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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2017 in all areas

  1. Back in my day (permission to groan)... SR and defibs didn't exist. Limited supplies of plasma were needed to create cryox and clonex. The sleepers were unable to be upgraded...upgrades didn't exist. And medbay still ran pretty damn good if I do say so myself. I find it much less fun now with how many options there are and how easy people are to fix up. While getting people back into the game generally increases fun, there is a diminishing return here. If revival and healing is too easy, combat, death and injury start to lose meaning. SS13 is a brutal game. Death is part of it. Skill only gets you so far, luck is needed too. You may die due to something unavoidable and not your fault. I'm not even sure what OOC repercussions to death means though? That's...an odd concept. This would be an incredibly powerful item. It wouldn't just buff medical either, it'd buff anyone able to beg/borrow/steal/make one. It would make huge amounts of things obsolete depending on how it's done, from synthflesh to bone surgery.
    3 points
  2. Just to poke a little fun at folks.. (and yes, I DO play a vulp)... fleas. Essentially, minor blood loss, can be transmitted by air but really only affects anything that has blood. Pets, mice, people... some exceptions though. Usually starts with mice found in the maintenance passages. Cured with a good shower and a flea bath (Flea Shampoo while in shower), Recipes: Cyanide (1) + water (4) = Flea Medicine (5) Flea Medicine (1) + Lye (1) + Water (3) = Flea Shampoo (apply while in shower to get the anti-flea suds going...) Flea Medicine (1) -> Patch form = Flea Gel (Cures and provides immunity for a while, apply to the neck/head) Flea Medicine (1) + Fluorosurfactant (1) -> grenades = BUG BOMBS!
    2 points
  3. We've talked about this. I kinda wish you would give up on that train of thought. Non-borgs are VERSATILE. Borgs give up this versatility in order to excel at something specific. A medical doctor, for example, could grab any weapon they wanted and suddenly be able to kill more efficiently than a borg ever could. Human doctors, for another example, have access to every chemical that can be made. Advanced things such as synth flesh which are amazing. Mediborg can only use the 4 chemicals in their hypospray. Cyborgs have infinite Saline-Glucose, sure, but it's really really slow to heal. Mediborgs have a single burn and trauma kit which has the same number of uses as normal ones, before we need to resupply at a charge station. A human doctor can keep SEVERAL of these kits in their backpack. And please don't forget that human doctors are typically chilling right there in medbay, where they have easy access to additional supplies, not to mention the cryo tubes and sleepers. Meanwhile, I as a Mediborg typically act as a super Paramedic. Always watching the crew monitor, if someone gets injured or dies, I'll rush to them using my all access. So it's pretty frustrating to have an extremely limited number of charges on those burn/trauma kits. If you ask me, Mediborgs can stand to be buffed a fair amount. This has inspired me to make another thread, so keep an eye out for that. Edit: I ended up making FOUR threads, lol. Anyway, as for the thread topic. I definitely don't think security borgs should have the stun removed. Maybe an upgrade, as others have mentioned, that would reduce the duration. But flashes are basically the only counter to borgs so it would be pretty dumb to remove it.
    2 points
  4. I was playing IAA. Code green, 10 minutes into the round and was already seeing shitcurity at it's finest. People were being tazed without warning. No arrest set. Records not updated. The civilians were getting harm battoned. I told the officers and the warden to get their shit together. So a little later on we get set to code blue. "Possible traitors" although almost every single door was emagged at this point and teleporter gun was stolen. 3 suspects were in processing. One guy looked like he killed 5 other traitors to get their items. Contraband after contraband. Uzi , space suit, emag, emp implant...you name it. Warden was processing him which was all good. I was helping this fresh officer process this civilian. The officer next to me, let's call him officer Whoops, was processing the barber. Officer Whoops finds safety scissors (a known traitor item) and says that they should be free to go. The warden comes over, points to the scissors and tells him that is a traitor item and he needs to be permabrigged. Officer Whoops decides this guy is innocent and tests it on the warden to prove a point. I'm yelling at him to fucking drop the scissors and there he goes. Just slices the warden's throat wide open. Warden goes crit. Blood everywhere. Coms go down. I yell for the brig Phycisian. Officer Whoops gets beat down by the other officer and arrested. Meanwhile Contraband Sam gets loose and starts taking all his stuff from the table and equips it. Armed with only a laser pointer I shine that fucker in the eyes. He's blinded but still is armed and is firing the weapon. Officer Whoops gets free of the chair but is still cuffed. The barber is now free too. So here we are. The brig Phycisian and IAA trying to stun and cuff 3 suspects . The only officer still in the room tried to murder the warden. We both do not have access to the equipment lockers. I decide to release the shitcurity for the moment. The 3 of us manage to get Contraband Sam locked up again. Sweeny Todd is on the loose and the civilian that I was helping search earlier is still tied to the chair yelling for help. I shake the warden. She is SSD. Fucking great. I tell the officer to get all the equipment off that syndie and throw him into perma. He goes to do it and *BOOM*. Processing blows up. My arm goes flying in another direction bit I'm otherwise ok. I look up at the equipment lockers and see this officer just casually get dressed. I do a double take and see his pda and is on the floor. ASSISTANT. I run to the intercom and yell for engineering and all of sec to come to the brig right now. Nobody comes. Do it again. No one. I see the brig Phycisian heading trying to get out of the brig. I try and follow but I brush up against an electrified door and go into crit. Fuck. I can't go out the front. There's only space and in my condition I will surely die. I try to head out another maintenance door but my legs give out and I start fading in and out of consciousness. I yell for help. It's useless. No one is in the brig except for that one traitor. So instant praying for help. My prayers go unanswered. Then I get mad and start praying for a curse of bees to thwart the remaining security force . Nothing. When I wake up again a medical both is dragging me to the medbay. They fix me up, give me some new limbs in robotics and everything. I know what I need to do. I run back to my office and start typing up a report to the HOS, Captain, and Central command about the gross incompetence of the security force. Reccomendation to brig the one officer and fire the rest. I send a copy to each one. Shuttle has been boarded by the time I send out the last fax. Edit: Changed the officer's name. He didn't do it on purpose.
    2 points
  5. Well... It was my fault in the end and I recognize that the way I handled events was.... Less than ideal.
    2 points
  6. Wow, I actually didn't expect "Officer Clusterfuck" (No offence meant.) to step forward and take responsibility for that. Anyways, this sounds like a magnificent series of events, nice.
    2 points
  7. Everyone is a furry now.
    2 points
  8. I strongly believe that no species should be karma locked at all, and especially we should not go down the road of white listing. For example what would you set as the criteria for entry into the white list? I would personally rather see cosmetic items locked behind karma for character customisation instead of anything mechanical. Why should I as a Vox player have mechanical advantages over a new player just because I have played long enough to get 45 Karma?
    2 points
  9. So there's some problems with the Karma system at present. Players reward it to other players for Robustness or Saving them, rather than roleplay. Additionally, species unlocks are tied to karma - which seems largely arbitrary because attempts are made to 'balance' the races, so why is there disparity in the costs? Rarity? Roleplaying experience? I've been thinking about this, I'd like to offer up my suggestions for discussion: Earning/Rewarding Karma: Problem: To be honest, so long as this is largely in the player's hands, this is something that you can't really regulate. Players will give karma at random, or maybe for (what some consider) the wrong reasons. Or, more commonly, not at all. Proposed solutions: Give a notice about Karma in the window as the shuttle departs from the station if it hasn't been spent. This way they have time to think about awarding karma, rather than being in the end-of-round-grief fervor Allow admins to give more karma than players, and encourage it for people who roleplay well, contribute to making the round interesting, or just play their role well. (That security officer who follows SoP and Space law to the letter should be rewarded!) Give a notification in chat that a player has earned karma. Maybe with a delay so that they do not simply reward karma back to the person who gave it to them, but let it act as a reminder that the system exists. Allow(Require?) notes to be added from the karma-giver, and allow them to be read by the karma-receiver. anonymized to the reader (but not to admins) Spending/Using Karma: Problem: Species which are alien and more interesting are put behind (in my opinion) arbitrary costed karma locks. There are only hand a handful of jobs related to karma, and of those only a few make sense. (Why is Mechanic and barber behind karma? They're glorified assistants.) Proposed solutions: Remove species locks from Karma. Tie them to the hours played system. Or, nothing at all. Put more careers behind karma locks: Captain/HoS/Warden/RD/HoP/CMO/AI. Roles that can have a severe impact on the enjoyment of other players. Not a high cost, but something that makes the player consider what they actually want to focus on and learn. Add more jobs behind karma locks with the theory that "These jobs have access to things that, in the hands of a poor player, could cause harm to the round" (Gateway Explorer, for example) Paying for Loadout items, like a cyborg visor, as a permanent addition to one's inventory. Allow players to pay Karma for Antag tokens and ask for an antag type, with the conditions that: 1) Admins can straight up deny it any reason (that they are not provided to give you) and 2) Use at your own risk. If you end up as a traitor in a blob round, well, have fun e-swording a blob! The last point I'd like to add to: Something that I noticed whenever there's admin trickery about: A lot of the population has a lot of expectations with regards to the round. For example, the second it's determined that it's "WIZNERDS!!", everyone's mindset shifts to block out what can't happen. I think this is a mistake, and people need to be kept on their toes. Some of my favorite rounds have strange mixes of antagonists. "There's a door emagged open, but I just saw a wizard, what's going on?" Some of my favorite moments have also been generated from unique objectives - such the Kidan Empress that had to steal all the Heads' rubber stamps, and did so through various meetings with them.
    1 point
  10. Not a bad idea. Blood based it is.
    1 point
  11. Basically the thing you did wrong was use the contraband. Don't ever use it. It is evidence and should be processed accordingly. If you do need to really test it use it on a monkey or something. It's in the SOP that contraband aren't to be used even in evidence storage. The warden did go into crit. She fell to the floor almost immediately after being cut. She did survive but was SSD. Now that's where it should have stopped. The rest of the security team should have called HOS. Finished processing the prisoners and put you in cuffs. Deal with the prisoners before you. They did not. Then they panicked when the going went tough and fled. That's where things really went to shit. It wouldnt be SS13 if things went smoothly. You learn from getting your ass handed to you. Now you know not to test contraband on other people. When I started sec I didn't realize you should pull instead of grab handcuffed prisoners. I let a lot of traitors escape that way. After getting captured by a chageling, he started pulling me around maintenance and I couldn't escape. That's where I learned that pulling is better than a firm grab.
    1 point
  12. I was the officer and the thing is... I knew the skissors were the traitor item however Physician and the other officer were being obsidian that they are just skissors. I tried testing them on myself. It said I was just cutting hair so I stopped the action. (The main issue was that I did not know if barber by default has the said skissors. just the not slitting version so i had no way of knowing it was guaranteed to be a traitor item.) I mentorhelp asking how to activate skissors ability (Another note: I also was trying to Brig the guy its the otther officer which tried stopping me so I had to test) They tell me head on help intent. I foolishly decide to test on the warden ( Who did not die or crit, I was later accused of manslaughter) Yes I apologize if I did not test it on her and on me it would have been better. But in the heat of the moment I was too focused on getting the Barber arrested ( who had chaplain's gear as well and tried to Wolololo me which is why they were brigged in the first place) I did not think that through and so... Well Warden got like 80 ox damage ( which is still not crit and heals 15 seconds after) The true shitcurity officer decides that I knowingly, a mindshielded officer, tried to kill the Warden ( while i did it due to lack of ingame knowledge and the resistance from the said shitcurity officer ) is a murderer and should be arrested. So everyone leaves I am left with IAA in the Processing. The traitors escape and the fun begins. I cuffed them at least 5 times... In the end when I was about to cuff the Barber, the said officer comes and I yell something like "Get the barber!" They tase me instead. Cuff me and drag to captain. While a known and dangerous armed traitor is running on the loose. I get accused and sentenced by Captain who couldnt give a flying fuck to look into situation properly. Permabrig for accidentally killing the Warden... even though she did not die. TL DR: I did not know the skissors were traitor or not. I knew they were a contraband item but the other officer insisted that barber is allowed to carry these ( I assumed they get the real safety skissors roundstart) so my real fault is testing it on the Warden. I should not have done that.
    1 point
  13. There should 've a point in the round where you look at the chaos around you and say,"Well, we're royally screwed." Knowing you've got a backup cure all in your pocket kind of ruins that.
    1 point
  14. I play medical almost exclusively, and that is WHY I want medical to be harder. Medical being harder actually helps medical players as it makes our gameplay deeper and awards mastery. In theory, it's everyone else who suffers since how quickly and easily they can get medical attention directly effects them. In theory. It might also be that making Medical difficult will result in it also becoming rewarding and veteran players sticking around. Again, as someone who joined in late February and has played almost only medical this entire time, there's basically no one who has been a regular in the medical department for this entire time. A lot of shifts, it's a really boring job, because a lot of times the Antags are focusing on their objectives with laser precision and not really creating much for medical to do. Which brings me to my next point: Those rounds where half of Medbay gets blown up? Those are the fun rounds! What you do actually matters for once, and you need to be smart and creative to get what you need. MedChem is blown up? What about SciChem? Will they help? Or maybe print us a new chem dispenser circuit board at least? Or is there another option? Maybe if there's no Mannitol I'll do surgery to fix the brain. No spaceacillin? Okay, we need to raid the bar and disinfect with alcohol. No cloner? Shit. Well... what about replicator pods from Botany? Or can we do a brain transplant? Can I get access to tech storage and build another cloner? What's the best way to handle this situation? I need to think, make a decision. The rounds when everything is going well are so boring. It's only when things have gone to shit that you can show your knowledge and make a difference. I don't want a medigun that a monkey could use. I want my medical knowledge and expertise to actually matter.
    1 point
  15. I think they have to be added by the admin, and done very carefully. Not to mention that you could use powerful antags against the other antags. In fact, I think that should be the goal - so it's less awful for security. Examples The Wizard Federation has sent one of it's people to attempt to stop the inevitable rise of a cult on a station. He must work in secret. (If converted, he detonates) Two different cults trying to convert people towards their own god. (Does this work, on a technical level?) A traitor with an objective to kill the wizard - and steal the nuke disk. Nuke Operatives called after Shadowling Ascension to blow up a station BECAUSE of Shadowlings. Or just a traitor with the same goal. (Again, blows up if converted) A Changeling that must eat a vampire as an objective. A vampire that must drink the blood of a wizard
    1 point
  16. This can't be implemented in a fair way. As it is, earning is very inconsistent. If we suddenly have admins handing it out it will only make matters worse. We've had this discussion in staff chat a few times and there's really no way to make sensible guidelines on a subject so wide. The specifics would probably need to be worked out, but I strongly agree with the fact that we need a karma rework. The system is flawed in an incredible amount of ways, the decisions behind its numbers make zero sense and everything in general would use a second look-over. I like what you've proposed so far, other than the Heads/AI being locked thing. If we don't have the right karma thresholds set, we might end up without elligible people for the roles.
    1 point
  17. Because using Calomel correctly requires you actually know what your doing and use the correct dosage in the correct situation. Charcoal you just dump 50u of it into anyone with any toxin damage and things will generally work out eventually. For the most part the reason chems don't get made or used is people don't know about them. Did you know you can give someone a 40u oxygen pill and then follow it up with a Cryoxadone/Cryostylane 10u each pill, and it'll heal pretty much everything? The Oxygen reacts to the Cryostylane and lowers the temperature of the Cryoxadone so it's as if you put them into a cryotube. 10 units of Cryox is enough to heal 300 burn, 300 brute, 250 suffocation, 75 toxin and 40 genetic damage. But... no one does this. Why not? Because no one knows about it.
    1 point
  18. Besides that i think the code that would be needed for this would be quite hard, sure is interesting to think about it. I think a skill system would be better than scaling the strength with the ammount of powers, as you would need to become a jack of all trades getting every power to boost your powers. This way, you can focus on one certain skill, and get that powered up. And you could make it that you get the powers by combining some of your skills: If you have remote viewing and telepathy skilled enough, you can "unlock" the ability to projekt yourself for the other person you are viewing. If you get empathy leveled up, you can make it that your projected char can listen to other around the remote viewer, not only them. Better telepathy, and you can talk/be seen normally. Get telekinesis, and you can basically play a holoparasite for them. Leveling should probably done by either general use, experience like level, or doing certain minigames/activities, like meditation for psy-resist, or trying to guess what someone is thinking for empathy. There would be a problem about people abusing powers, like there are problems with genetics, including telekinesis already. For one, you should probably have a cooldown/fatigue mechanic, to limit the usage, things like braindammage for getting attacked as the holoparasite like remote projection. The other would be making a new role, beeing dedicated Psy-agents. They would at least start with good Psy-resist, which would make them able to projekt a psy resist field, to protect an area against other Psy-users. They basically would function like Babylon 5s Psi Corps. So they can assist in the training of new gifted, and help security to deal with rogue Psy-users.
    1 point
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