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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2017 in all areas

  1. The glorious medbeam fixes 2 brute and 2 burn per second, as well as having a tiny chance of fixing bones. It does not fix toxin damage, suffocation damage, internal bleeding, organ damage, brain damage nor clone damage. It has no feelings and is incredibly cold in its approach to the patient. It cannot be seduced. I feel like people are overestimating how useful these things are. Slapping a patch on someone is way faster than bothering with the beam, and patches take up far less space in your inventory than the gun would. I do feel that it's an unnecessary gimmick that will make Science even more self-sustainable, leading to players being even more segregated, but you guys are thinking too highly of the gun.
    3 points
  2. As title says allow security to use tracking implants on themselves or on Command. Not completely sure but i think you can order more tracking implants from cargo right now. If security gets allowed to use tracking implants on themselves then the tracking implants found in the armory should be the only ones on the station with no way to order more from cargo. Security will have to decide whether to spare them for prisoners, or blow them off on themselves as the four tracking implants are all they got. It is a great utility in that you can send messages to officers from the brig directly. Great for situations where the comms are compromised or comms are down. Don't forget about shadowling rounds with officers getting thralled. A tracking implant will either help security save their officers from enthrallment or find thralled officer and dethrall. At the moment it is a job ban worthy offense and I learned that the hard way. Thank you for clarifying neca Discuss. Edit: tl;dr >Tracking implants should no longer allow you to teleport to the implanted >Tracking implants should be fried by things such as an EMP >Edit SoP to clarify when it is alright to use tracking implants on officers or others to avoid confrontations with the admins or that pesky IAA. SoP should only allow those who begin the round with loyalty implants to be a candidate for tracking implants, such as sec officers and the captain. (Unless security wants to tracking implant someone who committed a crime worthy of having a tracking implant. Or has evidence that a suspect is most likely a traitor.) >Tracking implants should not be ordered from cargo. The four implants at the armory should be all you have. You will have to decide whether to use it on prisoners or blow it off on security
    1 point
  3. Not entirely on topic, but the map that I'm putting together for Paradise has two Chemistry fridges. One internal within MEdical, and one public facing in the main hallway. The idea being that Chemists can put harmless things in the public facing, such as oculine, or small brute patches, charcoal... You wouldn't put more dangerous chems like Strange Reagent, Penetic Acid etc in the freely accessible one.
    1 point
  4. Could also add the department teleport system that science sometimes sets up as a station goal. Must place a telepad in each listed area (e.g. science, cargo, engineering, security) and have a central hub location in order to fulfil objectives. This actually affects everyone and although it can be solo'd, it's a nice system to have in place.
    1 point
  5. Emagged drones should just turn into suicide drones, that lose access to their tools and instead just have the option to explode. Tiny spider bombs!
    1 point
  6. I mean... this really kind of sums up my entire thoughts about it more or less. I'd honestly be more in favor of axing the ability to have emagged maintenance drones at all, with E-mags just powering down/destroying a drone for traitors who want to silently dispatch the little helper bots that might be foiling his plans by doing repairs or unsabotaging the power grid.
    1 point
  7. And if they do, he couldn't really do much about it. There are only 2 mentions of the fridge in medical SOP, both under chemist specifically: Nothing in the SOP says the Fridge must be publicly accessible. I suppose the Captain or CentCom could order the CMO to put the fridge back, though.
    1 point
  8. I'm against emagged maintenance drones entirely. Maintenance drones are meant to be silent synthetic engineers, tasked with preforming repairs and minor engineering projects. They're small, fragile, but sturdy enough to wield the tools they carry. Mechanically, drones serve as a way for players to enter the round and provide an impact on the station, but without severely impacting other characters with their interactions. In return for sacrificing sociability, drones are given an array of tools perfect for the solitary engineer player, who finds pleasure in the zen state of mind that comes with preforming station repairs and building engineering forts. Overall, the niche maintenance drones fill is one of solitude,with the only player interactions being with other drones or the occasional assistant who thinks drones make good hats. Emagged drones takes the entire concept of maintenance drones and flips it on its head. Emagged drones are a nightmare to fight, armed with an incredibly powerful melee weapon that breaks bones in a few hits, and is capable of knocking down walls. The average crew member will surely die in a one on one fight with the average drone. Drones take no movement speed penalties from damage, have no bones that can be broken, are usually assumed to be trustworthy, and protected by the "cute" factor that surrounds mobs like Ian and Runtime. Drones have access to the entire station, be it through airlocks, vents, broken down walls, or even space. They can access all electronics like how a borg or AI does, allowing for a drone to completely lock down a department. There is no indicator that a drone is emagged, unless it's been caught in the act or if it has its drill out. The list of advantages emagged maintenance drones possess goes on and on. To sum it up, emagged maintenance drones are highly mobile, extremely deadly, and have a very big impact on the round. Maintenance drones are also subject to the "antag sympathizer" symptom that so frequently arises with conversion antags. Antagonist sympathizers are players who willingly allow themselves to be converted into an antagonist. This frequently happens with revolution, shadowling, and cult rounds. Players have become increasingly adept at *accidentally* getting captured by a conversion antagonist, to the point where most cases of antag sympathy goes unnoticed. Higher server population makes getting accidentally caught even easier. Shadowling rounds are filled with the type of player who wanders around maintenance under the guise of hunting for shadowlings, when in reality the player is looking to become a thrall. Maintenance drones are subject to the same problem. Ghosts can find a traitor with an emag, then join as a maintenance drone and seek that traitor out. While drones are supposed to avoid people, many drones will allow themselves to be picked up and worn as hats. An antagonist sympathizing drone will simply hang around a traitor, who can easily scoop up the drone and emag it in some dark corner. While antagonist sympathizers are a cultural problem rather than a mechanical problem, an easy solution is a mechanical one: remove emagged maintenance drones.
    1 point
  9. Negative, the doctors job is already pointless if Chems is working and the fridge is stocked, or the sleepers are upgraded, or the cryotubes work. Anyone that can enter medbay or is let into medbay heals themself anyway. The point of a doctor is that they need to specialize in fixing oddball problems (infections/genetic disorders) and surgery. A mounted medi-beam that heals basic damages wont change a doctors purpose. Its just a better-medbot. A medbeam wont bring back the dead, it wont cleanse toxins from your body (nerfed version), it wont de-blind you or heal organs or bones... it just performs what synthflesh/pentetic/saline already do. Ideally it'd be tuned to require uranium to produce as well, limiting it to only 3-4 are produced and attached to bots or healing turrets or given to paramedics. This is a fantastic idea really. Lets the doctors focus on getting better at surgery (now with the infection PR, surgery is even more labor intensive and annoying which has only made shadowlings and tspiders stronger than ever..) If youre worried about sec powergaming it, make it take up both hand slots or function as a backpack sprayer, and have a range of 1 tile unless its turret-mounted.
    1 point
  10. Here's a few ideas: -BSA: It needs to be constructed to destroy a large meteor/chunk of space debris heading for the station, if it isn't constructed towards the end of the round, the station is impacted and heavily damaged. -DNA Vault: Constructing it will automatically (or manually with a multitool or something) sync all DNA samples in the vault to the cloning bay on station. These changes would also add a motive for antags to hinder or disrupt the completion of these station goals, as they could take advantage of the chaos caused by the failure to construct them and their construction could end up making their own objectives harder.
    1 point
  11. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
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