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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2017 in all areas

  1. Cute drawing time. Here's Zeke, Jonah and Churchy spending time with Sax.
    2 points
  2. Here's some art of my vulp, Tariq Yon-Dale, mostly. I like drawing cartoons first and foremost.
    1 point
  3. This is the real reason, the amputate thing is a plus, i just enjoy having always something sharp on me. Wish those combat knife where a thing outside ERT or Gamma armory
    1 point
  4. As an officer, I don't leave the brig without; As a brig physician I carry; Physician Vest - I love this thing so much, people don't realise it has the same armor as sec armor roughly. 1x Pepper Spray - I rarely have issues with prisoners, but when they're an ass this is all you need. If they're aggressive towards me, I don't treat them. Simple as that - nowhere does it say I am required to subdue anyone for medical treatment. Most will behave if asked nicely anyway. 1x Flash - See above, also FUCK BORGS. 1x Full toolbelt - Generally for renovating brigbay and repairing IPCs/mechanical bits, but also as three quarters of a ghetto surgery kit. 1x Medbelt containing; Syringe, Crew Monitor, Splints, Pill Bottles x4 - Syringe is for emergency blood transfusions using myself, bottles contain meds for all damage types. 1x glass shard + hatchet - the missing quarter of a ghetto surgery set. 1x soap - cleaning under brigbay sleeper and winding up officers/prisoners 1x cleaner - see above, for added banter add 5u flurosulph acid and 10u styptic so that it makes people scream and melts things Fire extinguisher and SBR as above, also extra flashlights. Usually also a hot chocolate. Occasionally I carry a pizza to bribe bored prisoners. The spray cleaner I actually mess with a lot. I usually just leave it as is with space cleaner in it, but if I find myself having to handle dangerous prisoners often for whatever reason or get greytide out of my face I make up some fun sprays using the pepper spray refiller and some favors from chemistry. Keepin' the place squeaky clean and scaring greytide with a knockout spray that throws up scary chat messages without actually being harmful is good stuff.
    1 point
  5. Or, you know, just have the brig phys saw the head off. But noooo, that's too easy.
    1 point
  6. 1. If you are a silent HOS, you deserve to get eaten by your pet spider. 80% of your team's mindset comes from you being seen and heard. That goes both ways though, so if they see and hear you being clueless, you'll be ignored/deposed super fast. Do not be the HOS who disappears into the tunnels alone. 2.Do not rely on your robustness alone. The danger you should pose to criminal scum on the station is not that of one man in an armored coat with some extra gear, it should be that of a cool-headed commander with a well coordinated team of ruthlessly organized and prepared mercenaries. Robustness is a requirement if you take a more hands-on, aggressive playstyle, but a few months playtime otherwise will suffice. 3.Be prepared. Make sure your people are prepared. By this, I don't mean hoard chems, implants, and gear, or any other form of powergaming, but be ready for whatever comes at you. If you and all your contractors don't have maxed sensors, a crowbar, fire extinguisher, radio, and extra cuffs on hand at all times, you're wrong. And get scanned for cloning. 4.Don't rely on electrode-stuns. Disablers and AOE stuns will give you a lot more bang for your buck, and will deplete less quickly. Don't let your team forget that pepperspray and flashes, while useless against you, are quite powerful against the unprepared suspect. 5.Use your warden effectively. Make him keep records up to date, manage implants, and generally keep things from piling up on you while you're away dealing with things. 6. Last but not least, use your brain whenever you can, plan, think, strategize, observe- but failing all that go with your gut. Now get out there and score some valids.
    1 point
  7. Hmm? Another cringy vulp character back from limbo? @The Respected Man, you get the flamethrower, I'll break out the chainsaw.
    1 point
  8. An important detail that I look for in HoS's is how present they are. Do I know where the HoS is, are they communicating with the team, can I expect an answer back from them in a timely manner, are they keeping the crew informed, what kind of announcements are they making, are they around for when high-level criminals are brought in, ect. Even if the HoS can't preform all of their duties, if I can get a hold of the HoS, then they're fine in my book.
    1 point
  9. I'll let the image itself do the talking.
    1 point
  10. Lord this will be quite a list for me... Security satchel and a pack of robusts+lighter in my right pocket on ALL of these builds. Spare cig behind my left ear, lit cig in my mouth unless I need internals. Even then, sometimes I'll suffer. I legit go through 2-3 packs of cigs a shift. HOS: HOS skirt, armored trench, jackboots, fingerless gloves. All the HOS specific items in my emergency box. Warden: Warden skirt, Warden jacket, Warden beret, jacksandals, Krav Maga (duh?). Box of cuffs and flashbangs in my bag. Shotgun with tranq darts in my office. Pilot: EVA with my helmet down as frequently as possible because I look fan-freaking-tastic. Pilot jumpsuit, bomber, beret, and fingerless when not in EVA. Box full of tools and GPS. Officer: Black officer jumpsuit, armor, jackboots, and fingerless. (I rarely play officer as Tetra tho, I have a snoflek unathi who I usually use as my lemming) Brig Doc: This one is my fav. Sec jumpskirt, red bandana, jacksandals, fingerless, and the red brig phys vest. I even swap my doctor bag for a sec satchel and take a sec belt for pepper spray, flash, cuffs, and of course an emergency donut. I like to look like I'm part of sec when I'm the doc, not just another doc. On all of these my sec belt has baton, flash, pepper spray, flashbang, and Ebola. Cuffs in my left pocket. Spare cuffs and fbang in my bag. Sec gas/riot mask. A first aid kit if I can get my hands on one. Oxygen F aid kit with air tank, SBR, emergency fire extinguisher, flare, and other misc stuff. That covers MOSTLY everything. I never tape my boots cuz I like sounding like AUTHORITY. By never I mean I MIGHT tape them is sec is starting to look thin due to casualties caused by a powerful antag.
    1 point
  11. That HoS was demoted after i was talking with him about the electropack and he told me "sorry i'm a noob lol" Inmurshon over
    1 point
  12. The bar is her natural habitat, of course! And... Yeeeahhh, that could have gone about fifty times better. I'm pretty sure Sam's gotten more people killed/thralled trying to save her than she ever has as an antag. Edit: Updated! I wrote a fucking book while trying to summarize Sam's actual backstory. Oops.
    1 point
  13. When are you going to cease collecting surplus funds for Paradise via the Patreon system?
    0 points
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