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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2017 in all areas

  1. Here's a "I died plz nerf dis" Sort of... Just rolled Nuke Ops for the first time in 2-3 months. My regular character has a mechanical heart. I was unaware my nuke op apparently also has a mechanical heart because of this. I died to a fellow nuke ops EMPed a borg near us. *I* even though of getting EMP implant which I apparently would have killed myself with. Can Nuke Ops be altered to just spawn as a generic meatbag instead of carrying over my other character's traits? I know the easy solution is don't have a mechanical heart. It leads to some interesting situations IC from time to time and follows my characters backstory.
    2 points
  2. Call me old fashioned, but I'd prefer doing things much more tactile-like than some fire and forget device. Seems entirely unnecessary, and ultimately degrading to the role.
    2 points
  3. All prefs should probably *not* carry over when you're a nukie, for this very reason. I remember IPC nukies. They were the worst. They broadly fell into two categories: those who tried their best and recognized that they probably weren't going to last long...andddd those who expected to be catered to because they were IPC. Diona nukies was also bad "I'll be there in a few days"
    2 points
  4. If not...to bad! I'm that exceptionally r̶o̶b̶u̶s̶t̶ clumsy green eyed red head in security that many of you have come to love or hate! ? NERD ALERT Tetra is a character I originally created in Anarchy Online back in 2001 (yes, my character in a video game is as old or older than some of you and I am in fact THAT old) and I've used her in any game that has had a character creator since. She has her own personality in my mind and I've grown quite attached to her. Occasionally a goofy Unathi named Chakax who speaks bad E̶n̶g̶l̶i̶s̶h̶ Galactic Common or rarely stereotypical "robotic" IPC named KR4-3SHA who REALLY likes her robot drugs and regularly gets mistaken for a vampire...and a man... despite being a machine with a female chassis. I began playing this in January after my friend told me an absurd story about thier first time playing the game. They were bored one night and found it on some "Top 100 Indie Games" list and said "Eh...why not?" So I too, said "Eh...why not?" figuring I'd play once or twice then move on. OH WAS I WRONG. I got sucked in like many others by the unique experiences and environment this game offers...something like no other. IN FACT! Stories about SS13 have become regular dinner table talk in my household. No joke! I get alot of "So what happened last night?!" My spouse who doesn't even play the game is as familiar with some of your names as I am! I'll be like "So Mike Murdo-" and I'll get interrupted with "Yea I know Mike, no need for the last name, continue the story" ??? While many video games in the past have eventually turned into me trying to grind out my character, get that new loot, or complete the story...this one is different. I play it to see what crazy thing I've never seen before is going to happen next. It keeps delivering. This has become my home away from home. The perfect ending to my long busy days after the rest of my family is asleep. I HAVE been much busier lately and opting for more sleep so haven't had as much time to play (don't be in a rush to grow up kids) but I promise that I'm not planning on going anywhere! Y'all are stuck with me. Maybe. Till I finally get bored. If ever. Probably never.
    1 point
  5. Another thread made me think of one of the greatest flaws in Medbay that promotes powergaming. Why is it that ANYONE has access to the chems fridge? As long as the fridge is stocked, it allows anyone to come in Medbay and completely bypass doctors to heal anything aside from complex things that meds alone can't fix. I think it should be like the Nanomeds(son) and only people with medical access should be able to use it. Maybe even just putting the chems fridge in a room that only medical has access to. Move it up to where one of the pill bottle lockers is. Or the "medbay locker room" right behind the reception desk. That way in EXTREME emergencies the CMO can give the door(s) emergency access so anyone can use it, but it would put the fridge in a more secure location under normal circumstances. I feel this change would reduce powergaming and allow for more RP opportunities...and make less doctors go SSD because they are bored or aggravated that everyone is doing thier job for them.
    1 point
  6. Simple really. I visited another server briefly and noticed that Borgs were able to join throughout the round. They could spawn at either arrivals or the AI core- it was an option in the character setup. Definitely think we should do that. Please comment if you agree!
    1 point
  7. Sometimes the best way to get things nerfed is to prove you're right by abusing the hell out of it (Within the rules, of course). You see antags exploding corpses every round and I bet you a PR will go up to restrict access to the chem locker pretty damn quick. I actually dislike SR quite a bit, in pretty much every way it's designed, including it's potential to be weaponized. I'd get rid of SR entirely and add a surgical procedure to apply Mitocholide to the heart to reset the defib timer, if it were up to me.
    1 point
  8. THIS mindset is a powergaming mindset in general. Doctors SHOULD be healing people. Slow down and tell a doctor you are hurt, tell them what happened to you, allow them to fix you. Don't be in such a hurry. Just gave me an idea for a new suggestion.
    1 point
  9. @Spacemanspark - disagree, its probably an incidental thing than intentional. This should be probably be updated / fixed, as @Fox McCloud suggests.
    1 point
  10. Pssh clumsy?? You definitely mean robust. That's hilarious. Hopefully my characters will make it into a few of your dinner stories
    1 point
  11. Would be great especially for mid rounders
    1 point
  12. It's not a bug, it's intentional. You can always ahelp if you want it removed for the round.
    1 point
  13. Aww that's lame...when I saw you were a nukie I was like "yay, Tetra finally got antag!" But yeah, sounds like a bug. Post on github?
    1 point
  14. Why not just add them to the autolathe then. They have downsides and trade-offs, enough that they are available to just about anyone who really wants them already. You could also add the stipulation the autolathe needs to be hacked to make it slightly harder. They might be a limited item right now, but other non-limited items can already do more, such as the welding gas mask, welding helmets, any rig suit helmet, and almost if not all space suit helmets. Also, flashes are not fixed, robotics can print them out in mass.
    1 point
  15. I unfortunately don't think many experienced players enjoy playing chef too often, I end up living off vending machines more often than not. I agree with what Tay say about reporting stuff to sec but also wanted to add that if it's later in the round sec can usually be very busy. The busier sec is, the less likely they are too care about smaller crimes. I know when I'm HOS I'll sometimes get bombarded by PDA messages about people reporting stuff that we either can't or don't need to do anything about. When I'm warden or HOS I mostly try to keep an eye on comms. Medbay...sort of like the food...hit and miss depending on who's working. When I'm in Medbay I make it a point to try to treat everyone as fast as possible, some people are either not as capable or just lazy.
    1 point
  16. The idea: Allow the HoP to bold certain job titles for late joiners, to encourage them to pick that job over another. The details: Simple addition to the job slot page of the HoP console. All it does is bold the job you want to encourage people to join with. IC reasoning is the HoP is telling Centcomm to prioritise which roles you could really do with hiring/transfering aboard Use cases: A need for a trial. Bolding Magistrate... Magistrate players would love to be given something to actually do, and in half of the round types (blob/nukies etc) they are entirely superfluous Chief engineer let the engine loose? Got fired? Half of the Engineering team are cultists? Syndie macro bombs all over the show? Bold Engineer. Security Officer. Oh god, we need more officers. *sounds of toolboxes in the distance* FAQs Doesn't this effectively enable meta comms in what is needed? Yes, but realistically NT would/should be able to prioritise hiring, so I don't think thats a bad thing at all. Won't a HoP open a hundred clown slots and bold clown? And unless they get hijack, that is a bannable offense... and if they are hijackers... overloading the station with clowns is a valid tactic... CLOWN We never have any job slots anyway, whats the point? For half the day, we aren't at high pop, and there are indeed multiple job slots open. Also, there are umpteen job slot PR's in the works or already on github. ------------ Thoughts?
    1 point
  17. I was pretty much the embodiment of the salt in those threads, yes.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
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