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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Here's some art of my vulp, Tariq Yon-Dale, mostly. I like drawing cartoons first and foremost.
    8 points
  2. I'll let the image itself do the talking.
    3 points
  3. This one needs a bit of explanation. Mike was a paramedic and after killing someone and dragging the body to space, had a long fight with the security pod pilot(voxy Kiyaka), who had the occurrence of leaving the pod knowing mike had a guardian. Mike took all his gear and the pod, then went to security. After nobody realizing he had no mindshield and that he was not a vox, he went to space again. Spoke on radio with Kiyaka voice because some weird stuff he did, but in dead chat it shows as a Mike. Kept security going all around the station, this is just a bit of the conversation. Then he deconstructed some walls at the engi outpost shuttle and started shoting everybody when they came from the engi outpost(since mike told them that mike was there). Of course, they belived him when said that mike had stolen his pod. And of course he survived until the end of the round, going away in the main shuttle with other sec officers.
    2 points
  4. Uhh, question on the rules. ERP is banned but is the librarian allowed to read WGW and the Lusty Xeno Queen?
    2 points
  5. Straw poll for people who cannot vote. Oh, boy, where do I begin with all the problems I see, here? There is a GAP between the female's legs where the tail should be, for one! Feet shouldn't be shaded when they are only one pixel wide. The ears are darker than the head. The tail is darker than the rest of the body. I have so much to cover for these little guys, and it's saddening. Let's start with the colors. I do not even need to explain how unprofessional the amount of near-duplicate colors I see on the original sprites. This is screenshotted from the actual sprite palette from Dream Maker. There are exactly five duplicate colors, four 3-of-a-kind colors, and one 4-of-a-kind colors. The top palette represents the colors of the current Tajara and the bottom represents the current updated ones I have. Zoom in on the tail. For some reason, 9 acts as the shading for the tail from the north direction, while 11 and 12 act as shading for the tail in the east and west position. I've decided to match the tails' colors to whatever part they connect to and color the border as the same color as the body. Now that I have addressed the color issues,, pull all images I show you in in Microsoft Paint and zoom in as I explain what I have fixed. The reason why I asked you this is because some of the changes are very subtle. Let's start with the heads. I'll target problem areas in bold and explain them. This is the male's head. Ears: The border shading of the ears do not match the rest of the border shading of the body. The ears, from the north position, are more dark than the rest of the fur, which does not make any sense as they were not like that in the original Tajara design. I re-shaded the ears and the back of the head to match the rest of the body. Muzzle: On the front, it has lost its shading. To fix this, I went to the original sprites for a reference and I matched the shading to it. The 'chin' on the reference Tajara is part of the torso's body patch, so it doesn't clip onto clothes. On the sides, there is a dark pixel on the cheek that has no purpose. In fact, it looks like a side mouth. I've removed it, and also an outline pixel to the left of the dark pixel (the mouth on the muzzle) Now, let's look at the female's head. I'm not going to say anything about the ears because they are the same as the male's. Female Muzzle First, the shading on the side of the face from the south position is inverted. The female's mouth has a pink dot and this is an issue because when people make female Tajara with lighter colors, that pink dot ends up looking like a tooth and the end result is a buck-tooth hamster Tajaran. Credit to SideCat for my daily dose of lols for the hamster comment. The female muzzle from the side not only has unsightly speckles of dark fur, but the color of the muzzle marking flare does not match the color of the belly patch (Don't believe me? Look at the full body on the first image,) nor does it have the shading the male has. I shaded the muzzle flare with an outline so it is still obvious the marking is different than the male's, but it does not reduce the surface area of the muzzle. Let's look at the bodies, now. The reason why the flesh is darker than the original is because the flesh color does not stay the same when people have lighter Tajara. For example, my pure-white speshul snowflek has pure-white fur and her resulting flesh is a light pink. Now, someone please tell me why the female looks exactly the same as the male? I'm not joking; there is no pattern difference or body shape difference from male to female. To fix this, I've used the human models as references and gave the females some hips from the north and south state. I have honestly attempted to give females a different body patch than the males, but they ended up looking they had a giant dick plastered on their chests no matter what I did. I can try again, if you want, though. What I COULD do, however, was give the upper chest, below the neck, a little bit more shading so the muzzle would connect with the patching on the chest, but not too much. I also gave the kitties some shoulder blades and armpits like humans have. But, the sides... Ahh, the infamous dangling arm when the thing should have been amputated. I removed it, as you can see. I think I am pretty much done explaining the flaws of Tajara. In other news, I have added some markings to Tajara. No, we had none of those markings before. And YES, YOU CAN HAVE A MONO-COLOR TAJARA. Angora kitties unite! Well, that's it! If all goes well, next, Unathi!
    1 point
  6. Data expunged, check biography in that biography club thing.
    1 point
  7. What is says on the tin, I'm gathering interest from the paradise community (and anyone outside as well) for a roleplaying game called Black Crusade. For those of you that do not know, black crusade is based on the Warhammer 40k universe, you play as traitors of humanity, as you balance the fine art of your infamy and corruption. I'll be providing some links, as well as a link to the PDF of the rules book, should you be interested. The main difference between black crusade and the famous Dungeons and Dragons is that instead of a d20 system, we use a d100. A quick example, you make a strength test, you have a strength of 40, and you get a +10 modifier. You then roll a 1d100, if the die is 50 or below you pass the test, for every ten you pass the test with you'll gain one degree of success. So if you roll 40, you pass the test with one degree of success. We will be using roll20 to carry out our rolls and chatter, we'll be using text to voice our characters, this is to not make having a mic a requirement, and I've heard that it does open for better RP in some cases, this will be my first time using text instead of voice, so it'll be a fun experiment. Personally I've been playing black crusade with my group of friends for about 2 and a half years, so I know the rules fairly well, this will be my first time GMing though, so be warned that most of us will be beginners, I do however have experience in DMing DnD, so I'm not completely new to the concept. If you have any questions, feel free to post here or shoot me a PM here on in Discord, hopefully we can make something work and get a small campaign together! Core rulebook: http://wh40klib.ru/rpg/Black Crusade/Black Crusade Rulebook.pdf (Pretty big download) Fantasy flight games page: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/black-crusade/ Edit: Discord https://discord.gg/BrpsHW5
    1 point
  8. Things a HoS should do: Remind their officers to max sensors. Encourage their officers to patrol with a buddy, so they don't die horribly. In some cases (vamps/slings) this is pretty much a requirement if you want to live. Help swipe to raise the code to red when needed. Also tell the Captain when the code needs to be changed. Ensure lethals are distributed at the correct time. Regardless of the code, you don't want to be taking on poison spiders with stunbatons. Handle high-profile prisoners, like heads, or changelings. Ensure SOP and Space Law are upheld in their department. Identify, and demote, officers who are a liability. In the absence of a magistrate, decide when/if trials should be held. (usually, NO) Keep an eye on the Warden, ensuring that they mostly stay in the brig, don't deploy flashers on green, etc. Keep the rest of Command informed about important events, like hostile agents, people endangering the station, etc. Also be ready to stop people for demotions if the other heads ask for it. Make sure the records are up-to-date. Warden can do this. But they don't always do it. Ensure the HoP isn't appointing people to Security without the HoS' permission. Chew out the Captain if they insist on running through maint alone. Attend to sec emergencies in areas that normal Sec officers cannot access. Remember that you AREN'T just a better-equipped officer. You're leading a team. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty, but most of your value is as a manager and member of Command, rather than an extra front-line grunt.
    1 point
  9. So I am interested in who of you nerds knows Dwarf Fortress. Probably many. Good, now who of you know about the masterwork mod? Less I assume. Masterwork is a mod for Dwarf Fortress which adds a ton of (sometimes slithgly buggy) content. You can for instance play as Orcs, warlocks (read wizards with necromancy powers), kobolds, supremacists (humans), Hermit (A single guy.), Dwarfs (Duh), Gnomes (They are shorter than dwarves, but use high tech shit like Railguns etc) and last but not least SUCCubus (Lewd Demons). All factions are very unique and got completly different playstyles. Dwarfs have alot more content and can research shit, SUCCubus succ prisoners and convert them into semi demons, Gnomes got High Tech toys, orcs go raid other factions for stuff, humans got a bit of everything, kobolds is zerg mode, hermit is one man army and warlocks are all about growing an army of undead and demons with a few very powerfull, albeit limited in number, warlocks which can learn spells and shit. If you know DF and still have a 0.34 version arround I recommend to try out the Masterwork mod. Its like playing an entirely new game... with each faction. And it got tons of hidden fun aswell like archeology which can instantly cause a doomsday like scenario depending what relic you take. Oh and alot of eastereggs, even facehugger "vermin" which, when attacking (coded as biting) a dwarf or other sentient, implants them with a syndrom which kills them and spawns a xenobeast (literally a xenomorph). It is also adding to that a few none playable factions/races like frost giants which are utterly powerfull compareable to the HFS in the regular game, but armed with adamantine grade weapons, or automatons which use rifles. And megabeasts/semi megabeasts/Fun Stuff got extended too, there are now plaguewraith (carry 2 bloodsteel/steel scythes as body parts and inject venom), shoggoths (literally unkillable by regular means), umbral hulks (They can kill a unit instantly once a month and can mind control... jesus what is it with that theme of mind control and shadows), floating brains (More mind control shit), Fungal Thralls (kinda like a zombie plague, but worse), Blood and Carp cults infiltrating your fortress just to name a few. Anyways if some of you nerds play DF AND actually know masterwork I would really be up for a succession game, any race for that matter.
    1 point
  10. Oh gee, it looks like I did it again.
    1 point
  11. I smell unrobustness coming from this person. Bianka... is that you? Swirly time!
    1 point
  12. When are you going to cease collecting surplus funds for Paradise via the Patreon system?
    1 point
  13. Are there any plans to actually develop the codebase in any particular direction and actually encourage original content for Paradise?
    1 point
  14. Zeke Varloss Reference sheet thing.... It is nude drawing but censored of course.
    1 point
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