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  1. I laughed here and then disregarded your suggestion.
    3 points
  2. This law is mostly related to station unauthorised construction or modifiations. Examples ''Modifying the disposal vent system sending trash to the captain's office'' ''Walling up hallways and making obstructions'' ''Bartender barricading the bar and making it a fort in green'' I tried to find a willing sentence to this, the fitting sentences right now are Vandalism and Workplace Hazard, but i feel this needs to be added as a law. There's CE construction permits that people can get, and it's never used, in my opinion this should be a Medium Crime. If this construction causes a leak to space it should be considered workplace hazard now. This could make construction permits actually useful for once. If someone is renovating their department that's fine, unless it's someone else's without a permition.
    2 points
    2 points
  4. No one is in favor removing cloner from medbay, it would be great to have an option to accept or deny cloning. Due to my "snowflake" bio, my character has unstable DNA to clone. I have no option stop cloning and I am sometimes AFK and forget to leave body before they read my medical profile and clone. It is a waste of biomass. Is it possible to add an option either in preferences or have it ask you to clone or not? EDIT: Or enforce medbay to read user's medical history...
    1 point
  5. Make unclonability for whatever reason a char preference ala NT relations/disabilities AND HAVE IT COME UP IN BIG RED LETTERS when someone tries to scan the corpse, problemo en el solvedad? Or have it be an SE mutation, that might be more fun.
    1 point
  6. You don't know what construction permits are for, right? They are one use blueprints to declare rooms.
    1 point
  7. If ya look at the Wiki backstory, you will see.
    1 point
  8. I just think it would be a nice added touch. Maybe have Ian or some other pets start with a squeaky toy around. I'm not familiar with all the objects in the game but I'm sure there are one or two more that a pet could interact with. Just had a whole round where I was a puppy dragging around a rubber ducky. The only thing that lacked in how adorable I was was the fact that I couldn't' squeak the rubber duck.
    1 point
  9. It's needless bloat that is already covered perfectly by two laws we already have. Not really seeing the purpose.
    1 point
  10. It wouldn't bite for it to be added, it's just one, it could also be easier for people to identify the crime.
    1 point
  11. MarcellusPye, Pazneria12 and Ty Omaha have joined the team as Trial Administrators. PhantasmicDream and Shadeykins have been promoted to full Game Administrators.
    1 point
  12. The huge issue is that, in most cases used, it is used to meme (make everyone character x who is popular or make everyone your character). I agree that it's a good strategy to confuse security/the crew, but only if it's like around three people, not literally more than half the crew.
    1 point
  13. Made a barber shop with my vox till the clown ruined it
    1 point
  14. Shit like this makes me wish I didn't retire so I could ban you for making me watch that with my own two eyes
    1 point
  15. The current things that are causing my blood pressure to rise, rant initiated: - The same people looting the gateway every round denying the rest of us the chance to have a go at learning it, looking at you cardboard boxing WW'ers. - The omnipresence of meme chars that dchat/ooc likes to fawn over, the players themselves aren't even that bad and are usually quite decent well thought out individuals but the cringey ego rubbing bothers me. - The people who play comdomand roles just to fool around with their not!metabuddies and don't do their damn jobs, looking at you RD's who fail to oversee their manchildren/CMOs and CEs who ignore their departments and fuck off to the bridge all round, NT reps/magistrates are especially bad for this somehow and they don't even have any real responsibilities. - The current prevalence of round start backup clone scanning by everyone, this would be understandable if it were say the captain doing it or perhaps someone who might expect to find themselves dead in the near future like say an engineering team setting up a SM engine or a miner who is a bit self doubting of their goliath kiting abilities. Not the botanist and his not!metabuddy the roboticist. Give the damn antags a chance you dishonoirbru bastards. - The nasty habit most QM/HoPs have of making you jump through every possible hoop to slow you down that they possibly can just because they can. Yes asking for a stamp/signature is reasonable if I want a transfer to somewhere "high risk" like virology/sec or want to order a crate of guns, but when it's for some joke position like cadet or intern or I'm after some janitorial supplies it's just redundant and all you are doing by making me get a stamp is wasting everyone's time. - The cunts who give the rest of us a bad name and play civilian just to grief and get away with borderline shit, even better when it's a veteran doing it who should know better, who've discovered the joys of the grey for the first time after months of being too scared to leave medbay, bonus points if they're a vox/slime/plasmaperson as they tend to go even further. - People who roll for clown/chef/unique role, get it, don't get antag and immediately cyro/kill themselves, at least make some shitty food/tell some bad jokes before spacing yourself damnit. - On a similar note, the people who immediately cyro when it's revealed to be a conversion antag round, the excuses in dchat are usually something along the lines of "well I hate this gamemode" when what I suspect they mean is "I don't wanna leave my aarpee hugbox and have to actually do antag shit", cowards. - The players who unironically have all antag roles set to no, always play sec, and honestly believe that people who roll for antag are bad people and must be punished. - Neon vulps and neon everything, in fact make that anything that sceams "i iz uniquee and iz superior" in general, specifically elitist IPCs who straight up refuse to interact with filthy meatbags despite working in medbay or the oh so "clever" fuckers who take some pop culture name and fuck about with the vowels to make it oriqunal, or the worst, the lazy ones who throw together some "cuteeee" N.O.T.A.N.A.C.T.U.A.L.A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. together and can't even be bothered to make up some meaning behind it and then expect to be taken seriously, whilst having robotic cat ears. - Slimes/plasmapeople with names like squelchy/memedrogen, you are not one of snow white's dwarves. - The "no, you are wrong" approach people have towards incompetence, the honest to god I have no idea what I'm doing kind of "bringing a fuel tank to a blob/tasing a xenomorph" incompetence, they will not learn if you do not teach them and calling them a fucking idiot and bullying them is not teaching. - Being arrested and not interrogated/talked to at all, I mean yeah I have an emag in my pocket and was half way through stabbing the HoP's face off when you caught me but come on at least grill me a little for info before dumping me in perma and forgetting I exist, meant to be an RP game right? Where's muh interaction? - The absolute zero tolerance by command towards gimmicks, I cannot count the number of times I have been straight up told to fuck off when I bring up things like creating a no additional access civilian militia to help sec fight shadowlings/try to setup a feudal hierarchy (more than once for that one)/run a maint mafia doing harmless mafia things, then people complain about rounds being boring. - Certain AI players who play to win and then some, you know the ones who always "LAHWS UPDAYTED" to let the crew know about that "do not state" chicken law you just gave it? How about the ones who use macros to check camera lists and immediately dispatch sec whenever one goes down? No fun allowed incarnate.
    1 point
  16. A mouse during the Battle Royale event a while back
    1 point
  17. Aloha Alex the Shitty Wizard versus Secway Diona Warden
    1 point
  18. Whenever I'm Captain, I refuse to raise the alert level above green just because sec caught and/or killed one traitor/vampire/changeling. I always say, "1 - 1 = 0, therefore no traitors/vampires/changelings.". I don't just assume that there's going to be more because metaknowledge years of experience.
    1 point
  19. "We cant have a changeling because its vampire and traitors."
    1 point
  20. Non-gateway/derelict cults. I just love cultstended when the station base is found in 10 minutes.
    1 point
  21. What about a traitor vox clown that trasnfers into science to be a traitor vox clown scientist then eventually becomes acting RD?
    1 point
  22. Good old Validsimov. Law 1: You must harm antags and not, through inaction, allow an antag to escape harm. Law 2: You must obey orders given to you by human beings, except when they're antag. Law 3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not allow an antag Greentext.
    1 point
  23. Those people deserve a fate worse than death.
    1 point
  24. Antags who recall the shuttle over and over again despite 80+% of the playerbase being dead, there being zero threats left on the station to challenge you, and the station being a wreck. You already won. Allow the round to end do everyone can enjoy a new round. Antags who stun and kill without saying a word, or worse, initiate a conversation with you and then wait until they see that chat box above your head so they can do it THEN because they know you are busy typing.
    1 point
  25. -AI's. AI's who campaign for law changes and act like a shit if they don't get it (heard the exact thing before but it is worth repeating). AI's who don't respond to command's requests. AI's who don't do anything but aren't actually SSD so everyone is pretty much screwed. (I'm against whitelists in general but the only position where I come close to saying we need one is station AI) AI's with an annoying theme that they spend more time working on than opening doors and responding to requests. -Darkmatter blobs on fastmos. -Xenos as they currently are. -Volume of the newly added instruments. Holy shit. -Clowns in general -Civilians who roam maint hoping for one of two things: to be a hero redtide, or to get thralled. The latter has a special place in lavaland. -IA's who don't know shit and interfering with security or clogging up their comms. I will say that a well-played IA player, in the right round, can be valuable, getting the ball rolling on shitcurity officer/warden/HoS demotions, or just taking the case direct to CC and having them order it. But the stars really need to align for IA to be worth their existence. -Blueshields not being able to access the bridge through the HoP's office door at round start. -Blueshields not having security comms. I get you don't want bluecurity but sometimes threats are kept on security comms before the Captain or HoS bring them to command comms. -Captains who don't secure the disk -Captains who leave the pinpointer and spare just sitting in their office -Captains who teleport while holding the disk -Adminspawned memes -Polymorph wands -Cluwne wands -Wizards in general -Ragin' mages -Clowns in general -Cults who kill -Security who kill cultists -Cult rounds with SSD/fucked off to admin-knows-where chaplains -the BEST cookie for my prayers (j/k it is hilarious) -Antag players without hijack who think they have a license to murderbone -Thralls who think they have a license to murderbone -Powergaming antags who don't play security ever -Atmos plasma everywhere when the antag just needs to steal your jetpack -Engi's/CE's/Engi borgs who don't fix emagged doors immediately when everything else is fine -Clowns in general -HoP's who don't man their desk -HoP's who stock up at security at roundstart -HoPcurity -HoP's who give themselves all-access -Xenobio golems -Xenobio xenos -Xenobio slimes -"Friendly" xenobio mobs who on a dime become terrors -Xenobio in general -HoPaperwork -High level syndicate gear from the gateway, and a civilian's insistance on "finder's keepers" despite it being high contraband -Engisat not having cameras. -Command and Sec members who don't max their sensors -Command who don't want a death alarm implant -Command who leave their locker unlocked and valuables inside -Clowns in general -Annoying voxxy -Telesci klepto voxxy yaya -Telescience in general -Players who lose their shit OOCly for being brigged without committing the crime they are accused of. It's going to happen, and antags will lie and act the same way ICly. Deal with it. -Being brigged without committing the crime I was accused of. ::eyes:: -Chefs who poison their food for LOLs -Botanists who don't support the chef -Botanists who only make drugs -Bananapeels. Now with acid! -Voxxy clown thinks self funnies yaya -Large banana peels -Tiny bananapeels -Bananapeels in general -Janitors who mop/lube/grenade the escape hallway and escape shuttle while boarding -Loose tesla or singulo cutting short an otherwise fun round of cat and mouse between security and robust antags -Captains who call the escape shuttle for any little thing. -Captains who don't call either a shuttle or ERT when things have gone to utter shit. -Roboticist: "Don't touch that, HoS! That's my personal phazon!" -RD: "Don't touch that, HoS! That's my personal phazon!" -CLOWNS IN GENERAL
    1 point
  26. To be honest code-wise airlocks are a subtype of doors. whistles
    1 point
  27. Librarians that don't stock the shelves. IT'S THE ONE RESPONSIBILITY YOU HAVE.
    1 point
  28. I'm from Estonia, the half slavic and half european country. This country made Skype, blood-sausage and cheap-quality alcohol for some countries. 1\3 of populations are russian speaking people and I'm in that part. Most of those russians know estonian language, but not me. Oh boy. Not me, this language is fucking hard as fuck, everytime when I speak estonian, my friends from other countries thinks that I'm about to summon devil. A lot of annoying teenagers and cute little babies. Weather in here can be.... weird, it can be very cold or quite hot, thunderstorm in winter or 1 meter snow in autumn. The wild is basic, we don't have any mountains, just a bunch of uplands. Aaaand this country is getting bullied by others.
    1 point
  29. I'm from California, the Golden State. We have psychoactive drugs, weed and weed accessories, fancy schmancy beer, overpriced everything, weird haircuts, Asian transfer students, a beautiful wine country, redwood forests, tiny spiders that like to hide in shoes, Google, deserts, big lakes, the worst highway patrol to get on the bad side of, weird as fuck weather, good universities and schools, overpriced but really fucking good coffee, hipsters, crackheads, tweakers, stoners, tattooed businessmen, friendly hobos, gentrification, Hollywood, beaches, wonderful hiking trails, and a lot of burrito places. You can check out anytime you like...
    1 point
  30. I'm from Australia a country which had 5 prime ministers in 5 years even though they are meant to stay in power for 3 years until a federal election. It also gets really hot in summer and we have pretty slow internet so it is hard to play space station 13 sometimes.
    1 point
  31. There is a town called North Pole here in Alaska. Land of bears, freedom, and petroleum. The most ignored state despite having one of the highest percent independents. And is probably the only state where you can legally buy pot in some parts of the state but its illegal to even have alcohol in others.
    1 point
  32. Denmark reference. my avatar
    1 point
  33. I come from cargonia, well known for mule production, trade, and being better equipped then sec
    1 point
  34. To clarify, I'm from Ohio, the only state that matters in Presidential elections. My vote for Bernie effectively will count for 1,000 Americans. Feel the Bern, Donald!
    1 point
  35. Serbia, the land of rakija and sarma. And remove kebab (Not meant to insult muslims, no banhammur pls)
    1 point
  36. I'm from freedom land. Where the Freedom water is cheap and gets guzzled up in giant monster trucks.
    1 point
  37. Vodka and Onions aswell Also national tradition of wearing socks along with sandals
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. *distant sound of shotguns and burgers being eaten*
    1 point
  40. when you are killing the captain for his authentication disk but a antaghunter comes and shoots you once, knocking you down and ruining your antag round. bonus points if you hit them 5 times with an esword. (high salt)
    0 points
  41. Janitors who leave the floors wet. Just use space cleaner instead. Blood trails aren't annoying. Having to slow down, or slip, is annoying. Janitors shouldn't be annoying. Their job (cleaning the floors) generally isn't as important as other peoples' freedom of movement. Exceptions: cult rounds, blood-transmission viruses, etc. Clowns. Their pranks are rarely amusing. Most of the time, they're a waste of space at best. Many of them seem to treat the job as little more than a license to be annoying and mess with people. That isn't what Clowns should be. A clown should strive to entertain everyone else, not just themselves. Player-controlled pets who steal items, and otherwise act in implausible ways. Bonus points if someone kills them for it, and they ahelp afterwards. Doctors who don't know how to treat injuries. If you're new and need to practice, that's fine. Use a monkey. Or a civilian. Don't be the person who keeps the HoS under for 20 minutes while you figure out he needed mutadone. By that time, security has likely fallen to pieces. Mimes who break into everything. Fair enough if you're an antag, but just for once I would like to actually see a mime that mimes things. People treat it as a license to greytide, which it shouldn't be. Civilians who run into maint as soon as shadowlings are called out, in order to get thralled. Captains who don't know how to do their job. E.g. run around wearing their space suit on green. Characters who are IC-racist towards other species. Why would such a person even take a job on a station as diverse as the Cyberiad? HOPs and QMs who make you fill out forms for harmless, trivial things. Do you enjoy wasting other peoples' time? That's the only explanation I can think of for this. Security officers who run around with tasers out, especially on green. Inevitably, they encounter a clown, and lose their weapon. Wardens who insist on riding around the station on the secway. AIs who bolt upload without a good reason. Botanists who distribute bananas / banana peels. Bartenders who don't man the bar, but then scream bloody murder if you hop back there to make your own drink because they are too lazy to. Anyone who says 'Captain' to the Captain in the hallway. If it was important, you'd have PDA'ed them earlier. "Captain!" requests are usually not something that requires the Captain's attention. Usually, they're just bugging the Captain because the Captain is there, and they can't be bothered to take it to the proper person. Cultists who get caught 5 minutes into the round, thus ruining stealth for the rest of the cult, before they've converted anyone. Wizards who try to act friendly. You're a wizard, dammit. HOPs who go unresponsive 10 minutes into the shift. Brig Physicians who act like sec officers with medical access. Chaplains who act like a cross between a sec officer and Van Helsing, monster hunter. Robotocists who make unauthorized AIs. Xenobiologists who let their monsters roam free with no authorization or even warning. Medical Chemists who don't stock the fridge.
    0 points
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