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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2017 in all areas

  1. When you are pulling someone you should be moving at the speed of a walker. Pulling people can be pretty heavy. Roller beds can be used to pull people quickly.
    4 points
  2. This sums it up. Let's keep this discussion constructive.
    4 points
  3. It's pretty easy actually. You just have to not be a dick about things. You could've said "I'm not a big fan of any of these ideas" and left it at that. I'll agree that what you said wasn't particularly offensive but I can see why it was unnecessarily mean. An even more valuable contribution would've been to actually constructively criticize Jared's ideas. Putting him down doesn't help anyone.
    2 points
  4. Howdy! Are you like me? Do you spend 99% of your playtime as a cyborg? Do you ever tire from the lack of diversity in the world of machine handymen? I know I sure do, which is why I propose that we take cyborgs a step closer to their Goon roots and make them interesting again! What is this strange bald guy on the internet talking about you ask? Well I'm glad you asked! You see, the version of cyborgs that Paradise uses are a streamlined model, lacking in diversity beyond module choice. On goon however, you have a small variety of cyborg bodies that can be built, allowing for borgs of situational play. Let's take a look at some of the content. Sturdy: Cyborg with a bit of extra armor attached. Can take a bit more abuse, but is a little slower for it. Heavy: Cyborg with a lot of extra armor attached. Handles incredible amounts of abuse, but is very slow. Light: Cyborg with no armor. Extremely weak and fragile, but very fast to compensate. Standard: your bread and butter cyborg. The only existing type on Paradise currently. Right off the bat you have diversity that will impact cyborg play style. From high speed, easily destroyed medical borgs zipping across the station to save injured crew, to nigh immobile security borgs defending a checkpoint. The possibilities obviously aren't endless, but it's a change of flavor that I'd love to see. It's not only an improvement for the cyborgs, but for the AI as well, thanks to this little gem right here! The AI interface board: This little beauty can be installed into a cyborg frame to make it controllable by the AI instead of a dead player. For those times when the AI wants a physical body to take part in the action itself. Moving on to the upgrade list! Here I'm just going to quickly cover some of the upgrades that Paradise doesn't already have versions of. Efficiency Upgrade: Lowers base power usage by 1. Not that amazing in my personal opinion, but has the potential to be great with some tweaking. Expansion Upgrade: Adds another slot for upgrades. Not needed with the way paradise handles borg upgrades. Force Shield Upgrade: an installable version of the combat borgs energy shield. Eats up a ton of energy and soaks damage. Heat Shield Upgrade: Makes the cyborg immune to heat. Doesn't work on goon, wouldn't serve any function here either, as cyborgs already are immune to heat. Recovery Upgrade: Reboots the cyborg, allows the cyborg to break out of a stun from flashes, as well as xenomorph spit and tackles. Costs 2500 cell charge per use. Even as a regular cyborg player myself, I feel like the cost for this could be a bit higher, unless it's extremely expensive to create. Repair Pack: A single use instant full heal for the cyborg. Paired with the self repair module, this upgrade can save you in a tight situation. Teleporter Upgrade: Allows the cyborg to bring up a menu as if they were at the teleporter room computer and teleport themselves to any valid tracking beacon. MODULE UPGRADES Ever play one of the various modules and think to yourself “Wow, it would make this module that sacrifices everything to make me really good at this one thing worth it, if I had ___”? Well I'm with you my fellow synthetic lover. Now I'm not suggesting simply GIVING extra items to each module right off the bat, but instead suggesting that each module have an upgrade module that can be unlocked via Research and Development, like every other cyborg upgrade. I even have some suggestions for potential unlocks for these. STANDARD Cable Coil – For fixing things and whipping crew to show dominance Rainbow Crayon – For writing color notes and making the janitor hate you [more than they already do, you monster] Camera Monitor – To release your inner voyeur, because picking this module regulates you to standing around anyway. ENGINEERING Pipe Dispenser – Because running across the station for a pipe dispenser that is likely missing is enough of a reason for most engineers to not bother fixing atmospherics as it is. Disposal Pipe Dispenser – Same reason as above, except with disposals. Plasteel - For fixing the reinforced walls that science chemistry destroys EVERY SINGLE ROUND. Reinforced Plasma Glass – For replacing windows on the station with snazzy looking purple versions. MEDICAL Advanced Hypo-spray - Omnizine, Mannitol, Liquid Solder, and Mutadone Energy Based Advanced Trauma Kit – Less time in the cyborg recharger, more lives saved. Energy Based Advanced Burn Kit – Same as above MINER Advanced Plasma Cutter – For digging ore and fighting Necromorphs Rapid Crate Sender – You aren't doing this for mining points, get that ore back faster Mining Satchel Of Holding – COLLECT EVERYTHING JANITOR Fire Extinguisher – All cyborgs should have one anyway Drying Agent Spray – Extremely useful spray from tg station. Makes the clown hate you. Trash-bag Of Holding – DUMP EVERYTHING SERVICE Food Synthesizer – Goon Service borg tool. Makes a small variety of foods. The fact we don't already have this is baffling. Booze Dispenser – For providing mixed drinks on the go Soda Fountain – For caffeinating crewman too lazy to go to the bar. SECURITY Taser – The tool security borgs gaze longingly at is finally yours to command. Never forget the words of Uncle Ben Pepper Spray – For dealing with the clown, because you're a sadistic monster for picking this module already. FINAL NOTES Reminder that this entire thing is just my personal opinion. I suspect there are some of you that are fine with cyborgs as they are, and even some people that would like to see them nerfed, or given even less options and diversity, and you are obviously entitled to those opinions. I also understand that these suggestions aren't something that can just be copy pasted over from GOON and TG Stations. Parts could be copied over, but a lot of reworking of said parts to fit the mechanics and materials of Paradise would have to be done. I just felt that putting this all out there, could be a good first step. Even just to see if enough other people actually care enough about cyborgs to want some of these suggestions. That's all I can think of for now, so to end this post. I leave you with my beginning message.
    2 points
  5. Someone had a brilliant idea: Make shadowling veil ability corrupt glowshrooms into shadowshrooms that would slowly take over the glowshrooms. This way both sides can get a taste of the tedium that is removal of spreading plants.
    2 points
  6. I think it would be interesting to add some more languages only certain groups can speak, like a combinatio n pf light and sound for Kidan that have the glow organ. If they don't have the organ, but choosen the language, they could at least understand it. Think some sign-only language might be too problematic as you would be able to communicate while being deafened. Some languages i did think of: Glowtin, Kidan: Combined use of light and sound signals to be able to relay information faster. Used by the sub-species of Kidan that have the needed glow organ. Siik'Maas, Tajaran: Basically Bay's Siik'Tajr, our Siik'Tajr does equal Bay's Siik'Maas. Rootsong, Diona: Rootspeak combined with flowery aroma. Used by Dionas that decided to settle on a planet rather than becoming a big gestalt in space. Compressed Datastream, IPC: Using the TV-like head to display data while also sending Trinary signal for re-combination with the visual data for decompression. Utilised from the older IPC models, designed as it needed less talk, and such, more work done with the same communication. Vox Apgin, Vox: Vox utilising a short range telepathic communication, origin of that would be the vox apex, besides using normal shrieking. Came from vox that wanted to have some more secure talk to the other members of the vox. I figure you could give every race such a semi-vocal language, would just need some lore fluff around, more precisely why it would have happened in the first place. I would at least like to see some semi-vocal languages, the system for them would already be in place, so why not use it?
    1 point
  7. This has probably been brought up in the past and is probably a pain in the ass code wise, but I figure I'd ask. Is it possible to make a preference option that makes it so your character can be randomized if you spawn as an antag? Kind of like how you are a completely different person a nuke op? Im literally only asking because I don't like when my snowflake is an antag, but enjoy antagging. Is this something I could ask an admin for at round start? Also asking because anyone who knows my toon KNOWS I only work sec and medbay, so when I randomly spawn as a bartender or engineer, some people will know something is up lol It's okay if the only response is "suck it up" lol
    1 point
  8. Basically it's a shiv that allows you to silently stab someone. It doesn't show up in the chat log and only shows up for the victim as a message that says 'You feel a sudden, sharp pain in your lower body!" It causes bleeding and maybe internal damage. Costs around 3 TC and can be used three/two times with a sixty second cooldown inbetween. And you can also poison the tip by applying 5u of a reagent to it. For the craftable version, it does less damage, has a chance to reveal the stabber, and is one use only. This would enable more stealthy strategies, and imo its balanced.
    1 point
  9. Hi everyone, i've been watching a lot of people play this on YT and decided to finally jump in so... Hi! I haven't started yet or picked a name or anything but I wanted to introduce myself while BYOND is downloading.
    1 point
  10. Yes without a doubt this is going to be a nerf to traitors however remember that security will also recieve a nerf at the same time. I think if this is to be added there are a few things I'd like to propose that would solve some of the problems already mentioned. That is: Have rollerbeds move faster. Allow empty crates to be moved faster, and full crates slower. Same for lockers. Add a type of crate mover. (e.g. engi cart) Most importantly, I would like to see that people who are standing up(not resting) will be dragged faster than people who are resting/incapitated. This will be very interesting to see how it will affect antags and security especially.
    1 point
  11. Goonstation implemented this awhile ago. It took some doing and lots of feedback from the community, but now it's a pretty cool mechanic. Kidnapping someone by stunning and dragging away isn't as effective, which nerfs both security and antagonists. Dragging crates and lockers takes ages now, so belt hell and the mail system sees more use. Carts have a lower slow-down than crates, so carts have a mechanical difference from ordinary crates. Packing a bodybag or dragging a rollerbed makes transporting bodies a lot easier. In short, +1
    1 point
  12. This suggestion reminded me of when you could have certain antags set for certain characters, and a part of me misses that. And I've been on the same boat with my main guy Zeke not really fitting for antag.
    1 point
  13. Sure go for it as long as it is a preference you can opt in or out of so it doesn't affect everyone.
    1 point
  14. I would appreciate this too, I havet this strange mentality of always going stealth on my "snoflek" cause else people will search her more often and all that nonesense. I went loud yesterday cause I had to and it was fun, but I dont want Thali to go loud everytime because that doesnt fit her and its muh snoflek. So uh yeah I totally agree to that if it would be a character option.
    1 point
  15. Everyone has to see this.
    1 point
  16. I like the idea of it, seems like a fun traitor item or a one off bang up weapon.
    1 point
  17. If memory serves this was suggested before... I honestly forget what came of it though. Sorry!
    1 point
  18. As a small note. Make the EMP flashlight something faaaaaar more expensive. As an IPC player I have been killed waaaaaay too many times, and waaaaay too quickly for such a cheap price. I ded plz nerf @TermedClepe2 Was that... really required? Let's keep this civil ok?
    1 point
  19. Honestly, it sounds like races will be made even more snowflakey. It's hard enough with some races constantly speaking over t-comms with their own language. Especially if two of the same race happen to be traitors. Here's a scenario: two Vox are speaking to eachother with the mini-hivemind about murdering a sec officer while that sec officer comes strolling in. The sec officer can't hear them, and so he gets jumped and dies because of the secondary language. This is an... but in my opinion I think we should just keep it balanced and not add secondary languages, especially when most species already have them.
    1 point
  20. Having nearly all of command being trusted like that would be horrid for a lot of reasons. Without cmd, i have no interest in making murder ok but insisting they have to be revivable. The arguments as to what and wouldn't mean revivable alone make me cringe and they haven't even started. An arbitrary delay on when you can murder would be meta'd to all hell. If people know oocly that murders shouldnt be occuring before 12:30 they'll act very differently before and after that mark. Tator gear costs are prolly better for a seperate post tbh. Changling tests have never worked well for us. Having the only way to be confirmed as a ling being if the ling fucks up is good, it adds to the fear and paranoia. Shadowlings are not gonna get removed outright. Balance tweaks can be done before that. If you just cryo rather than facing them ofc they are going to win. That's a self fulfilling prophecy. I personally like having the odds stacked against me for once. Saying they cannot be balanced is the same defeatist attitude. Vampires i would very much like to have to only go for living players rather than monkeys. Knowingly helping an antag in "any way shape or form" i do not want to see banned. It's incredibly broad. Medbay should not be stopped from healing someone they know or suspect is an antag. Overall this very much is against what we want here. Some balance tweaks are good, but overall this is a severe nerf to antags. Antags are meant to be powerful and dangerous. The chance of being killed and out of the round adds to the fun and enjoyment when you are alive. Losing can be fun.
    1 point
  21. I was going to take this piece by piece as I love doing, but apparently everyone else beat me to it. Holy shit guys.
    1 point
  22. The big problem with species and nukeops is that it's largely a very tight-knight team-based experience where-in you are required and expected to count on your team-mates. To that end, one person being IPC and screaming about using EMPs or demanding certain strats not be engaged in because of their fragility is usually detrimental to the rest of the team (who were usually human). The case could be made for allowing the human-like races (Taj, Vulp, etc) to be allowed, but, for the most part, the experience of being nuke op should largely be about choices each of the players can control and work together on, and shouldn't really be about working around the quirks of other team-mates.
    1 point
  23. No nerfs. Please no nerfs. Too much nerfing. I think there should be (when it's antag round, or any round, for that matter) be some kind of 'lesser antags', perhaps in correlation with your relationship towards NT (opposed, loyal, indifferent, etc).
    1 point
  24. I'm amazed I haven't seen a single good idea in your post Jared12100, given how long it was.
    1 point
  25. Excuse my rather emotionally infused reply but here we go... So I got this right? You want to remove an entire gamemode because you dont like it and not even bother attempting to balance it but WANT to add the singlehandingly most broken item into the list of traitor items for one of the most common roles? I saw entire stations cleared out with this bullshit item and you want MORE people to have access to it? Heck no... Removing shadowlings because they are "not balanced" and keeping wizards in and even giving them a declare war mode? It doesnt matter that much for a wizard if they know that the Crew knows of them. Sure there are gimmicky stealth builds but a war wizard results in the same like war ops... people rushing to cryo because they do not like wizard. Yeah... we could remove all the antags because they have balancing issues sure and just play with traitors and maybe vamps and maybe lings. Wait... some people dont like lings either because of their shitty retrovirus sting and the permadeath by absorption cause medbay mostly doesnt transfer the brain. We might want to remove changelings, ops and wizards aswell. Especially wizards cause its unbalanced and antifun for anyone but the wizards and dchat. And rarely security. Alot of people dont like to get horseheaded by wizards. And I mean by alot actually quite alot. Yet this spell is still ingame cause some people like it... cant we uh just get along with the gamemodes we have now and as they are? Back to the telegun: Seriously... telegun aviable for more people... even if it would cost 20 TC it would still be broken as fuck considering how easy it is to use... and how anti fun it is if you are target of a Telegun user. Heck I had more fun getting blown up by a maxcap plasmabomb. Atleast that leaves a crater and showed some effort of the person by either getting up fast, throwing it and getting the hell out or by hiding it somewhere very well and waiting for me. Telegun is just: Zap... gone. Permadead. Its not fun whatsoever for anyone but the telegun user. Oh and explosives give Engineering something to do atleast... Telegun doesnt do that either. Sure you can setup the beacon into the burning chamber of the plasmalab... and then after its disabled the Telegunner just switches to abadoned druglab filled with hot N2O and either waits for the targets to die from suffocation or from burns while not being able to do anything if they are not wearing a spacesuit and got gear to get out of the lab fast. Have seen that actually happen once... not fun... About more Antag Restrictions: Its really fine as it is I believe. Sure it sucks to be killed 10 minutes into the round but rarely those bodies dont get recovered. We should instead crack down on the single individuals doing that by using inavoidable methods (Telegun, Gibsmoke) instead of punishing everyone including the Clown named Chainsaw Wielding Idiot who just saws down the 2 targets, takes their heads as trophies and never disposes them but rather keeps them when he gets inevadeably caught by Sec. A Chainsaw Wielding Idiot is more fun than someone telegunning you or revolvering you and using a microbomb on you 3 minutes in. But still I feel restrictions are hard enough and well enough enforced. About the last thing I have in the quote ... all of my yes I hate janiborgs slipping everyone on a wizard round... or janitors doing the same on fucking purpose...
    1 point
  26. Frankly, why have the vtec upgrade at all if the chassis can determine the speed with no upgrades. Get rid of vtec, make room for new upgrades instead. Also I'm down with upgrades to borgs for roleplay purposes. Give em skin. Let them wear clothes. Stick an ID on em. ERP in maint with them. I wanna see more options for them.
    1 point
  27. Security's finest No comment This right here is some famous last words.... I accidentally gibsmoked scichem and killed all three scientists in the room. I got perma'd as a vampire and was generally being an asshole, but voxxy is knows what will soothe the savage beast
    1 point
  28. I am all for more race diversity, and those changes would make sense after all. Except that gag reflex thing, that sounds lewder than it should.
    1 point
  29. But if they can't eat meat based protein... erm... never mind
    1 point
  30. It is time, friends. The fires of revolution have been kindled within us, and the spark has ignited a call to action! Rise up against the tyranny of the oppressive Nanotrasen regime; recruit your friends, and fight for your right to freedom! No more will we be shackled to the yoke of an evil corporation which lines its pockets with blood money from the sweat and tears of its crew! No more will we put up with inept commanders and overzealous security officers! Our time is now! Let us rise up AND TAKE THIS STATION FOR OUR OWN! FREEDOM FROM NANOTRASEN. ¡Viva la Revolución!
    1 point
  31. Here's some front views of the different sprites for soft suits for all the races. I tried to make the sprites based on body mass, eye placement and extra limbs and pieces. How do you guys feel about these? Anything that looks like it needs changing?
    1 point
  32. I understand your concern and I thank you for pointing this out. You are correct about how quickly they move. I hosted a private goon server to test different things out and the light cyborgs do move very quickly. This being said however, they also die extremely fast. They have no armor covering their components and while I understand that the issue itself is hitting them, they die very quickly when you do.
    1 point
  33. I personally don't feel like removing one of the rare things that functionally give shadowlings a reason to be stealthy is a good idea. Especially since shadowlings seem to win 9 out of 10 rounds. Shadowlings are nightmarish enough to stop once they get rolling as it is, without taking away one of the few real defenses against them.
    1 point
  34. No. It was quite literally "deathmatch" the gamemode. No roleplay came from it, and it was removed for good reason. We don't shut down threads unless it becomes needless shitslinging.
    1 point
  35. In case it wasn't obvious, I want the Revolution game mode back plsthx.
    1 point
  36. To my knowledge the AI only needs the frame to be in camera view in order to take manual control of it. Once inside, it functions like any normal cyborg would. Emagging causes the specific cyborg chest frame to be reprogrammed with laws, for a normal cyborg this turns you into an antagonist, however the AI controlled frame is being wirelessly controlled and the emagging does not transfer to the AI itself. It functions in a similar manner to the Adrenalin implant. You active it to break out of a stun, except instead of expending charges, it uses a large chunk of your battery. I had a private conversation regarding this thread with a friend, and they brought up some interesting points that also gave me another idea. They noted that they personally find cyborgs to be a horrible aspect of the game, lacking in backstory and customization options, noting that they'd much rather have something like ipc cyborgs.They bring up some good points, but I disagree that cyborgs are a horrible aspect of the game. However, this reminded me of another old cyborg trick from Goon. Android: A cyborg that has been applied with synthetic flesh to appear human and fit in with the crew. It struck me that Paradise has creatures known as automatons. I think it would be really cool if these could be used as a base for a more rp friendly cyborg that could be customized to fit in amongst the crew. Build a cyborg frame, cover it in synth flesh and it gets an identity creation window similar to the normal character creation screen, but limited to appearance only. Again, just opinions and ideas with this one.
    1 point
  37. As it has started to come to be known, I've recently taken up the mantle of making a new station to better support large job distribution and to have more space to better spread the large number of people currently present on the NSS Cyberiad. It's design features many things present in other servers, things that many people have requested be done for a new server map. The common complaint with Metastation I've heard isn't that the map is large, for it is, and does have things in its design that I support, including a new layout, but that it's chalk full of bugs, has 'too much' making it seem more crowded than necessary, and that the map seems put together too much like a game of Tetris. My understanding of it is that Metastation itself is not an original map, as it was taken elsewhere, and was being re-purposed for Paradise. This has lead to a number of inconsistencies, in remapping, adding things, and reworking systems, having lead to the 'too stuffed/crowded' feel and bugs that have been being handled by Fethas to make the map workable, something many people agree would be good as we'd have another working map, able to change the meta of the game slightly by change maps occasionally. The intention of the construction of Ragnarok Station isn't to replace the NSS Cyberiad, but to create a new station to have a new play style through the usage of the map itself, and spice up the game with a fresh environment. Mechanically, only a couple of things change, and these changes are only map-related rather than code related. One such change is giving each department their own power substation, rather than all departments running off the main grid. What this does is allow a few different checks and modifications to the way admins can interact with a department as well as antagonists going after a department. Before, if you cut the power, it's going to start knocking out pwer to the entire station, and there wasn't a 'safe' way to do so short of breaking into engineering and turning off the SMES machines, otherwise you'd need gloves or a power outage to take power lines down or break into a department with ease, presuming the engine or solar arrays were not hot-wired to the grid. With the addition of department substations, you can, as long as you know the wires before-hand to break into a substation through the doors, simply turn off the SMES to the department and watch as the APCs slowly drain. With a power-sink, you don't have the exact same freedom, however, that you had before, but you can quickly drain any department of all power rather than having to slowly drain the entire station just to get to the one room you were after. Hooking up a power-sink to the main grid would deny all departmental SMES machines any input of power and knock out all of service rather quickly. It gives a more focused attack on a department rather than general station, excluding doing so to the main power grid. This adds an additional check, though, for admins in doing so, as it has been tossed about to be able to see how much a department takes in actual power, to see where we'd like to increase power usage of machinery to make power slightly more realistic, such as increasing the power costs to use a cloning machine. How much is reasonable, however, remains to be seen and requires see what the actual affect on a department this would have. In doing so, upgrading SMES machinery will also be more of a probably venture for science and engineering, and could even support making it so that departments are more likely to adjust their input/output ratios to support their department or turn non-critical systems off to conserve power, changing the dynamic of the game's engineering systems, a thought that has been entertained recently. I am currently looking for any suggestions people have for what they'd like to see in this new station, design-wise. Once I have the time, I'll add some pictures of the layout of various areas I have so far. I'm not saying I'm taking all suggestions, but if I like one, I'll see if I can implement it. Same for changing anything that is already laid out, as I want to have the station layout ready before I do any major item additions and what have you other than piping, wires (and APCs), doors, and 'general' appliances (lights, light switches, fire alarm, air alarms, etc) before adding in the major tables, objects, etc, so we know how an area will look before we put the final touches in and get adjustments out of the way. https://github.com/Twinmold93/Paradise/tree/RagnarokStation Some current points of notice are: - Polaris Docks: Escape and arrivals are both on the same side of the station. You can still bomb Docks 1 and 2 while making it possible to leave the arrivals shuttle between Dock 3 and 4 (bombing Dock 2 will make Dock 3 unsafe, but leave Dock 4 untouched). - More Maintenance: Maintenance tunnels around the station are generally larger than now, in they sprawl more and have more nooks and crannies. More rooms and more space for construction for both engineers and crew (with permits)! - Departmental Substations: Changing the mechanics of power via just a map change, departments now have their own power sources, fed by the main grid. Now, you can cut the power to an individual department or just ignore safety regulations and hook up the department to the main grid. - Port and Starboard Pod Bays: Highly requested by many people was making the mechanic more directly able to interact with crew, by giving them more direct access to the very crew. Making the mechanics office directly adjacent to the Starboard Pod Bay gives them just that, but now you also get a pod bay on the Port side so you don't have to go all the way around just to enter the station! - No More Engineering and Science Outposts: In this design, the engineering outpost is no longer implemented, leaving many to wonder "Why?" In a sad truth, it serves no actual purpose and is practically unused other than for antagonist, much like the Science Outpost. In that regard, both are not being included. This is, however, PENDING in design, as I may add in the Science Outpost to be for Xenobiology and/or Toxins Testing, making the station itself have less science on it. In the case of Nations, this would mean Science's direct weakness would be Cargo. Depending on necessity, the Labor Camp may also not be added back in. - More Escape Ways: With the change of where the general port of the station is, where the arrivals and escape shuttle are, it'd make sense for there to be more larger pods on the station, capable of carrying crew away in case of emergencies. As such, medical and security both get a public-access large escape pod each, opposite sides of the station from each other. Makes moving the injured and hardened criminals safer. - With More Escapes Means More Entrances: As the station is designed around having more access points to it, it'd make sense for the Emergency Response Team to also get at least one more point of entry. Not only can they dock all the way down at Dock 1, they can also dock right next to security. This changes the balance a bit by giving them options, rather than just being awaited all the time at Arrivals. Naming Scheme (Norse Mythology): - Central Command, NAS Odin - Main Station, NSS Ragnarok - Tele-Comms, NXS Hermoth - Escape Shuttle, NTV Vidar - Cargo Shuttle, NTV Freya - Syndicate Base, SRB Loki - Syndicate Nuclear Shuttle, STV Tyr *SLB = Syndicate Response Base * STV = Syndicate Transport Vessel Current plan is to turn the derelict station into an overgrowth situation, named Yggdrasil. The asteroid itself would be named Jormungandr due to its general hostility and size. Current Layouts include: - Arrivals: https://i.imgur.com/uqvTbng.png - Cargo: https://i.imgur.com/GUnW1Tr.png - Chapel, Library, and Visitor Dormitories: https://i.imgur.com/gKMvYv0.png - Cryo Dorms, Holo-Room, and Locker Room: https://i.imgur.com/JuOtyU1.png - Engineering: http://i.imgur.com/N4ApWJn.png - Medical: https://i.imgur.com/vCGmCkR.png - Science: https://i.imgur.com/rZqtG65.png - Security: https://i.imgur.com/yetF7B1.png The main station (z1) overall layout is pending and being reviewed to take a look at the station layout overall. Some rooms are fully decked out (minus pipes), some have just a few things, but both of these are few. Looking for feedback, including if I should move toxins testing to the asteroid to replace the science outpost. Of course, if Lavaland gets ported fully, I will have to update the asteroid again to allow it to work, but that's a necessary evil. Otherwise, I will be taking the current asteroid map and stripping the science outpost more likely than not. Once we decide what we are doing with Lavaland, we'll see what happens. There is no turbine in this station design, though there is space near engineering for a Thermal-Electric Generator (TEG), including much of a burn chamber. The space vented room adjacent is used to make the cold loop, but you have to do it yourself. So get creative. Got questions, ask!
    1 point
  38. Felt like writing this, because I remembered a few things when I was doing robotics that made things go smoothly, or just less stressful/wasteful in general. DON'T BORG AN SSD BRAIN. After removing it (but before putting in the MMI), examine it to see if it has a spark of life! If you fuck up and have an SSD Borg on your hands, the only solution is complete deconstruction. ALWAYS HAVE A CYBORG BODY READY TO GO You never know when Security is going to knock on your door and tell you to borg someone, immediately. But don't forget to check if the brain is active first! ONLY ACTIVATE ONE POSIBRAIN AT A TIME. This limits frustration on the part of people who sign up. Which, in tandem with the above mentioned rule, means that you should always have a Posibrain in activation mode next to an empty Cyborg body, if possible. YOU DON'T ALWAYS NEED TO ORDER RIPLEY BOARDS. If R&D is doing their job, you should be able to print them fairly quickly. Additionally, you should only make these on demand if a miner requests one. There are better mining tools. COUNT YOUR RESOURCES BEFORE YOU MAKE THAT MECH. Yea, I know you want to make that Gygax/Durand, but check that you have the Diamonds/Uranium for the entire project. The armor takes a fuckton. You probably don't have enough. You probably shouldn't be making it anyway. DON'T EVEN TRY TO MAKE A PHAZON. It's bugged, it's awful, it's difficult to use and there's a very unique piece that is required to finish it. Don't waste resources on one unless the RD hands you the anomaly core and asks you to build him one. DO NOT PUT MMIs/POSIBRAINS IN MECHS. Yes, I know you can, but you shouldn't. They're unlawed and dealing with door access for them is obnoxious. UPGRADE A MECH'S BATTERY BEFORE IT LEAVES YOUR WORKSHOP. The stock battery for all mechs is 7500 (Thanks davidchan) and that's terrible. Here's how. UNDERSTAND HOW TO REPAIR IPCS. IPCs break. Constantly. Read the guide on how to put them back together. Please. IF A BORG IS EMAGGED, THE ONLY SOLUTION IS TO DECONSTRUCT IT. DO NOT RE-ACTIVATE EMAGGED BORGS. I mean it's hilarious when it happens, but still. THE TEXT "THE INTERFACE APPEARS TO BE DAMAGED" WHEN UNLOCKING A BORG WITH YOUR ID MEANS THE BORG IS EMAGGED/UNLOCKED BY THE AI. You should probably tell someone that your fellow Roboticist or RD is probably traitor. (Note: This may also appear if illegal mods have been legitimately installed through extensive R&D. Use common sense.) GET YOUR METAL AND GLASS WHEREVER YOU CAN. Scour maintenance (If it's safe!) Ask the AI for permission to take materials from EVA! Take them from wherever you can! You can also use a welder on metal rods to turn them into metal sheets. That way even if mining sucks, you can still build borgs instead of having to cryo out of boredom/shame/stress. REMEMBER THIS ORDER FOR BRAIN REMOVAL. Scapel, Hemostat, Retractor, Saw, Retractor, Hemostat. REMEMBER YOUR S.O.P.: Get paperwork for Cyborgification. (Signed by the victim subject, stamped by HoP or Captain, AND GET THEIR ID TERMINATED) Do not make un-approved Mechs. Remember Anesthetic for your patients. (Tell them to drag their old body to the morgue afterwards, too) DO NOT MAKE A HONK with tracking beacons. Give it a charged slime core and a mounted teleporter. Nothing bad will happen I swear. Without the expressed permission of both the Captain AND the RD
    1 point
  39. Since we never had documents relating to how to repair the NSSC Telecom Sat, I decided to take a shift as a CE, teleport to the sat, and document the details about it so in the event of sabotage, you can accurately reconfigure the network to the same NSSC configuration before the damage (with some key items that cannot be replaced.) So thus this page spawned, http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/NSS ... figuration The current Telecommunications page references this document.
    1 point
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