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  1. NXB SCHWARZCHILD DEPARTMENT OF METASCIENCE ANOMALOUS MATERIALS RESEARCH DIVISION Karl Friede, Research Overseer NXB-SCH-RND-MTS-00451 I. THE NATURE OF TIME Imagine a perfect world. Imagine you as a God. You, the infinite self, existing across more than one timeline on more than one reality. Except this isn't God, it's you. We've long known the existence of parallel worlds and timelines and our successful track record in away missions is proof of that. We exist in more than one point in more than one time. How many points, and for how long? Our calculations say: everywhere, forever. We found God, and God is us. Imagine disappearing the next time you blink. One moment you're here, reading this memo, and the next you just disappear. This doesn't mean a cessation of existence - we at NanoTrust discovered how to make people disappear without a trace years ago and harnessed it as a source of energy. No, imagine disappearing in your entirety - your past accomplishments, your future endeavors, your current self being scrubbed from all possibility. Imagine the infinite Yous blinking abruptly out of existence with no trace and no proof. Not even a bloody smear or a pile of ash or a memory half-remembered. When our ancestors first discovered the power of the atom centuries ago, they said "We are now all bitches". Well, they didn't bank on discovering what we found. Why trade in the destruction of a city? Buildings can be replaced. People can be replaced. In another time they still exist. Why be that sloppy? Gentlemen of the board, I present to you our latest discovery: acausal erasure. Temporal scrubbing. Or in layman's terms, fucking deleting someone out of reality. No, God can't help you, and I can prove it. If our paratemporal telemetry is correct, we aren't the first to discover this. This means that someone, somewhere, found God and killed it. We now live in the history god abandoned. --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Glory to the Last-Born." NXB SCHWARZCHILD INTRADIMENSIONAL RESEARCH TIMELINE INTEGRITY INVESTIGATION DIVISION Emilia Zampano, Code Talker NXB-SCH-RND-IDR-02991 [SYS.ADMIN] START OF LOG [2.00.256] [SYS.ADMIN] RECONSTRUCTIVE OBSERVER LOG: PULSE AT 00' 00" 00^ DETECTED FREQUENCY CRYPTOGRAM SAVED PREVIOUS SCAN SIMILARITIES: NaN << PAST / CURRENT / FUTURE >> : There it is again : second time this week : been getting weird readings on the oscillobserver : infinite similarities : not possible : how is a hypothetical more real than the sample? : brought it up with Fred : dumbass thinks its a bug in the code : we have this thing hooked up to the wetware all day and night : it can't be a bug in the code : hypothetical infinitely similar to sample : current trend means that the more we observe, the realer it gets : how is that possible? : we can't be getting realer than we were two days ago : this needs further study : unless the past is somehow becoming less real : which is impossible, since the weapon hasn't been fired once [SYS.ADMIN] END OF LOG [0.00.256] NXB SCHWARZCHILD ARCHIVAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES OFFICE OF THE MEMORIZER LORD MEATFLESH, Memorizer NXB-SCH-LIB-MEM-42069 MARTIN C. has entered chatroom S3CUR3 TALK FOR ASSHOL3S Encryption key: TU5FTU9OSUMgVk9JRA== MEATFLESH: hey asshole MARTIN C.: have you been changing your shit again? Jesus, Navy. You can't keep breaking SOP just because you're the Memorizer. MEATFLESH: i have to have fun somehow MEATFLESH: keeping track of all these records is boring MEATFLESH: especially since Redact McAsspants is pretty much big brothering everything MEATFLESH: even your porn MEATFLESH: you sicko MARTIN C.: I'd rather you not degrade the station VI like that. She is not "Big Brothering" anyone. MEATFLESH: [DATA CORRUPTED] MEATFLESH: when I rememorize this document and see a blank entry MEATFLESH: you owe me 12 creds MARTIN C.: did you study that data core entry I sent you? MEATFLESH: yeah but idk why you needed me to lol MEATFLESH: there was nothing on it MEATFLESH: in fact the memory was in the negatives MEATFLESH: so I now have a few more bytes than if I just deleted it MARTIN C.: Nothing? As in... Nothing? MEATFLESH: yeah MARTIN C.: that's impossible. MEATFLESH: yeah MARTIN C.: but I remember reading it. MEATFLESH: maybe you've been staring into the shard for too long MEATFLESH: you probably have like.......................... MEATFLESH: space cancer MEATFLESH: [FILE: MARTIN_HAS_SPACE_CANCER.JPG] MARTIN C.: update me when anything develops. MEATFLESH: whatevs MEATFLESH: make sure to say hi to Karl for me chatroom S3CUR3 TALK FOR ASSHOLS closed. NXB SCHWARZCHILD WEAPON'S RESEARCH DIVISION METAMATERIALS FORGE Patton Strauss, Forgemaster NXB-SCH-WPN-MTM-00001 Shaping the past to protect the present. A new age in the protectorate. Stuff you can rely on. jesus this shit gets boring. why do we even need a slogan for a death machine??? Delete your enemies, asshole. Say goodbye forever. Never know what hit em. Time. Unyielding. Unbroken. An unmoving wall. Until now. Be the hammer, not the nail. NXB SCHWARZCHILD COMMAND PLATFORM CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Roger Rogerson, Captain NXB-SCH-WPN-MTM-00001
    3 points
  2. NSS CYBERIAD RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT XENOSCIENCE DIVISION Ingrid Valera, Xenoscientist NSS-CYB-RND-XNS-00210 Captain, I've read over the data files and they don't seem to make sense. CC faxed us saying that they don't have any records of an experimental research base called the Schwarzchild, and even asked if I was making this shit up. Honestly, where did you find these? None of these positions and departments make sense, and nobody named here even exists in NT's employment records. And I don't mean in the usual, "we're-firing-you-but-actually-killing-you" way. I mean in the "these people don't actually fucking exist, and neither does the ship, or these filing codes" way. If anything the gateway exploration wasn't a total loss. We found some bluespace materials with readings I've never seen before. But this? Maybe it was a prank, or maybe the clown snuck in and left fake records everywhere to fuck with you. I don't know. As of this moment, it all looks like really shitty science fiction.
    3 points
  3. i'm not taking this low hanging fruit. Seriously though, interesting read :3
    2 points
  4. It's always good to look at references, and I say that to a lot of people wanting to get better at art Just looking up poses, I even just staring at you hands doing weird motions with them to get the idea of what you want (I do that a lot, I'm sure my boyfriend judges me) If it help, even just acting out the pose and/or motion. Get a feel for it, sure someone might think it's weird but who cares are artist are weird. And I will say that I've done that at times, I've even gotten my friends/boyfriend to do the pose for me and then did a quick sketch of that. There's also a lot of hands/feet drawing tips out there, cause everyone at some point has had a hard time drawing them, I still cuss out when I feel like I'm having a hard time drawing them.
    2 points
  5. Lx 1 Go AND THEN THERE WAS light - Stage Manager HELLO LADS Incase yall were all wondering I am a freelance lighting technican. Now you may be wondering "WHAT THE FUCK IS A LIGHTING TECHNICAN, Does he fix light blubs?" Well first off all in the lighting industrey its called a Lamp and secondly a Lighting Technican rigs,fixes and makes the actors look cool using lights. Below is some of the things I have done in regards to lights so enjoy lads _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lighting for a school showcase in Swasnea
    1 point
  6. Spicy shift today, peeps. Round start I'm a syndie collaborator. In the middle of the round I spot the chaplain's corpse, having committed suicide. I take his clothes and his ID so I can dress up in the cool witch hunter garb when a Diona walks up to me and tells me to incinerate the body. I can immediately tell that this person is a syndie, so I play along since I like to have fun. I'm in the process of helping him destroy another body when he starts telling me that he's going to kill me... Alright. I call his bluff. He slips me and feeds me ketamine but luckily he's a diona so he can't abduct me at all, so I retaliate by slipping him and cuffing him before dragging him to security. First, he gets stripped in the hallway. Then they find a power glove. The security officer has no idea what to do so he's calling the HOS... who's too busy doing something else to check on the, you know, syndicate agent with a power glove who killed one person and tried to kill me. He passes by processing ONCE and says "hold on I'm doing something", because he's putting on a big court trial of demoting the warden instead of doing important shit. we sit there for probably 15 minutes until the officer says "fuck it" and permas him as an EOC.
    1 point
  7. Name: Josephus Mulhane Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): - Internal Affairs Agent - Coroner - Virologist - [Clearance: Local Command, Central Command] Chief Medical Officer Biography: Josephus Mulhane was born on Mars under the care of his father, Ryan Mulhane, and his mother Sarah Mulhane. The father is a Blueshield officer that frequently protected some of the high-priority VIPs for the planet, and his mother a Biologist. His life was enjoyable, and early on he took on a huge interest in order and learning about the order of all things, influenced by his mother's own interests. With this, he began on an accelerated education path for Law and Biology, two seperate but not entirely unlikely subjects for him. When Josephus Mulhane breached into Adult hood, he was selected to participate in the NAS Trurl's Administration Program, designed to help shape the future for Internal Affairs aboard many stations. Accepting this, he was drafted onto a Medical Research station, named [REDACTED], so he could complete his education and training. The Station was designed to experiment and construct new pharmaceuticals and experiment with biological organisms. While completing his training aboard [REDACTED], he had a fair amount of free time, so he went in with the Virologist and Coroner on site, [REDACTED] and Jessica [REDACTED], in order to continue his Biological studies. [EVENT LOG SCRUBBED] With his training program and extra studies both complete, Josephus Mulhane was reassigned to the NSS Cyberiad in order to further his Internal Affairs education.. with the occasional shift or three working on the Dead or Viruses. Qualifications: - 3+ Years in the NAS Trurl's Administration Program [Certified] - 2 Years participating in Mixed Medical Experiments Employment Records: - 2 Years operating in a Mars-based Nanotrasen-controlled Law Firm - [Clearance: Central Command] 2 Years Disarming and Constructing Biological Weaponry - Active Fluxuating Occupation aboard the NSS Cyberiad Security Records: [INFORMATION UNAVAILABLE] Medical Records: - Transplanted Mechanical Heart - Mechanical Eyes Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A Tall male at six-feet even, he sports a slim build with longish fingers and a generally lean figure. His mechanical blue eyes gaze over you with his well-maintained shaven face, his parted brown hair maintained to be clean while he stands upright. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: [Clearance: Command] Josephus Mulhane has been seen to actively take to a command position should nobody else be willing to step up. However, previous incident reports show that his strict adherence to Standard Operating Procedure puts him at odds with some of the medical staff under him, especially Genetics for the case of Chief Medical Officer or as a solo Internal Affairs Agent. In addition, Josephus Mulhane is currently undertaking classes on the NAS Trurl for Security Operations and Advanced Space Law Interpretations.
    1 point
    1 point
  9. Unless you happen to be Spark. In which case take all of them and run away
    1 point
  10. A quote instead of a picture, since it's just a transcript of a recording: Transcript: [00:00] Recording started. [00:03] Aristotle Texas says, "Ian" [00:09] Aristotle Texas says, "say what name you want" [00:11] Zuki'Wess exclaims, "YAP!" [00:15] Aristotle Texas says, "i can record it and then i can play it back" [00:18] Aristotle Texas says, "and then give you that name" [00:30] Comrade Ian says, "woof" [00:31] Aristotle Texas says, "the recording is going" [00:35] Comrade Ian says, "cyka" [00:40] Recording stopped. [00:40] Recording started. [00:44] Aristotle Texas says, "try again" [00:47] Aristotle Texas says, "say what name you want" [00:52] Aristotle Texas says, "or do you just want to be ian" [01:02] Comrade Ian says, "leave me be you fucking capitalist pig" [01:06] Recording stopped.
    1 point
  11. Karma is purely subjective and should remain so. I have the same reaction every time this comes up in OOC (so about every second round or some, seems like it): stop fretting about karma and just play the game. If somebody is entertained watching a clown slipping people all shift and give them a karma point then that's their business. Making it mandatory to provide feedback is just going to encourage even more people to farm karma; something that I feel should be discouraged. This shouldn't be a progression system that should have people grinding, it's a neat little extra feature that should encourage people to be players that other people actually want to play with.
    1 point
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