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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2017 in all areas

  1. It seems to be a disturbing trend on this server that anything that seems to buff Borgs, no matter how minor gets instantly shot down. I've had Doctors threaten to have me blown simply because I was doing their job when they were too incompetent to do it themselves. You don't decide to design a Borg to have advanced tools and arms then decide to remove any sort of manipulator device. Quite a few of the Borg sprites including Black Knight, Advanced Droid and all of Travelling Merchant's Borg sprites have hands or at least manipulation devices but do not possess any capability to pick up objects. You can magically buckle people to furniture, pull objects and similar actions despite having no hands. It's pretty clear Borgs as a role are designed to be crippled and sub par compared to organics. Each side has distinct advantages and disadvantages but Borgs having no or limited ability to pick up objects is a decision that seems to be rooted in the 'Borgs ah stealin ma job' opinion.
    4 points
  2. When Paradise attempts to have a trial. The screenshot didn't catch the chat log but it was too filled with 12 year olds various people spamming emotes and nonsense to actually hold the trial. Most people seemed to enjoy it. It hurt my soul. I couldn't escape from the hell so I committed suicide.
    2 points
  3. Then the powergamers who abandon their jobs and rush through maint at the beginning of every round can have them instead. I feel like this argument could be made for many items, not just the goggles. The toolbelt and tools in escape shuttle podbay. The entire old surgery room. Everything in tool the tool storage rooms. The hatchets and buckets in the garden? Where do you stop. I don't think the goggles need to be moved...nor any of the other items I've listed or forgotten to list but are of a similar nature. ...and the toolbox down by the surgery table that can be used to fill said toolbelt. The goggles are just a distraction away from those more valuable items.
    2 points
  4. I agree with the two posters above me. Also: For medical borgs, add some chem dispenser functionality with the beaker, it can save lives. I do not understand WHY borgs have these senseless limitations. There is the one tradeoff and that is free will. Cyborgs/droids SHOULD be able to replace doctors if necessary. Yes, they are supposed to assist in the first place, and adhere to their laws, but it just makes no sense that borgs do not have hands. They are not OP, they can be taken out easily if you have the tools, they can only harm people when rogue, they have laws in place to prevent free will and they can be blown up in a moment's notice. This also is not just the case for medical borgs, engineering borgs face the same problem sometimes. I can understand, for example, maintenance drones not having hands, but cyborgs should have them, or at least some more functionality than what currently exists. A big can of space cleaner for medical borgs to clean up the medical bay which no doctor but the surgeons bother with? Functionality with beakers? Engineering borgs should have a light replacer. Janitor borgs could have increased functionality with their trash bag. -> Lots of small items, be it cup ramen or other things cannot be put in there, they just can't be interacted with with the trash bag. It's frustrating. Borg are good, don't get me wrong, but there are some senseless limitations on the current borgs.
    2 points
  5. Name: Merciatta "Mercy" Lauge-Haliber Age: 32 Gender: Female Race: Vulpkanin Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Role(s): Brig Physician, Nurse, Paramedic, Detective. Biography: Merciatta Lauge, better known under her call sign Mercy, was born to SolGov Major Terrance Lauge and Claire Anderson. Major Lauge has been listed as KIA, and Claire has been determined as missing ever since the report. Mercy was picked up by the smuggling crew; known as The Blackjacks, at the age of 14, having preformed work for the gang since then, she gained skills in firearms; both ballistics and energy, as well as field triage, acting as the gang's impromptu medic into most of her adult life. Mercy was shown as a close member of the crew, as evidenced by several photos with fellow conspirators available on both social media sites and personal devices. Recent reports with The Blackjacks leave them involved with many criminal assets, including the Syndicate, the Marsilona Crime Family, and a handful of Nanotrasen operations. Mercy became involved in a altercation between the Blackjacks and the Marsilonas, in which, as reports suggests, Syndicate allies led the smugglers to making a hit on the crime family's current leader. The hit itself was a failure, but still lead to casualties and arrests, albeit on both sides of the engagement. This included Mercy Lauge, who was left holding the metaphorical smoking gun, fearing she had decimated her allies and left herself as a target to many. While the Blackjacks continue to hold ties with the Syndicate and; as social media suggests, have abandoned Mercy to her fate with the authorities, the Marsilonas seem to have a shared interest in assisting Lauge, despite the hardships between the two. After a considerable suggestion from a Mister Tony Marsilona, Mercy Lauge was approached in prison and offered a position aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Lauge graciously accepted and stood among the ranks of Nanotrasen security corps, her informal training setting her on the fast track to the Cyberiad's new Brig Physician program. Mercy Lauge currently continues to serve under a lifetime parole contract, to be cloned at all costs. Previous experience: Weapons, Space flight, medical treatment. Served in standard and advanced Nanotrasen medical training classes. Served in basic Nanotrasen security training. Employment Records: Contract holds positions for Security and Medical fields. Mercy Lauge is currently barred from standard Security patrols (See Security Incident Report #4524) Contract also holds authority to fly space pods, although flight speed is to be logged at all times. Security Records: Prior to employment, Mercy Lauge as been charged with multiple counts each of possession of contraband, smuggling contraband into restricted areas, possession of an unlicensed firearm, assault, battery, theft, breaking and entering, participating in soccer riots, and has several speeding and moving violation tickets on record for both surface and space vehicles. Mercy is currently on a parole contract, and any space law infraction is to reported to Central Command at earliest Crew Transfer. Medical Records: Mercy Lauge has no outstanding disabilities. Psychiatric reports do show she is of a short temper, and is prone to violence in stressful situations. Reports also show she is a habitual smoker and casual drinker, preferring Carps brand smokes and Silencer cocktails respectively. Personnel Photo: {ERROR - SEE TECHNICIAN FOR DETAILS} A snow white Vulpkanin with a spot of dye into the tip of her tail. Her hair is long and done into dreads, complete with dulled gold rings hanging in her hair just above the shoulder, a closer inspection shows that this hair is dyed to match her tail tip. Her voice holds a Earth-based British accent, probably picked up at a young age, and shows signs of damage when raising her voice. Subject shows a short, yet athletic build and signs of paranoia, i.e. glances over her shoulder. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: As of late, Merciatta has officially married Valthorne Haliber while aboard the NSS Cyberiad. ============================================================================================= Name: Tony Marsilona Age: 85 Gender: Male Race: Tarjaran Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Security, Blueshield, Bartender, Engineering, Cargo, Command. Biography: The name Tony Marsilona dates back far beyond the beginning of the orange rush, and the Marsilona family further before that. The Marsilona Crime Family began as a smuggling organization within Sol Government territory, quickly making local fame among circles for their unique weapons and penance for customer service, even for a criminal organization. The Marsilonas are known for their firearms and robotic limb designs, as quoted by a witness testimony "They're a balance of elegance and reliability that's hard to find these days", as well as being known for their open arms policy regarding alien species and their codes of 'Family First, Business Second'. The name 'Tony Marsilona' has appeared in police and military records across the ages, most differ in age, lifestyle, race, and even gender, but they all follow the same description; Tall, Dark and Dangerous, and all are seen as the leader of the Marsilonas. Witness testimony reports that the name is passed down to a new leader of the Family whenever the current head passes on without any next of kin, which strangely happens often amongst the Marsilonas. Once a new leader is determined by vote through council, the new head is given the name 'Tony Marsilona'. This iteration of Tony does not have any known previous name, possibly due to the Family's resources enabling him to change his name in previous records. What is known is that he grew up in an immigrant family arriving within SolGov territories, signing on with the Navy out of grade school and serving with distinction for four years before receiving, and this is a direct quote; "A dishonorable discharge under unusual circumstances." Not much is known about Tony's discharge, as the incident leading to it is under a classified file, what is known is that the incident resulted in heavy casualties, including a high ranking SolGov officer, with Tony as one of few survivors with major injuries, including the loss of his arm. After his discharge, having been disconnected from his biological family for some time, Tony found himself employment among the Marsilona ranks, quickly learning the trade and eventually building his own prosthetic arm at age 24. At the beginning of the Orange Rush, tragedy struck the Marsilona family after a wedding was interrupted by the assassination of the current leadership and several other prominent members, presumably as an attempt to keep the organization out of the plasma business. Before the dust settled, Tony led the charge in retaliation, leading to a bloody crusade against the offending organization, leading to the family to elect him as leader once all of the affairs in order. Despite the efforts of rivals, Tony led the family to expand and follow the Rush, stretching the organization's circle beyond SolGov territories. Now, it's hard to find a criminal ring without connections to the Marsilonas, either as allies, or enemies. Recently, Tony has become a major Nanotrasen benefactor and asset, providing his organization's resources and skills for off-the-books security or transport deals, as well as a number of financial or material contributions towards our research efforts within the Epsilon Eridani sector. Tony has specifically requested to servthe NSS Cyberiad. It's believed that the Marsilona Family may be holding their own research similar to our own, namely into practical applications of bluespace materials and anomalies. Tony has also been known to recommend family friends in need of hiding to parole contracts aboard the Cyberiad. As of yet, his recommendations have failed to disappoint. Qualifications: Tony Marsilona has served in the Navy for the Sol Government for four years, having been dishonorably discharged at the rank of Chief Petty Officer (CPO) due to a classified incident. Tony is known to maintain and create robotic limbs and related pieces of equipment, and is shown to be proficient in many weapons, favoring close quarters combat. Tony also owns and maintains a SolGov based shipping company, Stacked Deck Shipping. Employment Records: As noted within qualifications, Tony has four years of military service. Officially, Tony has been employed at various locations among SolGov Territories before assuming leadership of the Family, where his official title is CEO of Stacked Deck Shipping Co. Tony has run though Advanced Nanotrasen Security training to qualify for Station Security Positions. Tony has reached qualifications for Blueshield service. Security Records: Outside of NT employment, Tony has an extensive criminal record, most in proxy with his known organization, some of his own doing. For the sake of the system's character limit, we will not be listing the full extent of his crimes. It should be noted that Tony has been convicted of several crimes, and has served time in prison before, but most crimes on his record have reached an acquittal in court. Tony's criminal history off-station includes but is not limited to: Assault, Battery, Manslaughter, Conspiracy, Breaking & Entering, Burglary, Aiding and Abetting, Possession of Contraband with intent to sell, Illegal modification of a firearm, Trading of illegal/unregistered firearms, Reckless space maneuvering, Failure to pay tolls, and littering. Tony is licensed to carry concealed arms off-station, and has several firearms registered to him personally. Due to NT policy, these are not allowed aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Medical Records: Tony is listed to have a prosthetic left arm, notably of his own design and kept well maintained, he has been reported to tweak and adjust the electronics of his arm while off-duty or during slow shifts. Tony also does have a noticeable limp in his right leg, though scans show there is no extensive damages, it is believed that this is a combat injury that Tony exaggerates to lull combatants into lowering their guard. Tony is also a heavy smoker and drinker, preferring Robust Brand cigarettes and Whiskey respectively. As per Cloning: Left arm has been historically rejected by body, cause unknown. If cloned, expect request to have arm amputated and mechanical arm replaced. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): {ERROR - CONTACT TECHINCIAN FOR DETAILS} A chocolate brown Tarjaran, noted to be a slight be taller than most. The hair atop his head is a stark silver and kept fashionably long, down to the back of the neck. This voice is low and grave, a mix of the usual Tarjaran growl and an Earth-Italian accent. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: ======================================================================================= Name: Yachikitikiskre - Use-Name: Cunning Golden-Eye Pol, Formal Name: - [SYSTEM ERROR - PLEASE CONSULT TECHNICIAN], Raider Name: Polly/Goldie. Age: 43 Gender: Male Race: Vox Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Role(s): Engineering, Security, Science Biography: Yachikitikiskre, better known as Yachi, was raised like many ship-side Vox, taught to maintain vessels and ship-board equipment. Contrary to popular belief, his clan was not rich in any material way. The Golden-Eye name refers to the clan's infallible luck, leading to them leading a fairly comfortable life for nomads. Falling into a bad crowd at a young age, Yachi joined in with a raider gang, getting involved in a number of thefts, robberies, and eventually growing distant from his family. This did not stop the enterprising Vox, as he took to the criminal life with ease, rising through the ranks and eventually getting to run his own game. The full Vox name is near impossible to keep on record due to amount of letters involved like most Vox-Pidgin names so for sake of simplicity, most referred to this raider gang as "The Murder." Living large for some time, Yachi and his gang grew notorious for their swift and efficient operations as their influence spread across isolated space stations and uncivilized sectors alike. The gang had lived in luxury for some time, gaining notoriety among authorities and rivals alike, this attention led to a mass uprising against the gang. Due to the sensitive nature of the information in this conflict, local authorities have declined to provide specific details, but we are currently working on resolving this. What we do know is that this incident lead Yachi to question his skills as a leader, and take a journey to reconnect with his clan, and seek advice from his elders. What we do know of this is that the reception was less than warm for the abandonment of his clan, but he still received the advice he sought. Whatever this advice was, it ended in a string of arrests of those rivaling The Murder across several sectors, including an entire sect of a rival raiding gang. Reports are difficult to obtain as this also included internal arrests within the local Policing system, including a sector superintendent. What we do know is that the number of incarcerations totaled to 64 on that single day, and not a single death occurred during the faux-rampage. Evidence of flashbangs, flash power, stunprods, and electrode-based weaponry shows that Yachi intended this, to make those who deserved it pay for their crimes alongside him. Yachi was arrested and held for several counts of assault, battery, trespassing, and vigilantism with a pending trial for that and several past crimes. We're currently looking into why, but one of our benefactors has suggested bringing Yachi in from prison to work under a parole contract. Considering the Vox's qualifications and the benefactor's strength to the company (See financial record #735 for more details), we've taken him on. Yachi's contract stands on a joint Engineering/Security entry, and any space law infractions are to be reported to Central Command at the earliest crew transfer. Qualifications: Due to Yachi's experience with vessel maintenance puts him in line with most of our Engineering staff. His prior law experience and experience handling civilian weapons qualifies him for a security contract, Pod Pilot preferred. Employment Records: Yachi has no employment record prior to Nanotrasen employment Security Records: Yachi carries an extensive record prior to employment, and is currently on a parole contract. Any legal infractions are to be reported to Central Command at earliest crew transfer. Medical Records: Yachi has no major injuries and maintains a clean bill of health. No smoking, no drinking, and very careful with his physical health, especially for a former raider. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): [ERROR - SEE TECHNICIAN FOR DETAILS] A Vox of stone gray scales with gold markings around the tail. Wears several bracelets of mixed value. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
    1 point
  6. If not...to bad! I'm that exceptionally r̶o̶b̶u̶s̶t̶ clumsy green eyed red head in security that many of you have come to love or hate! ? NERD ALERT Tetra is a character I originally created in Anarchy Online back in 2001 (yes, my character in a video game is as old or older than some of you and I am in fact THAT old) and I've used her in any game that has had a character creator since. She has her own personality in my mind and I've grown quite attached to her. Occasionally a goofy Unathi named Chakax who speaks bad E̶n̶g̶l̶i̶s̶h̶ Galactic Common or rarely stereotypical "robotic" IPC named KR4-3SHA who REALLY likes her robot drugs and regularly gets mistaken for a vampire...and a man... despite being a machine with a female chassis. I began playing this in January after my friend told me an absurd story about thier first time playing the game. They were bored one night and found it on some "Top 100 Indie Games" list and said "Eh...why not?" So I too, said "Eh...why not?" figuring I'd play once or twice then move on. OH WAS I WRONG. I got sucked in like many others by the unique experiences and environment this game offers...something like no other. IN FACT! Stories about SS13 have become regular dinner table talk in my household. No joke! I get alot of "So what happened last night?!" My spouse who doesn't even play the game is as familiar with some of your names as I am! I'll be like "So Mike Murdo-" and I'll get interrupted with "Yea I know Mike, no need for the last name, continue the story" ??? While many video games in the past have eventually turned into me trying to grind out my character, get that new loot, or complete the story...this one is different. I play it to see what crazy thing I've never seen before is going to happen next. It keeps delivering. This has become my home away from home. The perfect ending to my long busy days after the rest of my family is asleep. I HAVE been much busier lately and opting for more sleep so haven't had as much time to play (don't be in a rush to grow up kids) but I promise that I'm not planning on going anywhere! Y'all are stuck with me. Maybe. Till I finally get bored. If ever. Probably never.
    1 point
  7. I love the fact you can have those kind of talks in your house. Sometimes i feel we're a big family here in Paradise and that's something i love. Glad to share games with you Tetra, see you on station.
    1 point
  8. Well we speak Spanish here :^) See you on station Tetra, take my god damn virus.
    1 point
  9. You seem to be missing my point. The item itself is not ultrapowerful. You'll note I said "list". The butt stock on a rifle is not what fires the deadly bullets. The entire rifle put together is.
    1 point
  10. The item itself isn't powergaming, it's moreso that immediately rushing to get everything on your "top ten items to become ultrapowerful for the shift" list is.
    1 point
  11. I unfortunately don't think many experienced players enjoy playing chef too often, I end up living off vending machines more often than not. I agree with what Tay say about reporting stuff to sec but also wanted to add that if it's later in the round sec can usually be very busy. The busier sec is, the less likely they are too care about smaller crimes. I know when I'm HOS I'll sometimes get bombarded by PDA messages about people reporting stuff that we either can't or don't need to do anything about. When I'm warden or HOS I mostly try to keep an eye on comms. Medbay...sort of like the food...hit and miss depending on who's working. When I'm in Medbay I make it a point to try to treat everyone as fast as possible, some people are either not as capable or just lazy.
    1 point
  12. I was the AI that shift. The clown RD had the gps the BSA was pointing at in his bag. The Magistrate wanted me to fire, my laws said I couldn't, but I can assure you, if legitimate justification or a law change was done that would let me, I would've pushed it before I even finished announcing the update.
    1 point
  13. I actually suggested this trial as a half joke...was a little surprised when captain agreed to it and wanted to have the trial (he was the one who BSAed the CMO). I was insulated from a lot of the madness since I was watching from the pod, but I could hear the megaphones broadcasting the arguments (bug maybe?). Thought it was hilarious how overdramatic it was, juxtaposed with the kindergarten antics going on in the courtroom. Very tempted to fire my tasers into the courtroom, though was also really hoping admins would drop a bomb on it. The aftermath of the trial:
    1 point
  14. Many people may not know this, but tool belts (even security belts) can be easily made with biomass (Can be found at the Garden, Hydroponics, and I think the Research Outpost)
    1 point
  15. You speak better English than most speak...hell I don't even know what they speak in Argentina without googling it and I'm not gonna cheat, so you are already one step ahead of most of us. Never woulda known English was a second language if you never said so. Seeya on station EDIT: I believe you've inspired me to do a super late intro 100+ posts in. Stay tuned. *flip
    1 point
  16. I can understand people who think Vox are stronger than Slimes, since as I said I think they are pretty close. However, some of your arguments to reach that conclusion are things I disagree with. How much is "TREMENDOUS"? How much is "A metric ton more'? Hyperbole isn't a legitimate argument. It takes something like 45-60 seconds to regenerate a limb. It is highly unlikely you'll walk into Medbay and walk out with a new limb in less time than that. Nutritional cost doesn't matter when a single cup of chicken soup from a hot drinks vendor provides enough nutrition on it's own to last you an entire 2 hour shift. Limb regeneration is useful and powerful. Brain/Slimecore damage is never really an issue when Mannitol is 3 buttons to make and heals a massive 7.5 brain damage per 1 unit. If you were roughed up enough to get brain damage you probably need to go to Medbay anyway and a doctor will just pop a Mannitol pill in your mouth and that'll be that. Slipping on your own blood is a double-edged sword, sure, but probably more of an advantage overall. If you are fleeing while bleeding it's going to mess up your pursuers a lot more than it'll mess you up. The detective not being able to analyse your blood is an extreme edge case, but it's just as much an advantage for antags as it is a disadvantage for victims. In reality though, it's probably never going to matter either way. Slime people take more cold damage, Vox take more brute damage. I'd probably say that Vox's downside of 5% more brute is the worse of the two. Brute damage is incredibly common, cold damage is not. Yea, it sucks Grays have a 25% penalty, but that has nothing to do with how strong Vox versus Slime people are. Additionally, Slime people suffer from being unclonable a lot less than Vox do. There are no internal organs that can be lost or decayed, and missing limbs are no issue. You can get a heavily damaged slime person back alive and well far more quickly and easily than you can a Vox. Now, Vox do have a massive advantage in not caring about Atmo, and I think the recent Atmo tests and atmo improvements have only made this advantage stronger. I don't think someone who feels this advantage is better than everything slime people get is necessarily wrong for thinking that. Ultimately, I think both Slime people and Vox are mechanically powerful, and pretty close to eachother. It probably depends on your profession and the individual situation of the round. And I don't think either should be clonable, for the record. If anything, I'd like cloning to get nerfed somehow, but that's a separate discussion and doesn't really have anything to do with the races.
    1 point
  17. Yes, that's something that I've started to realize, sometimes things just doesn't and you have to put up with it, last shift for example I survived the round on cup noodles because the chef was missing but oh well...
    1 point
  18. If you believe that being completely space proof without any type of suit is just a niche, you have a really clouded judgement which makes this look more and more like a bias buff (insert race here) thread.
    1 point
  19. My oppinion : I realy think this server is a bunch of silicon hating people. The tradeoff for beeing a borg is to have no free will. Why should a specifically build borg for a certain task not do a better job then a human. The key is the human is a allrounder. You can do everything, you have free will, you can change your job to more than a dozen types. You are easily healed and revived. And you are even more robost than any borg. (flash stun / ,, disabled and offline )The list goes on forever. As borg you rely on robotics and if nobody is there you are basically fu**. It is time to change the server policy to improve the silicon live not to harass it even more. Make them superiour in the restricted tasks they have. If now someone says : All access --> to what to do ? There is no point to this argument. The AI would open it for a human with a reason to. Spaceproof --> Minor, and if you are not an engineering borg you will drift forever lost in space, because you cant throw things. Heat / Cold resistance --> No reason to it with current atmos, there anever super cooled or hot aired sectors. Outside a reactor. High damage on EMP too. No illness --> Yes but you cant be improved with genetics, too Improvement with boards --> Human can use every machine /item the got hands on. No food --> you need energy , dependant on science and a willing roboticist. No arms --> a disgracefull misconstruction by silicon hating people, who think you stole their Butter bread immortal --> if you think tis is a pro you were never blown apart or disabled in maintainance , where you can watch the ongoing round for an enternity, because nobody looks for you , even sader if there is no other cyborg on board. Who could look after you. Nobody cares.
    1 point
  20. So there I am last night, Chief Engineer again with a pretty good crew. Which is good, because the order comes down from CentCom: build the dreaded Bluespace Artillery. We swing into gear, making RCDs for everyone and building a room south of Secure Storage to hold our science project. Takes us quite a while, mainly due to lack of Bluespace crystrals, and meanwhile there's apparently vampires on the station. Whatever. Between the BSA project and the inevitable hull breaches I'm way too busy to care about a few bloodsuckers. Most of the station, however, does not share my opinion- after the Captain and HoS decide to parole the captured vampires there was a great hue and cry, with the Chaplain leading the call for a crusade against the bloodsuckers and preaching hellfire and damnation over the radio. About this time we finish the artillery and I go looking for a GPS to test-fire it, which takes waaaay longer than it should have. In the meantime, the admins decide, in the spirit of jolly fun, to declare that nobody will be punished OOC for participating in the Crusade. Cue, of course, a lynch mob making its way towards the Brig- either the vampire never actually got paroled, or he was in protective custody there. About that time I finally get the GPS out into the Toxins testing area and get clear. My second, Reyes, and I have the following conversation over the radio: CE: "Okay, lock on to the GPS called FIRE." Reyes: "...I'm at the console. It's already been fired." CE: "Wait, by who? At what?" (Someone on common): THE BRIG JUST BLEW UP!!! Random, mild mannered mechanic: DEUS VULT, BROTHERS! CE & Eng, and whole department: Shit. Utter fucking chaos ensues. We run to the BSA with murder in our eyes, find it empty, then run to the brig to try to fix it, while the station command structure tries to find out who's dead and who's alive. The other vampire is running for his life, the mob is still baying for blood, and the only good part of the whole picture was that the Chaplain seemed to have been caught in the BSA blast. We're trying to patch things up when a voice comes over Engi coms: Unknown(Engineering): Thanks for leaving secure storage open, brothers. Whole department: SHIT! This time he got Medbay. Like, all of it. I get to Engineering with my welder out. Reyes meets me there, fire axe in hand. No words need be spoken. We run down to the BSA, the mechanic runs, and suddenly there are carp. Because of course there are carp. And xenomorphs all of a sudden. The carp finish me and I spend the rest of the round in deadchat... ...but I do get to see, from beyond the grave, Reyes catch the mechanic, chop him into pieces with the axe, and put his head outside Engineering as a warning to- well, I'm not sure who. But it needed to happen. That's it, except that this is the kind of story I feel compelled to end with, "and that's how it all happened, Your Honor."
    1 point
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