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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Are there any plans to actually develop the codebase in any particular direction and actually encourage original content for Paradise?
    3 points
  2. Cute drawing time. Here's Zeke, Jonah and Churchy spending time with Sax.
    2 points
  3. 1a. What is your opinion on the Github's current lack of contributors and the Github having such a low rate of new PR submissions? 1b. How do you plan to address the recent large amount of time between PRs being submitted and them getting merged / rejected? 1c.What "large" things (such as Lavaland) would you want to add to the codebase, and how would you go about adding those things? 2. What do you see as Paradise's key strengths? What do you see as its weak points, and how do you plan to address those weak points? 3. Where do you see the server in a few years' time?
    2 points
  4. When are you going to cease collecting surplus funds for Paradise via the Patreon system?
    2 points
  5. Name: Buford Prescot Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Roles: Bartender Doctor Security Chaplain Biography: He was never really born rather cloned by a pompous rich parents kids DNA. The parents lost there child at age 16 when he got shot to death after being robbed by common thugs. This was before a time where consciousness could be transferred between bodies so the best option for the grieving parents was to make an almost identical clone with the childs DNA. Brought into existence at the age of 16 on Earth with an IQ of 135 (Top 5% of the universe) he had a brain.. Unfortunately never used it though. Instead he wasted the only 2 years of his childhood indulging in alcohol, shows, and getting into constant fights. During this time period he tried recreational hard drugs twice but never got into it. At age 17 he started dating a girl by the name of Scarlet who was a smoker and she offered him a cigarette and that's how the addiction was picked up. Scarlet was 22 (5 years older then him) and managed a bar so Buford was always allowed and encouraged to spend his time there drinking. That he did. In the process learned how to operate the bar and mix drinks. One fateful night at age 18 his girlfriend was intoxicated as they were drinking when the bar closed down. He was driving her home and she vomitted and threw her body at him in an attempt to drunkenly give him a kiss. This caused the car to spin out of control smashing the right end of the car into a building, Killing her instantly and leaving Buford in critical condition. Due to his family connections he was sent to a high end Nanotrasen hospital and almost died there. After he got resuscitated he reported having entered red space (a near death experience). Reported to faintly remember a pitch black figure chanting the words: "There is but one true God" "Good and evil only exists within the minds of man" "Do something in life. Good and evil are irrelevant on how make decisions, just become part of something." He had a faint aspiration to be a doctor during his stay at the hospital but this soon faded. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the legal age of 18 after loosing his girlfriend and his parents shunning him for not having the potential of being successful, not willing to go to college, and in general not being the wealthy families stereotypical son. He had nothing left on earth so he signed a contract with nanotrasen and boarded a shuttle to the NSS Cyberaid. With no experience in really anything but mixing drinks he took up a job as a bartender among the station. He enjoyed his work due to free drinks and being allowed to smoke on the job. After doing this for so long he grew tired and took up med school. Graduating early at age 24 due to his smarts he started off as a doctor at medbay. Starting off was frustrating and he made a few mistakes. One most known is his incident of malpractice in the surgery room where he reattached a rotten arm unmasked, smoking, and without washing his hands. The patient filled up with toxins and almost died but thanks to another staff member got revived. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day at the NSS Cyberaid the station split up into multiple factions. So he decided to go to the brig and help security by supporting them with his advanced medical training. Due to this he became inspired to join security and that he did. As a lowly security guard he spend his time fighting crime, still remaining faithful to the bar, and helping protect medbay. Due to his connections with medbay he was almost always granted access to that area. Occasionally beating the shit out of suspects and prisoners, pepper spraying them, and all that his morals became questionable but justified due to his past of fighting and anger problems. After a trip to IAA he decided to clean up his act and read up on space law. Knowing space law so well he got promoted to warden.. Then later to HoS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Qualifications: Self taught in fighting, amateur brawling basically. Advanced medical training. Expert in Space Law, SoP, and Legal SoP. Knowledgeable in the written word. Competent in both abductive and deductive reasoning. Psychology Rhetoric Mixing drinks Theology Employment Records: Bartender Psychologist Doctor Security Guard Warden Head of security Chief Medical Officer (Briefly then resigned) Chaplain Security Records: Multiple counts of harmbatoning (Expunged and cleared off his record due to no illegal activities for the alloted amount of time required for this process to happen) Declassified by central command - Buford Prescot as HoS may or may have not performed "Enhanced Interrogation Methods" or in English torture on syndicate agents to get information out of them. Formerly used by the CIA. Medical Records: PTSD, depression, possible other mental illnesses. No longer suffers from anger issues but rather stays cool and collective no matter what the circumstance. Suffers from multiple personality disorder which manifests on what position nanotransen designates him to be on the station. (Cured) As security he is blank, emotionless, cool and collective, as well bright and effective with whatever position he is in at that department. As a civilian he spirals into this delusion that space law is a figurative female person that he wants to be married too and as well according to his mind holds a relationship with "Her". With this delusion he believes that him and space law have relationship issues because he claims that she says he doesn't know her that well anymore. Over the course of this personality he tends to chant random songs, drink heavily, chain smoke, bother high command and security. After being fired from Nanotransen from all security positions he has dedicated his life to God and now servers as a chaplain for the station. Many miracles have been performed and on most shifts he blesses the brig and security. The bar and church is sacred ground for the God he worships and follows. During his ventures with the light bearer he has been cured of his multiple personality disorder as well during his holy acts around the station makes him a better person every day. On occasion he will serve the holy land of the Bar and benefit the crew by volunteering as a doctor at medbay. He still remembers his Journey into redspace to this day.. Photo: 6,0 pitch black hair. Commendations: N/A Reprimands: N/A
    1 point
  6. I'll let the image itself do the talking.
    1 point
  7. Are there any plans on making the station more SCIENCE driven? We're a research station but it feels like there's little to no discovery going on.
    1 point
  8. What is the current stance on security being given Enforcers instead of Tasers? [When] Will fastmos be permanent?
    1 point
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