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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2017 in all areas

  1. Anyone who has played during a rogue AI round has certainly heard the calls for "Blow all borgs!" coming from frightened crew. For those who don't know, the Research Director's office has a console that can monitor cyborgs. In case of emergency, those with access to the console can either lock down or detonate an individual cyborg. Additionally, there is an option to detonate all cyborgs, which requires the user to press one button to arm the device, then another button to actually detonate. My issue/suggestion comes here: It's possible to blow up one cyborg, or blow them all up. It's possible to lock down one cyborg... and that's it? You can't lock them all down. I suggest a button to lock down all cyborgs in the case of rogue AI or other emergencies. It seems like a no-brainer idea, and I would imagine the coding difficulty is low. The "Lock All" button should specifically be above the "Detonate All" button. In a panic, if you aren't thinking with 100% of your mental faculties, you'll be looking for your first option. Since locking all is less destructive than detonating all, it should be first. Additionally, the design should be a two button system, similar to the interface that the AI and cyborgs see when they click on doors. For those who don't know, the door interface for the AI is a list of options and the state an option is in. For example, "Door Bolts: |Raised| |Lowered|" So for my suggestion, I'm proposing something like "Full Lockdown: |Unlocked| |Locked|" Unlocked is before locked in this case because (I'm fairly certain) the convention for these types of toggles is for the "good" toggle to be first and the "bad" toggle to be second. It would also be nice if the "unlocked" button was green and had a open padlock symbol before the word unlocked. Similarly, the "locked" button should be red with a closed padlock symbol before the word locked. I'm not at home right now, so I can't take screenshots to show what I mean, but I think I described it well enough that people should understand. If you see any reason that such an option should not be added, please state why. If you support the idea but have an alternate suggestion to the layout, please describe it, or better yet, make a little drawing of it.
    1 point
  2. I'm making this thread as a result of the thread I made, suggesting to give medical borgs a 4th module slot. Instead of that idea, I think this is a better one. However I recommend reading that thread first, since a lot of what was said will still apply to this discussion. Anyway, here's my suggestion: Instead of a fourth slot, make the health scanner BUILT IN to the actual borg. So rather than it being a module, just have it be default active all the time. So that if we click on someone with no module selected, boom it'll give us a readout just as if we had used the scanner. This isn't just about making it more convenient to scan people, it's about freeing up a module slot for other things. My standard loadout is scanner, cyborg hypospray, and defib. If the scanner were built in, my loadout would instead be the trauma kit, hypospray, and defib.
    1 point
  3. A headmin and one of the founders of the server. This is not intended to be an MLP ERP server, and if a majority did want that, I'd suggest they go start their own server to create that. You're welcome to use the code too! See above. It's not magic. Additionally, I'm not just an admin, I've also been known to play on the server as well. The point of the server is not to entertain all people. It's to entertain people in a specific way within the vision of the server. We are not attempting to appeal to as many people as possible. The goal is to create a certain type of server, and that doesn't appeal to everyone. That's ok! There's plenty of other servers, the code is available and open source as well, so others can use it to create their own modifications, as various people have, but it has never been the intent to appeal to as many people as possible. When we created the server, it was with a certain vision in mind that has evolved over the years, and will continue to, but this evolution is not going to be solely chosen by popular opinion. Quality is more important than quantity. I'm really not. I nor none of the staff are paid employees. We're not obliged to spend our free time to create the kind of server other people want to play on in their time. This is an incredibly entitled attitude. I know it's a kinda cliched line, but we're volunteers working for free (or at our own expense sometimes), and you're enjoying the fruits of that labor without paying a dime. I have no idea where you're getting this from. Your numbers are frankly bizarre. I see...5 people liking that. That's not even.most admins. That's not even most of the clown players of the last 24 hours. I'm not sure who you're counting as "people" but your sample size seems frankly tiny. There were 100 people on the server last I checked, 250 online in the discord, and 13 browsing the forum. I'm struggling to see what 5 people is most of. I wouldn't even call it major support. When you say "ours", who do you mean? People who post suggestions, players in general, people who click upvote on posts...? Additionally - why should someone who has logged onto the server once have their opinion be worth the same as someone who has played for years and better understands it, or people who make the server a much more enjoyable experience with their play, or the people who have put thousands of hours into working on it, or the people who have funded the server, or the people who created it in the first place? Someone who has been banned for spamming racist slurs over OOC's opinion is not ever going to be worth the same as other players. Again, I'd quit before I let people like that start defining the direction of the server. Not everyone is welcome here. It is not a public service we're running. It's a private gaming server. This isn't to say I'm sole dictator of all direction of the server. Originally it was defined mostly between myself and my flatmate, mkenner, with Zomgponies in charge of the coding aspects. Over time it's expanded to more and more people, to the extent that now I don't have complete control on who new admins are, or how decisions are made. I'm happy to compromise on plenty of issues, Paradise has become much bigger than that, but it's still not, nor will it ever be, defined entirely by public opinion. That was never the intent of the server and has never been how we've operated, and we've done pretty bloody well for ourselves if I do say so myself. Have some faith in me and the admin team - we seem to have created a server that a hell of a lot of people enjoy, and thousands of people have spent thousands of hours enjoying.
    1 point
  4. Memory? Who needs it! Where's the fun in staying in a wholly consistent, sensible universe filled with people you know when you can be terribly confused and not understand what's happening? (Dark quota is properly fulfilled, looks pretty damn high detail, nice!)
    1 point
  5. I understand it's not a democracy, and I understand actually looking at the merits of an argument, however I disagree about ignoring the majority just because you disagree with them. Your example of people wanting an ERP MLP server is invalid, because obviously the majority will never want that. But if they ACTUALLY DID want that- who are you to say no? Just because you're an admin, why does that magically give your opinion more value than everyone else? The point of the server is to entertain people, to provide them with something they want to do. Now, I do understand wanting a general vision for the server, and that change specifically would be very drastic indeed. But if the real majority of people genuinely wanted that, then I feel you are obligated to oblidge. Regardless, this goes back to what I said about that point being invalid. The majority of people will most likely never want that, because it's a pretty terrible idea. This in fact furthers my argument. If the vast majority sways one way or another, that's a pretty good indicator of if the idea is good or not. In this case, the majority is against, because that is indeed a terrible idea. Now apply this to my idea. Most people seem to be for it, which is probably a pretty good indicator that it's a good idea. On the topic of actual votes/thumbs up, I understand that they don't tell you much besides how many people agree or disagree- however, how much do you actually want us to type out before you'll be satisfied? Our goal should not be to convince you, the admins. It should be to convince the majority. Admins gets 1 vote, just like everyone else. Now I do not strictly mean 1 vote, because that would be a democracy, I'm just saying your opinion should be worth just as much as ours. Back to my point: How much do you want us to type out? Do you really need us to write out an entire essay in an effort to actually convince you, the almighty admins? If what we wrote was good enough to convince the majority, then I say that is damn well good enough. If someone doesn't put very much effort into their post, and the majority disagrees, then that's that. Maybe they should put more effort in being more detailed, discussing it, and trying to convince more people. But some ideas are so simple that you don't need to go to great lengths to get the point across. You say what needs to be said and people agree or disagree. Now maybe I'm going off on a random tangent, because you didn't actually mention post length specifically. You said the merits of an argument. But I'm saying that even the merits of an argument should only matter for as much as they are needed to convince the majority. My original post was very simple, most people seem to agree. I didn't have to go out of my way to be very detailed and try really hard to convince a bunch of people. I said what needed to be said and most people seem to agree. So why is it that you think you can come along and just be like 'nah'? Your opinion is one opinion. You are one person. We all play the server together.
    1 point
  6. Three reputation points is really not "most people". It's...3% of the players on the server right now. Sure, 3 people (4, including you), might want that, but it's not what they're supposed to be. They're supposed to be medical capable borgs, and they're working as intended. They have a heap of advantages over regular doctors, but are not meant to be able to run medbay without the assistance of non-borgs. The intent is for them to be assistants with the abilities of borgs, not super doctors.
    1 point
  7. Losing your memory is generally pretty shitty. For Sam, though... (Because I was falling seriously behind on my dark quota and I wanted to see if I'd improved any at drawing people)
    1 point
  8. I might need help... this isn't enough guns I was the QM
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Emagged drones should just turn into suicide drones, that lose access to their tools and instead just have the option to explode. Tiny spider bombs!
    1 point
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