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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2017 in all areas

  1. A quote instead of a picture, since it's just a transcript of a recording: Transcript: [00:00] Recording started. [00:03] Aristotle Texas says, "Ian" [00:09] Aristotle Texas says, "say what name you want" [00:11] Zuki'Wess exclaims, "YAP!" [00:15] Aristotle Texas says, "i can record it and then i can play it back" [00:18] Aristotle Texas says, "and then give you that name" [00:30] Comrade Ian says, "woof" [00:31] Aristotle Texas says, "the recording is going" [00:35] Comrade Ian says, "cyka" [00:40] Recording stopped. [00:40] Recording started. [00:44] Aristotle Texas says, "try again" [00:47] Aristotle Texas says, "say what name you want" [00:52] Aristotle Texas says, "or do you just want to be ian" [01:02] Comrade Ian says, "leave me be you fucking capitalist pig" [01:06] Recording stopped.
    1 point
  2. Feet and hands (and eyes, god damn those fuckers) are my bane. If i can cheat with hands using photos of my own hands in certain poses, others are causing a bit of a trouble =/ I once heard a theory that if you spend 10k hours doing something (approximately) you become a master in it, an therefore i believe once i spend enough time drawing feet i finally will be able to do it properly =)
    1 point
  3. I feel that no matter what stage of art skill you're at, anatomy and perspective will be a bitch at times. One thing I noticed is that his feet look a bit small for his size. If you're ever interested, you could always PM me and I can show/tell some tricks to help with body forms .
    1 point
  4. You can provide karma feedback by dividing karma into categories, such as general karma (for points accrued previously), robustness, quality of RP, competency, or humour. Something like league of legends' honor system except visible only to you. You could anonymously grant someone karma, and an extra step is added where you can pick from a pre-set list of categories. Think captain's medals.
    1 point
  5. I've decided that i can try to use this thread as a tool to improve my drawing skills and get some advices. I worked about an hour and a half on the image of a nukie, added some basic shading and adjusted form a bit, here it is: If any of you are willing to, especially people who are experienced in digital art (i know we have some here =D ), please leave any criticism or general advices, i would really appretiate it! i already realised i still have problems with forms and perspective so i made a quick plan drawing of how i am going to change it. If any of you have a better ideas, i would like to hear it with a great pleasure! Anyway, may robustness be with you! Edit: also i dont really know how hardsuit looks, sprites 16x16 pixels dont help much =) maybe there are some references somewhere i can use?
    1 point
  6. Whenever I'm Captain, I refuse to raise the alert level above green just because sec caught and/or killed one traitor/vampire/changeling. I always say, "1 - 1 = 0, therefore no traitors/vampires/changelings.". I don't just assume that there's going to be more because metaknowledge years of experience.
    1 point
  7. I was playing my diona and the CMO decided to open a locker... It was... Yeah.
    1 point
  8. Was trying to change a prisoner into thier perma gear and they bugged out. They sorta looked like a firing range target so we executed them in the firing range.
    1 point
  9. This one happened about 2-3 months ago but it's worthy of being told n I completely forgot to. I'll name this "Where's my office?" I spawn as Warden. No HOS. That's fine. Nothing unusual to start. Things are slow. About 15 min in a HOS shows up. His name is John Blennon -.- IC he says "Can I have a taser? Sry I didn't spawn with 1" Oh Lord I'm like "Why don't you take YOUR laser from your office?" Him "Where is my office?" Me (dead inside) "Let me show you..." I escort him to his office, he says "Thk u" I drag my feet back to my quarters. The captain is there. I salute "Greetings captain, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Captain "Hi...is my office around here?" IRL I'm like ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Me "Not here...let me show you..." I escort him to the bridge. Inform sec what just happened on sec comms n they are like "Ohhh shit...one of these shifts..." Blueshield greets us at the bridge. While the captain inspecting thier office with the fascination of a young child, I pull the Blueshield aside. Blueshield "You look mighty fine in that skirt and sandals" I whisper "Wanted to give you a heads up, this captain and HOS literally did not know where thier offices were. We've got our work cut out for us...PLEASE keep a close eye on the captain and show them what's what" Blueshield leans in "You. Me. Bar. 12:35." I'm like "I'm busy, tend to the captain!" and stomp back to the brig. I'm dazed. Maya Stewart is there as magistrate. I inform her of the situation. She is like "Oh lord...let me see what I can do" and walks off. I'm starving, go to the sec lobby to grab a cup of chicken soup from the vending and while I'm standing there a nukie walks by in the hallways towards the bridge. I inform sec on comms, open the armory, grab a shotgun, and run towards the bridge. The captain and Blueshield have no idea what happening. I give the captain the disk, the pinpointer to the Blueshield and I'm like "NUKIES!". Blueshield is in the middle of the bridge and is like "Hey there doll, take it easy. You reconsider that date?" immediately after saying that a nukie with dual esword comes up behind him and decaps him. Clueless. I fire off a few shots before my agony is finally ended by the sweet release of death. Don't really remember what happened after that aside from the nukies successfully blowing the station up. I was probably furious and salting in deadchat. Maybe that's why I forgot to post the story. I may have blocked it from my mind until now.
    1 point
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