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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Vampires, to me, have a potential to them. However, much of that is, as alffd said, is in roleplay. However, paradise is effectively, play to win. I can't enjoy building up roleplay with an antag without someone showing up trying to valid them. This is what has me enjoying baystation so much when I'm not feeling up to playing on Paradise. Antag knowledge is restricted, and greentext doesn't exist, so they have much more freedom to interact with the crew in their own creative ways. Most antags on baystation are not automatic valids just because they happen to exist. I've had rounds on baystation where I've been on the edge of my seat because the antags were building a great fucking plot. While I would love to see some of this adapted to paradise, the fact is, until the drive to play to win is changed, I don't think good roleplay will ever be appreciated.
    4 points
  2. I know the previous post is also a conga line, but I feel that the chatlog truly enhances the image.
    4 points
  3. Sometimes I get people asking me how much I draw in a week, I tell them yes so here's a drawing of Jonah and Zeke!! Bonus: Jonah is a sexy red suit Found a picture I did up some months ago and forgot to post, Here's a Dryad. And a sketch of a prince watering the dryad? ...Is that questionable?
    3 points
  4. Ah, let's love voxlings.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Seeing all the recent art submissions made me want to do a little as well. I don't have much but I'll upload stuff as it comes in. Here's Olivia just standing in the hall.
    1 point
  7. So changing my character's refrence pictures every few hours wasn't enough for me, and honestly so much shit happens in this game that I can't NOT want to draw it. First up though have a sparkly birb! And part 35432 of Sam has a Bad Day; Shadowling Edition! Stay out of maintenance, kids. I really wanted to draw a creepy looking shadowling, and of course I needed a handy victim. Not pictured - hapless bystanders coughRynnt that try to help and get rekt. Can you tell I suck at drawing hands? Working on Best Surgery Ever
    1 point
  8. This happened a month ago, it was me, Ide Taro, Slith-Skaar and someone else i forgot, i was doing xenobiology and i found green slime extract, we all became shadow people so we had to live on the maints from now on, it was pretty neat, first off we smashed some lights out in maints, we started in sci maint, then we migrated to old bar maint, i fabricated some spears for us so we can hunt food and prey, monkeys and lesser form animals which are soul less of course, we also had to go into the bar or kitchen to get food, steal it all for us, from what i remember it was five of us, security was informed about us and they went into maints bothering what we were doing, we kept yelling them to turn off lights but they didnt listen, so we had to run and they thought we were bad people, us as shadowpeople tribe, we had to spread dark, we broke some lights by the chapel and escape claiming it our territory. We also did this on other round, i had extracts to ask people if they want to be in, came big and our home was in Old bar, but some scientist found it funny that he could bomb us on Old Bar. I found it quite amazing round, the first one because we were like cavemans, we had to survive by our own.
    1 point
  9. In regards to that, I'm working on something based on all the vamp related suggestions right now, but it'll take a little bit to actually have something presentable. When I finish the next phase of reimagining/reworking, this will be the first place it gets posted. Also, all the abilities the vamps currently have do have a cohesive picture once rearranged, but they force a certain same old same old playstyle. My goals this time around will be to continue with the routes discussed previously, however with the following additional goals: Add more choices to the vampire from a playstyle perspective. Quiet and manipulative focus may mean you forgo your more directly lethal options. Give vampires new objectives to make playstyle choice more meaningful.
    1 point
  10. Some people essentially validate thier existence based on whether they win or fail in video games (I used to be one of them when I was younger) so the drive to win will always exist. It sucks but sometimes it's all someone has, so give em a break. That and...some people are just competitive by nature. I don't think everyone on Para has a play to win mindset, or even the majority. The play to win people are just the easiest to see. Some of the most memorable and fun stuff that has happened to me in this game was when I "lost"
    1 point
  11. Name: Ares (is a grey, so REAL name is not expressible via writing or verbal communication) Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Grey Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): Research, hydroponics, greytide Biography: Born in a cloning pod as all other greys are, into a decently sized research ship where he learned most of what he knows in the science department. Worked in hydroponics additionally growing up, as a vital part of his ships survivability. Naturally applied for the research division in NanoTransen, with a decent bias in hiring due to his race. Qualifications: Research, "growing some pretty wicked plants", and "opening the doors that AI refused to". Employment Records: Tends to know what he's doing, if breaking a few laws or standard procedures. Security Records: If assistant, keep a close eye on him. Likely committing victimless crimes that have a high chance of getting himself hurt rather than others, but against the law nonetheless. Intentions are usually "being bored", not malice. Medical Records: Healthy, young male grey. Will accept anesthetics in most cases. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Very noticable pink eyes, for better or worse. Average height, and average weight for greys. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Can usually be found running around maintnence, searching for gear to deconstruct in research. Enjoys exploring gateway. Will go to unnecessary lengths to save his dearest friends, to the point of dying himself. Has a tendency to shout an adjective with 'curity' added on to the end (i.e. shitcurity, goodcurity, nerdcurity)
    1 point
  12. Pun-pun with Hulk genes? MEGA PUN-PUN! Ready to robust the tide.
    1 point
  13. I'm sorry I know this one is older but... ??????????? I'm like literally picturing the act of this in my head.
    1 point
  14. Pawneax slurs: TeH Burr!
    1 point
  15. Vampire is easy, its a "different soul" but they retain all the memories and personality of the host. I read that as, same as the host. Slings are awakened and don't know their true nature before hand. Clings, those are difficult, they basically murdered and ate your character.
    1 point
  16. @ProperPants you beat me to it. I legit took at least 3 dozen screenshots of this lmao
    1 point
  17. I cannot, for the life of me, remember who plays the sad clown. This one is dedicated to you.
    1 point
  18. Decided to pixelate one of Dreamy's recent submissions.
    1 point
  19. Viva la Conga! Shame on you, AI, trying to arrest us the whole shift... Shame on you.
    1 point
  20. I mean, having to kill your IC friend/wife/husband/ex is /great/ for RP. Because you can interact and not do it wordlessly. Make up some context. "You know how I said I sorted the money problems we had? Yeah it isn't handled and They want me to do this..." blah blah. Sometimes having an established character do criminal things is good.
    1 point
  21. So if any of my characters are not in command or security, there is a 100% chance they are an antag. It works both ways.
    1 point
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