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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2017 in all areas

  1. Antags and sec will always vary in power. So much depends on sheer luck, as an example recently I was killed, hauled across the station in a locker, then fired out of the disposals mass driver without incident.... Until my corpse locker darn near collided with a space pod. Immediately recovered. The best plans with the best execution can fall by the wayside just because someone happened to be watching the cameras. Or walked in at the wrong moment. And most things you can do to prevent these only draw attention.
    3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. R&D antags will always inherently be more difficult and dangerous to deal with due to the tools at thier disposal. Leads to some pretty exciting stuff though. Depending on the experience and dept of the antags and sec, sometimes sec has the upper hand, sometimes the antags do. Unless it's Ares. He will MacGyver his way into being a nearly impossible antag to deal with regardless of his role or type of antag lol
    2 points
  4. Ever wanted to see an Ascendant wear clothes? Well, today's the day, here's Jenkins and Nurn'Kal
    2 points
  5. A couple more guns, the SP-1/M-4 is a reshading. In order it is a 9mm civilian style pistol, The Domminator, and a dart pistol made from a heavily modified WT-550, an SP-1, and a M-4 style rifle.
    2 points
  6. Wouldn't it be really cool and appropriate if plasmapeople had liquid plasma for blood? By liquid plasma, I mean the plasma that comes from chem dispensers. There is already coding for slimes to have "exotic blood type: water," so why not plasmapeople having "exotic blood type: plasma?" Plasmapeople do currently heal from plasma though, so perhaps that would have to be changed. Or maybe they could keep the healing and just have the amount per tick reduced. I'm not sure of the balance implications of autohealing on a race that isn't as slow as diona, although it makes sense lore-wise since they eat, breathe, and live plasma. I understand if that would be removed, though. Thoughts?
    1 point
  7. Had him as my vampire kill objective once. Full power vamp with a subverted AI comes after him while his arms are broken and the floor has been lubed... And he escaped.
    1 point
  8. Say that ICly so I can quote that in the quote threat!
    1 point
  9. Oh, the auto-rifle. Barely a rifle, and not really automatic.
    1 point
  10. Pfff, Novus Mug, Lem is gonna be pissed.
    1 point
  11. Yeh. Auto rifle does not seem powerfull enough to deserve the title rifle in my opinion..
    1 point
  12. First up we have Mega Pun Pun followed by a Killer Tomato Trio..?
    1 point
  13. Heres Thalis update on how to get the other departments to do what you want (or not which results in you doing nothing at all but egoistic scichem fun) (slight cynism ahead, try holding it with both hands): First: Make sure you tell them that you dont do half deeds and they either help you aqquire those items or nothing gets upgraded at all and Science becomes a second Botany just doing shit. If they dont cooperate simply do not work. They will eventually when people start to realize how annoying it is to work with unupgraded equipment. I call this "Thalis Shitter RnD Scientist Method". They either get you the items no questions asked or you simply dont do the work, because why bothering doing half things when you could complete the job. The Autolathe gets delivered by engineers for the most part which I am quite suprised with. If not, print it ASAP and set it up. Or break into Techstorage, get the board and steal some gloves aswell for the effort you had to do. Get a dedicated Sci-Chem guy to message the QM every 2 minutes telling him to order 2 machine prototypes. He will eventually. Or he will turn his PDA off. If thats the case hope the Sci-Chem guy is a traitor and buys the Detomatix and gets him to turn the PDA on (oh that was sarcasm, the detomatix part). For Ambrosia Gaia. Go into botany which is more often not occupied than it is occupied, hack the seed vendor there with your autolathe items and steal ambrosia vulgaris, glowshrooms, tomato and chilli seeds. If some botanist is growing weed and asks you what you are doing tell him to either fuck off or be actually friendly and say "I need this for RnD." which is your new standard excuse for breaking into things. Now go back print botany tools and setup a couple trays in scichem. This is important do it in scichem or you get annoying greytide asking you for dank ass weed which they can aqquire from botany which doesnt do anything other than that most of the time. Oh by the way dont you dare and forget the Nettles. You can make deathnettles with that which is a robust melee weapon and I think it gave Combat 5 aswell. Now then onto botany: Make like... 100 units of mutagen... 100 units of Diethylamine and get buckets for that. Probably more. Fill the plants up with mutagen till they mutate into your desired plants. Keep them well with Diethylamine and deweed them with the cultivator. Dont give a fuck about other plants they mutate into. Just keep adding mutagen till you get Ambrosia Gaia (from Ambrosia Deus from Ambrosia Vulgaris), Ghost Chilli (From Chilli), Glowcaps (from Glowshroom) and Killer Tomatoes (From Tomatoes duh). Dont throw away bluespace or blue tomatoes though. They are very robust items. Blue Tomatoes slip and bluespace tomatoes teleport people. Very good nonelethal defense. But really. Dont give a damn about other mutations, they are not of interest. You are a scientist, not some weed growing chainsmoker. Except deathnettles. Cause you need muh powergames. Now then. You got the botany part done by yourself by simply breaking into a mostly noneexistent department. If it is existant tell them to make you the items you require, bribe them with 3 buckets of mutagen and later a chem dispenser like Thali usually does to get Deathnettles. Onto the next thing: Cargo: Do not upgrade their shit until they gave you 2 prototypes. By their shit I mean any shit. Do not upgrade anything until you get the boards. Either the QM is decent and orders them for you or you have to ask them. If he denies you or sends you to the HoP to do some shitty paperwork for essential items: Simply dont do RnD that shift. And redirect all complains to the QM forcing you to do unnecessary paperwork. Remember you are a Scientist, not some bureaucrat. For Security: They want their toys. Really. They want their toys... tell the warden/HoS that you need a combat shotgun to get the really good stuff. Usually they comply because you give them toys to play with. Beneficial for both sides. Havent seen any trouble from them so far. I mean they watch you putting the Combat Shotgun into the lathe and then you can directly print some fun stuff for them too. Also implants are alot cheaper once upgraded so you can mass produce like 30 of them. And then realise you only got 10 people in sec. Then you get combat 6. Guess what? Xray-Laser. Print. That. Shit. Get Illegals to 2. Then... well get a diamond and make a Tyrant AI Module. Dont upload it via Upload board. Think it should still give you illegals 3. Then you can make E-Crossbows for sweet ass illegals 4. Then Thermals. Check if it got changed to yield illegals 5. Else cry security a Riven if they come and ask you to make sexy adrenalin and freedom implants caus you cant anymore. Check anyhow if you can make freedom, they might yield illegals, gotta check on that. Edit: Nope illegals are a thing of the past except you are a filthy traitor or get the HoS somehow to get you an illegal item or you find a high tier maint loot illegal item other than the toolbox. Without help max illegals you get is illegals 2. However if you are good you can smuggle a combat shotgun out. Also there are some other ways to avoid stuns or reduce the stuntime. Hehe. That should be done within 1h into the shift. Upgrades (femtos etc) can still be done by 30 minutes provided you know how to botany and how to break into botany to get the desired seeds. Its really just more tedious and annoying. The time is the same if you get routine... Oh and you get deathnettles because you got a cheap excuse to make them. "I need this for RnD" is the new meta (as in most efficient tactic aviable) excuse for breaking into other departments and taking shit. I am serious. This works. Its as good as the "A changeling did it" excuse when caught as a Traitor without your gear. Well atleast engineering delivers your autolathe right away most of the time. If not steal some multitool or take the one in scichem. If its taken yell over comms that you need it for RnD. If they dont comply backtail into cargo, print it, ignore the furious QM for breaking his paperwork bullshit Queue and go break into the tech storage. Get the board. If caught just get the board and say you need it for RnD. If they dont comply or even *gasp* detain you dont do RnD and do Scichem or toxins. Redirect all complains to the people keeping you off of work. Heck you could even ask the AI to open it. If on crewsimov say that doing RnD without an Autolathe hurts your brain and will conflict with its law. If its on corporate tell it that you wont do RnD at all without the board thus causing expenses to the station and the AI because borgs wont get upgrades. And if noone is watching and you break in... take some gloves while you are at it. You deserve them. After lots of thinking I came to the conclusion... RnD is alot more lifelike. You get to yell at people because they simply dont get what you are doing. You get to yell at people for being in your way. You get yelled at for stealing mundane stuff which you need for some kind of experiment (I need this spoon to stirr my Reaction because I lost all my stirers.). And if people are in your way you simply do not do your job till they see the influence of you not doing your job. Which is far bigger in this game than in reality. Is the new RnD good? No. It still sucks and it still results in Thali doing more Scichem than anything else and going for the cheeky last second kills if traitor. Or just doing RnD till syringe gun and crewmonitor and pumping the targets full of sarin or something cause all scientists are filthy powegamers and dont RP with their targets or just straight up kill them early and gib their body. And instead of chembombs for explosives using toxin bombs if I feel like it cause I am a filthy science powergamer according to some. But yeah bet there is some way to avoid most forms of "cooperating" with other departments. Just needs to be found.
    1 point
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