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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2017 in all areas

  1. So, one of my biggest complaints about antags in general, and tators in particular, is the fact that an antag has to be perfectly lucky in every crew interaction, while the crew only has to be lucky once. Combined with, a confirmed tator will be tagged no-clone, while randome greyshirt who heroically sacrificed himself to kill the tator will get cloned, and....yeah. So, a new item to help mitigate that. I call it the SyndieCloner. The Syndiecloner is a fully upgraded cloner with autoprocessing, disguised to look like a locker. If our traitor manages to get unlucky and dies, no problem. In a few moments, he'll happily pop out of the SyndieCloner locker, ready to try again. It's not all roses and sunshine though. For one, SyndieCloner is expensive, something in the range of 6-8 TC. You clone naked, so the only gear you're going to have is anything you pre-positioned in your hideout. It's experimental tech, so it only works one time (no restocking it with biomass). The clone itself is unstable, so when it dies, it's over (Dust on Death). Also due to that instability, the clone cannot be pre-scanned into a regular cloner either. I think this will help mitigate some of the issues with Hero crew charging tators for disarmspam, as well as giving a second chance for those tators who plan ahead, but get caught by simple bad luck. It's a second wind, only one, and comes with some heavy drawbacks. Opinions, feedback, and coding viability always accepted and appreciated. Thanks!
    6 points
  2. Eventually it got to a point where I felt bad about catching roundstart cultists, and so whenever I did catch one trying to cast spells in a little hidey-hole I'd warn them about the dangers of self-mutilation and ask them to see the Psychiatrist about their depression, then just let them be.
    4 points
  3. How to seduce your bartender. The revers of the Gif. I made with Zeke doing the pose, we all know you wanted it! Fact, Zeke has done some modeling for WetSkrell.NT. However, he doesn't really tell people that he has. Believe it or not Zeke is a real Ladies Man
    3 points
  4. Name: Steven Stingray Age: 30 Gender: Male Race: Slime Person (He was a human before) Blood Type: 0- Water General Occupational Role(s): - Medicine, Security and Chef Biography: Recording…. -Test test… good this is working. Interview requested by Matthew Crysten from Central Command, Detective Kennard Rose here, subject Steven Stingray with me and ready to begin. Did you really need to make all of this bla bla bla i’m so cool clique? -Yes. Well whatever, let’s start with this, and pass me the ashtray. -Alright, Steven, first I wanna thank you for coming here to my office off-station to get this interview done. You know this has been requested by Central Command after the information wipe they had due to a syndicate hacker playing with the database. I was also told that your human DNA backup was wiped in this attack, am I right? Well, it’s not like I can confirm that. It could be a lot of bullshit, but it’s not like it’s a big deal to me at this point. Let’s start from the beginning so I don’t get confused with the timeline thing. -Good idea. There were only able to save a little bit of information, so I know your parents’ real last name and the fact you were born on Luna. Can you tell me more? That’s correct, my “real” last name should be Garland and I was born on Luna 27 years ago. Both my parents were researchers who used to work for… actually, I don’t really know, I’m not even sure if that’s true. The thing is, when I was 1 year old, they left me with my grandma to do some research and work stuff. Sometimes I want to believe that story, but it’s hard, y’know… I feel like I was not wanted or they weren’t ready to take care of a child… Living with my grandma was nice; I have good memories from my time with her. She didn’t want me to go to school, so she taught me how to write and read at home, and some basic things like history, geography, and all that child crap. Sadly, she passed away when I was only 9 years old. -I’m sad to hear that. What did you do? You were only a child, did you have any other family members, your grandma’s friends, anything? Honestly no, or at least I was never told if I had more family around. After I found my grandma dead that morning, sitting on her couch, was open the door and run. I just… ran. -Sounds like you were really scared about being alone. I understand that. Where did you go? I can’t remember what I was feeling, all I know is that I ran, ran like there was no fucking tomorrow. I ended up at the Port Royale, I tried to blend in with the children of the guys who worked there. I got food and slept around the crates, until he finally found me. -He? Who are we talking about? You see, a lot of people who worked there were lowlifes, moving crates and shipping cargo, and commerce in the port was pretty much always the same. Luna always kept things in the hands of humans for some reason, almost no borgs were allowed to work there. Back to the topic, sorry if I sometimes go too far, but all this bullshit just kind of fucking pours into my head when I’m asked, and I’m talking too much once again. coughs Thing is, one morning I was there, sitting on the crates of a ship, looking nowhere, without any kind of shit hope to survive, then a bald guy with a – I must say – magnificent hobo beard comes towards me. I was really scared because mate, that guy was huge! He sat down next to me and asked what I was doing there; I explained my situation the best I could, and he said that he used to have a child, but his wife left with the kid, and that he saw in me something that reminded him of that feeling of… protecting or whatever. The thing is, he asked me to come with him to stop sleeping on the floor and well, I was hella desperate and the guy seemed nice, so I said yes. -This is how you got adopted right? Sounds like it happened really quickly. How was it? Really fucking good, actually. He told me his name was “Stingray;” I remember asking “what kind of name is that” because I found it funny. He said people in the port take wildlife names or surnames to make it easy to identify themselves. He was using that name for so long at that point, he almost forgot his real one, and you know, I don’t know is real name, but we never needed it. Life after that was really good, I remember working with him at the port – the long shifts of work and then coming back home to eat something warm, watch TV, and laugh about random shit. It was a really normal and poor life, since we didn’t had much money or a nice house, but I felt good that I finally had a father… When I turned 15 and was able to work at the port “legally,” I lied about my name and said it was “Steven Stingray”… I still remember my father crying after I said that. After that, life got a bit hard. Being a “real” worker there means that I had to learn how to speak Gutter, how to deal with Sol Gov people, the art of steal, and a lot of shit that was going around all the time behind the scenes of a sick opera. I learned there that my father was a big head among the thieves of the port – some kind of Luna mafia against Sol Gov for who the fuck knows why honestly, all I knew is that Sol people were “tradeband pricks” and I was told we had to steal from them. I started a life of hard work, street fights, and well, theft. Honestly, it wasn't so bad until well, I had a bit of an… accident in a fight. -Honestly, I’m kind of surprised you thought that was a good idea, but being raised by someone with a shifty morale compass makes it understandable. Hey, you’re talking about my father fucker, i don't care about it, he was my father -Alright, alright, calm down, I’m sorry. So what happened in that incident? Zippo lighter sounds Pause Yes, well, there was this weird guy. Me and a friend had been looking at him for some time. He was wearing a white lab coat and wouldn’t stop running around from one store to another like if he was looking for something. We noticed he was holding a really fat backpack – that usually meant drugs or money, and both things were a good target for a nice old fashion mugging. We managed to corner him in a dark alleyway, to get his backpack quick and run away, but it was the first time I ran into someone so crazy that he just… took out a gun and shot at us… I can still remember the sound of the bullets passing by me, looking at my friend falling to the ground, the feel of the metal getting lodged in my left arm and a rush of… I don’t know how to call it mate, but fuck, the asshole shot at us before we could even say or do anything. I was fast enough to take out a pocket knife and put it inside his throat… that was when I realized the scenario… Pause It was me, standing there, with 2 bullets in my left arm, a guy puking blood at my feet, my partner… dead and I just felt… panic. I took the backpack and ran to my place. My father let me in; he was mad and worried and a lot of things… all I remember is that I passed out after a few minutes. -I uh… That’s quite the situation… What happened next? I remember not wanting to leave my place, drinking myself to sleep, and a really bad depression was going around. My father had to work all day so I spent most of my days alone at home, drinking and smoking… all that crap was only for a fucking stupid book about some kind of secret project virus thing. A few months after I turned 20, my father came back home early, and told me he enlisted me in the NSV Luna station project. I was going to go live there, get a clean job, study, and start a new life. He felt guilty about how his way of life drove me to this and wanted a better future for me. I remember we hugged that day and I was crying like crazy. The next day, I got my backpack and went to the station – it was a really nice place. I was quickly accepted to work at the bar, and I enlisted to study biology and get basic self-defense training. I lived in the NSV Luna for 7 years. I ended up working in the medbay when I graduated. After studying that virology book I stole from that poor guy, and doing some good research, I was able to understand it and a sudden rush of guilt came to me to kick me in the nuts. It was a project about a super healing virus and I needed to make it real. -That is how you ended up working for Nanotrasen? And I can tell why I worked as a detective for them. I contacted them and was offered to work in a research facility. I accepted the… very weird contract and started working there since… February, I believe. -Good, good, I think this is almost all the information I was asked to get… Ah yes, one more thing. How exactly did you have your… transformation? Ah the Slime thing? Well, the Cyberiad is really fucked up, people there are like, mental and all that kind of shit. I remember having a friend there, called Phillips, guy was a cunt but a nice one, he was the first Slime I met and we used to talk a lot. One day when he was at Xenobio, he called me over for some kind of black slime experiment that would turn me into a slime. The thing is, it was going to be a temporary thing, but “temporary” ended up being forever after my DNA data was wiped from the system from that hack shit. It was weird at first but... I got used to it, but I'm too damn different from the native slimes... they are fucking weird. -That is all Steven, I will print this transcript and send it to Central Command to keep a record. Thanks for your time and well, I’ll see you at the station. click Qualifications: Master Degree on Medicine and pharmaceutical knowledge Security training and street fights Virology Employment Records: Bartender and Medical NSV Luna for 7 years Medbay and Security at NSS Cyberiad for 3 years Security Records: Major Crimes: 1 Murder 1) He stole a backpack from a unknown researcher and killed him in "self defense", there is no proof about him more than his own voice recorded when he explain what happened. Medical Records: He was turned into a Slime Person after a black slime experiment made by Steven Phillips, his human dna records where wiped so there was no turning back from that. Personnel Photo: Fan Art: I LOVE every single piece of art i get for my boy steven, if you made one and i missed it, let me know so i upload it here. Thank you so much. Other Notes: Anxious and a big nicotine adict Favorite Drink: White Russian - Doctor's Delight - Coffe latte (Anything with cream) Favorite Smokes: Premium Havana cigar
    2 points
  5. I don't like it (POSSIBLY BIAS SEC MAIN) Not because I don't want traitors cloning, but I don't know if it will fix the problem of "bad luck" Let me explain why I put "bad luck" in quotes. I imagine on the antag side, people are mostly only familiar with thier experiences and things they see as a ghost. I arrest, process, and brig countless people. I also have to let alot if people go, people who later are revealed to be antags. Most of the traitors we catch are because one traitor went loud, we are code red, and we are essentially allowed to search anyone at that point. You'll then have the less experienced traitors who seem to think a radio chip and/or EMAG are 'standard gear' that they MUST have, both punishable by perma, who get caught with these items while not even in the act of doing anything wrong. This is partially bad luck, partially bad prep on the traitors part. And it's how we catch the majority of traitors (excluding ones that are extremely loud and violent) The biggest advice I can give traitors is, know your contraband. If you are not actively in the process of doing something that would get you perma, do not carry around an item that will get you perma. Don't call it in till you need it. Stash it somewhere or get rid of it when you are done with it. If you stash it and someone finds it, if there's no prints, you'd at very least have only lost the stash rather than ending your round. This cloning pod feels like a mulligan for inexperienced traitors. I don't like the idea of the really good traitors who are already unbeleivably hard to deal with having a reset button. It's unfair EOCs aren't cloned. It's also unfair that EOCs throw bodies of victims into the depths of space where they will never be found. But both are legit. This is making me want to write up a "Security's guide to being a better traitor" post. Despite only playing sec, I don't WANT sec to "win" all the time, I personally hate round where we crush the antags. I don't think this cloner is the solution to balancing things out.
    2 points
  6. Or we add a system that allows for only single purchases of specific items. Which'd be easy enough to do, and sensible enough we should probably consider implementing anyway.
    2 points
  7. I quite like the implications of a vengeful syndicate who tried to be nice, got killed and now has the express freedom to perform their objectives with little to no care about crew suffering. This is a nice post.
    2 points
  8. I was all kinds of ready to downvote this into oblivion, but reading the specifics on how it works (i.e. one-time use and dust on death), I'm more willing to consider this viable. Lot to consider with this, so I'm gonna mull it over and respond again in a bit.
    2 points
  9. Another picture of @ZN23X's character Tetra Vega. Hey, I got the hair color right this time...I think. Hopefully...
    2 points
  10. IC fluff, and a general overview of what saboteurs should be like: Similar to traitors, saboteurs are Syndicate agents tasked with crippling Nanotrasen, but are on a lower rung than full blown Syndicate agents. Saboteurs are tasked with weakening NT from the inside through acts of terror and chaos, as to give the real agents an easier time with their objectives. Saboteurs are either on their way to becoming full fledged Syndicate agents, are being blackmailed into working for the Syndicate, or are brainwashed NT employees. Because saboteurs are considered far more expendable than the average Syndie (which really goes to show how little the Syndicate cares for these people's lives), saboteurs are given a lackluster selection of gear, given more risky (to themselves) objectives, and are frequently made into cannon fodder. Saboteurs are given very little information as to who they're helping (assuming there even IS someone they're helping). Syndicate agents are given information about saboteurs in order to identify them: A name, a race, a job. Saboteurs are given nothing more but code words. While saboteurs are in the dark, agents may choose to reach out to them in order to gain an ally. A saboteur's objectives are similar to a syndicate agent's, but with an emphasis on crippling the station. The Syndicate frequently tasks saboteurs with objectives similar to the following: Bomb a public area to seed chaos. Saboteurs are usually given a specific area to bomb: Department lobbies, the bar, in front of the bridge, brig cells, windows to space, ect. The extent of the bombing can be variable too: multiple minor bombings spread across the station, or a single major bombing in a specific location. Sabotage the station's power grid. A station without power is a station without hope. Saboteurs aren't expected to take down the entire power grid alone, but are instead tasked with dismantling or disabling parts of it. Cutting wires in maintenance, destroying APCs and SMES units, bombing solar arrays, sometimes even sabotaging the entire engine (but not releasing it! Remember, there could be other agents on board too). Hamper a department's work. Grinding the station's development to a halt will give agents more time before the crew can prepare tools to fight back. Preventing virology from releasing beneficial viruses (or curing said virus), stopping genetics from turning the crew into superheroes, stealing crates and ore from cargo, stealing the surgical tools from medbay, dismantling the R&D server, bombing robotics, burning medicine from medbay, killing botany's plants, breaking the chef's microwaves, freeing prisoners from the brig, spiking the cyrotube mix with toxins, welding departments shut, and so much more. And anything else the Syndicate wants them to do. Shut up and dance for us, monkey! Actual mechanics of the saboteur role: None of this is set in stone. This is just a WIP idea, please provide feedback. Saboteurs will spawn during traitor, nukie, vampire, changeling, and wizard rounds. Saboteurs should get some gear, depending on their objective. Most objectives can be fulfilled without traitor gear, but bombing objectives would work best with syndicate bombs and minibombs. I would like to avoid giving saboteurs items on round start, so that saboteurs will complete their objectives later in the round, and keep the tension up for longer into the round. Few ideas on how gear should work: A traitor or different saboteur has to unlock the saboteur's PDA, which starts off with less TC and a limited selection. The saboteur's PDA doesn't unlock until a certain point in the round. The saboteur has to find their items on the station, using their PDA to locate/reveal them. Saboteurs plain don't have traitor items. Not my first choice, but I don't want saboteurs to just be alt-traitor. Saboteurs will affect the station by indirectly causing chaos. While antagonists get into fights with security, kill people, and steal important items, saboteurs will be tasked with hampering the station's efforts and causing trouble that antagonists are limited from doing. This is something I've been toying around with in my head for awhile. It stems from multiple places, some of which I can actually point to! The point of adding saboteurs is to increase tension, promote teamwork between antagonists, hamper non-antagonists who think that it's their job to make antagonist's lives hell, and add to the feeling that the Syndicate really is a terrorist organization. I would love to keep writing this, but I've got shit to do. I'll make another post explaining my justification later. For now, feedback is greatly appreciated.
    1 point
  11. I've now fixed 60-ish separate issue reports on Metastation, and fixed/tweaked loads more. I've improved the brig by: Adding two more cells, bringing the total up to 5 Adding a processing area. Add the gamma armory Improves the common area / kitchen Improves the brig doc's office I've now completely torn out Medbay and redid it from scratch. I recommend opening both of these and tabbing back and forth Old Medbay New Medbay The idea and things added: Retain the externally 'mirror'ed elements of Medbay and Science (lobby in the same place, etc) Add additional routes into Medbay Nuke surgery from orbit and start over Shrink CMO office and give up some of the valuable real estate space Add a Paramedic's office Give the Coroner direct access to cloning, so he can manage cloning when he has no bodies to deal with. ----- So where does that leave us? Well, we can't keep calling Metastation Metastation. We call Boxstation the NSS Cyberiad, so lets give Metastation a proper name. Lets break a metaphorical bottle of champagne across its bow and christen it. (you can vote for as many or as few as you like) VOTE HERE ----- Other comments and thoughts appreciated here. If you like, or dislike what you see, popping by the Github thread is also appreciated: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7435
    1 point
  12. Me too! There was some point I reached with sec where I was powergaming HARD and after a few rounds where my powergaming helped lead to the quick demise of antags (mainly like...disrupting a cult early) what followed was long boring rounds that required adminbus and I eventually thought to myself "If I gave these antags more of a chance then it would make the rounds better" Leads to my demise at times but it has allowed for more interesting rounds more frequently.
    1 point
  13. Wow not yet a single ruski in this thread. Well, greetings from Russia then, land of corruption and import (becouse everything, even wood, that was made here - sucks). Land of racism, great culture (and poor one), expensive cars, rotting cars, extremely rich people and hobos, land of everything and nothing.
    1 point
  14. It's not a reset button in the end. Its cloning, with a heavy drawback. Remember, you clone naked. Most times it would be used, said person will be known as a traitor as well. Lets also not forget, traitors ALREADY have access to a much better "reset" button. There's not much work to building a private cloner, upgrading it to autoclone, and using that. This idea, being an instant summon thing, has the noclone and dusting add on to compensate for that.
    1 point
  15. This profile is inaccurate. Masters in virology a̶n̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶c̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶v̶i̶r̶u̶s̶e̶s̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶o̶a̶t̶s̶. That should be #1 on the qualifications list. "Tetra! Take my damn virus already!" If you could find a way to feed her the virus in the form of a cigarette it would be SO much easier Also you did fine with the English. As I always like to point out, anyone I run into online who's 2nd language is English speaks English a hell of alot better than I can speak thier primary language. Cuz I can't speak it at all.
    1 point
  16. Heyyyyy it's Top Chef!
    1 point
  17. Under my proposed idea, buying multiple would be a waste. As soon as it clones you, you get a no-clone flag set. A second one would be useless to you.
    1 point
  18. Thats a question for the maintainers / Alffd. But i'd love to have one soon, so any issues that arrise I can fix them sooner rather than later... but the speed of which things move through Github is slower than many would like. In an ideal world where we had 3 maps or so, at round-end (maybe when the shuttle departs the station) it calls a vote similar to the round-end shuttle call vote.
    1 point
  19. I'm not a big fan of making it too slow or obvious, if implemented. I mean, it's a normal traitor, not like a nuke ops or changeling. They're going to clone in with absolutely nothing as is. Giving the crew enough time to hunt down, locate, and destroy the tator yet again kinda defeats the purpose of it. Fully upgraded cloner speed, I feel would be a good compromise. It's not so fast that they're going to pop right back in, but not so slow that sec has a chance to check every locker on station in order to "spawncamp". As for the noclone races, most of those have antag play buffs as is, like vox spacewalk and the like, so I don't feel TOO bad about leaving them out.
    1 point
  20. Medbay looks MUCH better. Glad the brig has an official processing area now. Good stuff. When are we testing it? Also, is the goal of Metastation to just have an alternate map that is selected by the admins before round start or are we eventually going to have some system where the map randomizes?
    1 point
  21. ??? My a cousin was married to a man for several years, she had a few kids with him n everything. He ended up divorcing her and leaving her because he was gay. She was initially very distraught, thinking "My god, whats wrong with me? I turned a straight man gay" and I told her "No no...you turned a gay man straight for 5+ years!" *snap
    1 point
  22. Roundstart blobs do scale for player count. Midround blobs don't, and have a random spawn location - some of these can be in godawful locations to. One spawned the other day in the dorm toilets, and was being attacked by 5 people before the player even loaded into it. (Btw, the spawn locations happen to be the same places the disk can teleport to randomly, something I only learned recently). The intent of midround blob isn't to win, however - especially because winning for a blob involves taking out the whole station basically, fucking over all the pre-existing antags. The idea is to increase the chaos and entropy of the round, essentially upping the threat and quickening the pace of the end of the round. It gives a chance for antags to use the distraction to complete their objectives if they haven't already, and to unify the crew against a common threat, or cause them to say fuckit and call the shuttle after the damage it's done. Rarely the blobs do win then, so it is a threat if not checked, but...ah shit. Yeah what @tayswift said while I was typing this.
    1 point
  23. Mid round blob isn't supposed to have a good shot at winning. It's supposed to just make the round a bit more interesting. Another game mode is probably active alongside blob, so the blob wrecking everything might not be a satisfying end to the shift.
    1 point
  24. Heya, Nightingale here. After a break from the station to find myself, I'm back. Expect me to play a layabout civilian, a doctor that steals organs to make money operates on the sick and needy, or a paramedic that always forget's her damn keys! pls dont fire me noodletrasen Here's a self portrait, courtesy of Will Winters.
    1 point
  25. Hello there! Almost a year pased since i have registered and account on this forum, and about the same time i am playing on this server (intermittenly of course). So i guess time has come to introduce mself. Before this server, i was playing on one russian high rp sever for about half a year, but it was a nightmare for me to see super RP tea drinkings during xeno infestation, so i moved here. Despite i would love to see a little bit higher standarts of RP, this server turned out to be the best one for me. Some of you might have seen me in game as Ricky Spanish before some admin told me to change name due to American Dad reference, now i am plaing as Ivan Kaka. Nothing else to be said, but on purpose to make this post more interesting i drew a quick fan-art which i called "Captain, i dont know why, but i highly recommend you to call ERT"
    1 point
  26. one LOOC (about the long before that) was the borer talking as me
    1 point
  27. Fabulous-ness doesn't just happen.
    1 point
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. What they tried to say is: Shuttle recalled.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I'll just leave this here
    1 point
  33. Spreading communism is really fun.
    1 point
  34. Pun-pun with Hulk genes? MEGA PUN-PUN! Ready to robust the tide.
    1 point
  35. I cannot, for the life of me, remember who plays the sad clown. This one is dedicated to you.
    1 point
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