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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2017 in all areas

  1. For real Space Station Noir comic cover. The Station is going to hell and we've got to figure out why Updates will slowly come.
    4 points
  2. A few more species sketches.
    2 points
  3. Hey dudes, I haven't actually been on this account in ages forum wise but I've been playing the server for a while so I thought I could post some of my art things I work on here. A fair warning in my opinion they are not that great and I only use paint.net to draw pictures so yeah. I'll most likely update this forum with more pictures over time. Please let me know what you think about it and how I can improve, thanks!
    1 point
  4. This would make it way more realistic. It could also be an additional chemical to the cyborg hypospray. This is more for roleplay, really. Code-wise / image-wise, you could use a picture of a syringe for it or something like that. I just find it a bit annoying to perform surgeries without anasthetic because I'm a borg. What also could be used is hydrocodone or whatever it's called, the strong painkiller, though I do not know if it is addictive. Morphine could be used, but it is addictive. It's really very small, and if I knew how to make a ' new ' module, I would make a PR for it. At the moment I can only do things with existing ones.
    1 point
  5. added the lovely pic drawn by FeiH
    1 point
  6. Gotta say, nice looking stuff. The best one has to be the wizard though, can't look at it without chuckling.
    1 point
  7. Thanks! But maybe you've noticed any mistakes i havent or something i should work on?
    1 point
  8. I like to draw myself as a cute catgirl sometimes. Yes, I do have orange cat ears for realsies. No for something dramatic.
    1 point
  9. Well, i think i am done, this is my first finished picture i drew without using line sketch. i hope you like it!
    1 point
  10. Zsi: Very little genetic deviation is present in the face of this Grey. Large black eyes, an almost identical face to many other Greys that come and go from the Cyberiad. In this picture he is wearing an alien face shirt.
    1 point
  11. Some species sketches to try to get back into the groove after a week or so without drawing.
    1 point
  12. Alright, i keep working on my nukeop art, and here goes the next stage, where i have finished with shape and on top of basic shading i added some details so it would look more like an high-tech suit instead of cheap cosplay with round metal plates on glue. Also there are magboots on his feet now and he is holding L6, yay! Next step i think would be cleaning and shading everything until it is finished... also i am thinking on making different vesions of guns for fun, especially i would like to draw a flamer with fire coming out of it to experiment with armor being illuminated by flames (i dont even know how to draw flames...) Hope to get any criticism!
    1 point
  13. I've needed this in my life since before forever. Also I want this as a non contraband poster in the game like " WANTED " up at the top or "CAUTION" something to that effect. <3
    1 point
  14. The Space Wizard Federation's finest. "The Space Wizard federation says "aloha". That's "see ya" in french, assholes."
    1 point
  15. Losing your memory is generally pretty shitty. For Sam, though... (Because I was falling seriously behind on my dark quota and I wanted to see if I'd improved any at drawing people)
    1 point
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