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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm making this thread as a result of the thread I made, suggesting to give medical borgs a 4th module slot. Instead of that idea, I think this is a better one. However I recommend reading that thread first, since a lot of what was said will still apply to this discussion. Anyway, here's my suggestion: Instead of a fourth slot, make the health scanner BUILT IN to the actual borg. So rather than it being a module, just have it be default active all the time. So that if we click on someone with no module selected, boom it'll give us a readout just as if we had used the scanner. This isn't just about making it more convenient to scan people, it's about freeing up a module slot for other things. My standard loadout is scanner, cyborg hypospray, and defib. If the scanner were built in, my loadout would instead be the trauma kit, hypospray, and defib.
    2 points
  2. Too often as a doctor I have to work around stuff missing or clowns in the area either blocking the way or in pursuit of their pranks, actually make my job much harder, to the point I am no longer enjoying the game when one is around because now I have to keep an eye on HIM as well as my patients, and quite often I have 2 or 3 at a time to worry about. Right now, policy in game is that they're practicalyl allowed to.. but in a RP context, when it's literally life or death? Is there ANY common sense in pulling your doctor to the ground when he's trying to inject someone with Epi before shocking them again and hope they'll come back? That's happened to me TWICE now, and the second time I really did lost the patient. They basically quit the round. I would like it to be actual space law that interfering with a doctor in the line of his work is punishable, and if said interference results in his patient dying, to be counted as murder. I also want every clown to understand that fully and STAYS THE HELL OUT OF MEDICAL! PRanks on a doctor who is not doing anything? Fine. But a surgeon in OR? HELL, NO! yes, I am pissed. Clowns have ruined those rounds for me. Enough is enough.
    2 points
  3. It seems to be a disturbing trend on this server that anything that seems to buff Borgs, no matter how minor gets instantly shot down. I've had Doctors threaten to have me blown simply because I was doing their job when they were too incompetent to do it themselves. You don't decide to design a Borg to have advanced tools and arms then decide to remove any sort of manipulator device. Quite a few of the Borg sprites including Black Knight, Advanced Droid and all of Travelling Merchant's Borg sprites have hands or at least manipulation devices but do not possess any capability to pick up objects. You can magically buckle people to furniture, pull objects and similar actions despite having no hands. It's pretty clear Borgs as a role are designed to be crippled and sub par compared to organics. Each side has distinct advantages and disadvantages but Borgs having no or limited ability to pick up objects is a decision that seems to be rooted in the 'Borgs ah stealin ma job' opinion.
    2 points
  4. The title says it all. Could also apply to cows. Chickens can be bred (hatched from eggs), cows should be able to be bred, too. It would solve the meat shortages, most notably in early rounds, and well, immershun.
    1 point
  5. I'd expand that to anyone with medical clearance (That is, your ID lets you past Medbay reception). I don't have a problem with the Blueshield or Virologist having access to the fridge.
    1 point
  6. If a clown or anyone else is interfering in your medical work to the point that somebody dies; push for sabotage or manslaughter charges and/or ahelp it. If someone is consistently doing this, ahelp it. If someone is round in, round out, being a shit who is only concerned with their own fun to the point where it's involving the death of other people, that can and will be dealt with.
    1 point
  7. Yes, I would imagine that, and I've heard things before from Hereticchurch. But all I want is to have the chicken of the cave.
    1 point
  8. 24 words: The deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried nuclear authentication disk. (But really, we used to have shitlers who would steal and deepfry just about anything because it was a grief-y and irreversible way to destroy things like PDAs, the captain's spare ID, sec's batons, and so forth; same reason we had to take away the ability to put non-foods on plates.)
    1 point
  9. Medical borgs are SUPPOSED to be super doctors, dude. They give up so much in order to excel at a specific role. An extra hand is not a big deal, it's just convenience.
    1 point
  10. Challenges are of course necessary in making an exciting game, but again, I don't think many people sit there in dead chat, their body rotting in medbay, thinking "Gosh isn't this fantastic? My body has been mouldy for 10 minutes now, and nobody knows how to revive me! Cor I'd love to get back to playing space station 13 but I'm enjoying the ineptitude of medbay too much." Medbay can be bad and this adds to the fun and chaotic atmosphere that SS13 is known for, but when they're so bad to the point that people aren't able to continue playing the game because the bodies are piling up and nobody wants to/knows how to deal with them, then nobody is really having fun and thats ultimately what we're all playing this game to have, some fun. If you get satisfaction out of and enjoy being a victim of incompetance or lack of knowledge without the prospect of anyone else being able to help you, then fair play to you, but I suspect many others don't enjoy being in that position.
    1 point
  11. What Mediborgs ACTUALLY need is for their hypo to be less of a shit when it comes to refilling it's chems. It only refills the chem currently selected which is weird. You'd think it'd refill everything or everything BUT the one selected.
    1 point
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