change the server policy to improve the silicon live not to harass it even more. Make them superiour in the restricted tasks they have. If now someone says : All access --> to what to do ? There is no point to this argument. The AI would open it for a human with a reason to. Spaceproof --> Minor, and if you are not an engineering borg you will drift forever lost in space, because you cant throw things. Heat / Cold resistance --> No reason to it with current atmos, there anever super cooled or hot aired sectors. Outside a reactor. High damage on EMP too. No illness --> Yes but you cant be improved with genetics, too Improvement with boards --> Human can use every machine /item the got hands on. No food --> you need energy , dependant on science and a willing roboticist. No arms --> a disgracefull misconstruction by silicon hating people, who think you stole their Butter bread immortal --> if you think tis is a pro you were never blown apart or disabled in maintainance , where you can watch the ongoing round for an enternity, because nobody looks for you , even sader if there is no other cyborg on board. Who could look after you. Nobody cares.
    2 points
  3. This was something I've brought up a few times one the discord when people mention about how some races should have some more fluffing up to them. Currently how Skrells stand, you can breath underwater and you can't handle your alcohol. I've been thinking that fun thing to add to them is them having the ability to carry small items in their tendrils. So, they can carry things in the back of their heads, mostly likely be something that people wouldn't be able to see when being examined. And on a side note, remove the ability for Skrells to have their "hair" shaved and/or burned off, cause from my understanding that is a part of their fleshy bodies and would probably hurt like a bitch.
    1 point
  4. So, yeah, hi all i've been playing ss13 since january because one friend tough it was a good idea to introduce me to the game, he was wrong. I'm mostly known in the server for my Medicals/Surgery/Viro/Smoking in the medbay works. I play almost every single day and i can have a shitty grammar or problems to explain myself a little sometimes because i'm from Argentina boludos, so english is not my native language. I tough it was a good idea to say hi in the forums and be here more often. *squish
    1 point
  5. I can understand people who think Vox are stronger than Slimes, since as I said I think they are pretty close. However, some of your arguments to reach that conclusion are things I disagree with. How much is "TREMENDOUS"? How much is "A metric ton more'? Hyperbole isn't a legitimate argument. It takes something like 45-60 seconds to regenerate a limb. It is highly unlikely you'll walk into Medbay and walk out with a new limb in less time than that. Nutritional cost doesn't matter when a single cup of chicken soup from a hot drinks vendor provides enough nutrition on it's own to last you an entire 2 hour shift. Limb regeneration is useful and powerful. Brain/Slimecore damage is never really an issue when Mannitol is 3 buttons to make and heals a massive 7.5 brain damage per 1 unit. If you were roughed up enough to get brain damage you probably need to go to Medbay anyway and a doctor will just pop a Mannitol pill in your mouth and that'll be that. Slipping on your own blood is a double-edged sword, sure, but probably more of an advantage overall. If you are fleeing while bleeding it's going to mess up your pursuers a lot more than it'll mess you up. The detective not being able to analyse your blood is an extreme edge case, but it's just as much an advantage for antags as it is a disadvantage for victims. In reality though, it's probably never going to matter either way. Slime people take more cold damage, Vox take more brute damage. I'd probably say that Vox's downside of 5% more brute is the worse of the two. Brute damage is incredibly common, cold damage is not. Yea, it sucks Grays have a 25% penalty, but that has nothing to do with how strong Vox versus Slime people are. Additionally, Slime people suffer from being unclonable a lot less than Vox do. There are no internal organs that can be lost or decayed, and missing limbs are no issue. You can get a heavily damaged slime person back alive and well far more quickly and easily than you can a Vox. Now, Vox do have a massive advantage in not caring about Atmo, and I think the recent Atmo tests and atmo improvements have only made this advantage stronger. I don't think someone who feels this advantage is better than everything slime people get is necessarily wrong for thinking that. Ultimately, I think both Slime people and Vox are mechanically powerful, and pretty close to eachother. It probably depends on your profession and the individual situation of the round. And I don't think either should be clonable, for the record. If anything, I'd like cloning to get nerfed somehow, but that's a separate discussion and doesn't really have anything to do with the races.
    1 point
  6. While in theory this idea sounds good it might turn out bad in practice... for instance behind each character is a person. Most persons tend to get fairly iffy when they have to spent some form of currency... lets say antag tokens are a currency... people will get mad if they get "powergamed" by the "damn powergamey AI" for instance right now... now imagine if people spend tokens on that just to get caught 5 minutes in because some AIs got nothing better to do then watching someone 24/7 for instance. It has quite the potential to cause drama. I think that those tokens would only encourage powergaming. It would also increase the likehood of people doing karma trading or other things to cheat the system. Not quite fond of it with the potential cons buyable Karma Tokens have to them...
    1 point
  7. Do people really award karma to players for making security miserable? Says more about the player base than anything, a few too many teenagers with parent/authority problems that want to use the game as an outlet for thier frustration. Go shout REEEEEE over comms somewhere else please...possibly in response to this post I personally award karma for 3 things: good RP, unique experiences created by others (this includes creatively killing me), and people who go out of thier way to help me. I would love these tokens as I usually only have time for 1 or 2 rounds a day and rarely get antag (like maybe a handful of times a month...if that). I don't have time to play for 10+ hours a day (enjoy it while you can kids, don't be in a rush to grow up) and roll for antag over and over again, but I DO have time to earn the karma to at least give me a guaranteed chance at antag every once in a while. That being said...100 seems like alot for one token...I've been playing for months and I've barely earned 100 total karma. Instead of the token guaranteeing antag, just make it prioritize antag for the players who use tokens. Let's say 10 people use tokens on a nukie round. The nukies would be selected from those 10, but not include all 10. The ones who aren't selected keep thier token and use it later.
    1 point
  8. Yes, that's something that I've started to realize, sometimes things just doesn't and you have to put up with it, last shift for example I survived the round on cup noodles because the chef was missing but oh well...
    1 point
  9. But of course when a slime person looses a tone of blood they get a lot of toxin damage, which I think is much more worst and just having "oxyloss" And only have one organ which is you're slime core that process everything, and once that takes a huge hit you're down. having some races not be cloneable I find adds for more dramatic RP, plus it gets people away from always going to the cloners as a fail-safe sort of thing. And I get it, it gets annoying to find yourself dead and brought into medbay having your body left there and noone doing anything about it. Then sometimes tries cloning you but it doesn't work and just leaves you there. But clearly those people can't figure out how to examine a body and see what their race is and clearly aren't ready to be working in medbay. and again, the no cloning is supposed to be a horrible downside to the races, if they could get cloned there's a chance more people would play the race and then we might have half the station full of screeching Voxxes. Adding some other interesting ways for these other races to come back if they reach the rotting point could be fun. Like having a slime person's slime core into a beaker full of water and they slowly grow back in that.
    1 point
  10. If you believe that being completely space proof without any type of suit is just a niche, you have a really clouded judgement which makes this look more and more like a bias buff (insert race here) thread.
    1 point
  11. I can see this being an issue for a multitude of reasons. What if it's a nukies round? Blob? Wizard? What happens then? If it's one person, sure, just ensure they get one of the slots. Any further than that though and you either have to add more antags (in the case of wizards, or if it's (oh geez) six or so people, oh dear lordy the nukies are gonna have a good day) or have it automatically refund upon round start (which could cause some potential metagaming issues).
    1 point
  12. Oh yeah, here's some answers to some of your questions: Depends on how competent security is at the time, but there are a bunch of ways to do this. You can use common chat, which is the easiest thing but may get ignored. Or you can run up to the brig and try to talk to an officer or the warden or even the head of security. Sometimes, using your PDA to message the warden or head of security directly can work too. You can also try talking to the AI by activating an AI holopad on the ground or messaging. Sometimes, security is just really bad and won't listen to you no matter what, so don't get discouraged. Unfortunately this happens to everyone, especially when medbay is stretched or just purely nonexistent/incompetent. You can try to ask on common chat for a doctor to come to the door but that rarely works. Worst case, ask the AI to open the door for you or find an engineer to hack it open.
    1 point
  13. This guy is damn right. Humans are universal, why would you handicap cyborgs if they can do only ONE role?
    1 point
  14. The missing details of this story that only the captain, the lone survivor of the crisis walked away with: Upon open war being declared and the AI's responsibility to halt such actions revoked, the captain decided there was only one option left to him. Send a message to the supposedly decommissioned Trurl informing them of the situation and asking for assistance, or die with the animals outside the bridge. There was no reply. The captain assumed there would not be one so he closed the bridge shutters and waited for the inevitable. It was after some time that the radio crackled to life and the leader of an ERT sent to rescue both the Captain and Rep declared their intent and headed straight for the bridge. The captain and rep finally had a glimpse of hope, however fleeting, until the AI declared NT the enemy and rallied the crew to kill them all. Epsilon was declared. The crew paniced and stormed the bridge assuming the team was not to be trusted. The ensuing gunfight left many bodies in it's wake, the Captain dodging Ion fire and traditional lasers alike. The Rep was not so fortunate in that regard, stuck by an ion bolt, he was terminated by the very team sent to save him. When the dust cleared from that first engagement, it was just the captain and the leader of the ERT, the leader was in shock, so the captain pulled him through to the teleporter so they could make their escape, the crew following their every move with the AI's guidance. Just as the teleporter finished calibration, the doors opened, and lasers poured in to the small room, crippling the leader. The captain, not willing to let his chance at rescue fall, detached the ID that would give him access to their shuttle, ran through the now active teleporter, and arrived at the docks, freedom in sight. The captain knew they would try to follow, he tried to warn them previously that the team was not there to harm them, but as he buckled the clasp of his seat and hit the transfer button, he knew he had made it out. He would now learn the true nature of this financial crisis and why NT bothered to save him. Upon arriving at the dock, he was greeted not be a decommissioned shell of a station, but by a fully functional and intact Trurl. The economic crisis was a lie, transmitted not by the the Trurl staff, but by another entity that wished to destroy the Cyberiad. The crew were just their pawns to be used for this goal. Sadly, the damage had already been done, The shining star of Nanotrassen had fallen from within and thus a second team was being prepped to wipe the slate clean for a repair crew. The captain and central would agree not to tell the crew of this development, deeming them too damaged to be of future use. Instead, the second team would be the message, when you chose to solve your conflicts with war instead of diplomacy, you will be put down like the savages you are. It was at this point the the captain was greeted by another team, dressed in armor he had only seen in confidential briefings. The epsilon team was standing before him, he did the only thing he could do to help them rid the station of those rabid animals that used to be it's crew. He told them of the AI's capture of the nuke and relocation to the satellite. He told them this because he knew they would fail to accomplish their primary objective, The crew was too powerful and had to much time to prepare. The Cyberiad would not survive the night. Although, the original transmissions source was not located, one thing is certain, they were the only people to walk out of that situation with any sense of victory.
    1 point
  15. Vox aren't cloneable for balance reasons. They already got enough buffs as is.
    1 point
  16. This. Please. I can't speak for the station as a whole, but I play primarily MD and was part of the test last night and holy shit, that Medbay is horrible. There is no way it was designed for large populations, it's a claustrophobic nightmare. It's probably okay for an average population in the 30s but definitely not 50+ or even 100+.
    1 point
  17. I'd be a fan of something different from Metastation. Paradise did a few Metastation tests yesterday and it has some aspects to it that are good but I feel it has alot of flaws, and I don't mean bugs, I mean design flaws. Overall I still feel like the current map is a superior design to Meta so I'd love to see a completely different design.
    1 point
  18. What Mediborgs ACTUALLY need is for their hypo to be less of a shit when it comes to refilling it's chems. It only refills the chem currently selected which is weird. You'd think it'd refill everything or everything BUT the one selected.
    1 point
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