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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Lets approach this from an in character, roleplay perspective. Lets say that I am an assistant, who has just shocked himself while trying to hack the hot drinks vendor. My hands now charred stumps, I rush to medbay, walking in as some other patient walks out. Rather than asking for a doctor to fix me, I jab my burnt digits at the medicine locker, pulling out a patch. I apply it to my burnt hands, which regain some of their original color and shape. Seeing that no one has stopped me from accessing the medical locker, I decide to take a few other patches for myself, as well as some painkillers so I can get high later. Because no one has stopped me yet, I decide to steal the CMO's cat, because apparently it's just free game in medbay today. However, the medical vendors scattered around medbay stop my looting spree, as they have ID locks on them. I scratch my head and think, *Why did they bother to put locks on these things if the fridge is free game?*. I wander out, my bag full of pills and patches that will likely never be used by someone who actually needs them. Alright, lets break down this little episode, and hopefully I'll get you to see why the fridge being unlocked is so ridiculous. Anyone can treat themselves. Doctors? Pffft, who needs them. Anyone can undermine the doctors by throwing themselves into a cryotube or stealing some patches from the vendor. Anyone can help themselves. If the fridge is unlocked, of course people are going to steal from it. The fridge and all of it's goodies are in an easy to reach spot, free for anyone to take. It's a blank check for powergaming. Why not steal a few synthflesh patches? Players who resist powergaming will stop themselves from stealing all the synthflesh patches for themselves, but with our high population it's not logical to assume that every player will abide by an unspoken rule. The vendors have locks, while the fridge doesn't. Why? Who knows. I can't imagine a doctor allowing a patient to take a bottle of medicine back home with them in real life. Stopping medicine thieves isn't easy. Unless a doctor with a syringe gun or the CMO with their baton is nearby, detaining a thieving assistant isn't easy. Stealing from the fridge is as easy as waltzing into medbay, rapidly clicking on what you want, then hitting the door button and escaping into the hallway.
    2 points
  2. Pretty much. Why would NT hire people who moonlight in making nuclear explosions happen on their stations? Wouldn't make too much sense; so I think it's safe to assume that you are not your character that round, so should be a generic human.
    1 point
  3. But borgs do not just consist of security borgs. It is one of 6 choices ( janitor,service,standard,engineering,security,medical ). But 90 % of server pop know how to do that. You have to base such decisions on regular players not newbies to the game. Maybe you have all access but there are only 3 positions where you can charge Ai-Core / Robotics / Showerroom. All of them can be easily deconstructed disabled in case of a rouge AI and a Command Crew who knows there stuff. A human took some food ( 3 seconds ) a cyborg has to be a long time in it to recharge the bigger cells, and the energy drain from rcds, or stunbats is immense. Not to forget you can be easily blown. PS : The rouge Ai should have a possibility to disable the self destruct function in every borg. / And Permastun borgs is a issue, it is just unfair. Free will ? Humans would be never redudant. Did you see ever a borg building a other borg. We are dependent on meatbags. We cant even upgrade ourself. And we are limited to one and only one job if not a human resets us. Electrified Doors --> Insulated gloves easily obtainable by cargo and engineering. Door Crushing --> The door stun is to short to really kill on . It should kill with the first hit. 800 punds of metal crushing in your head and tearing you into to parts should not be only damage you 10 % of your health bar. Screaming --> to be honest everybody and everywhere people are screaming. It is no surround sound so you have to check many rooms. Mostly it is to late and in 90 % the killer is a silent one. The Ai sat is terrible in my oppinion, you are to far away from the station. Syndics with piercing bullets can oneshoot you. Even before you notice they are even there. Happend to me. Nobody will notice it until it is to late. The Layout is idiotic turrets will kill themselves because the even fire if you stand in direct line. It is fat to easy to entry from one of the sites east south west. Next problem a straight line of fire from north directly into the ai core. The constructor at nanotrasen should be hanged for that. Help is difficult because no hardsuit for security. They do not! Last round i waited s secborg for over 35min in the robotics lab. There were to roboticist, but they were more occupied with building mechs. Even more disturbing one fixed me but don´t insert a battery for 20 minutes. This cell was laying directly next to me. We need an automatic borg repair utility , maybe for balance reason a constructed one, were you can slowly repair yourselve even without a roboticist.
    1 point
  4. Forgot about that one. Should be removed honestly. edit: The use of tracking implants should be mentioned in security SoP to clarify in which circumstances tracking implants are acceptable. "Only officers that agree to be implanted and only so in code red" That it is. Nerfs to the implants are part of the suggestion. Teleportation to mobs because they are implanted should be impossible and you cannot order more from cargo; the implants in the armory are all you should ever get. I can imagine an officer saying "HELP MAINT" and sec just teleports to maint, that's really shitty. As for 'there's more to the story' i also took meth as the HoS to meme (running around the station while saying GOTTA GO FAST). I did powergame with ephedrine though. Meth sucks. But the ban was applied because i have notes. Ban was lifted though after 10 minutes. Just needed to explain myself and where i got the idea. The whole issue was me using tracking implants. Edit 2: There should be ways to disable a tracking implant. EMPs come to mind.
    1 point
  5. Not entirely on topic, but the map that I'm putting together for Paradise has two Chemistry fridges. One internal within MEdical, and one public facing in the main hallway. The idea being that Chemists can put harmless things in the public facing, such as oculine, or small brute patches, charcoal... You wouldn't put more dangerous chems like Strange Reagent, Penetic Acid etc in the freely accessible one.
    1 point
  6. Also if anyone gives you a hard time about moving the chems fridge into the supply room, just tell them to contact IAA ?
    1 point
  7. I understand the concern there, but you could apply that same reasoning to insist people should have access to anything. What if there is a hull breach in Medical? That's an urgent situation. Why can't I waltz into engineering and take their stuff and fix the hole myself? Why can't Medbay do it's own research to upgrade it's own sleepers if science is being stupid? Why can't science just go down to the mining asteroid and mine themselves if the miners aren't doing it? If Cargo stucks, why can't I just walk in and use the computer to approve my own orders? The entire point of SS13 is the forced co-operation. You shouldn't be able to just walk into a department and do someone elses job if they are incompetent. You always have options to get around an incompetent department. You could find someone with medical access to help. A roboticst could fix your brain damage surgically. Botany might be able to make plants to help. Science could make Mannitol, if they wanted to. Maybe the Brig Physician has his own stash. I don't like this idea of "I need to be able to do ______, because what is ______ department is incompetent?" Then, you overcome it. You don't get to just waltz in and do it yourself.
    1 point
  8. Sometimes the best way to get things nerfed is to prove you're right by abusing the hell out of it (Within the rules, of course). You see antags exploding corpses every round and I bet you a PR will go up to restrict access to the chem locker pretty damn quick. I actually dislike SR quite a bit, in pretty much every way it's designed, including it's potential to be weaponized. I'd get rid of SR entirely and add a surgical procedure to apply Mitocholide to the heart to reset the defib timer, if it were up to me.
    1 point
  9. @Spacemanspark - disagree, its probably an incidental thing than intentional. This should be probably be updated / fixed, as @Fox McCloud suggests.
    1 point
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