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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2017 in all areas

  1. Just a slight technical correction to these new rules: Technically three crimes are punishable by execution: Murder, Mutiny, and escaping permanent imprisonment/exile. You could be perma-brigged for something unrelated to murder or mutiny, (an exceptional crime), and if you then escape prison the rules now say they are to be executed when captured. Just a minor technicality but as a Magistrate player it's an important distinction (Assuming I've not misunderstood anything)
    2 points
  2. Kudos back at you @ZN23X for not breaking under the pressure, you managed to keep me under wraps until the end regardless of my repeated attempts to break free and cause problems! It was frustrating at the time to be met at every turn but I can only compliment the rigidity of your security force, considering your Head of Security at the time also.
    2 points
  3. I've had a few good stories from playing Security. (BRAG)Like the several times I've discovered cultists super early on by checking for falsewalls in maint.(/BRAG) But my absolute favorite story from playing Security, the one that I share even with friends who aren't familiar with SS13, is from a round where I was playing Detective. Playing as my character, Maxwell Edison, I decided to hit the bar and try to outdrink my "sober" gene. As I downed more and more alcohol I noticed that the drunk speech effect, where it randomly capitalizes and misspells words in your speech, is coming and going with everything I say. Eventually I get called to the brig for something and on my way over I get that hazy screen overlay that happens when you're super drunk. The Captain, HoS, and Warden are all there, and they take note of my strange speech patterns. The HoS asks, "Detective Edison, are you drunk?" To which I reply, "No," and then immediately pass out drunk. For reals, it couldn't have been timed more perfectly if I had planned it.
    2 points
  4. Need to add another verse to this because @Birdtalon a la Khakiri deserves recognition for his performance and that story itself is a long one. So as said before. I started the shift as Warden. Early into the shift there is a breach in the armory and an e-gun missing. Reports of a vox on a purple coat seen in space around that time. A bit later as I walk by the lobby, Khakiri is standing there in a purple coat. I pause and raise an eyebrow. He says "Hihi" I say "What's up" "Nothings" I'm thinking how many vox can be in purple coats? Did a cling steal his identity? He's not doing anything wrong right now, we don't even know it was actually him who broke in. Whatever, I'm busy. I move on. A bit later Khakiri gets dragged into processing for something, honestly can't remember what. Search his bag. E-Gun. While processing him I had a short RL issue I had to deal with, informed him in LOOC and I didn't go SSD for the few minutes I was away so he technically have pulled something if he wanted n didn't. I appreciate this. He's been pleasant through this whole process so I tell him I'm giving him the minimum, 10 for weapons posession, 10 for breaking into the armory. As prisoners tend to do, as soon as I put him in his cell and remove his cuffs, he starts causing a ruckus. Bit of a scuffle. Officer assists me. We get him in his cell. Apparently he didn't want the minimum. I bump him up to 30 min and tell him why. Now again this shift I've been dealing with coordinating sec as we have absentee super commando for a HOS. While dealing with comms and whatever else he's trying to break out of his cell. I go tell him if he keeps trying to break out I need to reset his timer every time he does, first and last warning. He does repeatedly try to break out, I need to keep resetting his timer to the point where he is in there so long his original sentence would have been long over. Straight jacket time to give me a break. He's requesting perma but I told him he hasn't done anything worthy of it yet. Something he worked to correct shortly after. After breaking out of his straight jacket he gets through the inner glass of his cell. Repeatedly tosses his nitrogen tank at the electrified grill sending out tesla arcs that manage to kill the brig doc, the magistrate, and nearly me. I survive because I managed to hide behind a wall and hit myself up with the first aid kit I carry around. He breaks into the lobby. My taser and baton are toast from previous encounters. A stunning display ensues as what appears to be all of Security swarms the lobby and fires disabled beams from all directions. He is hard to keep down but we manage. Up till this point I just assumed he had the combat virus virology developed that was helping assist him in getting up quicker, now I'm beginning to suspect there is a bit more in him. As the entire security force dispersed from the lobby one officer comments "Damn, if we could respond to all threats like this..." and we all laugh. Now Khakiri in isolation awaiting approval for an execution. Because of his display in the lobby I decide to weld the vents in his cell, just in case. Execution approval comes in. All of Security is excited for this one due to the trouble he's caused so I invite them to come watch. Get outside his cell. "Its your lucky day! Execution approved!" Open his cell. OH SHIT. AN ARMBLADE! Begins assaulting me, causing severe damage to my chest before the rest of sec kills him. I'm in bad shape, coughing up blood, clearly broken ribs, but refuse medical treatment till his head is removed in brigbay. Brig doc says in LOOC that he is having UI problems with the surgery so I say I'll handle it in LOOC, IC I say "Doc I can see your hands are shaking because you are nervous, let me handle this" Cut the head off. Done deal. Doctor begins to try to fix me, but it was too late. I succumb to my wounds. In deadchat "Welp...that ling did a number in me lol" Birdtalon "Oh good Tetra, you died, that makes me somewhat happy" I compliment him for his display and for hiding his abilities for so long, we chat about the whole encounter n have a laugh. I'm revived. Give him karma. I rarely give antags karma but the whole experience was just too entertaining. Wasn't the first time a prisoner broke thier cell n zapped be but I've never seen it done so efficiently and do so much damage. Well done.
    2 points
  5. Got a new one! So lately there's been a particular HOS who is rather absent on comms. I've grown accustomed to working with him when I'm Warden, doing my part as Warden while directing sec through comms. This shift particularly I had the NT rep pull me into thier office to record a conversation about this. Asking me about the HOS performance and such. Apparently several officers complained about his absence saying he was too busy playing super commando, abusing his gear and access, to bother leading us. He also allowed the first ling we encountered to get away due to his super commando shenanigans. From my view, I noticed his absence but didn't care because I enjoy coordinating sec. Either way I was under the impression he was being demoted mostly due to the fact that he wasn't really leading security. Not sure who's fault it was, but it took over an hour and a half to get him demoted and me promoted to the new HOS. During this time, Security managed to kill and dispose of 4-changelings. Some we burned, some we cut thier heads off. The only one that ever revived and got away was the one the original HOS allowed to get away. As I am finally being promoted to HOS, another cling killed in chapel maint. I wasn't sure where it was killed myself but I ordered officers to have it's head cut off, which they did before it revived. During this process the captain ordered it be burned, I informed the captain it's been dealt with as cutting the head off has the same effect, but the captain and AI spent the rest of the shift blasting me and security for failing to follow orders, on comms, via station wide, even in OOC after. 5 dead changelings, the only one that got away was the one the first HOS ramboed. Captain and AI are freaking out because they think we are dragging around changeling bodies that are reviving, when we've decapitated them. Threatening to fire me and officers because we didn't burn them like they asked, despite the fact that we did ensure they won't revive. Good luck demoting me considering how long it took them to demote the first HOS. Shift ended with the captain and AI blasting me and my sec crew over comms and station wide. When I did the same to defend sec they accused me of being unprofessional. Got nothing done the last 15 min of the shift because the captain was too busy power tripping about us not disposing of the ling the specific way they requested. The captain "fired" me over comms without faxing CC. Redefine comdom. Code green shuttle on a changeling round. Given nothing but shit for it. No love for sec.
    2 points
  6. Hello. I have been playing the game and in this server for at least four months, I guess. I haven't introduced myself in the forum yet. So here I am. I'm most experienced in roles from cargo, science, service and chemist, geneticist, virologist, AI and HoP. I'm not very robust, so I can't play security. The character I most play with is Misaka Canoguen. He's based on my bf, I tried to make him play the game, but he doesn't like games that are hard to learn... I'm from Brazil, by the way. I don't know what more I could say.
    1 point
  7. Congrats on your 100th like. :3 I can't help it I get 10 a day
    1 point
  8. A thing I always liked about vampires in stories is how alluring they can be, having a soothing and calming tone when they speak. However, I guess that's not something you can do with the game mechanics, but more RP to it.
    1 point
  9. Hiya and welcome to the forums!!! Enjoy your stay, make some posts, like some posts. And if you having already, you can always join us on the Discord. Where we chat about stuff and things, and hurtle over salt piles.
    1 point
  10. I like this idea. I also think vampires should not be able to drain dry people unless they gather enough blood to have some kind of "kill drain" power to gather more blood. Also I feel vampire clans would be really nice, like adding a change mid game for the vampire to choose some affinity to improve himself in what he needs, like in warhammer fantasy when you had to choose a clan from Strigoy, blood dragon, lhamia and that kind, one is better to fight melee, the other has more stealth and charm powers, Strigoy is like nosgeratu kind being grotesque creatures who are fast and tanky.
    1 point
  11. There are a staggeringly huge amount of cool ideas for vampires, thanks to white wolf, true blood and twilight. I think an amnesiac power would be great however, it'd have to be done right.
    1 point
  12. Just unlocked Blueshield recently and so far every shift has been a uniquely different experience This one tipped the scale...literally. I begin my shift, get my stuff from my locker, drag my locker up to the bridge because I rarely have to go back to my office. Any other shift by the time I get to the bridge the captain is there to greet me with the pinpointer and spare captain ID. Not this shift. I wait outside the captains quarters got 5-10 min. Nothing on comms from him, there IS a captain on the manifest, other people in command are questioning where he is on comms. Just as the NT rep shows up the captain opens his quarters. We go in. He's very clearly a noob captain. Stuff from his locker is all over the place like he's been checking it out, nuke disk is still on desk, nothing is in order. NT rep gives him the disk and tells him he needs to hang onto it, I grab the spare ID and pinpointer. He isn't speaking at all through all of this. I proceed to awkwardly sit in his office with him for a good 10 minutes with no conversation at all, keeping command updated via comms that he's just sitting at his desk smoking and eating donuts. I get hungry so I decide to grab a donut. Captain finally speaks. "TRAITOR! RENAULT! TRAITOR BETWEEN US!" (I was in between him and Renault). Baffled, I'm like "Huh?!"...I go get the box of donuts from the bridge and when I return with them. He apologizes and thanks me. At this point I'm super psyched he's started talking to me so I'm like "I know...these donuts are sooo good, right?" And I offer to get hot chocolate to go with them. After the hot chocolate the captain is like "I need a stiff drink" I say "alright I'll escort you to the bar" "Nonsense, I'll go alone" Whatever. I follow him anyways, cuz it's my job. I observe him from the back of the bar and command is still questioning his presence, I continue to inform them of what's going on. He gets a bottle of whiskey and returns to his quarters. I go back through the bridge and the HOP and NT rep are in there. I say "what's up" and they inform me we need to demote the captain. Theye ask me to go get him. I drag him to the bridge. "What is the meaning of this" NT rep "you've been found unfit to serve as Captain and we are demoting you" "TREASON! I AM THE CAPTAIN OF THIS STATION!" NT rep "You are captain but not king, central has authority over you and has sent orders for your demotion" They proceed to try to remove his gear and he pulls out his rapier and runs around the bridge preparing to resist forcefully. I tase him and cuff him. While they take his stuff off I go to locker room to get civvy gear. When I get back all he has left is his jumpsuit. RD has showed up at this point. I remove his jumpsuit and BAM! He instantly becomes fat. (Captains jumpsuit must be one of those outfits that isn't programmed to show fatness) So now we have a fat guy in nothing but small white underwear and long socks on the bridge People start screaming, the HOP is like "OH GOD THERE'S SOME THINGS YOU CAN'T UNSEE!!" I say "Well...he did just sit in his office eating donuts...". The now former captain is offended by this. I try to put the outfit I got for him on him but it doesn't fit cuz he's too fat. RD is like "I'll fix this" and runs off. The HOP is pretty much trying to claw his own eyes out while we wait, RD shows back up and is like "I have something that suits you better than a captains uniform" and proceeds to out a chicken suit on him. I emote a ROFL as I'm dying laughing IRL, tell the RD he's spot on (well done Ares!) he grins and laughs. We all have a good laugh and I drag the former captain off the bridge. I got to my office and send a station wide saying "Our old captain spent the whole shift sitting in his office smoking, drinking, and eating donuts. Central found him unfit to lead so he's been demoted, all hail our new acting captain, (insert HOPs name here...can't remember)!" The only thing that saddens me about this is I'm fairly positive whoever the dude was who was captain is gonna get a job ban even though it led to one of the most interesting and memorable shifts I've had. I hope he was some sort of an antag with an objective to be a bad captain, if so, well done sir. If not, know your job ban was not in vain. You were very entertaining. Here's to you, fat lazy captain. You were both the worst and best captain I'll ever serve.
    1 point
  13. Necroposting on this, but this was a great read! Oftentimes it's the shifts where there are internal affairs/CC issues that result in actual decisive action that become the most memorable.
    1 point
  14. The mystery is not turning on antagHUD, detective. You gotta sleuth who they are and what they want if you want a challenge. :^)
    1 point
  15. Spreading communism is really fun.
    1 point
  16. @ProperPants you beat me to it. I legit took at least 3 dozen screenshots of this lmao
    1 point
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