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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2017 in all areas

  1. (Please ignore the code issues on the pictures they will/are already solved) The Idea. My end goal is to add a new method of punishment which securiy officers can use when dealing with criminals who may have comitted a minor crime and thus not really worth dragging them to the brig for 5 minutes. As well as adding a new tool that can be used for roleplay purposes between perpetrator and offficer. Often as a security officer when the tide is high or there's just so much going on that it is not effecient for you or the perpetrator that you drag their ass to the gulag. This project is a tool which will allow users to punish these criminals without brigging them? How By giving them a fine. How does it work? The tool itself is a handheld ticketing platform which can be carried in your pocket or in your backpack. Opon activation security officers can either choose to issue a new ticket or view existing ones. In order to prevent the good old fashioned stun, cuff and drag security officers will need to interact with the suspect as they have to swipe the suspects ID in order to load their details into the device. Security Officers can then select the violation from a pre-existing list which will display the reason, description of the article violated and the ticket amount. Officers will after selecting the reason be prompted to input an amount between a maximum amount and a minimum amount allowing for some variation in the ticket itself. After everything is filled out, they can then hit "Issue Ticket" which will print a ticket at the mobile ticketing platform. Deduct money from the registered account and transfer it to the station account(will be changed to securiy department account) and also add the ticket to the list of issued tickets. This list can be viewed on the terminal itself or by hitting the "Browse" Issued Tickets on the security record computer. So let me hear your toughts and ideas. Is this something that should be aborted? Or should I continue working on it? Do you have any ideas features to add to it etc. Questions I need answered. First of all there are still a few things I would like to discuss. Should there be a refund option on the security record computer? Is this worth it? What should the fine amounts be?(currently you can only ticket for minor crimes) Should it be able to deduct money from people who doesn't have any? New sprite?
    3 points
  2. Confirmed. Holsters can hold a taser. I'll be spending the beginning of every shift as warden in perma growing biomass to supply everyone with holsters lol
    3 points
  3. Spreading communism is really fun.
    3 points
  4. Hello. I have been playing the game and in this server for at least four months, I guess. I haven't introduced myself in the forum yet. So here I am. I'm most experienced in roles from cargo, science, service and chemist, geneticist, virologist, AI and HoP. I'm not very robust, so I can't play security. The character I most play with is Misaka Canoguen. He's based on my bf, I tried to make him play the game, but he doesn't like games that are hard to learn... I'm from Brazil, by the way. I don't know what more I could say.
    2 points
  5. I've tried fixing up the White Ship - I got it working, I placed a bunch of cameras, and I even got the RD to make an AI! So sad the shift got cut short by a loose tesla, we were so close to make it useful.
    2 points
  6. Seeing all the recent art submissions made me want to do a little as well. I don't have much but I'll upload stuff as it comes in. Here's Olivia just standing in the hall.
    1 point
  7. In regards to - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7462 it could become difficult for vampires to survive the first few meals. I have an idea that may or may not help this. Change the hypnotise spell so that it is an instant mute, and then knockout (10 seconds or so.) and also tells the victim in no uncertain terms that they have no idea of what just happened, they think they just fainted or something. Ideally this will enable vampires to drain blood piece by piece, whilst providing the framework for them to power up AND not be ratted out on immediately by any victims. Feedback/comments/improvements/salt welcomed
    1 point
  8. Ghosts with antagHUD on can see the AI's laws, including freeform, ion, and emag laws. Because this code already exists, I think it would be relatively easy to allow ghosts with antagHUD on to view the objectives of the cult, traitors, changelings, etc. I don't foresee this having a negative impact on a round because using metainfo learned while dead is not allowed. Thoughts?
    1 point
  9. I like it alot. And I think in typical horrific fashion that it should be able to go into the negative, and that people with negative amounts should be arrested and sent to the labor camp to work off their debt. Debter's prison! CC would totally do that.
    1 point
  10. Wow. Fantastic! Love the spriting! You gotta help me with the Digganobz!
    1 point
  11. I think this is neat. Side note, even without this, Security isn't actually required to drag someone in and give 5 for minor crimes. Sentence for minor crimes is anything from a warning to 5 min at security's discretion. I personally only think the 5 for minor crimes is briggable if multiple crimes have been committed that will make the sentence more than 5 min.
    1 point
  12. Absolutely love this idea, in theory. In practice, I don't see people surviving it and it just becoming an easy way to murder people with basically a single ability. If there was some strong reason vamps had to not kill people to feed, that'd be great. The only idea I have had there is making it so anyone drained completely of blood has a chance to revive as a vampire themselves with the objective of killing their sire (Kind as per in vampire: the requiem if anyone's read/played that). Still has issues of draining 99.9% or whatever.
    1 point
  13. I like that idea quite a bit, though some may be against the memory requirement.
    1 point
  14. I haven't played magistrate too much but when I did, it was super handy to have a competent IAA (thanks Takk!) who I could assign to various investigations that needed to be done, but that I was too busy to do myself.
    1 point
  15. I let the pictures talk for themselves... Also fuck that background programs running, stupid shit games I am not even playing anymore... gotta cleanup the entire harddrive at some point.
    1 point
  16. Quite a few years ago, there used to be riot grenade launchers in the brig armoury, next to the riot suits and shields - these could be loaded with standard flashbangs and teargas 'nades as necessary, and launched grenades still had a slight delay before detonating. I had quite a few good rounds using it against blobs in particular, and I'd love to see it back in the game. For bonus points, let traitors steal it and load it with more sinister ammunition such as minibombs or IEDs. As for general utilities, I'd like to see a prisoner implant management console placed at the dispatcher's front desk - officers already should have access to one near the labourcamp dock, but the majority of sec players are not aware of it. I'd like to see one or two extra security biohazard suits added to that one locker in the armoury. They hardly receive any use, but they're very handy if medbay needs security present during a major disease outbreak. On the topic of safety suits, I'd like to see one or two security softsuits added to the armoury - they wouldn't need to be as protective as Sec Hardsuits, but they'd allow sec to respond more effectively to atmos flooding or mass-depressurization. This would be especially useful for Nuke Op rounds, where vast swathes of the station usually end up getting vented due to stray bullets shattering windows or explosive implants poking holes in the floor. This might not be useful, balanced or necessary, but I'd like to see some throwable spike-strips in the armoury, too. As with the real-world counterpart, rolled-up spike strips could be thrown into the path of a vehicle, snapping open into a vehicle trap that tangles itself into the undercarriage of any vehicle that drives/walks over it, dramatically reducing their speed, or perhaps stalling them entirely until the pilot jumps out to remove the spike strip by hand. Syndicate mechs like the Gygax and Marauder often prove incredibly resilient to the ion rifle, plus the ion rifle is often never where it needs to be when it's needed. These spike strips would ideally be too bulky for a backpack, so they would only be deployed when the specific situation calls for it. I'd like to see a return of the handheld sec hailers. The basic "Halt, security!" noise isn't particularly intimidating, but it was a good way of grabbing someone's attention without needing to carry around the full sec gasmask. On that note, a greater variety of underbarrel mount items would be great. As an alternative to a flashlight, I'd like to be able to mount hailers and/or Compli-O-Nators as underbarrel mounts for sec weapons. This idea was shot down once a long time ago, but as long as we're discussing extra sec items, I'd like to hear opinions about adding a 'hannibal lecter' anti-bite mask, alongside the straightjacket in the brig: for the full effect when an antag in the brig has proven themselves dangerous enough to warrant rollerbedding, straighjacketing, handcuffing, legcuffing, and electropack-mounted before they can be safely moved around the station. This would also mesh with our new restrictions around executions, as I suspect security will be required to handle and contain more 'innately' dangerous antags without outright slaughtering them on the spot. While I'm on the topic of electropacks - if the brig didn't get their electropack back, I'd like one added somewhere near the execution/infirmary area, just for the odd situation where a criminal needs their hands free for something, but they're not trustworthy enough to just be uncuffed without a backup measure (mimes that are requesting to write something down come to mind, here). This might require a bit of snowflake code, but the detective's dromedary co. cigarettes should count as a mask for the purposes of whether or not someone gets nauseous by being near to a rotting body. I envision this would enable the hard-boiled detective cliche, where the detective is so grim and desensitized that they are completely unfazed by smells or sights that would cause most others to vomit with revulsion. On the note, if the detective had access to a sterilized white crimescene hazsuit that never left tracks in wet blood and never left clothing fibres, that would be an interesting way of further specializing the detective's role, so that they can't be fully replaced by any officer with a forensic scanner. For bonus !!FUN!!, make the crimescene jumpsuit storable in a backpack, so that traitors or other antags have a reason to steal it.
    1 point
  17. I'd say the thing that makes security most unenjoyable is the troll players who get off on doing everything in thier power up to and including getting banned to make security miserable. Not really sure you can fix this by adding equipment. Tranquilizer gun? A purfeudicecalin patch dispenser to mute them? Sleep grenades? Make it so the cells dispense sleeping gas instead of having a flash? Some sort of a way to remove cuffs from them without them attempting to beat the hell out of me or disarm spam me? Maybe just something that works faster than putting them in the sleeper and feeding them Ether to put them out. Even then they'll still complain to an admin even if you did everything properly just to get you bwoinked and waste your time. Best way to deal with all that is to not let it get to you, and if it is bothering you, sure as hell don't show them. Easiest way I shut up chucklefucks is by having fun with them and not getting annoyed. As soon as they know they are actually entertaining you and not making you miserable, they usually go SSD. Most importantly, IC I reward good behavior and cooperation with reduced sentences or even no sentence and just a warning, and "reward" the opposite with maximum sentences while letting them know how much less of a sentence they could have gotten If they weren't an asshole.
    1 point
  18. Vampires, to me, have a potential to them. However, much of that is, as alffd said, is in roleplay. However, paradise is effectively, play to win. I can't enjoy building up roleplay with an antag without someone showing up trying to valid them. This is what has me enjoying baystation so much when I'm not feeling up to playing on Paradise. Antag knowledge is restricted, and greentext doesn't exist, so they have much more freedom to interact with the crew in their own creative ways. Most antags on baystation are not automatic valids just because they happen to exist. I've had rounds on baystation where I've been on the edge of my seat because the antags were building a great fucking plot. While I would love to see some of this adapted to paradise, the fact is, until the drive to play to win is changed, I don't think good roleplay will ever be appreciated.
    1 point
  19. AAAAAAHHH! The pixel version is too cute.
    1 point
  20. I cannot, for the life of me, remember who plays the sad clown. This one is dedicated to you.
    1 point
  21. Decided to pixelate one of Dreamy's recent submissions.
    1 point
  22. Everyone has to see this.
    1 point
  23. Security's finest No comment This right here is some famous last words.... I accidentally gibsmoked scichem and killed all three scientists in the room. I got perma'd as a vampire and was generally being an asshole, but voxxy is knows what will soothe the savage beast
    1 point
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