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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2017 in all areas

  1. Welcome... to Bright's Bright Sushi! Conveyor belt courtesy of the one and only Valthorne Haliber.
    4 points
  2. Security's finest No comment This right here is some famous last words.... I accidentally gibsmoked scichem and killed all three scientists in the room. I got perma'd as a vampire and was generally being an asshole, but voxxy is knows what will soothe the savage beast
    2 points
  3. Just your standard bar brawl
    2 points
  4. I think it would be interesting to add some more languages only certain groups can speak, like a combinatio n pf light and sound for Kidan that have the glow organ. If they don't have the organ, but choosen the language, they could at least understand it. Think some sign-only language might be too problematic as you would be able to communicate while being deafened. Some languages i did think of: Glowtin, Kidan: Combined use of light and sound signals to be able to relay information faster. Used by the sub-species of Kidan that have the needed glow organ. Siik'Maas, Tajaran: Basically Bay's Siik'Tajr, our Siik'Tajr does equal Bay's Siik'Maas. Rootsong, Diona: Rootspeak combined with flowery aroma. Used by Dionas that decided to settle on a planet rather than becoming a big gestalt in space. Compressed Datastream, IPC: Using the TV-like head to display data while also sending Trinary signal for re-combination with the visual data for decompression. Utilised from the older IPC models, designed as it needed less talk, and such, more work done with the same communication. Vox Apgin, Vox: Vox utilising a short range telepathic communication, origin of that would be the vox apex, besides using normal shrieking. Came from vox that wanted to have some more secure talk to the other members of the vox. I figure you could give every race such a semi-vocal language, would just need some lore fluff around, more precisely why it would have happened in the first place. I would at least like to see some semi-vocal languages, the system for them would already be in place, so why not use it?
    1 point
  5. Here's my late-night two bits: @ZN23X is right about characters who are never antagonists. I agree with @PhantasmicDream, I wish antagonist preferences were character bound, rather than player bound. @bigfatbananacyclops is also right, random characters would unfairly arouse suspicion.
    1 point
  6. Auralis are psionic and I'm 90% sure that Primalis are built of their genes, albeit heavily modified. I don't think it'd be too far to assume that the capabilities for a short ranged telepathic communication between other Vox, though probably touching distance
    1 point
  7. I think Purpose was morso worried about people knowing your named toon ISN'T an antag rather than knowing that randoms are. Like if I say in OOC "I have random characters for antag when I play Tetra" then any time you see Tetra on the station you'll know I'm not an antag. But I already explained why that's irrelevant. Because people already do that even without this feature. Also wanted to add, playing sec 99% of the time I've noticed a trend of certain players who clearly have all antags set to yes all the time, because they are antags more frequently than others. That's meta knowledge on my end, and I don't use it to make them more suspect than others. I figure out who's the antags based on who's doing what each round and nothing more. Maybe this is also from working sec so much but quite frankly, I don't trust anyone, just the evidence lol
    1 point
  8. They have cortical stacks which houses "them". Perhaps it has a radio?
    1 point
  9. Everyone has to see this.
    1 point
  10. I'm amazed I haven't seen a single good idea in your post Jared12100, given how long it was.
    1 point
  11. I REALLY.. Dislike all the nerfs and restrictions advised here. I do however like the embellishments and expanding upon previously established gear / coding ideas. But none of the nerfs and restrictions. It's really focused on this misconception of "make the round interesting" which I've recently read as a means of shaming people into playing a role as someone feels they should. Which is ridiculous. This reminds me of a very specific person... and considering the same usage of verbiage I am highly suspicious. Forcing people to not, for instance be able to drink humanized genetics critters (as vamp) or use transfusions to keep them bleeding because this person specifically feels it doesn't "make the round interesting" because they assume they don't do anything or interact with anyone just sitting and feeding? This concept of "make the round interesting" has a huge potential to ruin new players perception of the game. "Anyone who has holy water inside of them is immune to cult spells" Not OP at all. yeah. Not like Chap would distribute water tanks of holy water to every corner of the station. Force feeding people water. Requiring all crew to drink the water. Because why wouldn't you? Immunity? CARGO order flasks. Sheezous man. Is it just ground runes or the paper too? Maybe they should be immune to constructs and Nar'sie too.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. http://i.imgur.com/Yirfndn.png Demon conference!
    1 point
  14. I don't always take screenshots, but when I do it's something like this
    1 point
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