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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2017 in all areas

  1. I will not deny that humanity would farm vulps for pelts if they were allowed to. A S I T S H O U L D B E
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. at first glance, that looks sweet and all... but i see where jonah's hand is.Tully is a scandalous degenerate who should wait until marriage.
    1 point
  4. Only a fifth of what I need...
    1 point
  5. Another purple sketch thing. Yay, cute couple drawings!
    1 point
  6. In order of priority: #1: Re-implement the advanced stun revolver BANG noise. I don't care that it's an energy weapon. I want my gun shot sound back. Like. Legit if this was the only change that came out fo this topic, i'd consider it a win. #2: Add disablers to it. I'm not going to fight to the death to this addition since I presume there must be a reason why it's just a taser and a laser; but given my latency, terrible aim and the fact disablers can keep people at bay when running from danger; disablers seem logical. I'm not really convinced that the blueshield not having disablers really discourages redshielding, if that's the reason. If it's so it doesnt compete with the AEG; then that's fair enough.
    1 point
  7. i literally just got that the shadowling ascension contains a doctor who reference
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Name: Professor Phoronicus Plasma Age: 36 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: It sometimes changes from incident to incident. At the moment, O- General Occupational Role(s): Research Director, Chief Engineer Biography: Professor Plasma was 'conceived' when a graphical art student at the Botswain University drew a rift between worlds whilst high on Bluespace Weed which is an illegal substance that has cropped up in multiple sectors using stolen Nanotrasen Research. At the end of this 7 day creative binge, the student found a naked 30 year old man scrawling psuedo-scientific formula on his walls. This man, calling himself Professor Plasma, bore no small resemblance to the webcomic he was updating at the time. Since then, PROFESSOR PLASMA has attended several universities, lectures and science fares learning actual SCIENCE!!! for the application of UNIVERSAL DOMINATION!!!! which has had mixed effects. Whilst he always seems to come short of his plans for THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL LIFE AHAHAHA!!! he often comes up with something saleable in the process which is why he's never short of employment. His more evil and destructive tendencies are usually curtailed from a mixture of legal action, physical threats, major and minor bribery (he has a weakness for money and turkish delights) Qualifications: Innumerable, plenty of Doctorates in Engineering, Chemistry and Physics. Enough to become a one-man science team for the purposes of EVIL CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION!!!! He is also a Professor at the Stanbridge University in Epsilon Indi sector. Reports are mixed as to what courses he actually teaches, but the most frequent report appears to be Fine Art. Employment Records: 6 Years Cybersun Industries (Notice: Nanotrasen Competitor) 2 Months Nanotrasen Tau Ceti Sector; Cyberiad Station Security Records: Many counts of major and minor crimes ranging from infecting Centcomm Comms staff with tonics that forced them to write and speak in rhyme to blowing up entire stations. In mutiny situations tends to join up with the side he percieves as ethically weaker and champion their cause. That said, given he seems to be in it for the DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!! his help can be a hinderance. When Command Staff issued a kill order on nonviolant albeit irritating nudist protestors he was heard saying the following: "YES!!!!! OPPRESS THEIR SEXUALITY!!!! THEY MUST BE KILLED FOR FLAPPING THEIR BAPS AT US!!! I APPLAUD THE CAPTAIN FOR BRAVELY FLAUNTING SPACE LAW IN THE NAME OF EVIL!!!!" Application of Professor Plasma to negotiation situations must be carefully considered. He may guilt more intelligent dissidents into withdrawing their support just by his mere presence; however the less self aware may be compelled by his 'for the evils' rhetoric. "I HAVE DONE IT, MINIONS! I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY BREATHED LIFE INTO THE MUCUS LININE OF MY NOSTRILS! ALL SHALL QUAKE BEFORE MY POWER! AHAHAHAHAAaaaaoooh that's growing quickly. Oh dear. Uh. SECURITY. HELP. ENGINEERING. IT'S EATING MY LAB. IT'S BREAKING THE RULES. CALL THE SHUTTLE!" - Recorded from the NSS Cyberiad 30/12/55 after it suffered a catastrophic 7-10 Biohazard Event that resulted in the loss of all hands. Professor Plasma had to be cloned from backup. Medical Records: Surgery to remove excess eye tissue growing around his prostate 2/2/55 Bone Break Syndrome and Blindness caused by Genetic Testing 3/2/55 Transformation into a Tajaran 4/5/55 Transformation into a Vox as well as treatment for Oxygen Poisoning 23/5/55 Brain Transplant into a Human Clone and UI + UE Injections after Transformation into unidentified specimen. Diagnosed with Schizophrenia 31/5/55 "Recovered"? from Schizophrenia 1/6/55 Entered a Nanotrasen Medical Facility in Tau Ceti light years away from his posting claiming to be called Sally and was a "sexy young thang". The results were temporary and he appeared to regain cogency soon after. 15/6/55 Emergency Surgery to remove a the hindquarters of a Corgi that was emerging from his right trapezoid muscle compressing his collar bone and thoracic vertebrae. 30/7/55 Diagnosed with Dis-associative Identity Disorder 4/8/55 A Woman with dark skin and toxic green hair with Professor Plasma's fingerprints and DNA turned up with a crushed skull. She was fixed up and a new record created for her, but she hasn't been seen since. At first I thought I was being silly adding this to his records, but apparantly it might actually have been him afterall. - Doctor Saggett 6/8/55 (Description of Patient has not surfaced as of 5/3/56 so I feel it's safe to presume this is him. Internal Affairs Agent Goodman Strike) Emergency Dexalin and Iron Injections after severe blood loss. Treated with Bicaridine and had Surgery to his sternum, pelvis and both legs to heal broken bone and internal bleeding. Repeatedly muttered "too much cat, not enough girl" when under anesthesia. Small issue with blood rejection. Clerical Error had his blood type as A+ when it was in fact A- 25/8/55 Spaceacillin adminstered and a vaccination after he deliberately infected a commercial colony with Perriot's Throat. 31/9/55 "Cured"? of Dis-associative Identity Disorder 5/10/55 Limb Removal Surgery, three arms and one leg removed and his body surgically reconstructed 16/11/55 Emergency Surgery to remove shattered industrial glass and a paint brush from his right eye. When asked by attending Physician Dr. Tennant what happened he only said "I think she took it well." Nurse Grace would like to add that the paint brush appeared to have passed through his welding goggles into his eye. 29/12/55 Ethylredoxrazine administered, surgery to his skull, brain and ribcage after he was run over by an ambulance 1/1/56 Skin swabbed and synthmeat applied to deal with chemical burns to his chest and inner thighs. 29/1/56 Removal of an art scalpel and wax crayons from both nostrils. "I think he took it rather well." he said. 16/2/56 "THE SPORES PROFESSOR SOULTON IT'S HOW THEY TAKE CONTROL" He said as he was introduced to local anaesthetic to remove the mushrooms growing from his eyes. "IT'S TOO LATE FOR ME, I SERVE THE FEDERATION NOW." He was also treated with Dylovene and Synaptizine for his hallucinations. "TELL CHUN I'M SORRY." He was put on a course of anti-fungals to clear up the infection as well as a case of athlete's foot. 4/3/56 Personnel Photo: A rangy creature standing at 6'3. He has bright red eyes. His black hair is balding but he seems to have styled the remaining hair into long spikes. "LIKE THAT BOSS MAN FROM THE NEWSPAPERS". Welding Goggles adorn his long, hairless forehead. His eyebrows are thick and beetling, unless he's lost them. A pointed black goatee circles his mouth and juts out from his chin. It doesn't matter where he's assigned. He somehow gets welding goggles. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Produces very saleable products but he's a dangerous sort so we keep him at arm's length. The frontier stations of Tau Ceti are ideal for encouraging his... creativity without suffering his process.
    1 point
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