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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2017 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Hello, I am trying to add some new guns to the server, even if they would be admin spawn only. I was hoping I could get some opinions the sprites. For the first set, here are two AR-15s and an SVD. Second wave, some energy weapons.
    1 point
  3. (Please ignore the code issues on the pictures they will/are already solved) The Idea. My end goal is to add a new method of punishment which securiy officers can use when dealing with criminals who may have comitted a minor crime and thus not really worth dragging them to the brig for 5 minutes. As well as adding a new tool that can be used for roleplay purposes between perpetrator and offficer. Often as a security officer when the tide is high or there's just so much going on that it is not effecient for you or the perpetrator that you drag their ass to the gulag. This project is a tool which will allow users to punish these criminals without brigging them? How By giving them a fine. How does it work? The tool itself is a handheld ticketing platform which can be carried in your pocket or in your backpack. Opon activation security officers can either choose to issue a new ticket or view existing ones. In order to prevent the good old fashioned stun, cuff and drag security officers will need to interact with the suspect as they have to swipe the suspects ID in order to load their details into the device. Security Officers can then select the violation from a pre-existing list which will display the reason, description of the article violated and the ticket amount. Officers will after selecting the reason be prompted to input an amount between a maximum amount and a minimum amount allowing for some variation in the ticket itself. After everything is filled out, they can then hit "Issue Ticket" which will print a ticket at the mobile ticketing platform. Deduct money from the registered account and transfer it to the station account(will be changed to securiy department account) and also add the ticket to the list of issued tickets. This list can be viewed on the terminal itself or by hitting the "Browse" Issued Tickets on the security record computer. So let me hear your toughts and ideas. Is this something that should be aborted? Or should I continue working on it? Do you have any ideas features to add to it etc. Questions I need answered. First of all there are still a few things I would like to discuss. Should there be a refund option on the security record computer? Is this worth it? What should the fine amounts be?(currently you can only ticket for minor crimes) Should it be able to deduct money from people who doesn't have any? New sprite?
    1 point
  4. Super late I know, but thank you. I also have some new sprites, and I will be adding more here in the next couple days if everything goes as planned.
    1 point
  5. Spreading communism is really fun.
    1 point
  6. I've tried fixing up the White Ship - I got it working, I placed a bunch of cameras, and I even got the RD to make an AI! So sad the shift got cut short by a loose tesla, we were so close to make it useful.
    1 point
  7. Ah, let's love voxlings.
    1 point
  8. Dont forget, he takes Etherpatches for Meth Patches too
    1 point
  9. Viva la Conga! Shame on you, AI, trying to arrest us the whole shift... Shame on you.
    1 point
  10. Welcome... to Bright's Bright Sushi! Conveyor belt courtesy of the one and only Valthorne Haliber.
    1 point
  11. Security's finest No comment This right here is some famous last words.... I accidentally gibsmoked scichem and killed all three scientists in the room. I got perma'd as a vampire and was generally being an asshole, but voxxy is knows what will soothe the savage beast
    1 point
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