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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2017 in all areas

  1. here's also a gif I made for my good friend buppers the diluvian clown Streaky Haddock.
    3 points
  2. Ahh, thanks everyone! I just woke up and seeing all the positive comments was an amazing way to start the day. I'll be sure to post more SS13 art here in the future! Something from discord yesterday: Doctor Rahkeeki, MD (owned by Ralta on the discord, I don't know his forum account name. haha)
    2 points
  3. 1a. What is your opinion on the Github's current lack of contributors and the Github having such a low rate of new PR submissions? 1b. How do you plan to address the recent large amount of time between PRs being submitted and them getting merged / rejected? 1c.What "large" things (such as Lavaland) would you want to add to the codebase, and how would you go about adding those things? 2. What do you see as Paradise's key strengths? What do you see as its weak points, and how do you plan to address those weak points? 3. Where do you see the server in a few years' time?
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Name: Grimes Age: Unknown, although his personnel file claims 32 Gender: Male Race: Slime person Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Grimes possess a wide array of knowledge and skills, but shows particular expertise in science and medical. Biography Little is known of Grime's past, beyond that he hails from Xarxis 5 and was recruited as a part of NT's industrialization efforts on the planet. He tends not to speak of his past and gives conflicting versions of it if pressed. His general outlook seems to be a mix of nihilism and hedonism, and he often doesn't much care for anything beyond finding his next source of amusement. He is polite and affable, even to those who mean him harm, but beyond that he is quite unpredictable. On many occasions he will refuse to fight as if a devout pacifist, in other situations he'll take up arms easily. Sometimes he can show a callous disregard for the well-being of others, and other times he will go to great lengths to help a stranger. It all seems to depend on whatever his current whims are at the time. Generally, though, as long as he ends his shift with a cigarette in one hand and a Vodka Martini in the other, he is content. Qualifications: Once did 200u of Methamphetamine and lived. Created a cannabis plant with 0 yield. Built a BSA in Cargo and fired it into the cargo shuttle warp field, breaking space. Seems to possess knowledge in a wide range of areas, from medical expertise to improvised weapons, to hacking and more. Highly adaptable. Very skilled at creative problem solving when usual methods are unavailable. Employment Records Recruited from Xarxis 5 as part of NT's ongoing industrialization efforts. [Restricted to Heads of Staff or above] Grimes is a former member of the terrorist group "Xarxis Liberation Movement", a group dedicated to the removal of NanoTrasen from Xarxis and an end to their ongoing industrialization efforts there. This group believed NanoTrasen's industrialization as well as management of the planet's government will only lead to the exploitation and eventual destruction of Xarxis and the slime people race. NanoTrasen's response to such groups was swift and brutal. One such raid lead to the complete destruction of an XLM base with all hands thought to have been lost. However, several months later NanoTrasen patrols caught a single survivor attempting to escape. Impressed by his skills and will to survive, NT offered him a chance to turn on the remains of his former group in exchange for his life. Grimes accepted, and helped remove the last holdouts of organized resistance from the planet. As a reward, he was allowed to work freely and by this point in generally trusted with most roles. While he's still somewhat cold toward Nanotrasen in general, he seems resigned to his fate and no longer opposes them. Security Records Several incidents of minor theft, drug possession, breaking and endering, vandalism, and possession of improvised weapons. Usually with reduced sentences for good behavior. Medical Records Personnel Photo Commendations: Reprimands: Other Notes:
    1 point
  6. What makes for a good Head of Security? Should they attend calls, or leave that to their officers? Do they hang in the back making sure their officers are alive and competant? Is it their job to be the last officer standing to call for an ERT, or should they be getting stuck in to prevent it from getting to that stage? Is robustness a requirement or just helpful?
    1 point
  7. Hmm? Another cringy vulp character back from limbo? @The Respected Man, you get the flamethrower, I'll break out the chainsaw.
    1 point
  8. Will we ever enforce mandatory CMD? Some argue it can't be done but we already don't allow people to use information obtained as a ghost once they re-enter the round. It's essentially just an extension of enforcing that. Just like with any other rules, some people will slip up and they will either learn and fall in line or ?
    1 point
  9. What can be done to increase the level of roleplay experience presented to the community? What would you like to see as an improvement within the next 6 months? If you could implement any feature from any codebase what would it be and why? Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how to increase community involvement? For atmospherics systems do you prefer Linda, Z.A.S. or Fastmos? As a Game Admin what is the number one thing you believe players should be aware of?
    1 point
  10. I remember the round we had it in was very laggy, yes. We also had a bug where all the normally black space on screen (things you couldn't see because of walls et cetera) was instead space parallax.
    1 point
  11. Art is good. Tetris Vegan memes are hilarious.
    1 point
  12. I'll add, tho this may be a no no for certain players. Know when to turn it up and when to take it easy. Sometimes the antags are clearly inexperienced or having a rough round and you don't need to go all out to deal with them. Have the awareness to be play a bit lighter when necessary, for the sake of the round. Believe it or not, sometimes if you don't go balls to the walls it makes the round better.
    1 point
  13. Things a HoS should do: Remind their officers to max sensors. Encourage their officers to patrol with a buddy, so they don't die horribly. In some cases (vamps/slings) this is pretty much a requirement if you want to live. Help swipe to raise the code to red when needed. Also tell the Captain when the code needs to be changed. Ensure lethals are distributed at the correct time. Regardless of the code, you don't want to be taking on poison spiders with stunbatons. Handle high-profile prisoners, like heads, or changelings. Ensure SOP and Space Law are upheld in their department. Identify, and demote, officers who are a liability. In the absence of a magistrate, decide when/if trials should be held. (usually, NO) Keep an eye on the Warden, ensuring that they mostly stay in the brig, don't deploy flashers on green, etc. Keep the rest of Command informed about important events, like hostile agents, people endangering the station, etc. Also be ready to stop people for demotions if the other heads ask for it. Make sure the records are up-to-date. Warden can do this. But they don't always do it. Ensure the HoP isn't appointing people to Security without the HoS' permission. Chew out the Captain if they insist on running through maint alone. Attend to sec emergencies in areas that normal Sec officers cannot access. Remember that you AREN'T just a better-equipped officer. You're leading a team. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty, but most of your value is as a manager and member of Command, rather than an extra front-line grunt.
    1 point
  14. nothing i haven't seen before B)
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. When are you going to cease collecting surplus funds for Paradise via the Patreon system?
    1 point
  17. I have some ideas on my mind, will share them: 1) Another sation McSpessBox lost its gamma armory during alien infestation. Aliens were wiped out, but it needs to be built again. So basically objective is to build gamma pod, fill it with mechs and weapons and then bluespace teleport it to more secure location before round end. 2) army of super soldiers. War was declared to nanotrasen. HQ decides to prepare an army. Station is required to make (for example) 5 supersoldiers, who should reach CC alive. I imagine it to require each soldier to have at least 3 genetic superpowers, at least 3 implants (good implants, not tracking one), have augmented body and possibly wear some high tech weapons and gear. Maybe even implanted xeno organs of some sort, i cant remember all the game mechanics.
    1 point
  18. Let's see .. massive food production for famine on a nearby planet? Food would be shipped off with a cargo shuttle or a shuttle sent by CC (Gives chef more to do, gives a sense that more exists besides space and the station) Expansion on the bsa: Build the BSA, then wipe out targets designated by CC Keep watch over prisoners who are transported on the ship from a fellow colony. -> Several permaprisoners (who are perhaps a bit genetically modified to be a bit more dangerous?) will be put in the permabrig. However, they are quite volatile and need watch/care.
    1 point
  19. Uhh, question on the rules. ERP is banned but is the librarian allowed to read WGW and the Lusty Xeno Queen?
    1 point
  20. There's been some talk in the past about making security more attractive to play, whats the current status on that?
    1 point
  21. We will ever start enforcing a higher standards on Roleplay and possibly meta information restricts (i.e. antag, gateway, other departments)
    1 point
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