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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2017 in all areas

  1. This has probably been brought up in the past and is probably a pain in the ass code wise, but I figure I'd ask. Is it possible to make a preference option that makes it so your character can be randomized if you spawn as an antag? Kind of like how you are a completely different person a nuke op? Im literally only asking because I don't like when my snowflake is an antag, but enjoy antagging. Is this something I could ask an admin for at round start? Also asking because anyone who knows my toon KNOWS I only work sec and medbay, so when I randomly spawn as a bartender or engineer, some people will know something is up lol It's okay if the only response is "suck it up" lol
    4 points
  2. Everyone complains about races not being unique, then everyone complains that any attempt to make them not unique is a buff and we need a non buffing way to make them unique that is not purely cosmetic. Nobody is able to offer such a way.
    2 points
  3. This is something I can look into after I fix up some of my existing PRs
    2 points
  4. The idea is that the languages that get added are part vocal/auditory, part non-auditory. So you in your example, the officer would still hear them, but not understand them. Not sure if it's possible, but if they would understand pidgin at least, maybe they understand half of it, or get it translated into some misleading/senseless sentence, as the character hears the words, and tries to make some sense into it. It wouldn't be that much different talking local as it is currently with the existing languages. About more species specific language on comms, this would do nothing, as the headsets only transmit the auditory signal, and such, half of the message would not be understandable: "** code sh** **ble l** th*", which was "The code should scramble like this", manually scrambled. About the vox getting this telepathy, for which they also need to shriek to utilize it, i figured that would be a lore fitting explanation of how they would have a non-verbal component, rather than giving vox, taj, vulp, and unathi tail movement as non-verbal component.
    2 points
  5. Hi everyone, i've been watching a lot of people play this on YT and decided to finally jump in so... Hi! I haven't started yet or picked a name or anything but I wanted to introduce myself while BYOND is downloading.
    1 point
  6. I sort of like the idea in concept but gameplay wise I don't think it would make anything better. It would really suck to have to drag someone from the far corners of sci maint to the brig at walking speed. I'd feel like I need to carry metal on me to construct a wheelchair or drag around a roller bed all the time lol I know this is for realism but it'd be less real than it currently is if security was towing around roller beds or wheelchairs everywhere I'd be more likely to do "field processing" rather than drag them to the brig unless I KNOW they need to be brigged. As for the arguments about it hurting antags, it'd hurt non antags equally for all the same reasons. Someone wouldn't be able to just run in and snag a incapacitate person an antag is using for one reason or another and run off. Antags would have more time to call for help from other antags as well.
    1 point
  7. I'd like this too. My character is too much of a good person to be an antag, and way to naive to ever pull it off if he was. But until this happens, keep in mind you can still go Changeling. If you spawn as a changeling you aren't playing your character, you're playing a changeling that murdered your character and took their identity before the shift began. Bonus points for taunting all your friends about how you murdered yourself.
    1 point
  8. Where's the people defending me from people putting me down in my suggestion posts? ??? My contribution here will be, I think any antag can be extremely powerful in the right hands and extremely bad in the wrong hands. It's hard to balance anything with such a wide disparity of experience and skill, and overall the ability of the antags vs the people fighting them is what leads to who "wins" more than anything. But as I've learned in some of my posts, generally if you make any suggestions that try to put restrictions on playstyle aside from restricting things that are excessive and malicious, you will get lots of push back. Also if any of those restrictions are put into place, it's just going to lead to more work for admins...and as others have mentioned, people powergaming the restrictions. Every action has an equal an opposite reaction ? +1 to vamps can only get blood from players. Aside from that, all the antags are generally fine.
    1 point
  9. Its not just a nerf to antags. Its a nerf to anyone who ever has to deal with greyshits and stuff. Imagine the horror of being a sec officer, or head. Sure you can stun them, but they ll get up soon enough because you move like a turtle.
    1 point
  10. Just remove xeno from premises, that will fix this heresy snowflake nonsense dead in it's tracks. And no more lizard-man mafia running the station
    1 point
  11. Mmmm, people calling something snowflakey is a pet peeve of mine, so apologies in advance. In a role-playing context. Your on a scientific space station around some gas giant, with a crew of ethnically diverse species and peoples. Of course they would all speak unique languages and dialects. Drawing from my own personal experiences of going to a European university, different languages are par for the course especially in scientific persuits with students from across the world. As for it being hard to understand, I think that's kinda half the fun of languages. But hey that's just my opinion. Again, I reference my earlier point. This is kinda half the fun in my opinion. That's not a hivemind, if I'm right he's effectively giving vox the same thing greys have currently. Which is fairly short ranged and balanced. If we followed that logic nothing would have changed in my time playing on this server . Throwing in a few flavour languages for some of our more popular species doesn't sound too balance effecting, considering they already come with secondary languages.
    1 point
  12. I like the idea of that, but maybe make it it's own ability rather then making the veil even more powerful.
    1 point
  13. You guys didn't do ANYTHING to botany. The thralls failed, they did the equivalent of switching off the lights and laughing evilly. The glowshrooms were already planted in a tray, they needed to get the tray but instead just turned the lights off and ran off with a vending machine. If one person had of run in with the pest spray, that was GG for the shrooms. They also take a very long time to grow.
    1 point
  14. The few rounds I've worked as sec and successfully "won" against shadowlings were the rounds where genetics discovered Xray early. Glowshrooms are a nuisance at best. "I ded nerf dis"
    1 point
  15. It's a bit easier to deal with these when you know how. Shadowlings may be HURT from light, but they can tank the damage well enough to disable them when needed. Light tiles can be color swapped and shut off with a multi-tool, or dismantled one by one. Once one tile is down you can wait and heal before moving on to a new one. But besides that it's smart to get your thralls to do the dirty work for you while you, as a Sling, draw the attention of security to other places. Glowshrooms can be destroyed pretty easy with a scythe, welding tool or anything else that cuts. It does take a while to clear them, but, work together to clear one area and move to the next using the same strategy of misdirection.
    1 point
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