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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Name: P.A.T.C.H. Age: 34 Gender: "Female" Race: IPC Blood Type: AB+ (really oil) General Occupational Role(s): Chemist Medical Engineer/Atmos Tech Paper Pusher Command Biography: She started her life out as a default IPC made by Nanotrasen in 2527. She was sold to a medical ship who uploaded medical manuals into her memory. She served on that ship for 9 mostly uneventful but restless years. In the year 2536, the ship was raided by pirates. They had sent a massive ION shot which destroyed all electronics on board, including her body. The ship was looted for everything that was worth anything, and left to drift in space, with her still on board. About a month after the raid, the ship was picked up by a salvaging ship. After a quick look around, they found her mangled shell floating in one of the surgery rooms. They recovered her positronic brain and took it back with them to Canaan. After some major repairs and a new shell being made, she became an official citizen of Canaan. Now needing work, she joined up with the scrapping team that found her. They taught her a lot about engineering and what it takes to both keep ships and stations together and how to take them apart. About three years later, the Trans-Sol Federation discovered Canaan, and soon after made treaties between them. These included treating IPC as sentient beings with rights. Hearing this, and wanting to see more then the space around Canaan, she slowly set up a trip to try and join the Tran-Sol Federation's military. Knowing almost all the current medical procedures due to having them hotwires in her head, she was sent off to a Civil Guard's Disaster Relieve unit as a field medic. It was here she was given the nickname P.A.T.C.H. by her fellow soldiers. It stands for "Person Attending To Critical Human(oid)s". Also, during this time, she revived a new shell, a full Xion made composite body. After several tours around the galaxy, she joined up with Nanotrasen, mostly because she wasn't ready to stop working but also because she wanted to stop having to deal with pirates and weather that can strip the shell off a Kidan. Currently, she is dating E.L.O.! Qualifications: Superb training in the medical field. Experience in a lot of engineering fields. Basic combat training. Full EVA training. Civilian and partial combat mech pilot training. Employment Records: Before their employment on the NSS Cyberaid, she worked as a scrapper for a scrap company based on Canaan. She also served with a Disaster Relief team in the Tran-Solar Federation Civil Guard as a field medic. On board the NSS Cyberaid, she has worked a wide range of jobs from security to chemist. Security Records: While no official charge has been filed, they have been suspected of helping out syndicate agents, as well as distributing drugs. Medical Records: They are an IPC. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A confident looking IPC that stands about 5 foot 4. Her hair covered screen has two eyes that are making a ^ ^. (This text is subject to change, but the look will mostly look the same) Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: If you didn't know already, she is a gun nut. She also sometimes likes to enable other people's bad habits and behavior. Also, since I already made it for another post, here is a mock up of her apartment.
    3 points
  2. So I made a meth lab under the disguise of PATCH's patchs. It didn't get many customers, even though I had more the a full crate of 20u meth patchs. I also had other patchs in case someone needed them or security rolled by, but they never did.
    3 points
  3. This is as awesome and exciting as when I learned B.E.E.R. actually stands for something.
    2 points
  4. In here I'll try to list all the items and machinery that are commonly used during rounds yet are irreplaceable (in their function) by building/ordering, please add more if you know of any. Hopefully someone will try and implement methods of introducing new ones into the round. Dropper Rapid Crate Sender All-In-One Grinder Food Processor Cream Master Deluxe Rolling pin Splints
    1 point
  5. Name: Tetra Vega Age: 37 (2529-present) Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: B- General Occupational Role(s): Primary: Security Pod Pilot Secondary: Security or Mechanic Biography: Born on a space colony, she has never set foot on a planet. The station her family lived on was older and run down...it did not have access the resources or technology of the newer stations. Her mother died giving birth to her. Her father died of heart disease when she was 11, forcing her older brother Zeke to raise her. He was one of the engineers trying to keep their old station functional, so she spent much of her time around him and his co-workers learning and helping where she could. He was very strict with her due to her being the only family he had left, which led to her being quite rebellious. When Tetra was 17, she stowed away on a supply frigate visiting the station and set out on her own to escape her brothers restrictive grip. She skipped around from one station to another doing what she could to survive, not really having any purpose. While on her travels she got word of a horrible engineering accident that nearly killed her brother. It was later discovered that the accident was caused by and act of terrorism by the Syndicate. This led to her deciding she needed to do more with her life. She signed up to the military academy and shortly after found herself employed as a security officer on the NSS Cyberaid, where her story continues... Qualifications: Expert knowledge in the operation and maintenance of small space craft Advanced combat training and knowledge of Space Law Intermediate medical knowledge from working with and learning from brig physicians. She learned ghetto surgery during her younger years as a mechanic. Employment Records: Prior to becoming employed on the NSS Cyberaid she spent her time as a mechanic, surviving off of whatever odd jobs she could find, hitchhiking her way from one station to the next. Looking for more of a purpose she became part of the NSS Cyberaid's security force, beginning her career as a security officer. She primarily serves as the Security Pod Pilot but will take on various security roles based on the stations need. When she wants some down time she will go back to her roots and tinker with a space pod or just hang out as a civilian. Security Records: Major Crimes: 1 count of Manslaughter As Head of Security, Tetra Vega caused a vampire suspect to ignite by force feeding them too much holy water without sufficient extinguishers present, resulting in the suspect dying. She served a permanent sentence for the duration of the shift and was further reprimanded upon returning to Central Command. Minor Crimes: From time to time she is reprimanded by Central Command for using unnecessary verbal force on prisoners and hurting thier feelings. Prior to being employed on the NSS Cyberaid she has various counts of vandalism, petty theft, trespassing, and battery. [Clearance: Security] There is evidence that suggest that, despite her loyalty to Nanotrasen, she has been working for the Syndicate from time to time. It is believed they are forcing her to work using some sort of leverage they have over her. When questioned she appears uneasy yet conveys that nothing is out of the ordinary. NT continues investigating. Medical Records: Father: Negeroth Vega (2497-2540) Mother: Kraesha Vega (2499-2529) Siblings: Zeke Vega (2520-present) Organs: Mechanical Heart Family has an irreversible genetic defect that can cause them to suffer from sudden and severe heart failure. The only solution with current technology is to replace the organic heart with a mechanical one. Various other "Personnel Photos" As Head of Security HOS portrait Tetris Vegan (this represents how I feel like I look when I get in a stupid argument on the forums)
    1 point
  6. As the title says. Remove any and all kill objectives, where the main point of the objective is killing someone. I mean we have objectives which might involve killing someone (for example the CMO for their spray) and those should stay, as it's not important to ensure that the target remains dead. Replace them with the much more fun variants, such as: Torture XY and ensure that they stay alive to send a message. Humiliate XY by stealing all of their equipment including clothes. Acquire X ID cards. Have all mulebots go on a killing spree. These are just examples. Discuss.
    1 point
  7. As you all know, (or not) the security newscasters can be used to publish wanted issues. I have a few issues with these issues, mainly because well, the feature is barely used because no one pays attention to it or does not know it exists. I would like to suggest the following changes: 1) Ability to have multiple wanted issues up at the same time. 2) Ability to re-broadcast the same issue(s), like some kind of reminder system for the station crew. (Currently you will have to take down the issue and recreate it to have the warning displayed/heard from newscasters). An automated reminder/broadcast repeat every minute or so would also not be amiss. 3) The possibility of offering a reward, or recognition of some kind. ^^^--> Security is often understaffed and immensely busy and let's face it: Non-security crew often know more about the underworld of the station. To ensure increased safety and safe apprehension of lawbreakers, incentives could be offered for people providing helpful information, exact locations or other useful things. This could also apply to voluntarily handing in contraband items. It would be nice if the player who hands in an item gets something in return, this will also give them less incentive to use the contraband item rather than handing it in. Thoughts?
    1 point
  8. I would figure some of theese objectives would be rather hard to track, especially if you consider the game checks for the completion on round end from what i know. Easiest way to fix that would be removing greentext, which i would support, still has quite some things to consider. About the free choice on your objectives, the problem I'm seeing is that many people just activate their murderboner and hijack. Guy running around wordlessly bombing the shit out of the station while memecheming people in his way isn't really fun for most of the players involved. We could make rules on it, that disallows such things, but then we would never get gloves off hijack, i mean it's randomly assigned to someone that can go nuts then, similar to wizard, how would that be choosen when you can make your own objectives?
    1 point
  9. I like the thought of them being more like wizards in this sense and while they are causing chaos they can have more to do, for example Steal the CE's hardsuit Make 250 units of meth Cause chaos on the station, make nanotrasen pay!
    1 point
  10. I still think if we remove objectives and let traitors run free to do what they want and cause chaos, it would be better for everyone. Want to kill someone, go ahead, want to make a meth lab, right on, want to hijack the shuttle, totally allowed, want to take command onto a field trip to the syndi outpost (hijack but with prisoners), do it. And if you really cannot make your own goals, I'm sure we can put a system in to give people an objective.
    1 point
  11. While I do agree that new objective types would be nice, I don't see what removing kill objectives will do besides making the server feel like more of a hugbox. I can't speak for others, but that's a bad thing in my book.
    1 point
  12. This discussion is SpinalTap and 11.
    1 point
  13. @ZN23X - on Github: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7622
    1 point
  14. @McRamon I play one of 5-6 jobs. Same as you. Jobs where there is only 1. Brig doc, warden, HOS, pod pilot, Blueshield...sometimes Mime. Depending on my mood I'll set 1 to high the rest to medium. I rarely don't get at least 1, but I definitely don't always get the high job. And yea, set preferences to "return to lobby if my preference is unavailable". Can also set a bunch of jobs you don't love but can live with to low. Like. I pretty much have every Medbay class and mechanic set to low. If you like brig doc, Medbay ain't that far off, and has a similar comradery to Security. You are correct. When doing selections the game first rolls for antags, then it rolls for all high jobs, then medium then low. So if 3 separate people have the 3 jobs you want set to high yo will NEVER get them. Which won't change if they had another tier because highest woukd be the new high and high the new medium. Same problem you have now. Especially if the server pop is pushing 90+ you HAVE to at least throw your hat in the ring with 1 set to high. Also if you like playing warden, HOS ain't that far off. Can be intimidating at first but, hell, as warden you are 1 heartbeat away from being HOS anyways. May as well throw that in the mix. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  15. Firstly I must ask what you believe adding a forth "Highest" flag would actually achieve? You have stated yourself that it would function exactly the same as our current "High" flag which is the single "must have" job. So what would be the difference other than adding another layer of calculations at round start? At the bottom of the job selection screen you can set your preference to "Return to lobby if jobs unavailable" if you do not want to be placed into a random job. Unfortunately this is always going to be an issue with popular jobs such as Brig Physician as well as jobs with only a single slot such as Warden or Detective.
    1 point
  16. From your post, I just put up a PR up to add the Rolling Pin to the kitchen Equipment cargo crate - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7614 Find a spriter to sprite us up some shoddy splint sprites. Probably requiring metal rods and... duct tape? https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7609 is on Github right now which makes them break after 2000 steps... with this new mechanic implemented, it'd be easy for us to add some shoddy splints with only 1000 steps before breaking. Also a sprite for 'used splints' would be sweet, for when these things to pop off... wouldn't need to be different from shoddy or non-shoddy. Just a used up looking one.
    1 point
  17. Found this gem, me as a clown vandalizing the blue shield's office with green runes. It was great.
    1 point
  18. Wolf O'Shaw necrovored Coffee :^)
    1 point
  19. Escorting all the VIPs to the shuttle like a proper Blueshield. Demonic Gardening This is the aftermath of a battle with endless vines in space
    1 point
  20. May not have been in security.. but as captain, I believe that qualifies in the sense what they do is still my responsibility. I don't remember the exact details any more but as captain I had a HoS literally go rogue, throw insults over comms to the point even the NT rep came down on him in common... basically.. the epitome of shitcurity. It was bad enough Wolf who was NT rep recommended his removal. Finally I had enough one more incident and 2 previous warnings, told him to come to the bridge. He didn't take demotion too well and went rogue. It took security and Alice (our blueshield that round) to finally bring him in. The problem? His warden came in, refused to accept this, and also tried to start a fight. Alice robusted both of those bastards, in full riot gear without even breaking a sweat. AND NEITHER OF THEM WERE ANTAGS. Soon enough we had replacement warden and HoS but that experience basically told me even as captain, I can't always trust security... and that's a bad position to be in. This incident is one of those reasons I'll take the captain slot as a last resort or if I'm really in a mood to abuse myself...
    1 point
  21. Heya, Nightingale here. After a break from the station to find myself, I'm back. Expect me to play a layabout civilian, a doctor that steals organs to make money operates on the sick and needy, or a paramedic that always forget's her damn keys! pls dont fire me noodletrasen Here's a self portrait, courtesy of Will Winters.
    1 point
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