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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2017 in all areas

  1. One of the largest issues with the karma system is not the karma system itself, but our relative lack of things that one can do with their karma. A regular player quickly accrues (on average) enough karma to buy everything thrice over. Otherwise... * Karma serves to keep the rarity of certain races in check. Given that human is our most popular species (by a margin of over 50% according to survey, IIRC) it seems to be doing this function admirably. While there are instances where there is a "higher proportion" of certain species in elevated command roles, this is happenstance - the vast majority of the crew is, has, and always will be human due to simple metrics (most players play as them, all new players lack other species unlocks, and simple game mechanics). * Karma serves to gate some of the more important jobs. If you want to play Blueshield, NT Rep, or Magistrate for instance you will need to at least put a fair amount of time into the server - this makes people who elect for these more sensitive roles at least somewhat familiar with the backdrop they're playing against compared to fresh players. * Karma serves as an anonymous token of appreciation/admiration. Nobody is entitled to it or required to give it - it's something nice that someone can award you if they feel like it. The absence of it does not imply someone is somehow a terrible player, and the presence of it does not imply someone is a great player. Having karma merely demonstrates that select individuals found (on whatever unknown grounds) your actions worthy of merit. As a suggestion... * Add the ability to purchase extra loadout points (5) for 50 karma. (also add more things to the loadout options in general) * Add the ability to purchase a single antag token for 100 karma (these are only eligible for minor traitor roles, for reference). This is probably a bit more contentious, but it's literally one token. or * Add the ability to spend 100 karma for a fluff item. This won't impact donations for those concerned, as the presence of more fluff items will likely drive people to want them more - meaning we'd see most people opt to donate rather than wait to accrue 100 karma. Really, in general just add possible expenditures to karma that don't deplete in a single buy, and are 'renewable' karma dumps. This would not only give karma a more useful purpose, but it would also make karma-locked species more rare because people would be driven to save for other purposes.
    3 points
  2. So here goes another art, inspired by my favorite blood-gaining method. I dont feel like shading it, it reminds me of some "what to do in case of fire" posters or something like that =)
    2 points
  3. I've had this race floating around a self-made Sci-Fi framework for a while, and I realized that maybe SS13 could use a little bit more of the intensely unique aliens with equally unique quirks like the Vox instead of simple, anthropomorphized animals. Since I'm way too lazy to format it here, I made a google doc to contain the excess of content. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A5SNPuPtYj26CYuAGdxC7RimDD6-mm6kY0l8p12ytwg This, in short, should detail everything you have to know about these electric lizards. If it doesn't work, please tell me! Changelog 9/20/17: Nerfed as a whole in accordance to a few concerns over size, energy, and healing and removed a few weird mechanics and buffs. Specified that sprites would function with Vox clothes. Allowed people to comment on the document; please provide feedback! TL;DR: Slightly smaller electric lizards with a very unique metabolism, powerful perks, and severe disadvantages.
    1 point
  4. The problem with having a nonstandard race height is that someone is going to need to re-sprite every single piece of external wear in the game to fit the new species' bodies. Considering we don't have complete ports of suits for most other nonhuman races, this is probably the biggest barrier. Besides, Vox are canonically like 3 feet tall so their in-game sprite is just a representation for convenience.
    1 point
  5. This is really cool. My only concern is that they might be confused with the Unathi.
    1 point
  6. In some cases it might not be possible, eg if you save someone and they karma you for saving them. Though I suppose it's not really that big of a deal since a lot of times you can sort of guess why you got karma. So as long as that's the case I think it should be fine. You know me too well :)
    1 point
  7. Why should we rework the Karma System?This is a question you may be asking as you read the title of this post. Well kind reader I am here to answer that question for you. Below will be some numerous reasons why the karama system should be re-worked. 1. Half of the things in the karma system people do not want (I mean who wants to spend 5KP to be a barber) 2. I shall provide a small example of something recent that happend. Someome in the bar was playing a lovely rendiction of a rick and morty melody and i have checked and no such SS13 music sheet exsists yet. Many people watched and he got praise in LOOC and yet for 4 rounds he got ZERO KP. I thought karma was created so that if you do ejoyable things you get rewarded. 3. Karma is currently being used ot reward Low rp and power gamers. For example if a clown slips half the crew/sec he gets rewarded. Or if someome robusts half the sec crew he gets rewarded. The current Karama System is being used to just reward people who do LOW rp and power game. 4. Most people dont even provide karama during the round and if they do its normally to there friends. So I suggest a change to the current karma system. 1. Add rules to the current karma system meaning you cant give it for certain reasons (For example power gamers) 2. Remove certain karma roles/races which are not being used and decrease some of the prices (For example IPC) 3. Add a reason to why you have karma to that player 4. Force players at round end to provide karma to a player they believe is worthy
    0 points
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