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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2017 in all areas

  1. If you haven't noticed already the Skrell are my favourite race we have, and thought it'd be fun to have a few more minor tweaks to them to make them a bit more different, but nothing too crazy. Number one, from what I remember back with the old virus system the Skrell had a bit more immunity to the random viruses that were let out on station, but I believed was changed and now viruses affect everyone the same. I think it could be interesting to bring something like that back. Number two, it had been said that Skrell can't take meat into their diets, because their bodies cant handle it that well maybe they take a bit of toxin damage or something a long the lines of that when they eat it Number three, making it so Skrell don't have a gag reflex, so instead of throwing up they'll take more toxin damage. Tell me your thoughts, maybe you have your own ideas!
    4 points
  2. Hey, I've been playing on the server the past few days, wanted to get a bit more involved. My character is named Abe King. Anyways, howdy.
    2 points
  3. Jokes aside these are actually good suggestions. I would really like to see more racial diversity so that races feel more like actual aliens rather than, y'know, humans with fur/tentacles. Much like Skrell being unable to eat meat, I think it'd be cool if Tajaran had something similar with vegetables providing no nutrition. Cats are obligate carnivores, after all!
    1 point
  4. Dumbdumn5 has been promoted to the position of Head Admin. Long live the Bananaman. Sanpd has unretired back to their position as Game Administrator.
    1 point
  5. I mean I'm all for it. Keep the toxin health kits handy... I mean.... I .. I need to leave this thread lol.
    1 point
  6. But if they can't eat meat based protein... erm... never mind
    1 point
  7. Question regarding this. I've had times where antags who have been caught and sentenced to perma will literally say something along the lines of "Just kill me already" Does this qualify as asking for execution? If not, say I follow up with "Are you requesting an execution?", they repond "Yes", I've now verified they want to be executed. At this point...does the execution still require authorization from the magistrate/captain with a fax to central? Do I need authorization from ANYONE other than the prisoner? Or can I just inform security via comms that the prisoner requested to be executed and proceed with the request? I guess I'm trying to figure out how formal we have to be with the execution if the prisoner requests one. Less formal would just hasten the process for all parties involved, but I could see the necessity for the formal process for the sake of a paper trail if nothing else.
    1 point
  8. Hey there, so I've been a greytiding shit for a few months now, running about. Stealing things that aren't bolted down. Stealing things that ARE bolted down, building shotguns in maint and in general being security's most annoying friend ever. I'm going to give you four general principles of Petty Crime and what I like to call 'Lesser Antagonism.' I call it that, because you're not a full blown antag, and shouldn't act like one, however your antics do serve as a distraction and smoke screen that might cover an antagonists tracks. Anyhow. Principle one. And it's the most important principle of the lot. 1.) Security is not your enemy. But Enginseer! You'll object. This is a guide about petty crime? Shouldn't Shitcurity, who arrests you for doing that, be your enemy? No. And I'll tell you why. As long as you stick to the petty side of petty crime, they're at most a slight nuisance. You might lose a valuable tool (Goodbye my shotgun. Goodbye my vodka bottle full of napalm.) or get brigged for a few minutes. But ultimately, as long as you stick to the role of the petty criminal, they won't go after you too hard. Don't try to act like an antag. Act like a neutral agent. Not quite the law abiding crewmember, but still be willing to put a shotgun slug into a lings face to help an officer in need. You might not be abiding by the law, but you're still a crewmember of the Cyberiad. Act like it. Anyhow, this is one of the more boring principles but also the most important. 2.) You can get away with a lot if you just ask and act like it's no big deal. Yes. I have before recieved some insane things, (Bluespace beaker full of Potassium? No problem!) just by asking in a way that seems nonchalant. The stranger you act about something, the more suspicious people will be. You get nothing from fighting or arguing with people. Because that just makes them dig in. Ask, and if you meet resistance, agree and go away and come at the problem from another angle or even just wait and ask someone else for the exact same thing. Or ask for something that sounds less dangerous but really amounts to the same thing. For example, oftentimes scientists will have no problem letting you use the autolathe, but would balk at the idea of giving you shotgun slugs. 3.) The Station is full of pieces that nine tenths of the time won't be missed. So, the station is big. And with our relatively short round times, there are plenty of times where you can cannibalize parts of the station and no one will even notice, let alone care. For example. Oftentimes you can pull the scrubbers pipes out of sec maintenance and the round will continue as normal as if nothing happened. This isn't ALWAYS the case mind you. But it is more than just possible. All those chairs and tables scattered around are valuable materials for guns, ammo, and other goodies you'll need as a criminal in the dangerous world of the Cyberiad. 4.) Take Risks. Fortune Favors the Bold. So, the whole point of playing a criminal character is high risk high reward. You abandon the relative safety of following SoP, take your life into your own hands and hope to space jesus that you don't get merced before you can make it big. Some rounds this approach works. Other rounds you bite the bullet early on. But the important thing is to just keep trying. And think about how you can do better next time. You're already on the bottom, what more is there to lose?
    1 point
  9. As someone who greytides and also plays security, I have no problem with greytides unless it's for example; a blob or nuclear operatives round. Just have to keep context in mind and if there's a big emergency like Wizard or such then wait until the next round for your greytiding.
    1 point
  10. Those are fine, when there is a janitor/civilian traitor, chances are high that they have picpocket gloves. Those things are hands down (pun intended) easiest way to pull off most of the theft objectives.
    1 point
  11. I think the issue here is that's not your call to make. The admins will give you plenty of breathing room for shenanigans if you ask them, but going about deliberately trying to distract security is self-antagging, at least to a certain degree. Antagonists are the people designated to spice up the round. That said: Want to engage in some shady activity? If you have a good IC reason, the admins will more than likely let it slide, but communicating with them and getting approval is key.
    1 point
  12. Can confirm rule 1 is very important. As a general rule though, remember context is king. Greytiding like this can be bad depending on the situation and the extent. Eg, removing the scrubbers when the AI is filling somewhere full of plasma/people using atmos grenades/etc is bad. Always ask yourself if you're making things more fun or just more frustrating for others. Sec need pretty criminals so they have something else to do except hunt antags. No need to be an asshole for them. If you've been greytiding all round, and then scream that you fucked the mother of the guy who arrested you, please don't ahelp if he peppersprays you a bunch or even hits you once with a harmbaton. Sec has a high turnover rate heavily due to people treating them like trash. Try to make it fun for them too! Without security, there'd be no fun in greytiding. And if in doubt, AHELP first. We might even let you do things you wouldn't normally be allowed to - the admins generally know how chaotic the round is (or about to be).
    1 point
  13. It's a shame I'm taking a break from Para right now, this seems interesting. Are KOS orders affected by this at all?
    1 point
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