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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Hello, Paradise! I'm an experienced Roleplayer who is somewhat familiar with SS13 (still learning the ropes in some jobs), and I quite like being on the Paradise server, so I decided to join the forums. For those curious, here are the characters I play as of me writing this. Korresh Koresi: Red Unathi. Simon Lucky: Run of the mill Human, with a beard. I'll see you guys in game! (Hopefully!)
    3 points
  2. I'm making this thread as a result of the thread I made, suggesting to give medical borgs a 4th module slot. Instead of that idea, I think this is a better one. However I recommend reading that thread first, since a lot of what was said will still apply to this discussion. Anyway, here's my suggestion: Instead of a fourth slot, make the health scanner BUILT IN to the actual borg. So rather than it being a module, just have it be default active all the time. So that if we click on someone with no module selected, boom it'll give us a readout just as if we had used the scanner. This isn't just about making it more convenient to scan people, it's about freeing up a module slot for other things. My standard loadout is scanner, cyborg hypospray, and defib. If the scanner were built in, my loadout would instead be the trauma kit, hypospray, and defib.
    1 point
  3. Anyone with medbay access.. I think the exception might be for .. no.. medbay access would work fine. Can't think of any exceptions. Blueshield? Seeing as it's a karma locked job from what I've seen, I'm ok with that one.
    1 point
  4. I would like to see that fridge modified so you select which drug you want, and then MUST swipe your ID. If you are not a doctor, paramedic or chemist, get stuffed. No more free for all please, that fridge is WAY too close to the doors and too easy for people to rush in and mob the fridge with every doctor unable to prevent it from being ransacked.. so please either move it into secure storage, or lock it so only doctors can pull from it.
    1 point
  5. Definitely should be a completely different character. Why would the syndicate send someone in their super elite nuclear operative squad with a mechanical heart which can be one shot.... they're not -that- incompetent are they?
    1 point
  6. Why not give them a timer on how long they are emmaged? So after they are scanned, they are only in a controllable state for ten minutes. That way we're not punishing the player playing the drone, while still nerfing it.
    1 point
  7. Lets approach this from an in character, roleplay perspective. Lets say that I am an assistant, who has just shocked himself while trying to hack the hot drinks vendor. My hands now charred stumps, I rush to medbay, walking in as some other patient walks out. Rather than asking for a doctor to fix me, I jab my burnt digits at the medicine locker, pulling out a patch. I apply it to my burnt hands, which regain some of their original color and shape. Seeing that no one has stopped me from accessing the medical locker, I decide to take a few other patches for myself, as well as some painkillers so I can get high later. Because no one has stopped me yet, I decide to steal the CMO's cat, because apparently it's just free game in medbay today. However, the medical vendors scattered around medbay stop my looting spree, as they have ID locks on them. I scratch my head and think, *Why did they bother to put locks on these things if the fridge is free game?*. I wander out, my bag full of pills and patches that will likely never be used by someone who actually needs them. Alright, lets break down this little episode, and hopefully I'll get you to see why the fridge being unlocked is so ridiculous. Anyone can treat themselves. Doctors? Pffft, who needs them. Anyone can undermine the doctors by throwing themselves into a cryotube or stealing some patches from the vendor. Anyone can help themselves. If the fridge is unlocked, of course people are going to steal from it. The fridge and all of it's goodies are in an easy to reach spot, free for anyone to take. It's a blank check for powergaming. Why not steal a few synthflesh patches? Players who resist powergaming will stop themselves from stealing all the synthflesh patches for themselves, but with our high population it's not logical to assume that every player will abide by an unspoken rule. The vendors have locks, while the fridge doesn't. Why? Who knows. I can't imagine a doctor allowing a patient to take a bottle of medicine back home with them in real life. Stopping medicine thieves isn't easy. Unless a doctor with a syringe gun or the CMO with their baton is nearby, detaining a thieving assistant isn't easy. Stealing from the fridge is as easy as waltzing into medbay, rapidly clicking on what you want, then hitting the door button and escaping into the hallway.
    1 point
  8. All prefs should probably *not* carry over when you're a nukie, for this very reason. I remember IPC nukies. They were the worst. They broadly fell into two categories: those who tried their best and recognized that they probably weren't going to last long...andddd those who expected to be catered to because they were IPC. Diona nukies was also bad "I'll be there in a few days"
    1 point
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