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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2017 in all areas

  1. So I know a lot of people are hyped up for lavaland, but I have to say, I don't think it fits in with out server. It is very combat focused with a lot of combat focused loot. It also is nearly impossible to get materials back from lavaland due to miners constantly ending up dead. But more importantly, no one is actively working on it. I think the mining system Goon has would be a much better fit to the server. It is both more focused on trying to provide materials for the station, but also encourages the miners to mine more due to them needing materials to improve/make their equipment, not just points, but a need to get a little of everything. We do have the ORM right now and it would present miners with a delema on if they should use the ore they gather to upgrade their own gear or bring it to the ORM to have science make them gear and get points from the OMR. Not to mention Goon mining is overall more interesting then our current mining. You have different materials having different properties, rock densities, hidden gems, and much more that, at least to me, making mining itself fun. Overall, I think having Goon mining would be a better mining for our server. And if you are really missing lavaland and want something like it paradise, we already have a lot of lavaland remade into our own version, but cannot not easily port the rest, so what if we instead made a second, more hostile asteroid/belt of asteroids made to be its own and unique challenge in much the same way as lavaland does, but still have it be unique to paradise.
    2 points
  2. I'm from Sweden, a country who is polarized between people who says that love will solve all problems and authoritarians who believe that discipline will solve all problems. Also Bork, bork, börk.
    2 points
  3. Here's Comms Officer Jenkins doing what he does... best? Did you know that CC has this internal conflict with mugs? Ezekiel Varloss gone sexy vampire? Nurn'Kal sketches?
    2 points
  4. There's little point between blue and red, since most of the time it's next to impossible to actually enforce half the SOP items on the list. I would like to propose a change to alert procedure. Green: Same as it is now Blue: Essentially, is the red alert that we have now. For threats or suspected threats to the station. Red: Martial law. Screwing with security forces allows them to respond with any force warranted, including outright lethal if needed. They can brig indefinitely as well until the alert level is lowered. This is for station-wide emergencies, such as: widescale bombings (welder bombs don't count, nor do single bombs), blob, nuclear emergency, wizards, large scale violent riots, final stages of shadowlings. The key here is that actively impeding security or response forces itself creates more danger. Don't fuck with them. That doesn't mean security can just go around killing people at will. They must be actively impeding. But it does significantly remove barriers on security forces. Since it takes two swipes to use, it helps curb crazy captains anyways. Isn't crazy proof, but working around getting two head authorizations should result in CC crackdowns. The rest of the alerts stay the same, with gamma getting the same treatment as red with the extra equipment.
    1 point
  5. The idea: Add two roles one each to Engineering and Medical called "Senior Engineer" and "Senior Consultant". EDIT: And from popular demand, "Senior Officer" The details: Functionally identical to a regular Doctor, Engineer or Officer. Heavily encouraged to take on interns from the Civilian pool A type of IC mentor, available to help members of the department Available to step in if the heads of staff are otherwise incapacitated In no way command of anything, and neither are they the defacto Acting, but are encouraged to use them Currently Karma locked Could implement the playtime limit instead / as well - if @tzo's Department tracker gets merged. FAQ: Why Karma locked? This ensures that this role only goes to those with experience in the department and the understanding and willingness to train, coach and take on Junior members into the department, 'interns'. They are for all intents and purposes just a regular member of the department, someone paying the karma for what is effectively and 'alt title' - they are dedicated members of that department. Will this detract from the number of slots in the department? Nope, quite the opposite. These roles would be 'added on top' - and on top of that, they are encouraged to get the HoP to assign Civilians/Assistants for them to manage and train. Engineering Intern/Trainee titles allows the crew to know as well that they aren't necessarily to expect 'supermen', or super competence. Is this not going to encourage snobbery? These roles are ones that is designed to help and aid others - even hiring newbies from the Civ pool - if the situation allows it. As such they will be held to a higher standard. Shouldn't mentors get these roles for free? No. Lets not blur the lines between OOC mentoring and IC mentoring. --------------- cc @Sothangel @PurpleGenie @Rumiluntti Thoughts?
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I guess nothing says freedom more than burgers.
    1 point
  8. Freedom Ops declared war on the station. The crew released Lady Tesla to combat them. Lady Tesla 1 : Freedom Ops 0
    1 point
  9. Just as the title says. Uncloneable species can't be changelings or used by changelings for DNA points/diguises. The logic is fairly simple: If you lack the DNA needed to be cloned, how exactly can you have the DNA needed to copied by changelings? An alternative idea to fix this weird situation is that a maxed out cloner can clone slime-people/vox. Just as how the cloner can't clone a husked body due to the DNA missing, but CAN clone it if the the cloner is maxed out. Obviously this wouldn't apply to machine people because they literally have no DNA at all. I dunno, it just seems inconsistent, and I'm very tired so this is poorly written, sorry. Anyways, I'd like to hear thoughts on this. I'm PRETTY sure there used to be a thing where slime/vox couldn't be changelings anyways...? Although that was probably before I started playing.
    1 point
  10. I'm all for a 'cold' code red, like a yellow or somesuch, something where security can basically say; "We have a confirmed threat, it's not doing much and we're trying to contain/track it down. Please remain calm and cooperate with your friendly security officer.". As of right now, not many officers utilize the red alert protocols to their advantage, either herding the tide into the bar, rifling through their pockets if they're acting shady, throwing the goddamn assistants out of maintenance, either in favor of just filling the offending crew member with lead or tasing and brigging without so much as a "Hello." Honestly, I think separating the investigative powers of red alert from the "Crush, Kill, Destroy" mentality of red alert could do us some good in the long run because @ZN23X has some excellent points. The random search is security's most powerful weapon, and I encourage and utilize it myself. If someone has nothing to hide, assumedly they would cooperate with the search and it would take one-two minutes tops, then it's a pat on the back and a "Have a nice day citizen". If they resist, tase, cuff, drag to processing (or out to the hall if it's a bit of a walk) and search. Simple, clean, elegant. Herding people into their departments/bar is a useful tool, but honestly I would keep that to Red Alert and not our proposed 'Yellow Alert'. Sure if the law-abiding citizens are all huddled away, then in theory only the criminal scum would be in the halls, but that doesn't work. If we can get 'Yellow' to mean "We're actively searching for a confirmed threat" and Red to mean "We are in an combat situation.", then that would give civilians more reason to clear the halls, and security more reason to shove their asses into the bar on Red Alert, you're simply keeping them safe from friendly fire. The only exception I would make is for maintenance explorers. If we're on Yellow alert, that means we're investigating any shady characters, if you're not Engineering/Janitorial/The Paramedic and you're in maintenance? You're shady. Get out. What some fresh security members fail to get (and what I failed to get the first time around) is that cuffing, processing, and brigging prisoners requires at least some level of social tact. If you're Judge Dredd for every crime between Vandalism or Murder, you're not going to make friends, you're going to get shitcurity yelled in your ear, and the clown is going to slip your ass. If someone's not a confirmed threat, and they're just causing a ruckus, pause a moment. Question them in the hall, ask what's going on, are they being antagonistic or are they getting back at someone who wronged them? Give the station a reason to cooperate with you, I cannot stress this enough as HoS or Warden to fucking smile for once. Any of the usual suspects will know, Tony will sit down on scene and get their testimony if nothing seems off, if it's just some rowdy boys being rowdy.
    1 point
  11. Remove slimes as a starting race Fully implement this Server implodes from the amount of salt generated from slime ERPers
    1 point
  12. This is prolly the redshirt in me talking, but I think this will be very useful. Captains always jump to the current Code Red over every little thing, which gives security powers that really aren't that great and a mandate to keep everyone indoors without getting called shitcurity. It really should be code blue. Martial law really is what red was meant to be, IMO, and will really cut down on superfluous shuttle calls and red declarations. I expect a lot of pushback against this, but when we have 30 assistants and 12 traitors in any given round, a sterner hand is needed to put things back in order. I stand by code red truly being the HOLY SHIT EVERYTHING IS CRAZY, SECURITY DO SOMETHING alert level. Hail Brigston.
    1 point
  13. Picture tells a 1000 words. Either way, didn't mix stabilizing agent right and mixed phlogiston right away. Also didn't move the welder tank so bad things happened!
    1 point
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