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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2017 in all areas

  1. Said I was going to take a break but did I? Nah, of course I didn't. *sigh Anyway, I decided to work a tiny bit on flags last night. What I'd imagine the SolGov flag to look like and the human flag which is pretty much the solgov flag except without the letters. I also tried using the colors of the human flag found on the wiki. I personally like the SolGov flag as well as Version 1 & 2 of the Human flag but eh.
    6 points
  2. A huge problem with drones, among many others, is how susceptible they are to antagonist sympathizing. Players observing the round can identify a traitor, join the round as a ghost drone, then intentionally allow themselves to be emagged. This behavior can be hard to identify without constant monitoring, and even then drones can easily feign innocence or claim they were just messing around with the crew. Drones are not permitted to interact with the crew by law, but drones are protected by a "cuteness factor". It's socially acceptable for a drone to beep and ping its way onto someone's head as a hat, then hang around the bar like a robotic cat. Furthermore, drones have a huge incentive to get emagged. Emagged drones have a very wide variety of tools, and are capable of bringing the station to its knees from the amount of harass and direct damage they're capable of. Getting emagged as a drone is like being given the keys to the antagonist candy store. This is highly appealing to many players, for self evident reasons. In order to combat antagonist sympathizing with drones, I suggest that emagging a drone should kick the player out of the drone shell, and replace it with an observer. Traitors still get their overpowered murder robot, but drones would avoid suspicious players in fear of getting emagged. We shouldn't reward drones that allow themselves to be emagged.
    2 points
  3. New memes hot off the printing press.
    2 points
  4. While signatures are THE way to prove it's actually your paper, a fancy-pansy stamp would be great, if not for usefulness, for the feeling of importance. A paper covered in magistrate stamps that says you are sectenced to attend to the clown's ballet show for being mean? fuck
    2 points
  5. Here's a drawing of Grand Wizard(?) Dreamy Rockwall, of course this will never happen. Cute Dreamy in a big sweater sketch! Snowflake character FAERIE who was an insane human who got his memory/personality put into an IPC Ansari drawn as a manly man, and then drawn as a lady Sketch dump!
    2 points
  6. Very well... for those few interested why she wont be coming anymore. Heres a cringy reason. Beware... its even more cringy and shit.
    2 points
  7. Data expunged, check biography in that biography club thing.
    1 point
  8. Suggestion: Nuke ops always war. SIT becomes its own gamemode for stealth ops, but instead of one single objective, they have a set of high profile objectives. What's the difference between this and normal traitor rounds? The cooperation is expected from the beginning. Only part that I'm not sure about is is this enough to hype the crew up? Is there enough interesting things for SIT players to do, and enough for the station to fear for their lives and hunt for them if they are discovered? SHOULD they even be hunted by crew? Lots of things to think about.
    1 point
  9. That sounds like a good idea. The player who gets kick out can rejoin as a drone again basically. No harm done.
    1 point
  10. The big issue with late game is how mist form doesn't have a hard cooldown, but rather it's a ramp up recharge. Activating sooner means you travel shorter distances, but once mastered, you know exactly how much time you need to jump small gaps to you, but huge gaps to sec. It makes it very very hard to pin down a vamp for any real length of time. There is a couple ways to defeat end game vamps with relative ease no matter who they are, but it's such a pain to get scichem/medchem to cooperate under even the best of circumstances, and you will still need some backup.
    1 point
  11. I'll miss them, despite being a filthy xeno. Also: Bill the Anti-ERP walrus.
    1 point
  12. Don't make me regret what I said or so help me I'll come find you. @Pawneax
    1 point
  13. Answer to @EldritchSigma's question... Clearly Nurn'Kal is too busy maintaining his hair and haunting Jenkins.
    1 point
  14. Admin said it guys! We have free reign now! Also welcome to the forums!
    1 point
  15. taking breaks is always good, don't want to hurt yourself from arting too much... like getting tennis elbow.
    1 point
  16. You sure need a rest after all this work, you put a lot of effort and i really love everyone one of them
    1 point
  17. Lovely lovely work. Adore the style. Can't wait to see more!
    1 point
  18. Huh, the more you know
    1 point
  19. That might fool some people, but there's a difference between italicized text and signatures.
    1 point
  20. Couldn't you just write their name in italics?
    1 point
  21. Good. You deserve a break
    1 point
  22. I believe this is a cool idea if someone is willing to make the image for it. This won't make the power of the magistrate any more or less effective. The Justice Department has a lot of power of being able to explain the situation to central command about what is going on at the station with just the stamp they currently have right now.
    1 point
  23. I can totally see modifying the stamps in the respective offices in that the IAA stamps include Internal Affairs at the bottom of the stamp image, and Magistrate at the bottom of the Mag's. Seems like a simple image fix to give the justice dep stamps some more individuality.
    1 point
  24. @Pawneaxmispronouncing names is absolutely phenomenal for command and sec players. Also, can we have species flags in the same art style?
    1 point
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