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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2017 in all areas

  1. Something I've always wanted to do was have people asking questions about (my) characters and then drawings up a reply with the character reacting, something like this: Cause I always thought they were fun, neat, and interesting. It's a fun way to learn about some characters that you might or rarely get the meet! List of Characters: Played Characters: Zeke Varloss (Skrell) Dreamy Rockwall (Slimeperson) R.A.B.B.I.T (IPC) NECROMANCER (IPC) Keyreehee (Vox) Calico Furrytail (Tajaran) Cali Ravenna (Skrell) Moofin De Montesquieu (Slimeperson) Melody Meadows (Slimeperson) PHANTASMIA (IPC) T3A-V4 (mimic IPC) FAERIE (IPC) Alistair Sslas (Unathi) Ariel Cullen (Human) Colleen Blake (Human) Benny Peaches (Slimeperson) Edward Anderson O'Connell (Human) Griselda Weber (Human) CC Navy Officer Aurcel Vasseal (Skrell) Not Played Characters: Sax (Corgi) Nurn'Kal (Ascendant) 400 years vintage lamp Because HereticChurch and I are basically the same person HereticChurch's Characters: Churchy (Slimeperson) Gloria Church (Human) Kia Avandeyev (Human) Katherine DeVries (Human) Jacques Varloss (Skrell) T.A.V.I (IPC) CC Director Sarah Bell (Human) CC Officer Emerald (Slimeperson) Syndicate Officer Cherry Bomb (Slimeperson) Because I basically take over other people's characters. <..< >..> Tully's Characters: Jonah Bright (Human) Comms Officer Jenkins (Human) List will probably go through some updates, either adding or removing characters. Now's your chance, ask all or any questions you want! Can be anything, what job do they do? What did they eat in the morning (how boring)? Anything goes! Kinda, in a PG setting. ASK AWAY!!
    2 points
  2. @ZN23X you get a gold star, cause I totally took that from Starship Troopers
    2 points
  3. Am I the only one who thought of Starship Troopers when reading the title? Does Sax enjoy playing fetch OR What is Sax's favorite toy? Any excuse for more pictures of corgi
    2 points
  4. Alright, I'm going to make the comparison to goon again. They reverted most of the pulling changes, a move that I don't really agree with but I understand why it was reverted. There's a feedback thread up on their forums discussing the pulling changes, I suggest reading it to get a better understanding of what it's like to have this feature. Currently on goon, only pulling people slows you down, but only if they're incapacitated or don't have help intent turned on. Pulling containers with bodies in them also slows you down. In practice, this makes dragging off unconscious and unwilling captives slightly harder, but not impossible. I suppose walking is much faster on goon than it is here (make walking a little faster, please!), but the slowdown effect is hardly game breaking, and instead nerds the "stun+drag away to hell" technique that most players rely on, which can be nearly impossible to combat if the kidnapper has extra movespeed, or additional access like vox (space isn't all access).
    2 points
  5. Random sketch of seeing if I could draw Nar'Sie in a more humanoid and womanly figure. Now an Ascendant (Nurn'Kal?) being gripped tight by Nar'Sie
    2 points
  6. I think a fun thing to add to the loadouts could be a package of bubble gum, where you can actually blow bubbles (instead of the gum we have where you basically just eat it. >..> if we even still have it) Anywho, a pack of bubble gum, you pull out one of the stick of gum put it on your mouth slot. Maybe action it to blow the bubble then action again to pop it. Now of course, what are you going to do once the flavour is all gone? Wrap it up in paper and throw it out, spit it out, or stick it under the tables like the rebel you are.
    1 point
  7. I find it rather annoying that people don't know the name of things. How many of you reading this know that the t-comms sat is actually NXS Klapaucius? I could not find one person during gameplay acknowledging this. I would like to have some things renamed, so these actually appear ingame. Such as: Instead of Central Command Report - NAS Trurl Report Instead of telecomms teleporter - NXS Klapaucius teleporter Instead of Cargo Shuttle Console - NTV Arion Console Instead of "The escape shuttle has been (re)called." - "NTV Charon has been (re)called." Etc.
    1 point
  8. There's little point between blue and red, since most of the time it's next to impossible to actually enforce half the SOP items on the list. I would like to propose a change to alert procedure. Green: Same as it is now Blue: Essentially, is the red alert that we have now. For threats or suspected threats to the station. Red: Martial law. Screwing with security forces allows them to respond with any force warranted, including outright lethal if needed. They can brig indefinitely as well until the alert level is lowered. This is for station-wide emergencies, such as: widescale bombings (welder bombs don't count, nor do single bombs), blob, nuclear emergency, wizards, large scale violent riots, final stages of shadowlings. The key here is that actively impeding security or response forces itself creates more danger. Don't fuck with them. That doesn't mean security can just go around killing people at will. They must be actively impeding. But it does significantly remove barriers on security forces. Since it takes two swipes to use, it helps curb crazy captains anyways. Isn't crazy proof, but working around getting two head authorizations should result in CC crackdowns. The rest of the alerts stay the same, with gamma getting the same treatment as red with the extra equipment.
    1 point
  9. I think it might be a good idea to try this out for a few rounds and get some input from the players who had to deal with it. It sounds like it works well enough on some other servers but it may or may not work well with Paracode and the general playstyle of our population. It doesn't seem like the most difficult thing to code, although I wouldn't know for sure. As long as players have the option to strap people into roller beds, office chairs (the ones with caster wheels), wheelchairs, etc. for full-speed dragging then I think that it would be a fine addition.
    1 point
  10. All pictures you create in response to this post now require the header from Starship Troopers ???
    1 point
  11. If the big thing this is meant to address is the ridiculousness of speedboosted antags using the tactic of "stun -> drag victim all the way across the station before the stun even wears off -> kill, dispose body -> rinse -> repeat", then make it specifically that pulling or dragging forces someone to run at default or the slightly reduced speed of being hungry/underfed, where it's feasibly possible to give chase, or at least force the antag to choose between keeping their victim/hostage or being able to make a speedy getaway instead of doing both. At present, any antag with a steady supply of meth and a stun weapon, or even one cultist with the flagellant robes and stun talismans have all they need to steadily, single-handedly grind down the entire sec department over time unless someone in security has a faster-than-light internet connection and the reflexes of a housefly hopped up on caffeine and redbull.
    1 point
  12. This is what I've been talking about. The Controversy is real! Everyone run!
    1 point
  13. Would make security unnecessarily tedious and result in sec officers carrying a roller bed with them everywhere
    1 point
  14. As an MP on CM with this same feature i have to head down to the planet to catch shitter marines then head back up to the ship and then process them. Does that count? Yes the gameplay becomes less casual, the suggestion is guilty as charged no way to sugar coat that. You are completely right, it will hurt security but that comes with less cake-walk gameplay that effects everyone. That's why it's so great.
    1 point
  15. So this is a new merge apparently, i decided to make a guide for players to help them do thisR Yellow are the titles for the surgery. Cyan is the surgery procedure. Green is what you require for the augmentation. Blue are the details and notes. Crewmembers will come and ask to get some of their limbs augmented. DETAILS AND NOTES: -If your head is replaced with a IPC head. you will not be able to feed yourself through eating with a mouth. or APCs. Cables will probably be merged soon. The way to feed your self is through grinding food and injecting it into any organic limb you have left. -Mechanic limbs cannot be augmented. Only organic limbs can. -Augmented limbs will: Reduce incoming brute damage by 5 and burn by 4 Takes a bit of damage from EMP and stuns you Does not malfunction or fall off when damage Cannot be healed by chemicals, patches, bandages, etc. Can be healed with welders/cable-coil -Organic brains will always go in the head. -Posibrains will always go in the chest. -The following limbs can only be augmented: Head. Chest Arms Legs. SURGERY PROCEDURES: The surgery procedure to augment is easy. First, you build off from the ''exosuit fabricator'' in the section ''Cyborg'' the limb that you're going to augment. Surgery procedure to augment the Chest, Legs and Arms: Use a scalpel on the limb, pick ''Augment Limb'' procedure. Scalpel. Hemostat Retractor Place the robotic limb. Done augmented! Next up is to augment the head. ***IMPORTANT NOTE***:If you're gonna replace a head for a IPC head. always remember.. optical sensors are ALWAYS needed for that. For replacing people's heads with a IPC head you'll need a IPC head, defibrillator or SR, and optical sensors. If you're only replacing the IPC head, the person will get broken bones on it's chest unless the chest is augmented. Surgery procedure to amputate: For amputating his head. Aim at the head. Circular saw and pick ''Amputation'' Circular saw. To take the brain out, drop the head on the floor. Use a scalpel on the head. Use a retractor Use a hemostat to take the brain out You attach the IPC head to the body. To attach the brain to the head: Screwdriver Crowbar Put the optical sensors in. Put the (organic only)brain in. Crowbar. Putting posibrains into new bodies: Posibrains will always go in the chest. When you recieve a posibrain or build one, players will take control of it, if you wanna put it into a augment IPC body. For this, you're going to need a humanised monkey, optical sensors and a defibrillator OR strange reagent in a syringe) If you're gonna defib him, you're gonna have to do this quickly as possible. The surgery procedure is here: You will augment it's torso. You will decapitate its head and replace it with a IPC head. The procedure to insert the brains is here. Screwdriver Crowbar Put the optical sensor in. Put the (Posi)brain in. Crowbar Make sure he's healed enough. Use the defibrillator or strange reagent. Advise me if i missed anything please Huge thanks to imsxz (Ares) who helped me on testing out this stuff for the guide. For more details: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7595
    1 point
  16. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7595
    1 point
  17. I'll just quote something I was told in dchat one day, when a string of shitters drove me to not accept reclone after dying as HoS. "I've won if I make you quit." It's the circle of shittery. Shitter decides to make life hell on sec. Experienced sec players say "screw this" and quit rolling sec. Newbies to sec, without guidance, turn into shitcurity. Shitcurity causes trouble with Joey Newguy. Joey Newguy says "screw this", and begins to give sec hell.
    1 point
  18. That sounds perfectly fine to me!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. I've tried fixing up the White Ship - I got it working, I placed a bunch of cameras, and I even got the RD to make an AI! So sad the shift got cut short by a loose tesla, we were so close to make it useful.
    1 point
  21. Viva la Conga! Shame on you, AI, trying to arrest us the whole shift... Shame on you.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Here's a few chapels I've DIY'd
    1 point
  24. Tetra n Tay decking out Brigbay! @Tayswift STILL trying to wash the blood from that grey off my hands!!!
    1 point
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