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  1. Sorry for the double post but I had to call out and make fun of myself for this instead of correcting it.
    4 points
  2. I get bwoinked regularly as sec but it's usually just an admin asking me "why was so and so brigged for xx amount of time?" I explain why, they say thank you, carry on. I imagine criminals who are being jerks that I brig for the maximum regularly ahelp salt because it's thier "final attempt" to escape thier sentence. As long as you dot all your t's and cross your i's when applying space law you are good to go. I imagine security job bans are mostly applied to people who use deadly force too early and frequently...and I don't need those people working with me anyways.
    3 points
  3. I was once found in maintenance three seperate occasions by three seperate officers. I had a glass spear, and a bonfire going, and I was hurling books I had dubbed heresy from the library into it. Not one of them stopped me, searched me, or even questioned why I was sitting in the maintenance tunnel behind the library burning books like some kind of tribal savage on red alert. It wasn't until one found me in the main hallway that they asked me to hand over the spear.
    2 points
  4. I was directed to the game by a friend and had no idea how to play or what to do. So, I spawn in as a civilian thinking it will be easy. I see the little botany room near arrivals and grab the hatchet; because WEAPONS. I try to use it, I end up believing that I needed to point to it and then click on what I wanted to use it on to use it. I managed to hit a security person twice. I then realised how stuffed I was and how much I didn't understand and quit the game after being harmbatoned enough for my vision to start fading. My second game I use the wiki and play librarian. I see that the librarian needs to argue with the chaplain about religion. The chaplain comes in and asks for a bible to be printed. I manage to print a bible and I put it onto the table saying "you know that is fiction, right?". An argument follows which ends up with the chaplain taking out a chainsaw and slaughtering me. Like you I was unaware of revival methods so I quit. Later on I rejoined and thought how am I alive. I later find out from my friend that there are things like cloning. I have now been playing for 4 months now and am starting to get a hold on some of the more complex jobs. My character is called Rodrigo Jackson, I play any job and have different views based on which job I play. When I am quartermaster/cargo tech I usually declare independence from NT or something similar because . . . All Hail Cargonia Land of the Stolen Things Always Obey the Quartermaster Unless he is a ling That is the very short anthem of CARGONIA land of the free
    2 points
  5. Here's a thing I made, cause I thought it'd be mostly amusing...
    2 points
  6. Thought this would be a fun thread to start. Maybe not your first round ever, where you were just fumbling around with the UI. More like...what was the most memorable thing that happened to you when you first started playing? After a few rounds as janitor I decided to try something new. Journalist. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing, asked around. Someone directed me to the HOP. I go to the HOP line, wait my turn, when it is I tell him I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. He says "You need a job?" I say "I guess" and he says "Come around to my door at the bottom of my office. I do. He let's me in. "Pet Ian for me" and he points to Ian. I'm confused but spend a few minutes petting Ian while he handles other requests. At one point I stop and he turns to me and shouts "I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO STOP!" I'm very nervous now so I'm petting feverishly. After 10-15 he informs me I'm done and I did a good job, says wait a moment. I do, he runs off (apparently to the ATM) gets 500 credits and gives it to me. I ask him what can I do now? He directs me to the bar and spend my hard earned money. I quickly learn no payment is required at the bar, but insist I pay anyways. Since I don't know how to split it I just smack the 500 on the counter. Bartender gives me 2 full bottles of whiskey for this. I got drunk, felt sad because I had no purpose. Began attacking another man in the bar. Security comes and arrests me. Brings me to processing. They search me. Ask me why I did what I did. I'm sobbing and slurring about how I have no purpose. Whoever was processing me says "Do you want a purpose?" I say "Yes!" "Would you like to be a public defender?" "A what?" "Would you like to protect this station, yes or no?!" "YES!" "Do you swear to spread peace and justice through the station?" "YES! I WANT TO SERVE! I WANT A PURPOSE!" "Very well then." Brings me to the locker room. Gives me all the proper sec gear. Through this process I've been vomiting and my vision fading. Alcohol finally taking it's toll. I can no longer stand. My new boss drags me out of the brig. An ambulance awaits me. The last thing I heard before I passed out as the paramedic drove off with me was my boss shouting "Save them! They're a public defender!" I pass out and die on the way to Medbay. Unaware of revival or cloning methods in the infancy of my SS13 career, I exited them game. Been hooked ever since. What's your story?
    1 point
  7. Note @necaladun's proposal to make calling red require two IDs + an admin approval, like an ERT.
    1 point
  8. In late july of last year or something like that, a pair of my friends were bugging me about trying "this space station game" Telling me it's "really indepth, you'll love it", and after a while of boredly sitting in teamspeak talking about goofy things at four-five in the morning, I cave and eventually download Byond, then join the server. They gave me the briefest rundown of what to do and what to absolutely not do, and directed me to the rules, then after observing for 5 minutes and thinking "this is retarded how can anyone play like this" (I didn't understand ghostears/ghostvision) a new round starts and I join as a miner. After learning the UI pretty quick, and figuring out mining to the point of going outside and picking up ores for a while on the east asteroid, I came back with not much and got yelled at by the QM, then went to wander around the station. I went over and checked out the medbay, and some guy in chemistry got my attention "Hey Gabe" he says (first character name), then asks "Want something to do?" to which I respond "Yeah of course." (now what I didn't know here is that this chemist guy was one of my two buddies and he knew what I was doing.), he gives me a beaker of 100u krokodil, a dropper, and tells me to go put it on food, now it didn't quite click with me what krokodil was at the time (nor was I aware of it's connection to the real thing), and tells me it's got some other good stuff in the beaker, and to just go put it on the food, which I do for a while and that ends up really messing with people. (there was this one Vox who got addicted and ended up going to the medbay and getting told "sorry, we don't know how to fix you..." and he just sadly responded "okays..." and went back to gib in the kitchen or whatever krokodil does at the end of withdrawal, which broke my heart) Eventually, my friend decides that this wasn't stupid enough and PDAs me to come back, and asks "would you like to just inject people with this? It'll be faster", this still being before I realized what I was doing, I say yes, so he gives me a syringe and a spray bottle of ethanol and neuro-toxin, which I spray people with which little to no effect, and end up in the library spraying the librarian. While in the library, the detective shows up and asks "what the fuck are you doing" so I go over and spray him, he tells me to stop, I spray him again, he tells me "seriously, cut that out", I spray him a third time, and he tells me "okay listen bub do it again and I'll arrest you", so I cut it out, then he goes to light a cigarette, bursts into flames, I panic and run to hide on mining. In this time, I mention what just happened on teamspeak (still unaware the other two were actually in the game, but knew that we shouldn't be in voice comms discussing a round.) and they both burst out laughing, then the chemist explains his part in it and that he's actually playing, and how mad the detective probably is and that I should REALLY avoid him. Anyways, ten minutes of hiding in a locker later, I come back to mining and get shot six times by the upset detective, taken to the brig, and explain that "I had no Idea what was in the bottle, the chemist just told me to do it", and end up dodging brig time, my buddy gets arrested, and he passes the buck on the other chemist (who totally got murdered earlier by something completely unrelated) and manages to dodge brig time too. All five people in the teamspeak channel (myself and four others who've played space station) were cracking up about this for a while.
    1 point
  9. Umm, I think I got serious into drawing since late 2010, got my tablet somewhere early in 2011, I then went to college for art in 2014 I graduated in 2016. And I still have many things to learn. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    1 point
  10. Hm... the reference to Star Trek's version of blue alert has me thinking that separating our blue into an "hazardous creatures / adverse conditions" blue alert and an "actively malicious threat" yellow alert might be good. Blue alert could be used for giant spiders, rampant viral advertising, spess bears in science, excess clowns, Ian needs to go walkies, severe breaches, etc. Yellow alert would be the new alert proposed. (vamps in maint, a deliberate bombing, some greyshit yakitysaxing past the bridge holding an Esword, etc.) and red would be the "okay, NOW panic" level. (Ragin' mages, seething Singuloth, bellicose blobs, wrathful Warops, etc.) Gamma would still be "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE BEEN CONSCRIPTED!" and CC only. WE WILL BURY THEM.
    1 point
  11. Goon mining is about as mind numbing as it comes. It's a small preset area that cycles various settings in and out and also scans them. There's no combat, and hardly any of the treasures are particularly interesting or helpful. The main "hook" for miners doing their job is set of insanely powerful industrial armor that makes you immune to explosions and reduces melee damage dramatically...that and a pair of boots that lets you run around as if you were on meth, constantly. Aside from that, you typically played miner in the hopes you got antag so you could make hundreds of satchel charges and hack them..then go on a bombing spree. Miners would rarely deliver materials to other departments and typically hoard all of them for themselves or ship it off to cargo for cash; sometimes mechanics (similar to R&D) would see some of them, but other departments? Fat chance. Miners were directly encouraged to do their job for themselves and it ended there; our mining system encourages miners to do their job for a mutual benefit, which means all around less frustrations, a more co-operative environment, and more productivity or "wealth" for the station. The "complexity" you talk about here is really just a gating system; there's no measuring of depths or anything of that nature; there's just hardness of material, which functions the same as it does in minecraft; it prevents you from mining certain materials out the gate. Furthermore, a system whereby you constantly incessantly have to adjust for depth isn't really fun; it doesn't generate any new gameplay or behaviors except introduce tedium; this was the basis of old Xenoarch; it's a prime example of complexity for complexity's sake; that's not beneficial to game design as you're essentially having the player go through steps for no other reason than the game developer wanted you to go through the steps (Bay's old and new detective systems are guilty of this as well). TL;DR Goon's mining system is dull and boring; the only interesting thing about it was giving miners blatantly overpowered gear and a powerful traitor-only kit; it furthermore is a step backwards in terms of encouraging players to co-operate with each other and for department to build on each other; the lack of risk and monotony of the job (not to mention lack of combat) also doesn't allow those who are more skilled to express that skill, in-game, versus those who are just clicking on tiles mindlessly. Lavaland is the future, as it builds upon and improves on the existing systems laid forth in our current mining and improves them, allowing for a better designed experience than what we currently have (or what anyone else offers).
    1 point
  12. Full Name: Luke Gregory Hice Age: 32 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Most medical roles except for CMO. Most commonly Surgeon or Chemist, but also Robotics or even Brig Physician. Biography: Luke Hice has a controversial past and has butted heads a few times with NanoTrasen Heads of Personnel because of an incident where he lost his job as a pharmacist in one of the regular stations. Because of his controversial past he can't really get into leadership positions, not that he ever wanted to be put into that situation to begin with. He is concerned with a long lost space love by the name of Mira which he recalls from time to time. He has often been shipped between stations by strict CMO's because of the controversy surrounding his past. The investment that NanoTrasen spent on him and his education have been to too big to outright fire him so he has been cruising along from CMO to CMO over the years, doing fairly well for himself despite the controversy but past always catches up with a person. Eventually he ended up on NSS Cyberaid in hopes that he would just "go away" somehow. Qualifications: Qualified Surgeon Qualified Doctor Intermediate understanding of chemistry Basic understanding of robotics, genetics and virology. Employment Records: Worked for NanoTrasen for many years in various medical departments in different roles. Security Records: Was convicted for abusing illegal space drugs. Medical Records: Lost his right arm in a childhood accident. Appearance text: Luke is a a slim person with dark circles around his eyes. He wears a tired expression and hunches forward nearly all the time. He wears a black coat and a blue scarf (as long as the scarf fits with his uniform). Suffering from severe nicotine addiction - he can often be seen with a cigarette in his mouth even while on duty.
    1 point
  13. This makes two incorrect assumptions. 1) That all antagonists interested in re-writing AI laws are traitors. 2) That all traitors will either have an emag or be willing to spend 14 TC. Not every traitor wants subverting the AI to be the main part of their plan, but they may do so just to make their objectives easier because there's no access requirement and they happened to roll or get reassigned to Scientist.
    1 point
  14. Remove slimes as a starting race Fully implement this Server implodes from the amount of salt generated from slime ERPers
    1 point
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